Merge pull request #6 from hpcloud-mon/feature/mon_setup

Switch to using mon-setup
This commit is contained in:
Tim Kuhlman 2014-06-26 15:49:30 -06:00
commit 5fa86b9ec4
9 changed files with 29 additions and 289 deletions

View File

@ -12,25 +12,19 @@ and logging levels.
## Example
"id" : "mon_agent",
"dimensions" : "service:mini-mon, group:group_a",
"log_level" : "DEBUG",
"api" : {
"mon_api_url" : "",
"mon_api_username" : "joe_user",
"mon_api_password" : "correcthorsebatterystaple",
"mon_api_project_id" : "12345678901234",
"keystone_url" : ""
"id": "mon_agent",
"keystone_url": "",
"username": "joe_user",
"password": "correcthorsebatterystaple",
"project_name": "worldpeace",
"mon_api_url": "",
"service": "mini-mon"
# Recipes
## default
The default recipe sets up the Monitoring Agent environment by installing
the dependencies, then the mon-agent package itself, setting up logging
directory and init script, and populating the configuration files with the
contents of `data_bag_item(node[:mon_agent][:data_bag], 'mon_agent')`
The default recipe sets up the Monitoring Agent and runs mon-setup to configure.
## plugin_cfg
mon-agent plugins are configured in `/etc/mon-agent/conf.d/` as YAML files ending

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@ -1,41 +1,2 @@
# Agent Version
default['mon-agent']['agent_version'] = nil
# Boolean to enable debug_mode, which outputs massive amounts of log messages
# to the /tmp/ directory.
default['mon-agent']['debug'] = false
# Global dimensions, to be included in every metric. Use comma-delimited
# name:value pairs, like "name1:value1, name2:value2"
default['mon-agent']['dimensions'] = nil
# How often you want the agent to collect data, in seconds. Any value between
# 15 and 60 is a reasonable interval.
default['mon-agent']['check_freq'] = 15
# Use mount points instead of volumes to track disk and fs metrics
default['mon-agent']['use_mount'] = false
# Change port the agent is listening to
default['mon-agent']['agent_port'] = 17123
# Monstatsd configuration
default['mon-agent']['monstatsd'] = false
default['mon-agent']['monstatsd_port'] = 8125
default['mon-agent']['monstatsd_interval'] = 30
default['mon-agent']['monstatsd_normalize'] = "yes"
# log-parsing configuration
default['mon-agent']['dogstreams'] = []
# Logging configuration
default['mon-agent']['disable_file_logging'] = false
default['mon-agent']['syslog']['active'] = false
default['mon-agent']['syslog']['udp'] = false
default['mon-agent']['syslog']['host'] = nil
default['mon-agent']['syslog']['port'] = nil
# daemon settings
default['mon_agent']['group'] = "root"
default['mon_agent']['owner'] = "mon-agent"
default['mon_agent']['data_bag'] = "mon_agent"
default['mon_agent']['plugin'] = {}

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
default['mon-agent']['network']['instances'] = [
'collect_connection_state' => 'false',
'excluded_interfaces' => ['lo', 'lo0']

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@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
#### agent plugin checks for basenode
# Host alive check for api server
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:host_alive][:init_config] = {
:ssh_port => 22,
:ssh_timeout => 0.5,
:ping_timeout => 1
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:host_alive][:instances][:api_with_ssh] = {
:name => "api_ssh_port",
:host_name => "",
:alive_test => "ssh"
# Process checks: Everyone should be running ssh/sshd and ntpd
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:process][:init_config] = {
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:process][:instances][:ssh] = {
:name => "ssh",
:search_string => ["ssh", "sshd"]
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:process][:instances][:ntpd] = {
:name => "ntpd",
:search_string => ["/usr/sbin/ntpd"],
:exact_match => "True"
# Service checks: For demo, everyone can check mon api
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:http_check][:init_config] = {
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:http_check][:instances][:monapi] = {
:name => "mon_api",
:url => "",
:timeout => 10,
:collect_response_time => "true",
:match_pattern => '.*status.*CURRENT.*',
node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:http_check][:instances][:monapi_health] = {
:name => "mon_api_health",
:url => "",
:timeout => 10,
:include_content => "true",
:collect_response_time => "true",
:match_pattern => '.*"healthy":true.*"healthy":true.*"healthy":true.*',
# mon_nagios_wrapper checks: For demo, everyone can check disk
#node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:nagios_wrapper][:init_config] = {
# :check_path => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins:/usr/local/bin/nagios"
#node.default[:mon_agent][:plugin][:nagios_wrapper][:instances][:check_disk] = {
# :name => "local_disk"
# :service_name => "disk",
# :check_command => "check_disk -w 15\\% -c 5\\% -A -i /srv/node",
# :check_interval => 300

