Merge "Allow users to specify custom path segments for routing."

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2015-05-21 23:15:31 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit ac6b72e441
7 changed files with 549 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -136,6 +136,64 @@ use the ``text/html`` content type by default.
* :ref:`pecan_decorators`
Specifying Explicit Path Segments
Occasionally, you may want to use a path segment in your routing that doesn't
work with Pecan's declarative approach to routing because of restrictions in
Python's syntax. For example, if you wanted to route for a path that includes
dashes, such as ``/some-path/``, the following is *not* valid Python::
class RootController(object):
def some-path(self):
return dict()
To work around this, pecan allows you to specify an explicit path segment in
the :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` decorator::
class RootController(object):
def some_path(self):
return dict()
In this example, the pecan application will reply with an ``HTTP 200`` for
requests made to ``/some-path/``, but requests made to ``/some_path/`` will
yield an ``HTTP 404``.
:func:`~pecan.routing.route` can also be used explicitly as an alternative to
the ``route`` argument in :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`::
class RootController(object):
def some_path(self):
return dict()
pecan.route('some-path', RootController.some_path)
Routing to child controllers can be handled simliarly by utilizing
class ChildController(object):
def child(self):
return dict()
class RootController(object):
pecan.route(RootController, 'child-path', ChildController())
In this example, the pecan application will reply with an ``HTTP 200`` for
requests made to ``/child-path/child/``.
Routing Based on Request Method

View File

@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ from .core import (
from .decorators import expose
from .hooks import RequestViewerHook
from .middleware.debug import DebugMiddleware
from .middleware.errordocument import ErrorDocumentMiddleware
from .middleware.recursive import RecursiveMiddleware
from .middleware.static import StaticFileMiddleware
from .routing import route
from .configuration import set_config, Config
from .configuration import _runtime_conf as conf
from . import middleware
@ -20,7 +27,7 @@ import warnings
__all__ = [
'make_app', 'load_app', 'Pecan', 'Request', 'Response', 'request',
'response', 'override_template', 'expose', 'conf', 'set_config', 'render',
'abort', 'redirect'
'abort', 'redirect', 'route'

View File

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ __all__ = [
def when_for(controller):
def when(method=None, **kw):
def decorate(f):
_cfg(f)['generic_handler'] = True
controller._pecan['generic_handlers'][method.upper()] = f
return f
return decorate
return when
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ def when_for(controller):
def expose(template=None,
Decorator used to flag controller methods as being "exposed" for
@ -38,6 +39,11 @@ def expose(template=None,
``functools.singledispatch`` generic functions. Allows you
to split a single controller into multiple paths based upon
HTTP method.
:param route: The name of the path segment to match (excluding
separator characters, like `/`). Defaults to the name of
the function itself, but this can be used to resolve paths
which are not valid Python function names, e.g., if you
wanted to route a function to `some-special-path'.
if template == 'json':
@ -47,8 +53,19 @@ def expose(template=None,
# flag the method as exposed = True
# set a "pecan" attribute, where we will store details
cfg = _cfg(f)
if route:
# This import is here to avoid a circular import issue
from pecan import routing
if cfg.get('generic_handler'):
raise ValueError(
'Path segments cannot be overridden for generic '
routing.route(route, f)
# set a "pecan" attribute, where we will store details
cfg['content_type'] = content_type
cfg.setdefault('template', []).append(template)
cfg.setdefault('content_types', {})[content_type] = template

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from inspect import ismethod
from inspect import ismethod, getmembers
import warnings
from webob import exc
@ -27,6 +27,35 @@ class RestController(object):
_custom_actions = {}
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
RestController does not support the `route` argument to
Implement this with __new__ rather than a metaclass, because it's very
common for pecan users to mixin RestController (with other bases that
have their own metaclasses).
for name, value in getmembers(cls):
if iscontroller(value) and getattr(value, 'custom_route', None):
raise ValueError(
'Path segments cannot be used in combination with '
' Remove the `route` argument '
'to @pecan.expose on %s.%s.%s' % (
cls.__module__, cls.__name__, value.__name__
# object.__new__ will error if called with extra arguments, and either
# __new__ is overridden or __init__ is not overridden;
# In PY3, this is actually a TypeError (in PY2, it just raises
# a DeprecationWarning)
new = super(RestController, cls).__new__
if new is object.__new__:
return new(cls)
return new(cls, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_args_for_controller(self, controller):
Retrieve the arguments we actually care about. For Pecan applications

