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# Copyright 2013 - Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Zun base exception handling.
Includes decorator for re-raising Zun-type exceptions.
import functools
import inspect
import re
import sys
from keystoneclient import exceptions as keystone_exceptions
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import pecan
import six
from webob import util as woutil
from zun.common.i18n import _
import zun.conf
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = zun.conf.CONF
except cfg.NoSuchOptError as e:
# Note:work around for zun run against master branch
# in devstack gate job, as zun not branched yet
# verisonobjects kilo/master different version can
# cause issue here. As it changed import group. So
# add here before branch to prevent gate failure.
# Bug: #1447873
def wrap_exception(notifier=None, event_type=None):
"""This decorator wraps a method to catch any exceptions.
It logs the exception as well as optionally sending
it to the notification system.
def inner(f):
def wrapped(self, context, *args, **kwargs):
# Don't store self or context in the payload, it now seems to
# contain confidential information.
return f(self, context, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
if notifier:
call_dict = inspect.getcallargs(f, self, context,
*args, **kwargs)
payload = dict(exception=e,
temp_type = event_type
if not temp_type:
# If f has multiple decorators, they must use
# functools.wraps to ensure the name is
# propagated.
temp_type = f.__name__
notifier.error(context, temp_type, payload)
return functools.wraps(f)(wrapped)
return inner
OBFUSCATED_MSG = _('Your request could not be handled '
'because of a problem in the server. '
'Error Correlation id is: %s')
def wrap_controller_exception(func, func_server_error, func_client_error):
"""This decorator wraps controllers methods to handle exceptions:
- if an unhandled Exception or a ZunException with an error code >=500
is catched, raise a http 5xx ClientSideError and correlates it with a log
- if a ZunException is catched and its error code is <500, raise a http
4xx and logs the excp in debug mode
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as excp:
if isinstance(excp, ZunException):
http_error_code = excp.code
http_error_code = 500
if http_error_code >= 500:
# log the error message with its associated
# correlation id
log_correlation_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
{'correlation_id': log_correlation_id,
'excp': str(excp)})
# raise a client error with an obfuscated message
return func_server_error(log_correlation_id, http_error_code)
# raise a client error the original message
return func_client_error(excp, http_error_code)
return wrapped
def convert_excp_to_err_code(excp_name):
"""Convert Exception class name (CamelCase) to error-code (Snake-case)"""
words = re.findall(r'[A-Z]?[a-z]+|[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z]|\d|\W|$)|\d+',
return '-'.join([str.lower(word) for word in words])
def wrap_pecan_controller_exception(func):
"""This decorator wraps pecan controllers to handle exceptions."""
def _func_server_error(log_correlation_id, status_code):
pecan.response.status = status_code
return {
'faultcode': 'Server',
'status_code': status_code,
'title': woutil.status_reasons[status_code],
'description': six.text_type(OBFUSCATED_MSG % log_correlation_id),
def _func_client_error(excp, status_code):
pecan.response.status = status_code
return {
'faultcode': 'Client',
'faultstring': convert_excp_to_err_code(excp.__class__.__name__),
'status_code': status_code,
'title': six.text_type(excp),
'description': six.text_type(excp),
return wrap_controller_exception(func,
def wrap_keystone_exception(func):
"""Wrap keystone exceptions and throw Zun specific exceptions."""
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except keystone_exceptions.AuthorizationFailure:
raise AuthorizationFailure(
client=func.__name__, message="reason: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
except keystone_exceptions.ClientException:
raise AuthorizationFailure(
message="unexpected keystone client error occurred: %s"
% sys.exc_info()[1])
return wrapped
class ZunException(Exception):
"""Base Zun Exception
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
code = 500
def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs
if 'code' not in self.kwargs and hasattr(self, 'code'):
self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
if message:
self.message = message
self.message = str(self.message) % kwargs
except KeyError:
# kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
# log the issue and the kwargs
LOG.exception('Exception in string format operation, '
'kwargs: %s', kwargs)
ferr = CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
ferr = CONF.oslo_versionedobjects.fatal_exception_format_errors
if ferr:
super(ZunException, self).__init__(self.message)
def __str__(self):
if six.PY3:
return self.message
return self.message.encode('utf-8')
def __unicode__(self):
return self.message
def format_message(self):
if self.__class__.__name__.endswith('_Remote'):
return self.args[0]
return six.text_type(self)
class ObjectNotFound(ZunException):
message = _("The %(name)s %(id)s could not be found.")
class ObjectNotUnique(ZunException):
message = _("The %(name)s already exists.")
class ObjectActionError(ZunException):
message = _('Object action %(action)s failed because: %(reason)s')
class ResourceNotFound(ObjectNotFound):
message = _("The %(name)s resource %(id)s could not be found.")
code = 404
class ResourceExists(ObjectNotUnique):
message = _("The %(name)s resource already exists.")