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ maintainer "HP_Cloud_Monitoring"
maintainer_email ""
description "Installs/Configures mon-agent components"
long_description, ''))
version "1.0.12"
version "1.1.0"
depends 'python'
recipe "mon_api::default", "Default"

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@ -1,66 +1,21 @@
include_recipe "python"
# Pre-reqs that when installed by os package avoid compilation by pip
%w[python-psutil python-pymongo python-yaml supervisor sysstat].each do |pkg_name|
%w[python-pymongo python-yaml supervisor sysstat].each do |pkg_name|
package pkg_name do
action :install
settings = data_bag_item(node[:mon_agent][:data_bag], 'mon_agent')
execute 'mon-setup' do
action :nothing
command "/usr/local/bin/mon-setup -u #{settings['username']} -p #{settings['password']} -s #{settings['service']} --keystone_url #{settings['keystone_url']} --project_name #{settings['project_name']} --mon_url #{settings['mon_api_url']}"
python_pip 'mon-agent' do
action :upgrade
user node['mon_agent']['owner'] do
action :create
system true
gid node['mon_agent']['group']
%w[/var/log/mon-agent /etc/mon-agent /etc/mon-agent/conf.d ].each do |dir_name|
directory dir_name do
recursive true
owner node['mon_agent']['owner']
group node['mon_agent']['group']
mode 0755
action :create
link "/etc/mon-agent/supervisor.conf" do
action :create
to '/usr/local/share/mon/agent/supervisor.conf'
link "/etc/init.d/mon-agent" do
action :create
to '/usr/local/share/mon/agent/mon-agent.init'
# Make the init script executable
file '/usr/local/share/mon/agent/mon-agent.init' do
action :create
mode "0755"
setting = data_bag_item(node[:mon_agent][:data_bag], 'mon_agent')
template "/etc/mon-agent/agent.conf" do
action :create
owner node['mon_agent']['owner']
group node['mon_agent']['group']
mode '644'
source "agent.conf.erb"
:setting => setting
notifies :restart, "service[mon-agent]"
action :install
notifies :run, "execute[mon-setup]"
include_recipe 'mon_agent::plugin_cfg'
service 'mon-agent' do
action [ :enable, :start ]
provider Chef::Provider::Service::Init::Debian

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@ -3,30 +3,18 @@
# Recipe:: plugin_cfg
# Common configuration
service "mon-agent" do
action :enable
supports :restart => true
# Load nagios-plugins package if it's needed
package 'nagios-plugins-basic' do
action :install
only_if { node[:mon_agent][:plugin].has_key?(:nagios_wrapper) }
# Make sure the datadog conf.d directory exists
directory "/etc/mon-agent/conf.d" do
recursive true
action :create
owner node['mon_agent']['owner']
group node['mon_agent']['group']
mode 0755
# Configures the plugin yaml files based on node[:mon_agent][:plugin]
# attributes
node[:mon_agent][:plugin].each_key do |plugin|
if not node[:mon_agent][:plugin][plugin].has_key?(:init_config):
node[:mon_agent][:plugin][plugin][:init_config] = {}
template "/etc/mon-agent/conf.d/#{plugin}.yaml" do
source "plugin_yaml.erb"
action :create
@ -37,6 +25,6 @@ node[:mon_agent][:plugin].each_key do |plugin|
:init_config => node[:mon_agent][:plugin][plugin][:init_config],
:instances => node[:mon_agent][:plugin][plugin][:instances]
notifies :restart, "service[mon-agent]"
notifies :run, "execute[mon-setup]"