View File

@ -1,11 +1,99 @@
import re
import warnings
from inspect import getmembers, ismethod
from webob import exc
import six
from .secure import handle_security, cross_boundary
from .util import iscontroller, getargspec, _cfg
__all__ = ['lookup_controller', 'find_object']
__all__ = ['lookup_controller', 'find_object', 'route']
__observed_controllers__ = set()
__custom_routes__ = {}
def route(*args):
This function is used to define an explicit route for a path segment.
You generally only want to use this in situations where your desired path
segment is not a valid Python variable/function name.
For example, if you wanted to be able to route to:
...the following is invalid Python syntax::
class Controller(object):
with-dashes = SubController() you would instead define the route explicitly::
class Controller(object):
pecan.route(Controller, 'with-dashes', SubController())
def _validate_route(route):
if not isinstance(route, six.string_types):
raise TypeError('%s must be a string' % route)
if not re.match('^[0-9a-zA-Z-_$\(\),;:]+$', route):
raise ValueError(
'%s must be a valid path segment. Keep in mind '
'that path segments should not contain path separators '
'(e.g., /) ' % route
if len(args) == 2:
# The handler in this situation is a @pecan.expose'd callable,
# and is generally only used by the @expose() decorator itself.
# This sets a special attribute, `custom_route` on the callable, which
# pecan's routing logic knows how to make use of (as a special case)
route, handler = args
if ismethod(handler):
handler = handler.__func__
if not iscontroller(handler):
raise TypeError(
'%s must be a callable decorated with @pecan.expose' % handler
obj, attr, value = handler, 'custom_route', route
if handler.__name__ in ('_lookup', '_default', '_route'):
raise ValueError(
'%s is a special method in pecan and cannot be used in '
'combination with custom path segments.' % handler.__name__
elif len(args) == 3:
# This is really just a setattr on the parent controller (with some
# additional validation for the path segment itself)
_, route, handler = args
obj, attr, value = args
if hasattr(obj, attr):
raise RuntimeError(
"%(module)s.%(class)s already has an "
"existing attribute named \"%(route)s\"." % {
'module': obj.__module__,
'class': obj.__name__,
'route': attr
raise TypeError(
'pecan.route should be called in the format '
'route(ParentController, "path-segment", SubController())'
setattr(obj, attr, value)
class PecanNotFound(Exception):
@ -105,7 +193,15 @@ def find_object(obj, remainder, notfound_handlers, request):
if obj is None:
raise PecanNotFound
if iscontroller(obj):
return obj, remainder
if getattr(obj, 'custom_route', None) is None:
return obj, remainder
if remainder:
custom_route = __custom_routes__.get((obj.__class__, remainder[0]))
if custom_route:
return getattr(obj, custom_route), remainder[1:]
# are we traversing to another controller
cross_boundary(prev_obj, obj)
@ -168,3 +264,60 @@ def find_object(obj, remainder, notfound_handlers, request):
if request.method in _cfg(prev_obj.index).get('generic_handlers',
return prev_obj.index, prev_remainder
def _detect_custom_path_segments(obj):
# Detect custom controller routes (on the initial traversal)
if obj.__class__.__module__ == '__builtin__':
attrs = set(dir(obj))
if obj.__class__ not in __observed_controllers__:
for key, val in getmembers(obj):
if iscontroller(val) and isinstance(
getattr(val, 'custom_route', None),
route = val.custom_route
# Detect class attribute name conflicts
for conflict in attrs.intersection(set((route,))):
raise RuntimeError(
"%(module)s.%(class)s.%(function)s has "
"a custom path segment, \"%(route)s\", "
"but %(module)s.%(class)s already has an "
"existing attribute named \"%(route)s\"." % {
'module': obj.__class__.__module__,
'class': obj.__class__.__name__,
'function': val.__name__,
'route': conflict
existing = __custom_routes__.get(
(obj.__class__, route)
if existing:
# Detect custom path conflicts between functions
raise RuntimeError(
"%(module)s.%(class)s.%(function)s and "
"%(module)s.%(class)s.%(other)s have a "
"conflicting custom path segment, "
"\"%(route)s\"." % {
'module': obj.__class__.__module__,
'class': obj.__class__.__name__,
'function': val.__name__,
'other': existing,
'route': route
(obj.__class__, route)
] = key

