
544 lines
12 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import signal
import sys
import zun.conf
CONF = zun.conf.CONF
image_driver_list = [driver for driver in CONF.image_driver_list]
image_driver_list_with_none = image_driver_list + [None, 'None']
non_negative_integer = {
'type': ['integer', 'string'],
'pattern': '^[0-9]*$', 'minimum': 0
positive_integer = {
'type': ['integer', 'string'],
'pattern': '^[0-9]*$', 'minimum': 1
boolean_extended = {
'type': ['boolean', 'string'],
'enum': [True, 'True', 'TRUE', 'true', '1', 'ON', 'On', 'on',
'YES', 'Yes', 'yes',
False, 'False', 'FALSE', 'false', '0', 'OFF', 'Off', 'off',
'NO', 'No', 'no'],
boolean = {
'type': ['boolean', 'string'],
'enum': [True, 'True', 'true', False, 'False', 'false'],
image_driver = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'enum': image_driver_list_with_none
container_name = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$'
hex_uuid = {
'type': 'string',
'maxLength': 32,
'minLength': 32,
'pattern': '^[a-fA-F0-9]*$'
image_name = {
'type': 'string',
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]'
image_host = {
'type': 'string',
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]'
command = {
'type': ['string', 'null']
command_list = {
'type': ['array', 'null']
auto_remove = {
'type': ['boolean', 'null']
cpu = {
'type': ['number', 'string', 'null'],
'pattern': '^[0-9]*(\.([0-9]+))?$',
'minLength': 1,
'minimum': CONF.minimum_cpus,
'maximum': CONF.maximum_cpus,
# TODO(pksingh) Memory provided must be in MBs
# Will find another way if people dont find it useful.
memory = {
'type': ['string', 'integer', 'null'],
'minimum': CONF.minimum_memory,
'maximum': CONF.maximum_memory,
'pattern': '^[0-9]+$'
disk = {
'type': ['string', 'integer', 'null'],
'minimum': CONF.minimum_disk,
'maximum': CONF.maximum_disk,
'pattern': '^[0-9]+$'
workdir = {
'type': ['string', 'null']
image_pull_policy = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'enum': ['never', 'always', 'ifnotpresent', None]
labels = {
'type': ['object', 'null']
hints = {
'type': ['object', 'null']
nets = {
'type': ['array', 'null'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'network': {
'type': ['string'],
'minLength': 1,
'maxLength': 255,
'v4-fixed-ip': {
'type': ['string'],
'format': 'ipv4'
'v6-fixed-ip': {
'type': ['string'],
'format': 'ipv6'
'port': {
'type': ['string'],
'maxLength': 255,
'minLength': 1,
'additionalProperties': False,
'oneOf': [
'required': ['network']
'required': ['port']
availability_zone = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'minLength': 1,
'maxLength': 255,
healthcheck = {
'type': ['object', 'null'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'cmd': {
'type': ['string'],
'minLength': 1,
'maxLength': 255
'interval': {
'type': ['integer', 'null']
'retries': {
'type': ['integer', 'null']
'timeout': {
'type': ['integer', 'null']
'additionalProperties': False
mounts = {
'type': ['array', 'null'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'type': {
'type': ['string'],
'source': {
'type': ['string'],
'destination': {
'type': ['string'],
'size': {
'type': ['string', 'integer'],
'additionalProperties': False,
'anyOf': [
'required': ['source', 'destination']
'required': ['size', 'destination']
environment = {
'type': ['object', 'null'],
'patternProperties': {
'.+': {
'type': ['string']
hostname = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 63
runtime = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
image_id = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]'
repo = {
'type': 'string',
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]'
tag = copy.deepcopy(image_id)
size = {
'type': ['string', 'integer', 'null'],
'pattern': '^[0-9]+[b|B|k|K|m|M|g|G]?$',
restart_policy = {
'type': ['object', 'null'],
"properties": {
"Name": {"type": ["string"],
"enum": ['no', 'always', 'on-failure', 'unless-stopped']},
"MaximumRetryCount": {"type": ['integer', 'string', 'null'],
"minimum": 0, 'pattern': '^[0-9]+$'},
"additionalProperties": False,
"required": ['Name']
string_ps_args = {
'type': ['string'],
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z- ,+]*'
str_and_int = {
'type': ['string', 'integer', 'null'],
logs_since = {
'type': ['string', 'integer', 'null'],
'pattern': '(^[0-9]*$)|\
([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{1,3})'
exec_id = {
'type': 'string',
'maxLength': 64,
'minLength': 64,
'pattern': '^[a-f0-9]*$'