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# ========================================================================== #
# Mon-API Configuration
# ========================================================================== #
# Monitoring API URL: URL for the monitoring API
# Example:
url: <%= @setting['api']['mon_api_url']%>
# Monitoring API Project Id: Project Id for the monitoring API
project_name: <%= @setting['api']['mon_api_project_id'] %>
# Monitoring API Username: Username for the monitoring API
username: <%= @setting['api']['mon_api_username'] %>
# Monitoring API Password: Password for the monitoring API
password: <%= @setting['api']['mon_api_password'] %>
# Use Keystone for Authentication?: Use Keystone for authentication
# True or False
use_keystone: <%= @setting['api']['use_keystone'] %>
# Keystone API URL: URL for the Keystone server to use
# Example:
keystone_url: <%= @setting['api']['keystone_url'] %>
debug_mode: <%= node['mon-agent']['debug'] %>
check_freq: <%= node['mon-agent']['check_freq'] %>
hostname: <%= %>
use_mount: <%= node['mon-agent']['use_mount'] ? "yes" : "no" %>
listen_port: <%= node['mon-agent']['agent_port'] %>
# Optional dimensions to be sent with every metric from this node
# They should be in the format name:value and seperated by a comma
# Example (dimensions: service:nova, group:group_a, ...)
# Dimensions may exist globally in data bags, or per-node in attributes.
# Combine as needed into a single comma-delimited string.
if @setting['dimensions'].to_s != '' and
node['mon-agent']['dimensions'].to_s != ''
dimensions = [@setting['dimensions'],
node['mon-agent']['dimensions']].join(', ')
elsif @setting['dimensions'].to_s != ''
dimensions = @setting['dimensions']
elsif node['mon-agent']['dimensions'].to_s != ''
dimensions = node['mon-agent']['dimensions']
dimensions: <%= dimensions -%>
<% if !node['mon-agent']['dogstreams'].empty? -%>
dogstreams: <%= node['mon-agent']['dogstreams'].join(', ') %>
<% end -%>
<% if node['mon-agent']['monstatsd'] -%>
# ========================================================================== #
# MonStatsd configuration #
# ========================================================================== #
# MonStatsd is a small server that aggregates your custom app metrics.
# Make sure your client is sending to the same port.
monstatsd_port : <%= node['mon-agent']['monstatsd_port'] %>
## The monstatsd flush period.
monstatsd_interval : <%= node['mon-agent']['monstatsd_interval'] %>
## If 'yes', counters and rates will be normalized to 1 second (that is divided
## by the monstatsd_interval) before being sent to the server. Defaults to 'yes'
monstatsd_normalize : <%= node['mon-agent']['monstatsd_normalize'] %>
# If you want to forward every packet received by the monstatsd server
# to another statsd server, uncomment these lines.
# WARNING: Make sure that forwarded packets are regular statsd packets and not "momonnstatsd" packets,
# as your other statsd server might not be able to handle them.
# statsd_forward_host: address_of_own_statsd_server
# statsd_forward_port: 8125
<% end -%>
# ========================================================================== #
# Logging
# ========================================================================== #
log_level: <%= @setting['log_level']%>
collector_log_file: /var/log/mon-agent/collector.log
forwarder_log_file: /var/log/mon-agent/forwarder.log
monstatsd_log_file: /var/log/mon-agent/monstatsd.log
# if syslog is enabled but a host and port are not set, a local domain socket
# connection will be attempted
log_to_syslog: <%= node['mon-agent']['syslog']['active'] ? 'yes' : 'no' %>
<% if node['mon-agent']['syslog']['udp'] -%>
syslog_host: <%= node['mon-agent']['syslog']['host'] %>
syslog_port: <%= node['mon-agent']['syslog']['port'] %>
<% end -%>
disable_file_logging: <%= node['mon-agent']['disable_file_logging'] %>

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@ -15,14 +15,18 @@ instances:
<% inst.sort.each do |key, value| %>
<% if new_item %>
<% if value.is_a?(Array) %>
<%= " - #{key}: "%> [<%= { |val| %Q/"#{val}"/ }.join(', ') %>]
<%= " - #{key}: "%>[<%= { |val| %Q/"#{val}"/ }.join(', ') %>]
<% elsif value.is_a?(Hash) %>
<%= " - #{key}: "%><%= { |hkey, hval| %Q/#{hkey}:#{hval}/ }.join(', ') %>
<% else %>
<%= " - #{key}: #{value}" %>
<% end %>
<% new_item = FALSE %>
<% else %>
<% if value.is_a?(Array) %>
<%= " #{key}: "%> [<%= { |val| %Q/"#{val}"/ }.join(', ') %>]
<%= " #{key}: "%>[<%= { |val| %Q/"#{val}"/ }.join(', ') %>]
<% elsif value.is_a?(Hash) %>
<%= " #{key}: "%>[<%= { |hkey, hval| %Q/#{hkey}:#{hval}/ }.join(', ') %>
<% else %>
<%= " #{key}: #{value}" %>
<% end %>