
21 lines
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Executable File

#!/bin/bash -x
# Builds an ARA API server container image using the latest PyPi packages on Fedora 32.
build=$(buildah from fedora:32)
# Get all updates, install pip, database backends and gunicorn application server
# This lets users swap easily from the sqlite default to mysql or postgresql just by tweaking settings.yaml.
# Note: We use the packaged versions of psycopg2 and mysql python libraries so
# we don't need to install development libraries before installing them from PyPi.
buildah run "${build}" -- /bin/bash -c "dnf update -y && dnf install -y python3-pip python3-psycopg2 python3-mysql python3-gunicorn && dnf clean all"
# Install ara from source with API server extras for dependencies (django & django-rest-framework)
buildah run "${build}" -- /bin/bash -c "pip3 install ara[server]"
# Set up the container to execute SQL migrations and run the API server with gunicorn
buildah config --env ARA_BASE_DIR=/opt/ara "${build}"
buildah config --cmd "bash -c '/usr/local/bin/ara-manage migrate && /usr/bin/gunicorn-3 --workers=4 --access-logfile - --bind ara.server.wsgi'" "${build}"
buildah config --port 8000 "${build}"
# Commit this container to an image name
buildah commit "${build}" "${1:-$USER/ara-api}"