
1557 lines
43 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct
import sys
import warnings
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
import unittest2 as unittest # pragma: nocover
import unittest # pragma: nocover
from simplejson import dumps, loads
from json import dumps, loads # noqa
from six import b as b_, PY3
from webtest import TestApp
from pecan import abort, expose, make_app, response, redirect
from import RestController
from pecan.tests import PecanTestCase
class TestRestController(PecanTestCase):
def test_basic_rest(self):
class OthersController(object):
def index(self):
return 'OTHERS'
def echo(self, value):
return str(value)
class ThingsController(RestController):
data = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three']
_custom_actions = {'count': ['GET'], 'length': ['GET', 'POST']}
others = OthersController()
def get_one(self, id):
def get_all(self):
return dict(
def length(self, id, value=None):
length = len([int(id)])
if value:
length += len(value)
return str(length)
def get_count(self):
return str(len(
def new(self):
return 'NEW'
def post(self, value):
response.status = 302
return 'CREATED'
def edit(self, id):
return 'EDIT %s' %[int(id)]
def put(self, id, value):[int(id)] = value
return 'UPDATED'
def get_delete(self, id):
return 'DELETE %s' %[int(id)]
def delete(self, id):
return 'DELETED'
def reset(self):
return 'RESET'
def post_options(self):
return 'OPTIONS'
def options(self):
def other(self):
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get_all
r = app.get('/things')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(dumps(dict(
# test get_one
for i, value in enumerate(
r = app.get('/things/%d' % i)
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(value)
# test post
r ='/things', {'value': 'four'})
assert r.status_int == 302
assert r.body == b_('CREATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things/4')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('four')
# test edit
r = app.get('/things/3/edit')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('EDIT three')
# test put
r = app.put('/things/4', {'value': 'FOUR'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('UPDATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things/4')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FOUR')
# test put with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/4?_method=put', {'value': 'FOUR!'}, status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things/4')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FOUR')
# test put with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/4?_method=put', {'value': 'FOUR!'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('UPDATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things/4')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FOUR!')
# test get delete
r = app.get('/things/4/delete')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE FOUR!')
# test delete
r = app.delete('/things/4')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 4
# test delete with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/3?_method=DELETE', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 4
# test delete with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/3?_method=DELETE')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/things')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 3
# test "RESET" custom action
r = app.request('/things', method='RESET')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('RESET')
# test "RESET" custom action with _method parameter
r = app.get('/things?_method=RESET')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('RESET')
# test the "OPTIONS" custom action
r = app.request('/things', method='OPTIONS')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('OPTIONS')
# test the "OPTIONS" custom action with the _method parameter
r ='/things', {'_method': 'OPTIONS'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('OPTIONS')
# test the "other" custom action
with warnings.catch_warnings():
r = app.request('/things/other', method='MISC', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test the "other" custom action with the _method parameter
r ='/things/other', {'_method': 'MISC'}, status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test the "others" custom action
with warnings.catch_warnings():
r = app.request('/things/others/', method='MISC')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('OTHERS')
# test the "others" custom action missing trailing slash
with warnings.catch_warnings():
r = app.request('/things/others', method='MISC', status=302)
assert r.status_int == 302
# test the "others" custom action with the _method parameter
r = app.get('/things/others/?_method=MISC')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('OTHERS')
# test an invalid custom action
r = app.get('/things?_method=BAD', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test custom "GET" request "count"
r = app.get('/things/count')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('3')
# test custom "GET" request "length"
r = app.get('/things/1/length')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(str(len('one')))
# test custom "GET" request through subcontroller
r = app.get('/things/others/echo?value=test')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('test')
# test custom "POST" request "length"
r ='/things/1/length', {'value': 'test'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(str(len('onetest')))
# test custom "POST" request through subcontroller
r ='/things/others/echo', {'value': 'test'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('test')
def test_getall_with_trailing_slash(self):
