# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from os_faults.ansible import executor from os_faults.api import cloud_management from os_faults.api import node_collection from os_faults.api import node_discover from os_faults.common import service LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DevStackNode(node_collection.NodeCollection): def connect(self, network_name): raise NotImplementedError def disconnect(self, network_name): raise NotImplementedError class ServiceInScreen(service.ServiceAsProcess): """Service in Screen This driver controls service that is started in a window of `screen` tool. **Example configuration:** .. code-block:: yaml services: app: driver: screen args: window_name: app grep: my_app port: ['tcp', 4242] parameters: - **window_name** - name of a service - **grep** - regexp for grep to find process PID - **port** - tuple with two values - protocol, port number (optional) """ NAME = 'screen' DESCRIPTION = 'Service in screen' CONFIG_SCHEMA = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'window_name': {'type': 'string'}, 'grep': {'type': 'string'}, 'port': service.PORT_SCHEMA, }, 'required': ['grep', 'window_name'], 'additionalProperties': False, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ServiceInScreen, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.window_name = self.config['window_name'] # sends ctr+c, arrow up key, enter key self.restart_cmd = ( "screen -S stack -p {window_name} -X " "stuff $'\\003'$'\\033[A'$(printf \\\\r)").format( window_name=self.window_name) # sends ctr+c self.terminate_cmd = ( "screen -S stack -p {window_name} -X " "stuff $'\\003'").format( window_name=self.window_name) # sends arrow up key, enter key self.start_cmd = ( "screen -S stack -p {window_name} -X " "stuff $'\\033[A'$(printf \\\\r)").format( window_name=self.window_name) class DevStackManagement(cloud_management.CloudManagement, node_discover.NodeDiscover): """Devstack driver. This driver requires devstack installed in screen mode (USE_SCREEN=True). Supports discovering of node MAC addresses. **Example configuration:** .. code-block:: yaml cloud_management: driver: devstack args: address: username: ubuntu password: ubuntu_pass private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_devstack slaves: - - iface: eth1 parameters: - **address** - ip address of any devstack node - **username** - username for all nodes - **password** - password for all nodes (optional) - **private_key_file** - path to key file (optional) - **slaves** - list of ips for additional nodes (optional) - **iface** - network interface name to retrieve mac address (optional) - **serial** - how many hosts Ansible should manage at a single time. (optional) default: 10 """ NAME = 'devstack' DESCRIPTION = 'DevStack management driver' NODE_CLS = DevStackNode SERVICES = { 'keystone': { 'driver': 'process', 'args': { 'grep': 'keystone-', 'restart_cmd': 'sudo service apache2 restart', 'terminate_cmd': 'sudo service apache2 stop', 'start_cmd': 'sudo service apache2 start', } }, 'mysql': { 'driver': 'process', 'args': { 'grep': 'mysqld', 'restart_cmd': 'sudo service mysql restart', 'terminate_cmd': 'sudo service mysql stop', 'start_cmd': 'sudo service mysql start', 'port': ['tcp', 3307], } }, 'rabbitmq': { 'driver': 'process', 'args': { 'grep': 'rabbitmq-server', 'restart_cmd': 'sudo service rabbitmq-server restart', 'terminate_cmd': 'sudo service rabbitmq-server stop', 'start_cmd': 'sudo service rabbitmq-server start', } }, 'nova-api': { 'driver': 'screen', 'args': { 'grep': 'nova-api', 'window_name': 'n-api', } }, 'glance-api': { 'driver': 'screen', 'args': { 'grep': 'glance-api', 'window_name': 'g-api', } }, 'nova-compute': { 'driver': 'screen', 'args': { 'grep': 'nova-compute', 'window_name': 'n-cpu', } }, 'nova-scheduler': { 'driver': 'screen', 'args': { 'grep': 'nova-scheduler', 'window_name': 'n-sch', } }, 'ironic-api': { 'driver': 'screen', 'args': { 'grep': 'ironic-api', 'window_name': 'ir-api', } }, 'ironic-conductor': { 'driver': 'screen', 'args': { 'grep': 'ironic-conductor', 'window_name': 'ir-cond', } }, } SUPPORTED_NETWORKS = ['all-in-one'] CONFIG_SCHEMA = { 'type': 'object', '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', 'properties': { 'address': {'type': 'string'}, 'username': {'type': 'string'}, 'password': {'type': 'string'}, 'private_key_file': {'type': 'string'}, 'slaves': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, }, 'iface': {'type': 'string'}, 'serial': {'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1}, }, 'required': ['address', 'username'], 'additionalProperties': False, } def __init__(self, cloud_management_params): super(DevStackManagement, self).__init__() self.node_discover = self # supports discovering self.address = cloud_management_params['address'] self.username = cloud_management_params['username'] self.private_key_file = cloud_management_params.get('private_key_file') self.slaves = cloud_management_params.get('slaves', []) self.iface = cloud_management_params.get('iface', 'eth0') self.serial = cloud_management_params.get('serial') self.cloud_executor = executor.AnsibleRunner( remote_user=self.username, private_key_file=self.private_key_file, password=cloud_management_params.get('password'), become=False, serial=self.serial) self.hosts = [node_collection.Host(ip=self.address)] if self.slaves: self.hosts.extend([node_collection.Host(ip=h) for h in self.slaves]) self.nodes = None def verify(self): """Verify connection to the cloud.""" nodes = self.get_nodes() if nodes: LOG.debug('DevStack nodes: %s', nodes) LOG.info('Connected to cloud successfully') def execute_on_cloud(self, hosts, task, raise_on_error=True): """Execute task on specified hosts within the cloud. :param hosts: List of host FQDNs :param task: Ansible task :param raise_on_error: throw exception in case of error :return: Ansible execution result (list of records) """ if raise_on_error: return self.cloud_executor.execute(hosts, task) else: return self.cloud_executor.execute(hosts, task, []) def discover_hosts(self): if self.nodes is None: get_mac_cmd = 'cat /sys/class/net/{}/address'.format(self.iface) task = {'command': get_mac_cmd} results = self.execute_on_cloud(self.hosts, task) # TODO(astudenov): support fqdn self.nodes = [node_collection.Host(ip=r.host, mac=r.payload['stdout'], fqdn='') for r in results] return self.nodes