
185 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import strutils
import pecan
from zun.api.controllers import base
from zun.api.controllers import link
from zun.api.controllers.v1 import collection
from zun.api.controllers.v1.schemas import images as schema
from zun.api.controllers.v1.views import images_view as view
from zun.api import utils as api_utils
from zun.api import validation
from zun.common import exception
from zun.common.i18n import _
from zun.common import policy
from zun.common import utils
import zun.conf
from zun import objects
CONF = zun.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_policy_on_image(image, action):
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, action, image, action=action)
def _get_host(host_ident):
return api_utils.get_resource('ComputeNode', host_ident)
except exception.ComputeNodeNotFound:
msg = _("The host %s does not exist.") % host_ident
raise exception.InvalidValue(msg)
class ImageCollection(collection.Collection):
"""API representation of a collection of images."""
fields = {
"""A list containing images objects"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ImageCollection, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._type = 'images'
def convert_with_links(rpc_images, limit, url=None,
expand=False, **kwargs):
collection = ImageCollection()
collection.images = [view.format_image(url, p) for p in rpc_images]
collection.next = collection.get_next(limit, url=url, **kwargs)
return collection
class ImagesController(base.Controller):
"""Controller for Images"""
_custom_actions = {
'search': ['GET']
def delete(self, image_id):
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, "image:delete", action="image:delete")
image = utils.get_image(image_id)
return pecan.request.compute_api.image_delete(context, image)
def get_all(self, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve a list of images."""
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, "image:get_all",
return self._get_images_collection(**kwargs)
def get_one(self, image_id):
"""Retrieve information about the given image.
:param image_id: UUID of a image.
image = utils.get_image(image_id)
check_policy_on_image(image.as_dict(), "image:get_one")
return view.format_image(pecan.request.host_url, image)
def _get_images_collection(self, **kwargs):
context = pecan.request.context
limit = api_utils.validate_limit(kwargs.get('limit'))
sort_dir = api_utils.validate_sort_dir(kwargs.get('sort_dir', 'asc'))
sort_key = kwargs.get('sort_key', 'id')
resource_url = kwargs.get('resource_url')
expand = kwargs.get('expand')
filters = None
marker_obj = None
marker = kwargs.get('marker')
if marker:
marker_obj = objects.Image.get_by_uuid(context, marker)
images = objects.Image.list(context,
return ImageCollection.convert_with_links(images, limit,
def post(self, **image_dict):
"""Create a new image.
:param image_dict: an image within the request body.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, "image:pull",
host = _get_host(image_dict.pop('host'))
image_dict['project_id'] = context.project_id
image_dict['user_id'] = context.user_id
repo_tag = image_dict.get('repo')
image_dict['host'] = host.hostname
image_dict['repo'], image_dict['tag'] = utils.parse_image_name(
new_image = objects.Image(context, **image_dict)
pecan.request.compute_api.image_pull(context, new_image)
# Set the HTTP Location Header
pecan.response.location = link.build_url('images', new_image.uuid)
pecan.response.status = 202
return view.format_image(pecan.request.host_url, new_image)
@validation.validate_query_param(pecan.request, schema.query_param_search)
def search(self, image, image_driver=None, exact_match=False):
"""Search a specific image
:param image: Name of the image.
:param image_driver: Name of the image driver (glance, docker).
:param exact_match: if True, exact match the image name.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, "image:search",
LOG.debug('Calling compute.image_search with %s', image)
exact_match = strutils.bool_from_string(exact_match, strict=True)
except ValueError:
bools = ', '.join(strutils.TRUE_STRINGS + strutils.FALSE_STRINGS)
raise exception.InvalidValue(_('Valid exact_match values are: %s')
% bools)
# Valiadtion accepts 'None' so need to convert it to None
image_driver = api_utils.string_or_none(image_driver)
if not image_driver:
image_driver = CONF.default_image_driver
return pecan.request.compute_api.image_search(context, image,