class ThingsController(RestController):
data = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three']
def get_all(self):
return dict(
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get_all
r = app.get('/things/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(dumps(dict(
def test_404_with_lookup(self):
class LookupController(RestController):
def __init__(self, _id):
self._id = _id
def get_all(self):
return 'ID: %s' % self._id
class ThingsController(RestController):
def _lookup(self, _id, *remainder):
return LookupController(_id), remainder
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# these should 404
for path in ('/things', '/things/'):
r = app.get(path, expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 404
r = app.get('/things/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('ID: foo')
def test_getall_with_lookup(self):
class LookupController(RestController):
def __init__(self, _id):
self._id = _id
def get_all(self):
return 'ID: %s' % self._id
class ThingsController(RestController):
data = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three']
def _lookup(self, _id, *remainder):
return LookupController(_id), remainder
def get_all(self):
return dict(
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get_all
for path in ('/things', '/things/'):
r = app.get(path)
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(dumps(dict(
r = app.get('/things/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('ID: foo')
def test_simple_nested_rest(self):
class BarController(RestController):
def post(self):
return "BAR-POST"
def delete(self, id_):
return "BAR-%s" % id_
class FooController(RestController):
bar = BarController()
def post(self):
return "FOO-POST"
def delete(self, id_):
return "FOO-%s" % id_
class RootController(object):
foo = FooController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r ='/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_("FOO-POST")
r = app.delete('/foo/1')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_("FOO-1")
r ='/foo/bar')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_("BAR-POST")
r = app.delete('/foo/bar/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_("BAR-2")
def test_complicated_nested_rest(self):
class BarsController(RestController):
data = [['zero-zero', 'zero-one'], ['one-zero', 'one-one']]
def get_one(self, foo_id, id):
def get_all(self, foo_id):
return dict([int(foo_id)])
def new(self, foo_id):
return 'NEW FOR %s' % foo_id
def post(self, foo_id, value):
foo_id = int(foo_id)
if len( < foo_id + 1:[[]] * (foo_id - len( + 1))[foo_id].append(value)
response.status = 302
return 'CREATED FOR %s' % foo_id
def edit(self, foo_id, id):
return 'EDIT %s' %[int(foo_id)][int(id)]
def put(self, foo_id, id, value):[int(foo_id)][int(id)] = value
return 'UPDATED'
def get_delete(self, foo_id, id):
return 'DELETE %s' %[int(foo_id)][int(id)]
def delete(self, foo_id, id):
return 'DELETED'
class FoosController(RestController):
data = ['zero', 'one']
bars = BarsController()
def get_one(self, id):
def get_all(self):
return dict(
def new(self):
return 'NEW'
def edit(self, id):
return 'EDIT %s' %[int(id)]
def post(self, value):
response.status = 302
return 'CREATED'
def put(self, id, value):[int(id)] = value
return 'UPDATED'
def get_delete(self, id):
return 'DELETE %s' %[int(id)]
def delete(self, id):
return 'DELETED'
class RootController(object):
foos = FoosController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get_all
r = app.get('/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(dumps(dict(
# test nested get_all
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(dumps(dict([1])))
# test get_one
for i, value in enumerate(
r = app.get('/foos/%d' % i)
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(value)
# test nested get_one
for i, value in enumerate(
for j, value in enumerate([i]):
r = app.get('/foos/%s/bars/%s' % (i, j))
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_(value)
# test post
r ='/foos', {'value': 'two'})
assert r.status_int == 302
assert r.body == b_('CREATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('two')
# test nested post
r ='/foos/2/bars', {'value': 'two-zero'})
assert r.status_int == 302
assert r.body == b_('CREATED FOR 2')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2/bars/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('two-zero')
# test edit
r = app.get('/foos/1/edit')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('EDIT one')
# test nested edit
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars/1/edit')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('EDIT one-one')
# test put
r = app.put('/foos/2', {'value': 'TWO'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('UPDATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('TWO')
# test nested put
r = app.put('/foos/2/bars/0', {'value': 'TWO-ZERO'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('UPDATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2/bars/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('TWO-ZERO')
# test put with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/foos/2?_method=put', {'value': 'TWO!'}, status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('TWO')
# test nested put with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get(
{'value': 'ZERO-TWO!'}, status=405
assert r.status_int == 405
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2/bars/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('TWO-ZERO')
# test put with _method parameter and POST
r ='/foos/2?_method=put', {'value': 'TWO!'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('UPDATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('TWO!')
