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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
from anvil import exceptions
from anvil import log as logging
from anvil import origins as _origins
from anvil import settings
from anvil import shell as sh
from anvil import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class YamlMergeLoader(object):
"""Holds merging process component options (based on Yaml reference loader).
Merge order is:
* Directory options (app_dir, component_dir...).
* Distro matched options (from `distros` directory).
* Origins matched options (from `origins` directory)
* General component options (from `general.yaml`).
* Persona general options (from personas/basic*.yaml with `general:` key).
* Specific component options (from `component_name.yaml`).
* Persona specific options (from personas/basic*.yaml
with `component_name:` key).
All merging is done to right with overwriting existing options (keys)
def __init__(self, root_dir, origins_path=None):
self._root_dir = root_dir
self._base_loader = YamlRefLoader(settings.COMPONENT_CONF_DIR)
self._origins_path = origins_path
def _get_dir_opts(self, component):
component_dir = sh.joinpths(self._root_dir, component)
trace_dir = sh.joinpths(component_dir, 'traces')
app_dir = sh.joinpths(component_dir, 'app')
return utils.OrderedDict([
('app_dir', app_dir),
('component_dir', component_dir),
('root_dir', self._root_dir),
('trace_dir', trace_dir)
def _apply_persona(self, component, persona):
"""Apply persona specific options according to component.
Include the general.yaml in each applying since it typically contains
useful shared settings.
for conf in ('general', component):
if persona is not None:
# Note: any additional redefines could be added here.
persona_specific = persona.component_options.get(component, {})
self._base_loader.update_cache(conf, persona_specific)
except exceptions.YamlConfigNotFoundException:
LOG.warn("Unable to update the loaders cache with"
" component '%s' configuration using"
" persona specific data: %s", conf,
persona_specific, exc_info=True)
def load(self, distro, component, persona=None, origins_patch=None):
# NOTE (vnovikov): applying takes place before loading reference links
self._apply_persona(component, persona)
dir_opts = self._get_dir_opts(component)
distro_opts = distro.options
origins_opts = {}
if self._origins_path:
origins = _origins.load(self._origins_path,
origins_opts = origins[component]
except KeyError:
component_opts = []
for conf in ('general', component):
except exceptions.YamlConfigNotFoundException:
LOG.warn("Unable to find component specific configuration"
" for component '%s'", conf, exc_info=True)
# NOTE (vnovikov): merge order is the same as arguments order below.
merged_opts = utils.merge_dicts(
return merged_opts
class YamlRefLoader(object):
"""Reference loader for *.yaml configs.
Holds usual safe loading of the *.yaml files, caching, resolving and getting
all reference links and transforming all data to python built-in types.
Let's describe some basics.
In this context reference means value which formatted just like:
opt: "$(source:option)" , or
opt: "some-additional-data-$(source:option)-some-postfix-data", where:
opt - base option name
source - other source config (i.e. other *.yaml file) from which we
should get 'option'
option - option name in 'source'
In other words it means that loader will try to find and read 'option' from
Any source config also allows:
References to itself via it's name (opt: "$(source:opt)",
in file - source.yaml)
References to auto parameters (opt: $(auto:ip), will insert current ip).
'auto' allows next options: 'ip', 'hostname' and 'home'
Implicit and multi references just like
s.yaml => opt: "here 3 opts: $(source:opt), $(source2:opt) and $(auto:ip)".
Exception cases:
* if reference 'option' does not exist than YamlOptionException is raised
* if config 'source' does not exist than YamlConfException is raised
* if reference loop found than YamlLoopException is raised
Config file example:
(file sample.yaml)
reference: "$(source:option)"
ip: "$(auto:ip)"
self_ref: "$(sample:ip)" # this will equal ip option.
opt: "http://$(auto:ip)/"
def __init__(self, path):
self._conf_ext = '.yaml'
self._ref_pattern = re.compile(r"\$\(([\w\d-]+)\:([\w\d-]+)\)")
self._predefined_refs = {
'auto': {
'ip': utils.get_host_ip,
'home': sh.gethomedir,
'hostname': sh.hostname,
self._path = path # path to root directory with configs
self._cached = {} # buffer to save already loaded configs
self._processed = {} # buffer to save already processed configs
self._ref_stack = [] # stack for controlling reference loop
def _process_string(self, value):
"""Processing string (and reference links) values via regexp."""
processed = value
# Process each reference in value (one by one)
for match in self._ref_pattern.finditer(value):
ref_conf, ref_opt = match.groups()
val = self._load_option(ref_conf, ref_opt)
if == value:
return val
processed = re.sub(self._ref_pattern, str(val), processed, count=1)
return processed
def _process_dict(self, value):
"""Process dictionary values."""
processed = utils.OrderedDict()
for opt, val in sorted(value.items()):
res = self._process(val)
processed[opt] = res
return processed
def _process_iterable(self, value):
"""Process list, set or tuple values."""
processed = []
for item in value:
return processed
def _process_asis(self, value):
"""Process built-in values."""
return value
def _process(self, value):
"""Base recursive method for processing references."""
if isinstance(value, basestring):
processed = self._process_string(value)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
processed = self._process_dict(value)
elif isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple)):
processed = self._process_iterable(value)
processed = self._process_asis(value)
return processed
def _precache(self):
"""Cache and process predefined auto-references."""
for conf, options in self._predefined_refs.items():
if conf not in self._processed:
processed = dict((option, functor())
for option, functor in options.items())
self._cached[conf] = processed
self._processed[conf] = processed
def _load_option(self, conf, opt):
return self._processed[conf][opt]
except KeyError:
if (conf, opt) in self._ref_stack:
raise exceptions.YamlLoopException(conf, opt, self._ref_stack)
self._ref_stack.append((conf, opt))
raw_value = self._cached[conf][opt]
except KeyError:
cur_conf, cur_opt = self._ref_stack[-1]
except IndexError:
cur_conf, cur_opt = None, None
raise exceptions.YamlOptionNotFoundException(
cur_conf, cur_opt, conf, opt
result = self._process(raw_value)
self._processed.setdefault(conf, {})[opt] = result
return result
def _cache(self, conf):
"""Cache config file into memory to avoid re-reading it from disk."""
if conf not in self._cached:
path = sh.joinpths(self._path, conf + self._conf_ext)
if not sh.isfile(path):
raise exceptions.YamlConfigNotFoundException(path)
self._cached[conf] = utils.load_yaml(path) or {}
def update_cache(self, conf, dict2update):
# NOTE (vnovikov): should remove obsolete processed data
self._processed[conf] = {}
def load(self, conf):
"""Load config `conf` from same yaml file with and resolve all
# NOTE(imelnikov): some confs may be partially processed, so
# we have to ensure all the options got loaded.
for opt in self._cached[conf].iterkeys():
self._load_option(conf, opt)
# TODO(imelnikov: can we really restore original order here?
self._processed[conf] = utils.OrderedDict(
sorted(self._processed.get(conf, {}).iteritems())
return self._processed[conf]