hostname = {
'type': 'string', 'minLength': 1, 'maxLength': 255,
# NOTE: 'host' is defined in "services" table, and that
# means a hostname. The hostname grammar in RFC952 does
# not allow for underscores in hostnames. However, this
# schema allows them, because it sometimes occurs in
# real systems.
'pattern': '^[a-zA-Z0-9-._]*$',
SIGNALS = ['None']
if sys.version_info >= (3, 5, 0):
signals = [n for n in signal.Signals]
for s in signals:
s = str(s).split('.')[1]
SIGNALS.append(s.replace('SIG', ''))
SIGNALS.append(s.lower().replace('sig', ''))
SIGNALS.append(str(int(getattr(signal, s))))
signals = [n for n in dir(signal) if n.startswith('SIG') and '_' not in n]
for s in signals:
SIGNALS.append(s.replace('SIG', ''))
SIGNALS.append(s.lower().replace('sig', ''))
SIGNALS.append(str(getattr(signal, s)))
signal = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'enum': SIGNALS
exec_command = {
'type': ['string'],
'minLength': 1,
security_groups = {
'type': ['array', 'null'],
'items': {
'type': 'string',
'minLength': 1,
'maxLength': 255
capsule_kind = {
"type": ["string"],
'enum': ['capsule', 'Capsule']
capsule_version = {
"type": ["string"],
'enum': ['beta', 'Beta']
capsule_metadata = {
"type": ["object"],
"properties": {
"labels": labels,
# use the same format as container name
"name": container_name,
capsule_restart_policy = {
"type": ["string"],
"enum": ['Always', 'OnFailure', 'Never']
capsule_container_command = {
'type': ['array'],
'items': command
capsule_container_args = capsule_container_command
capsule_container_resources = {
'type': ['object'],
'properties': {
'requests': {
"type": ["object"],
'properties': {
'cpu': cpu,
'memory': memory,
'additionalProperties': False,
"additionalProperties": False,
"required": ['requests']
capsule_port_protocol = {
"type": ["string"],
'enum': ['TCP', 'UDP']
capsule_container_ports = {
'type': ['array'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'name': container_name,
'containerPort': non_negative_integer,
'hostPort': non_negative_integer,
'protocol': capsule_port_protocol,
'additionalProperties': False,
'required': ['containerPort', 'hostPort']
volume_name = {
'type': ['string'],
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$'
capsule_volume_path = {
'type': ['string']
capsule_container_volume_list = {
'type': ['array'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'name': volume_name,
'mountPath': capsule_volume_path,
'readOnly': boolean,
'additionalProperties': False,
'required': ['name', 'mountPath']
capsule_containers_list = {
'type': ['array'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'image': image_name,
'command': capsule_container_command,
'args': capsule_container_args,
'resources': capsule_container_resources,
'ports': capsule_container_ports,
'volumeMounts': capsule_container_volume_list,
'env': environment,
'workDir': workdir,
'imagePullPolicy': image_pull_policy,
'additionalProperties': False,
'required': ['image']
volume_size = {
'type': ['number'],
'pattern': '^[0-9]*$',
'minLength': 1
volume_auto_remove = {
'type': boolean,
volume_uuid = {
'type': 'string',
'maxLength': 36,
'minLength': 36
capsule_cinder_volume = {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'volumeID': volume_uuid,
'size': volume_size,
'autoRemove': boolean,
'additionalProperties': False,
capsule_volumes_list = {
'type': ['array', 'null'],
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'name': image_name,
'cinder': capsule_cinder_volume,
'additionalProperties': True,
'required': ['name', 'cinder']
capsule_spec = {
'type': ['object'],
"properties": {
"containers": capsule_containers_list,
"volumes": capsule_volumes_list,
"restartPolicy": capsule_restart_policy,
"additionalProperties": True,
"required": ['containers']
capsule_template = {
'type': ['object', 'string', 'unicode'],
"properties": {
"kind": capsule_kind,
"capsuleVersion": capsule_version,
"metadata": capsule_metadata,
# NOTE(hongbin): property 'restartPolicy' is deprecated but we keep
# it here for backward-compatibility. Will remove it after the
# deprecation period.
"restartPolicy": capsule_restart_policy,
"spec": capsule_spec,
"availabilityZone": availability_zone,
"additionalProperties": False,
"required": ['kind', 'spec', 'metadata']
neutron_net_id = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]'
network_name = {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 255,
'pattern': '[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]'