# test nested put with _method parameter and POST
r ='/foos/2/bars/0?_method=put', {'value': 'TWO-ZERO!'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('UPDATED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2/bars/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('TWO-ZERO!')
# test get delete
r = app.get('/foos/2/delete')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE TWO!')
# test nested get delete
r = app.get('/foos/2/bars/0/delete')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE TWO-ZERO!')
# test nested delete
r = app.delete('/foos/2/bars/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/2/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 0
# test delete
r = app.delete('/foos/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 2
# test nested delete with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars/1?_method=DELETE', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 2
# test delete with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/foos/1?_method=DELETE', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 2
# test nested delete with _method parameter and POST
r ='/foos/1/bars/1?_method=DELETE')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 1
# test delete with _method parameter and POST
r ='/foos/1?_method=DELETE')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETED')
# make sure it works
r = app.get('/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert len(loads(r.body.decode())['items']) == 1
def test_nested_get_all(self):
class BarsController(RestController):
def get_one(self, foo_id, id):
return '4'
def get_all(self, foo_id):
return '3'
class FoosController(RestController):
bars = BarsController()
def get_one(self, id):
return '2'
def get_all(self):
return '1'
class RootController(object):
foos = FoosController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foos/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('1')
r = app.get('/foos/1/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('2')
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('3')
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars/2/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('4')
r = app.get('/foos/bars/', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
r = app.get('/foos/bars/1', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_nested_get_all_with_lookup(self):
class BarsController(RestController):
def get_one(self, foo_id, id):
return '4'
def get_all(self, foo_id):
return '3'
def _lookup(self, id, *remainder):
class FoosController(RestController):
bars = BarsController()
def get_one(self, id):
return '2'
def get_all(self):
return '1'
class RootController(object):
foos = FoosController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foos/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('1')
r = app.get('/foos/1/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('2')
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('3')
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars/2/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('4')
r = app.get('/foos/bars/')
assert r.status_int == 302
assert r.headers['Location'].endswith('/lookup-hit/')
r = app.get('/foos/bars/1')
assert r.status_int == 302
assert r.headers['Location'].endswith('/lookup-hit/')
def test_bad_rest(self):
class ThingsController(RestController):
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get_all
r = app.get('/things', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test get_one
r = app.get('/things/1', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test post
r ='/things', {'value': 'one'}, status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test edit
r = app.get('/things/1/edit', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test put
r = app.put('/things/1', {'value': 'ONE'}, status=404)
# test put with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/1?_method=put', {'value': 'ONE!'}, status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test put with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/1?_method=put', {'value': 'ONE!'}, status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test get delete
r = app.get('/things/1/delete', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test delete
r = app.delete('/things/1', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test delete with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/1?_method=DELETE', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test delete with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/1?_method=DELETE', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
# test "RESET" custom action
with warnings.catch_warnings():
r = app.request('/things', method='RESET', status=404)
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_nested_rest_with_missing_intermediate_id(self):
class BarsController(RestController):
data = [['zero-zero', 'zero-one'], ['one-zero', 'one-one']]
def get_all(self, foo_id):
return dict([int(foo_id)])
class FoosController(RestController):
data = ['zero', 'one']
bars = BarsController()
def get_one(self, id):
def get_all(self):
return dict(
class RootController(object):
foos = FoosController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get_all
r = app.get('/foos')
self.assertEqual(r.status_int, 200)
self.assertEqual(r.body, b_(dumps(dict(
# test nested get_all
r = app.get('/foos/1/bars')
self.assertEqual(r.status_int, 200)
self.assertEqual(r.body, b_(dumps(dict([1]))))
r = app.get('/foos/bars', expect_errors=True)
self.assertEqual(r.status_int, 404)
def test_custom_with_trailing_slash(self):