code = 409
class AuthorizationFailure(ZunException):
message = _("%(client)s connection failed. %(message)s")
class UnsupportedObjectError(ZunException):
message = _('Unsupported object type %(objtype)s')
class IncompatibleObjectVersion(ZunException):
message = _('Version %(objver)s of %(objname)s is not supported')
class OrphanedObjectError(ZunException):
message = _('Cannot call %(method)s on orphaned %(objtype)s object')
class Invalid(ZunException):
message = _("Unacceptable parameters.")
code = 400
class InvalidValue(Invalid):
message = _("Received value '%(value)s' is invalid for type %(type)s.")
class ValidationError(Invalid):
message = "%(detail)s"
class SchemaValidationError(ValidationError):
message = "%(detail)s"
class InvalidUUID(Invalid):
message = _("Expected a uuid but received %(uuid)s.")
class InvalidName(Invalid):
message = _("Expected a name but received %(uuid)s.")
class InvalidDiscoveryURL(Invalid):
message = _("Received invalid discovery URL '%(discovery_url)s' for "
"discovery endpoint '%(discovery_endpoint)s'.")
class GetDiscoveryUrlFailed(ZunException):
message = _("Failed to get discovery url from '%(discovery_endpoint)s'.")
class InvalidUuidOrName(Invalid):
message = _("Expected a name or uuid but received %(uuid)s.")
class InvalidIdentity(Invalid):
message = _("Expected an uuid or int but received %(identity)s.")
class InvalidCsr(Invalid):
message = _("Received invalid csr %(csr)s.")
class HTTPNotFound(ResourceNotFound):
class Conflict(ZunException):
message = _('Conflict.')
code = 409
class ConflictOptions(Conflict):
message = _('Conflicting options.')
class InvalidState(Conflict):
message = _("Invalid resource state.")
# Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies.
# msg needs to be constructed when raised.
class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid):
message = _("%(err)s")
class InvalidParamInVersion(Invalid):
message = _('Invalid param %(param)s because current request '
'version is %(req_version)s. %(param)s is only '
'supported from version %(min_version)s')
class PatchError(Invalid):
message = _("Couldn't apply patch '%(patch)s'. Reason: %(reason)s")
class NotAuthorized(ZunException):
message = _("Not authorized.")
code = 403
class ConfigInvalid(ZunException):
message = _("Invalid configuration file. %(error_msg)s")
class PolicyNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized):
message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.")
class ContainerNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Container %(container)s could not be found.")
class ContainerHostNotUp(ZunException):
message = _("Container %(container)s host %(host)s is not up.")
class ComputeNodeNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Compute node %(compute_node)s could not be found.")
class NetworkNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Neutron network %(network)s could not be found.")
class NetworkAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A network with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class PortNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Neutron port %(port)s could not be found.")
class VolumeMappingNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Volume mapping %(volume_mapping)s could not be found.")
class VolumeNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Volume %(volume)s could not be found.")
class ImageNotFound(Invalid):
message = _("Image %(image)s could not be found.")
class ZunServiceNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Zun service %(binary)s on host %(host)s could not be found.")
class ResourceProviderNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Resource provider %(resource_provider)s could not be found.")
class ResourceClassNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Resource class %(resource_class)s could not be found.")
class InventoryNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Inventory %(inventory)s could not be found.")
class AllocationNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Allocation %(allocation)s could not be found.")
class ContainerAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A container with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class ExecInstanceAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("An exec instance with exec_id %(exec_id)s already exists"
"in container.")
class ComputeNodeAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A compute node with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class ImageAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("An image with tag %(tag)s and repo %(repo)s already exists.")
class ZunServiceAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("Service %(binary)s on host %(host)s already exists.")
class ResourceProviderAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A resource provider with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class ResourceClassAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A resource class with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class VolumeMappingAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A volume mapping with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class PortNotUsable(Invalid):
message = _("Port %(port)s not usable for the container.")
class PortInUse(Invalid):
message = _("Port %(port)s is still in use.")
class VolumeNotUsable(Invalid):
message = _("Volume %(volume)s not usable for the container.")
class VolumeInUse(Invalid):
message = _("Volume %(volume)s is still in use.")
class PortBindingFailed(Invalid):
message = _("Binding failed for port %(port)s, please check neutron "
"logs for more information.")
class UniqueConstraintViolated(ResourceExists):
message = _("A resource with %(fields)s violates unique constraint.")
class InvalidStateException(ZunException):
message = _("Cannot %(action)s container %(id)s in %(actual_state)s state")
code = 409
class DockerError(ZunException):
message = _("Docker internal error: %(error_msg)s.")
class PollTimeOut(ZunException):
message = _("Polling request timed out.")
class ServerInError(ZunException):
message = _('Went to status %(resource_status)s due to '
class ServerUnknownStatus(ZunException):
message = _('%(result)s - Unknown status %(resource_status)s due to '
class EntityNotFound(ZunException):
message = _("The %(entity)s (%(name)s) could not be found.")
