first commit

This commit is contained in:
lokesh 2014-08-06 15:17:47 +05:30
commit 47ebbf07f5
4 changed files with 447 additions and 0 deletions

0 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
msiexec /i "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\CloudbaseInitSetup_Beta_x64.msi" /q /l "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\cloudbaseinstalllog.txt"
del "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\CloudbaseInitSetup_Beta_x64.msi"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="generalize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLC" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="">
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c powershell.exe set-executionpolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force</CommandLine>
<Description>Enable powershell script execution</Description>
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c powershell.exe set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server' -name "fdenyTSConnections" -Value 0</CommandLine>
<Description>Disable monitor timeout to allow iLO CM - set node power off shutdown</Description>
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex scheme_max sub_video videoidle 0</CommandLine>
<Description>Disable monitor timeout to allow iLO CM - set node power off shutdown</Description>
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex scheme_balanced sub_video videoidle 0</CommandLine>
<Description>Disable monitor timeout to allow iLO CM - set node power off shutdown</Description>
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe -setactive scheme_min</CommandLine>
<Description>Enable High Performance power plan</Description>
<settings pass="specialize">
<component name="Networking-MPSSVC-Svc" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<FirewallGroup wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="FileAndPrinterSharing">
<Group>File and Printer Sharing</Group>
<FirewallGroup wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="WMI">
<Group>Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)</Group>
<FirewallGroup wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="RemoteDesktop">
<Group>Remote Desktop</Group>
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Deployment" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- WinRM configuration -->
<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<Path>cmd.exe /c %WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd</Path>
<Description>Download Specialize script</Description>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
# Creates a Image file, Includes cloudbase-init package by default.
# User can create image by adding custom drivers, VirIO Drivers by providing suitable ISO or inf files. Enable Roles like Hyperv , TFTP etc., Use below formats to run script.
# Runs on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 2012 R2
# Requires Powershell 3.0 or above and wim file from ISO Source folder. ISO is not required. Only Wim file is enough to generate and apply wim to vhd.
# Basic Usage
#.\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile <path>\install.wim -VHDFile <path>\VHDFilename -VHDSize <size of vhd>
# Enabling Feature like TFTP
#.\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile <path>\install.wim -VHDFile <path>\VHDFilename -VHDSize <size of vhd> -feature TFTP
# Add Drivers to images. It auto adds all drivers present in the drivers folder
#.\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile <path>\install.wim -VHDFile <path>\VHDFilename -VHDSize <size of vhd> -DriversPath <path to drivers folder>
#Add Unattend answer file
#.\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile <path>\install.wim -VHDFile <path>\VHDFilename -VHDSize <size of vhd> -UnattendPath <path>\unattend.xml
#Add VirtIO Drivers
#.\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile <path>\install.wim -VHDFile <path>\VHDFilename -VHDSize <size of vhd> -VirtIOPath <path>\virtio.iso
# All Commands Usage
#.\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile <path>\install.wim -VHDFile <path>\VHDFilename -VHDSize <size of vhd> -feature <featuretoenable> -UnattendPath <path>\unattend.xml -DriversPath <path to drivers folder>
[Parameter(mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Name and path of Sourcefile (WIM).")]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })]
[parameter(mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Name and path of VHD or VHDx file.")]
[parameter(mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Size of VHD or VHDx file.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="feature to enable.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Index of the wim.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Unattended xml file path")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="cloudbaseinit msi url")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Add Drivers Folder Path.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Add Drivers From Virtio ISO.")]
$name = "createimage"
$currdate = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd
write-host $args
$UnattendPath = "unattend.xml"
$CloudbaseInitMsiUrl = ""
$VHDVolume = 'v'
$Error = 0
$Index = 1
$VHDloc = Split-Path $VHDFile -Parent
$testpaths = @($SourceFile, $VirtIOPath, $DriversPath, $UnattendPath, $VHDloc)