class CustomController(RestController):
_custom_actions = {
'detail': ['GET'],
'create': ['POST'],
'update': ['PUT'],
'remove': ['DELETE'],
def detail(self):
return 'DETAIL'
def create(self):
return 'CREATE'
def update(self, id):
return id
def remove(self, id):
return id
app = TestApp(make_app(CustomController()))
r = app.get('/detail')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DETAIL')
r = app.get('/detail/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DETAIL')
r ='/create')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('CREATE')
r ='/create/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('CREATE')
r = app.put('/update/123')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('123')
r = app.put('/update/123/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('123')
r = app.delete('/remove/456')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('456')
r = app.delete('/remove/456/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('456')
def test_custom_delete(self):
class OthersController(object):
def index(self):
return 'DELETE'
def reset(self, id):
return str(id)
class ThingsController(RestController):
others = OthersController()
def delete_fail(self):
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test bad delete
r = app.delete('/things/delete_fail', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test bad delete with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/delete_fail?_method=delete', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test bad delete with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/delete_fail', {'_method': 'delete'}, status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test custom delete without ID
r = app.delete('/things/others/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE')
# test custom delete without ID with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/others/?_method=delete', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test custom delete without ID with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/others/', {'_method': 'delete'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE')
# test custom delete with ID
r = app.delete('/things/others/reset/1')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('1')
# test custom delete with ID with _method parameter and GET
r = app.get('/things/others/reset/1?_method=delete', status=405)
assert r.status_int == 405
# test custom delete with ID with _method parameter and POST
r ='/things/others/reset/1', {'_method': 'delete'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('1')
def test_get_with_var_args(self):
class OthersController(object):
def index(self, one, two, three):
return 'NESTED: %s, %s, %s' % (one, two, three)
class ThingsController(RestController):
others = OthersController()
def get_one(self, *args):
return ', '.join(args)
class RootController(object):
things = ThingsController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test get request
r = app.get('/things/one/two/three')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('one, two, three')
# test nested get request
r = app.get('/things/one/two/three/others/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('NESTED: one, two, three')
def test_sub_nested_rest(self):
class BazsController(RestController):
data = [[['zero-zero-zero']]]
def get_one(self, foo_id, bar_id, id):
class BarsController(RestController):
data = [['zero-zero']]
bazs = BazsController()
def get_one(self, foo_id, id):
class FoosController(RestController):
data = ['zero']
bars = BarsController()
def get_one(self, id):
class RootController(object):
foos = FoosController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
# test sub-nested get_one
r = app.get('/foos/0/bars/0/bazs/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('zero-zero-zero')
def test_sub_nested_rest_with_overwrites(self):
class FinalController(object):
def index(self):
return 'FINAL'
def named(self):
return 'NAMED'
class BazsController(RestController):
data = [[['zero-zero-zero']]]
final = FinalController()
def get_one(self, foo_id, bar_id, id):
def post(self):
def put(self, id):
class BarsController(RestController):
data = [['zero-zero']]
bazs = BazsController()
def get_one(self, foo_id, id):
def post(self):
return 'POST-CHILD'
def put(self, id):
return 'PUT-CHILD'
class FoosController(RestController):
data = ['zero']
bars = BarsController()
def get_one(self, id):
def post(self):
return 'POST'
def put(self, id):
return 'PUT'
class RootController(object):
foos = FoosController()
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r ='/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST')
r = app.put('/foos/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT')
r ='/foos/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST-CHILD')
r = app.put('/foos/bars/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT-CHILD')
r ='/foos/bars/bazs')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST-GRAND-CHILD')
r = app.put('/foos/bars/bazs/0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT-GRAND-CHILD')
r = app.get('/foos/bars/bazs/final/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FINAL')
r = app.get('/foos/bars/bazs/final/named')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('NAMED')
def test_post_with_kwargs_only(self):
class RootController(RestController):
def get_all(self):
return 'INDEX'
def post(self, **kw):
return kw
# create the app
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('INDEX')
kwargs = {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'eggs'}
r ='/', kwargs)
