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# coding=utf-8
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Performance Learning Solutions Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
OCCI registry
#R0201:method could be func.E1002:old style obj,R0914-R0912:# of branches
#E1121:# positional args.
#pylint: disable=R0201,E1002,R0914,R0912,E1121
import uuid
from occi import registry as occi_registry
from occi import core_model
from occi.extensions import infrastructure
from occi_os_api.backends import openstack
from occi_os_api.extensions import os_addon
from occi_os_api.nova_glue import vm
from occi_os_api.nova_glue import storage
from occi_os_api.nova_glue import net
from nova.flags import FLAGS
class OCCIRegistry(occi_registry.NonePersistentRegistry):
Registry for OpenStack.
Idea is the following: Create the OCCI entities (Resource and their
links) here and let the backends handle actions, attributes etc.
def __init__(self):
super(OCCIRegistry, self).__init__()
self.cache = {}
self.adm_net = core_model.Resource('/network/admin',
infrastructure.NETWORK, [infrastructure.IPNETWORK])
self.pub_net = core_model.Resource('/network/public',
infrastructure.NETWORK, [infrastructure.IPNETWORK])
def set_hostname(self, hostname):
if FLAGS.occi_custom_location_hostname:
hostname = FLAGS.occi_custom_location_hostname
super(OCCIRegistry, self).set_hostname(hostname)
def get_extras(self, extras):
Get data which is encapsulated in the extras.
sec_extras = None
if extras is not None:
sec_extras = {'user_id': extras['nova_ctx'].user_id,
'project_id': extras['nova_ctx'].project_id}
return sec_extras
# The following two are here to deal with the security group mixins
def delete_mixin(self, mixin, extras):
Allows for the deletion of user defined mixins.
If the mixin is a security group mixin then that mixin's
backend is called.
if (hasattr(mixin, 'related') and
os_addon.SEC_GROUP in mixin.related):
backend = self.get_backend(mixin, extras)
backend.destroy(mixin, extras)
super(OCCIRegistry, self).delete_mixin(mixin, extras)
def set_backend(self, category, backend, extras):
Assigns user id and tenant id to user defined mixins
if (hasattr(category, 'related') and
os_addon.SEC_GROUP in category.related):
backend = openstack.SecurityGroupBackend()
backend.init_sec_group(category, extras)
super(OCCIRegistry, self).set_backend(category, backend, extras)
# The following two deal with the creation and deletion os links.
def add_resource(self, key, resource, extras):
Just here to prevent the super class from filling up an unused dict.
if (key, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id) not in self.cache and \
core_model.Link.kind in resource.kind.related:
# don't need to cache twice, only adding links :-)
self.cache[(key, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id)] = resource
elif (key, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id) not in self.cache and \
resource.kind == os_addon.SEC_RULE:
# don't need to cache twice, only adding links :-)
self.cache[(key, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id)] = resource
def delete_resource(self, key, extras):
Just here to prevent the super class from messing up.
if (key, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id) in self.cache:
self.cache.pop((key, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id))
# the following routines actually retrieve the info form OpenStack. Note
# that a cache is used. The cache is stable - so delete resources
# eventually also get deleted form the cache.
def get_resource(self, key, extras):
Retrieve a single resource.
context = extras['nova_ctx']
iden = key[key.rfind('/') + 1:]
vms = vm.get_vms(context)
vm_res_ids = [item['uuid'] for item in vms]
stors = storage.get_storage_volumes(context)
stor_res_ids = [item['id'] for item in stors]
if (key, context.user_id) in self.cache:
# I have seen it - need to update or delete if gone in OS!
# I have already seen it
cached_item = self.cache[(key, context.user_id)]
if not iden in vm_res_ids and cached_item.kind == \
# it was delete in OS -> remove links, cache + KeyError!
# can delete it because it was my item!
for link in cached_item.links:
self.cache.pop((link.identifier, repr(extras)))
self.cache.pop((key, repr(extras)))
raise KeyError
if not iden in stor_res_ids and cached_item.kind == \
# it was delete in OS -> remove from cache + KeyError!
# can delete it because it was my item!
self.cache.pop((key, repr(extras)))
raise KeyError
elif iden in vm_res_ids:
# it also exists in OS -> update it (take links, mixins
# from cached one)
result = self._update_occi_compute(cached_item, extras)
elif iden in stor_res_ids:
# it also exists in OS -> update it!
result = self._update_occi_storage(cached_item, extras)
# return cached item (links)
return cached_item
elif (key, None) in self.cache:
# return shared entities from cache!
return self.cache[(key, None)]
# construct it.
if iden in vm_res_ids:
# create new & add to cache!
result = self._construct_occi_compute(iden, extras)[0]
elif iden in stor_res_ids:
result = self._construct_occi_storage(iden, extras)[0]
# doesn't exist!
raise KeyError
if result.identifier != key:
raise AttributeError('Key/identifier mismatch! Requested: ' +
key + ' Got: ' + result.identifier)
return result
def get_resource_keys(self, extras):
Retrieve the keys of all resources.
keys = []
for item in self.cache.values():
if item.extras is not None and item.extras != extras:
# filter out items not belonging to this user!
# add identifier
return keys
def get_resources(self, extras):
Retrieve a set of resources.