Write-W2VError {
# Function to make the Write-Host (NOT Write-Error) output prettier in the case of an error.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Write-Host "ERROR : $($text)" -ForegroundColor green
function Write-W2VInfo {
# Function to make the Write-Host output a bit prettier.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Write-Host "INFO : $($text)" -ForegroundColor Green
Function Createvhd{
Import-Module ..\Hyperv\HyperV.psd1
$GB = [System.UInt64] $VHDSize*1024*1024*1024
$ImageMgtService = get-wmiobject -class "Msvm_ImageManagementService" -namespace "root\virtualization" -computername "." 2
# Create the Dynamic VHD
$result = $ImageMgtService.CreateDynamicVirtualHardDisk($VHDFile,$GB)
if($result.ReturnValue -eq 4096){
# A Job was started, and can be tracked using its Msvm_Job instance
$job = [wmi]$result.Job
# Wait for job to finish
while($job.jobstate -lt 7){$job.get()}
# Return the Job's error code
return $job.ErrorCode
# Otherwise, the method completed
return $result.ReturnValue
Function PscreatePartition(){
Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $VHDFile -Verbose
Write-W2VInfo "image mounted"
$VHDDisk = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $VHDFile | Get-Disk -Verbose
$VHDDiskNumber = [string]$VHDDisk.Number
Initialize-Disk -Number $VHDDiskNumber -PartitionStyle MBR -Verbose
#Format vhdfile
$VHDDrive = New-Partition -DiskNumber $VHDDiskNumber -UseMaximumSize -IsActive -Verbose
$VHDDrive | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel OSDisk -Confirm:$false -Verbose
Add-PartitionAccessPath -DiskNumber $VHDDiskNumber -PartitionNumber $VHDDrive.PartitionNumber -AssignDriveLetter
$VHDDrive = Get-Partition -DiskNumber $VHDDiskNumber -PartitionNumber $VHDDrive.PartitionNumber
$VHDVolume = [string]$VHDDrive.DriveLetter+":"
. Logit "Driveletter is now = $VHDVolume"
dism.exe /apply-Image /ImageFile:$SourceFile /index:$Index /ApplyDir:$VHDVolume\
Write-W2VInfo "$VHDVolume\Windows"
Write-W2VInfo $VHDDrive.Offset
Write-W2VInfo $VHDDisk.Signature
function remove-vhd($vhdfile) {
$path = resolve-path $vhdfile
$script = "SELECT VDISK FILE=`"$path`"`r`nDETACH VDISK"
$script | diskpart
function CreateThrwDiskpart(){
$GB = [System.UInt64] $VHDSize*1024
$path = $vhdFile
$script = "create VDISK FILE=`"$path`" maximum=`"$GB`" type=expandable `r`nselect VDISK FILE=`"$path`"`r`nattach VDISK`r`ncreate partition primary`r`nassign letter=`"$VHDVolume`"`r`nformat fs=ntfs quick label=vhd`r`nactive`r`nexit"
$script | DISKPART
$VHDVolume = [string]$VHDVolume + ":"
Write-W2VInfo " $VHDVolume is the drive letter"
dism.exe /apply-Image /ImageFile:$SourceFile /index:$Index /ApplyDir:$VHDVolume\
function MountDisk() {
$path = resolve-path $vhdFile
$script = "SELECT VDISK FILE=`"$path`"`r`attach VDISK"
$script | diskpart | Out-Null
function CreateBootfiles(){
$VHDVolume = [string]$VHDVolume + ":"
Write-W2VInfo $VHDVolume
cmd /c "$VHDVolume\Windows\System32\bcdboot.exe $VHDVolume\windows /s $VHDVolume"
bcdedit /store $VHDVolume\boot\BCD
function ApplyVirtIODrivers(){
$VHDVolume = $VHDVolume + ":"
$VirtIOMountPath = ''
Write-W2VInfo "Mounting virio iso file."
$MountedISO = Mount-DiskImage $VirtIOPath -PassThru
$driveletter = ($MountedISO | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
$winstring = Get-WindowsImage -Imagepath $SourceFile | findstr "Name"
if($winstring -match "windows 7"){
$VirtIOMountPath = "$driveletter"+":\WIN7\AMD64"
$VirtIOMountPath = "$driveletter"+":\WIN8\AMD64"
Write-W2VInfo "Applying virtio drivers......"
Dism /image:$VHDVolume\ /Add-Driver /driver:$VirtIOMountPath /ForceUnsigned /recurse
Dismount-DiskImage $VirtIOPath
function ApplyDrivers(){
$VHDVolume = $VHDVolume + ":"
Write-W2VInfo "Applying Drivers...."
Dism /image:$VHDVolume\ /Add-Driver /driver:$DriversPath /ForceUnsigned /recurse
function ApplyUnattendxml(){
$VHDVolume = $VHDVolume + ":"
Write-W2VInfo "Copying Unattend xml file"
copy $UnattendPath $VHDVolume\Unattend.xml
function AddCloudbaseinit(){
$VHDVolume = $VHDVolume + ":"
#$CloudbaseInitMsiUrl = ""
$CloudbaseInitMsi = "$ENV:Temp\CloudbaseInitSetup_Beta.msi"
Write-W2VInfo "Downloading Cloudbase init msi ........."
(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($CloudbaseInitMsiUrl, $CloudbaseInitMsi)
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $VHDVolume\Windows\Setup\Scripts
Copy-Item $pwd\SetupComplete.cmd $VHDVolume\Windows\Setup\Scripts
Copy-Item $CloudbaseInitMsi $VHDVolume\Windows\Setup\Scripts
function SerialPort(){
$VHDVolume = $VHDVolume + ":"
Write-W2VInfo "Adding Serial Port"
bcdedit /store $VHDVolume\boot\BCD /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:9600
foreach($p in $testpaths){
$valid = Test-Path -path $p
Write-W2VError "Not a valid Path please check the path specified --- $p"
#try {
# Createvhd | Out-File
# PscreatePartition
#} catch{
# Write-W2VInfo "Could not run through hyperv module will use diskpart..."
# $Errorvalue = 1
Write-W2VInfo "---------------------Enabling features.-----------------------------------------------------"
Write-W2VInfo "----- Enabling Role -----"
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:$feature
#serial port
#select and detach the vdisk created by the disk.
Write-W2VInfo "================= Please check logs directory for Image creation log files. ===================="
Write-W2VInfo "================= Completed Image Creation and ready. ======================="