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.namespace['foo'] == 'bar'
assert r.namespace['spam'] == 'eggs'
def test_nested_rest_with_lookup(self):
class SubController(RestController):
def get_all(self):
return "SUB"
class FinalController(RestController):
def __init__(self, id_):
self.id_ = id_
def get_all(self):
return "FINAL-%s" % self.id_
def post(self):
return "POST-%s" % self.id_
class LookupController(RestController):
sub = SubController()
def __init__(self, id_):
self.id_ = id_
def _lookup(self, id_, *remainder):
return FinalController(id_), remainder
def get_all(self):
raise AssertionError("Never Reached")
def post(self):
return "POST-LOOKUP-%s" % self.id_
def put(self, id_):
return "PUT-LOOKUP-%s-%s" % (self.id_, id_)
def delete(self, id_):
return "DELETE-LOOKUP-%s-%s" % (self.id_, id_)
class FooController(RestController):
def _lookup(self, id_, *remainder):
return LookupController(id_), remainder
def get_one(self, id_):
return "GET ONE"
def get_all(self):
return "INDEX"
def post(self):
return "POST"
def put(self, id_):
return "PUT-%s" % id_
def delete(self, id_):
return "DELETE-%s" % id_
class RootController(RestController):
foo = FooController()
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('INDEX')
r ='/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST')
r = app.get('/foo/1')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('GET ONE')
r ='/foo/1')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST-LOOKUP-1')
r = app.put('/foo/1')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT-1')
r = app.delete('/foo/1')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE-1')
r = app.put('/foo/1/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT-LOOKUP-1-2')
r = app.delete('/foo/1/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE-LOOKUP-1-2')
r = app.get('/foo/1/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FINAL-2')
r ='/foo/1/2')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST-2')
def test_nested_rest_with_default(self):
class FooController(RestController):
def _default(self, *remainder):
return "DEFAULT %s" % remainder
class RootController(RestController):
foo = FooController()
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foo/missing')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_("DEFAULT missing")
def test_rest_with_non_utf_8_body(self):
if PY3:
# webob+PY3 doesn't suffer from this bug; the POST parsing in PY3
# seems to more gracefully detect the bytestring
class FooController(RestController):
def post(self):
return "POST"
class RootController(RestController):
foo = FooController()
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
data = struct.pack('255h', *range(0, 255))
r ='/foo/', data, expect_errors=True)
assert r.status_int == 400
def test_dynamic_rest_lookup(self):
class BarController(RestController):
def get_all(self):
return "BAR"
def put(self):
return "PUT_BAR"
def delete(self):
return "DELETE_BAR"
class BarsController(RestController):
def _lookup(self, id_, *remainder):
return BarController(), remainder
def get_all(self):
return "BARS"
def post(self):
return "POST_BARS"
class FooController(RestController):
bars = BarsController()
def get_all(self):
return "FOO"
def put(self):
return "PUT_FOO"
def delete(self):
return "DELETE_FOO"
class FoosController(RestController):
def _lookup(self, id_, *remainder):
return FooController(), remainder
def get_all(self):
return "FOOS"
def post(self):
return "POST_FOOS"
class RootController(RestController):
foos = FoosController()
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FOOS')
r ='/foos')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST_FOOS')
r = app.get('/foos/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('FOO')
r = app.put('/foos/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT_FOO')
r = app.delete('/foos/foo')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE_FOO')
r = app.get('/foos/foo/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('BARS')
r ='/foos/foo/bars')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('POST_BARS')
r = app.get('/foos/foo/bars/bar')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('BAR')
r = app.put('/foos/foo/bars/bar')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('PUT_BAR')
r = app.delete('/foos/foo/bars/bar')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b_('DELETE_BAR')
def test_rest_with_utf8_uri(self):
class FooController(RestController):
key = chr(0x1F330) if PY3 else unichr(0x1F330)
data = {key: 'Success!'}
def get_one(self, id_):
def get_all(self):
return "Hello, World!"
def put(self, id_, value):
def delete(self, id_):
class RootController(RestController):
foo = FooController()
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foo/%F0%9F%8C%B0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b'Success!'
r = app.put('/foo/%F0%9F%8C%B0', {'value': 'pecans'})
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b'Success!'
r = app.delete('/foo/%F0%9F%8C%B0')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b'Success!'
r = app.get('/foo/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b'Hello, World!'
@unittest.skipIf(not PY3, "test is Python3 specific")
def test_rest_with_utf8_endpoint(self):
class ChildController(object):
def index(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
class FooController(RestController):
# okay, so it's technically a chestnut, but close enough...
setattr(FooController, '🌰', ChildController())
class RootController(RestController):
foo = FooController()
app = TestApp(make_app(RootController()))
r = app.get('/foo/%F0%9F%8C%B0/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.body == b'Hello, World!'