class CommandError(ZunException):
message = _("The command: %(cmd)s failed on the system, due to %(error)s")
class NoValidHost(ZunException):
message = _("No valid host was found. %(reason)s")
class NoInteractiveFlag(Invalid):
message = _("%(msg)s")
class CPUPinningUnknown(ZunException):
message = _("CPU set to pin %(requested)s must be a subset of "
"known CPU set %(cpuset)s")
class CPUUnpinningUnknown(Invalid):
message = _("CPU set to unpin %(requested)s must be a subset of "
"known CPU set %(cpuset)s")
class CPUPinningInvalid(Invalid):
message = _("CPU set to pin %(requested)s must be a subset of "
"free CPU set %(free)s")
class CPUUnpinningInvalid(Invalid):
message = _("CPU set to unpin %(requested)s must be a subset of "
"pinned CPU set %(pinned)s")
class NotFound(ZunException):
message = _("Resource could not be found.")
code = 404
class SchedulerHostFilterNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Scheduler Host Filter %(filter_name)s could not be found.")
class ClassNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Class %(class_name)s could not be found: %(exception)s")
class ApiVersionsIntersect(ZunException):
message = _("Version of %(name)s %(min_ver)s %(max_ver)s intersects "
"with another versions.")
class ConnectionFailed(ZunException):
message = _("Failed to connect to remote host")
class SocketException(ZunException):
message = _("Socket exceptions")
class InvalidWebsocketUrl(ZunException):
message = _("Websocket Url invalid")
class InvalidWebsocketToken(ZunException):
message = _("Websocket token is invalid")
class ResourcesUnavailable(ZunException):
message = _("Insufficient compute resources: %(reason)s.")
class MakeFileSystemException(ZunException):
message = _("Unexpected error while make file system")
class MountException(ZunException):
message = _("Unexpected error while mount device")
class UnmountException(ZunException):
message = _("Unexpected error while do umount")
class FileNotFound(ZunException):
message = _("The expected file not exist")
class PciConfigInvalidWhitelist(ZunException):
message = _("Invalid PCI devices Whitelist config %(reason)s")
class PciDeviceWrongAddressFormat(ZunException):
message = _("The PCI address %(address)s has an incorrect format.")
class PciDeviceInvalidDeviceName(ZunException):
message = _("Invalid PCI Whitelist: "
"The PCI whitelist can specify devname or address,"
" but not both")
class PciDeviceNotFoundById(NotFound):
message = _("PCI device %(id)s not found")
class PciDeviceNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("PCI Device %(node_id)s:%(address)s not found.")
class PciDevicePoolEmpty(ZunException):
message = _(
"Attempt to consume PCI device %(compute_node_uuid)s:%(address)s "
"from empty pool")
class CapsuleAlreadyExists(ResourceExists):
message = _("A capsule with %(field)s %(value)s already exists.")
class CapsuleNotFound(HTTPNotFound):
message = _("Capsule %(capsule)s could not be found.")
class InvalidCapsuleTemplate(ZunException):
message = _("Invalid capsule template: %(reason)s.")
class FailedParseStringToJson(ZunException):
message = _("Failed parse string to json: %(reason)s.")
class ExternalNetworkAttachForbidden(NotAuthorized):
message = _("It is not allowed to create an interface on "
"external network %(network_uuid)s")
class PciDeviceInvalidStatus(Invalid):
message = _(
"PCI device %(compute_node_id)s:%(address)s is %(status)s "
"instead of %(hopestatus)s")
class PciDeviceVFInvalidStatus(Invalid):
message = _(
"Not all Virtual Functions of PF %(compute_node_id)s:%(address)s "
"are free.")
class PciDevicePFInvalidStatus(Invalid):
message = _(
"Physical Function %(compute_node_id)s:%(address)s, related to VF"
" %(compute_node_id)s:%(vf_address)s is %(status)s "
"instead of %(hopestatus)s")
class PciDeviceInvalidOwner(Invalid):
message = _(
"PCI device %(compute_node_id)s:%(address)s is owned by %(owner)s "
"instead of %(hopeowner)s")
class VolumeCreateFailed(Invalid):
message = _("Volume Creation failed: %(creation_failed)s")
class VolumeDeleteFailed(Invalid):
message = _("Volume Deletion failed: %(deletion_failed)s")
class SecurityGroupCannotBeApplied(Invalid):
message = _("Security groups cannot apply to the container.")
class SecurityGroupCannotBeRemoved(Invalid):
message = _("Security groups cannot be removed from the container.")
class ContainerActionNotFound(ZunException):
message = _("Action for request_id %(request_id)s on container"
" %(container_uuid)s not fount")
class ContainerActionEventNotFound(ZunException):
message = _("Event %(event)s not found for action id %(action_id)s")
class ServerNotUsable(ZunException):
message = _("Zun server not usable")
code = 404
class QuotaNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Quota could not be found.")
class QuotaUsageNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Quota usage could not be found")
class ProjectQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota for project %(project_id)s could not be found.")
class QuotaExists(ZunException):
message = _("Quota exists for project %(project_id)s, "
"resource %(resource)s.")
class QuotaClassNotFound(QuotaNotFound):
message = _("Quota class %(class_name)s could not be found.")