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
from pecan import (
Pecan, Request, Response, expose, request, response, redirect,
abort, make_app, override_template, render
abort, make_app, override_template, render, route
from pecan.templating import (
_builtin_renderers as builtin_renderers, error_formatters
@ -1965,3 +1965,264 @@ class TestDeprecatedRouteMethod(PecanTestCase):
r = self.app_.get('/foo/bar/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert b_('foo, bar') in r.body
class TestExplicitRoute(PecanTestCase):
def test_alternate_route(self):
class RootController(object):
def some_path(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
r = app.get('/some-path/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!')
r = app.get('/some_path/', expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_manual_route(self):
class SubController(object):
def some_path(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
class RootController(object):
route(RootController, 'some-controller', SubController())
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
r = app.get('/some-controller/some-path/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!')
r = app.get('/some-controller/some_path/', expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_manual_route_conflict(self):
class SubController(object):
class RootController(object):
def hello(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
def test_custom_route_on_index(self):
class RootController(object):
def index(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
r = app.get('/some-path/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!')
r = app.get('/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!')
r = app.get('/index/', expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_custom_route_with_attribute_conflict(self):
class RootController(object):
def greet(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
def mock(self):
return 'You are not worthy!'
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
def test_conflicting_custom_routes(self):
class RootController(object):
def foo(self):
return 'Foo!'
def bar(self):
return 'Bar!'
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
def test_conflicting_custom_routes_in_subclass(self):
class BaseController(object):
def foo(self):
return request.path
class ChildController(BaseController):
class RootController(BaseController):
child = ChildController()
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
r = app.get('/testing/')
assert r.body == b_('/testing/')
r = app.get('/child/testing/')
assert r.body == b_('/child/testing/')
def test_custom_route_prohibited_on_lookup(self):
class RootController(object):
def _lookup(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
except ValueError:
raise AssertionError(
'_lookup cannot be used with a custom path segment'
def test_custom_route_prohibited_on_default(self):
class RootController(object):
def _default(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
except ValueError:
raise AssertionError(
'_default cannot be used with a custom path segment'
def test_custom_route_prohibited_on_route(self):
class RootController(object):
def _route(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
except ValueError:
raise AssertionError(
'_route cannot be used with a custom path segment'
def test_custom_route_with_generic_controllers(self):
class RootController(object):
@expose(route='some-path', generic=True)
def foo(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
def handle_post(self):
return 'POST!'
app = TestApp(Pecan(RootController()))
r = app.get('/some-path/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('Hello, World!')
r = app.get('/foo/', expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 404
r ='/some-path/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST!')
r ='/foo/', expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_custom_route_prohibited_on_generic_controllers(self):
class RootController(object):
def foo(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
@foo.when(method='POST', route='some-path')
def handle_post(self):
return 'POST!'
except ValueError:
raise AssertionError(
'generic controllers cannot be used with a custom path segment'
def test_invalid_route_arguments(self):
class C(object):
def secret(self):
return {}
self.assertRaises(TypeError, route)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, route, 'some-path', lambda x: x)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, route, 'some-path', C.secret)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, route, C, {}, C())
for path in (
handler = C()
route(C, path, handler)
assert getattr(C, path, handler)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, route, C, '/path/', C())
self.assertRaises(ValueError, route, C, '.', C())
self.assertRaises(ValueError, route, C, '..', C())
self.assertRaises(ValueError, route, C, 'path?', C())
self.assertRaises(ValueError, route, C, 'percent%20encoded', C())

View File

@ -1622,3 +1622,19 @@ class TestRestController(PecanTestCase):
r = app.get('/foo/%F0%9F%8C%B0/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b'Hello, World!'
class TestExplicitRoute(PecanTestCase):
def test_alternate_route(self):
class RootController(RestController):
def get_all(self):
return "Hello, World!"