# TODO: add security rules!
context = extras['nova_ctx']
result = []
vms = vm.get_vms(context)
vm_res_ids = [item['uuid'] for item in vms]
stors = storage.get_storage_volumes(context)
stor_res_ids = [item['id'] for item in stors]
for item in self.cache.values():
if item.extras is not None and item.extras['user_id'] != context\
# filter out items not belonging to this user!
item_id = item.identifier[item.identifier.rfind('/') + 1:]
if item.extras is None:
# add to result set
elif item_id in vm_res_ids and item.kind == \
# check & update (take links, mixins from cache)
# add compute and it's links to result
self._update_occi_compute(item, extras)
elif item_id in stor_res_ids and item.kind == \
# check & update (take links, mixins from cache)
# add compute and it's links to result
self._update_occi_storage(item, extras)
elif item_id not in vm_res_ids and item.kind == \
# remove item and it's links from cache!
for link in item.links:
self.cache.pop((link.identifier, item.extras['user_id']))
self.cache.pop((item.identifier, item.extras['user_id']))
elif item_id not in stor_res_ids and item.kind == \
# remove item
self.cache.pop((item.identifier, item.extras['user_id']))
for item in vms:
if (infrastructure.COMPUTE.location + item['uuid'],
context.user_id) in self.cache:
# construct (with links and mixins and add to cache!
# add compute and it's linke to result
ent_list = self._construct_occi_compute(item['uuid'], extras)
for item in stors:
if (infrastructure.STORAGE.location + item['id'],
context.user_id) in self.cache:
# construct (with links and mixins and add to cache!
# add compute and it's linke to result
ent_list = self._construct_occi_storage(item['id'], extras)
return result
# Not part of parent
def _update_occi_compute(self, entity, extras):
Update an occi compute resource instance.
# TODO: implement update of mixins and links (remove old mixins and
# links)!
return entity
def _construct_occi_compute(self, identifier, extras):
Construct a OCCI compute instance.
First item in result list is entity self!
Adds it to the cache too!
result = []
context = extras['nova_ctx']
instance = vm.get_vm(identifier, context)
# 1. get identifier
iden = infrastructure.COMPUTE.location + identifier
entity = core_model.Resource(iden, infrastructure.COMPUTE,
# 2. os and res templates
flavor_name = instance['instance_type'].name
res_tmp = self.get_category('/' + flavor_name + '/', extras)
if res_tmp:
os_id = instance['image_ref']
image_name = storage.get_image(os_id, context)['name']
os_tmp = self.get_category('/' + image_name + '/', extras)
if os_tmp:
# 3. network links & get links from cache!
net_links = net.get_network_details(identifier, context)
for item in net_links['public']:
link = self._construct_network_link(item, entity, self.pub_net,
for item in net_links['admin']:
link = self._construct_network_link(item, entity, self.adm_net,
# core.id and cache it!
entity.attributes['occi.core.id'] = identifier
entity.extras = self.get_extras(extras)
self.cache[(entity.identifier, context.user_id)] = entity
return result
def _update_occi_storage(self, entity, extras):
Update a storage resource instance.
return entity
def _construct_occi_storage(self, identifier, extras):
Construct a OCCI storage instance.
First item in result list is entity self!
Adds it to the cache too!
result = []
context = extras['nova_ctx']
stor = storage.get_storage(identifier, context)
# id, display_name, size, status
iden = infrastructure.STORAGE.location + identifier
entity = core_model.Resource(iden, infrastructure.STORAGE, [])
# create links on VM resources
if stor['status'] == 'in-use':
source = self.get_resource(infrastructure.COMPUTE.location +
str(stor['instance_uuid']), extras)
link = core_model.Link(infrastructure.STORAGELINK.location +
infrastructure.STORAGELINK, [], source, entity)
link.extras = self.get_extras(extras)
self.cache[(link.identifier, context.user_id)] = link
# core.id and cache it!
entity.attributes['occi.core.id'] = identifier
entity.extras = self.get_extras(extras)
self.cache[(entity.identifier, context.user_id)] = entity
return result
def _setup_network(self):
Add a public and an admin network interface.
# TODO: read from openstack!
self.pub_net.attributes = {'occi.network.vlan': 'external',
'occi.network.label': 'default',
'occi.network.state': 'active',
'occi.networkinterface.address': '192'
'occi.networkinterface.gateway': '192.168'
self.adm_net.attributes = {'occi.network.vlan': 'admin',
'occi.network.label': 'default',
'occi.network.state': 'active',
'occi.networkinterface.address': '10.0.0'
'occi.networkinterface.gateway': '10.0.0'
self.cache[(self.adm_net.identifier, None)] = self.adm_net
self.cache[(self.pub_net.identifier, None)] = self.pub_net
def _construct_network_link(self, net_desc, source, target, extras):
Construct a network link and add to cache!
link = core_model.Link(infrastructure.NETWORKINTERFACE.location +
[infrastructure.IPNETWORKINTERFACE], source, target)
link.attributes = {
'occi.networkinterface.interface': net_desc['interface'],
'occi.networkinterface.mac': net_desc['mac'],
'occi.networkinterface.state': net_desc['state'],
'occi.networkinterface.address': net_desc['address'],
'occi.networkinterface.gateway': net_desc['gateway'],
'occi.networkinterface.allocation': net_desc['allocation']
link.extras = self.get_extras(extras)
self.cache[(link.identifier, extras['nova_ctx'].user_id)] = link
return link