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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License..
import abc
import copy
from anvil import cfg
from anvil import colorizer
from anvil import env
from anvil import exceptions as excp
from anvil import importer
from anvil import log as logging
from anvil import persona as _persona
from anvil import phase
from anvil import shell as sh
from anvil import utils
import six
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'install': 'anvil.components.pkglist:Installer',
'install': 'anvil.components.base_install:PythonInstallComponent',
class PhaseFunctors(object):
def __init__(self, start, run, end):
self.start = start = run
self.end = end
class Action(object):
__meta__ = abc.ABCMeta
needs_sudo = True
def __init__(self, name, distro, root_dir, cli_opts):
self.distro = distro = name
# Root directory where all files/downloads will be based at
self.root_dir = root_dir
# Action phases are tracked in this directory
self.phase_dir = sh.joinpths(root_dir, 'phases')
# Yamls are loaded (with its reference links) using this instance at the
# given component directory where component configuration will be found.
self.config_loader = cfg.YamlMergeLoader(root_dir,
# Stored for components to get any options
self.cli_opts = cli_opts
def lookup_name(self):
# Name that will be used to lookup this module
# in any configuration (may or may not be the same as the name
# of this action)....
raise NotImplementedError()
def _run(self, persona, groups):
"""Run the phases of processing for this action.
Subclasses are expected to override this method to
do something useful.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _make_default_entry_points(self, component_name, component_options):
if component_options.get('python_entrypoints'):
return BASE_ENTRYPOINTS.copy()
def _merge_subsystems(self, distro_subsystems, desired_subsystems):
subsystems = {}
for subsystem_name in desired_subsystems:
# Return a deep copy so that later instances can not modify
# other instances subsystem accidentally...
subsystems[subsystem_name] = copy.deepcopy(distro_subsystems.get(subsystem_name, {}))
return subsystems
def _construct_siblings(self, name, siblings, base_params, sibling_instances):
# First setup the sibling instance action references
for (action, _entry_point) in siblings.items():
if action not in sibling_instances:
sibling_instances[action] = {}
there_siblings = {}
for (action, entry_point) in siblings.items():
sibling_params = utils.merge_dicts(base_params, self.cli_opts, preserve=True)
# Give the sibling the reference to all other siblings being created
# which will be populated when they are created (now or later) for
# the same action
sibling_params['instances'] = sibling_instances[action]
a_sibling = importer.construct_entry_point(entry_point, **sibling_params)
# Update the sibling we are returning and the corresponding
# siblings for that action (so that the sibling can have the
# correct 'sibling' instances associated with it, if it needs those...)
there_siblings[action] = a_sibling
# Update all siblings being constructed so that there siblings will
# be correct when fetched...
sibling_instances[action][name] = a_sibling
return there_siblings
def _construct_instances(self, persona):
"""Create component objects for each component in the persona."""
# Keeps track of all sibling instances across all components + actions
# so that each instance or sibling instance will be connected to the
# right set of siblings....
sibling_instances = {}
components_created = set()
groups = []
for group in persona.matched_components:
instances = utils.OrderedDict()
for c in group:
if c in components_created:
raise RuntimeError("Can not duplicate component %s in a"
" later group %s" % (c,
d_component = self.distro.extract_component(
c, self.lookup_name, default_entry_point_creator=self._make_default_entry_points)
LOG.debug("Constructing component %r (%s)", c, d_component.entry_point)
d_subsystems = d_component.options.pop('subsystems', {})
sibling_params = {}
sibling_params['name'] = c
# First create its siblings with a 'minimal' set of options
# This is done, so that they will work in a minimal state, they do not
# get access to the persona options since those are action specific (or could be),
# if this is not useful, we can give them full access, unsure if its worse or better...
active_subsystems = self._merge_subsystems(distro_subsystems=d_subsystems,
desired_subsystems=persona.wanted_subsystems.get(c, []))
sibling_params['subsystems'] = active_subsystems
sibling_params['siblings'] = {} # This gets adjusted during construction
sibling_params['distro'] = self.distro
sibling_params['options'] = self.config_loader.load(
distro=d_component, component=c,
LOG.debug("Constructing %r %s siblings...", c, len(d_component.siblings))
my_siblings = self._construct_siblings(c, d_component.siblings, sibling_params, sibling_instances)
# Now inject the full options and create the target instance
# with the full set of options and not the restricted set that
# siblings get...
instance_params = dict(sibling_params)
instance_params['instances'] = instances
instance_params['options'] = self.config_loader.load(
distro=d_component, component=c, persona=persona,
instance_params['siblings'] = my_siblings
instance_params = utils.merge_dicts(instance_params, self.cli_opts, preserve=True)
instances[c] = importer.construct_entry_point(d_component.entry_point, **instance_params)
if c not in SPECIAL_GROUPS:
groups.append((, instances))
return groups
def _verify_components(self, groups):
for group, instances in groups:"Verifying that the components of group %s are ready"
" to rock-n-roll.", colorizer.quote(group))
for _c, instance in six.iteritems(instances):
def _warm_components(self, groups):
for group, instances in groups:"Warming up component configurations of group %s.",
for _c, instance in six.iteritems(instances):
def _on_start(self, persona, groups):"Booting up your components.")
LOG.debug("Starting environment settings:")
utils.log_object(env.get(), logger=LOG, level=logging.DEBUG, item_max_len=64)
def _on_finish(self, persona, groups):"Tearing down your components.")
LOG.debug("Final environment settings:")
utils.log_object(env.get(), logger=LOG, level=logging.DEBUG, item_max_len=64)
def _get_phase_filename(self, phase_name):
# Do some canonicalization of the phase name so its in a semi-standard format...
phase_name = phase_name.lower().strip()
phase_name = phase_name.replace("-", '_')
phase_name = phase_name.replace(" ", "_")
if not phase_name:
raise ValueError("Phase name must not be empty")
return sh.joinpths(self.phase_dir, "%s.phases" % (phase_name))
def _run_phase(self, functors, group, instances, phase_name, *inv_phase_names):
"""Run a given 'functor' across all of the components, in order."""
# This phase recorder will be used to check if a given component
# and action has ran in the past, if so that components action
# will not be ran again. It will also be used to mark that a given
# component has completed a phase (if that phase runs).
if not phase_name:
phase_recorder = phase.NullPhaseRecorder()
phase_recorder = phase.PhaseRecorder(self._get_phase_filename(phase_name))
# These phase recorders will be used to undo other actions activities
# ie, when an install completes you want the uninstall phase to be
# removed from that actions phase file (and so on). This list will be
# used to accomplish that.
neg_phase_recs = []
if inv_phase_names:
for n in inv_phase_names:
if not n:
def change_activate(instance, on_off):
# Activate/deactivate a component instance and there siblings (if any)
# This is used when you say are looking at components
# that have been activated before your component has been.
# Typically this is useful for checking if a previous component
# has a shared dependency with your component and if so then there
# is no need to reinstall said dependency...
instance.activated = on_off
for (_name, sibling_instance) in instance.siblings.items():
sibling_instance.activated = on_off
def run_inverse_recorders(c_name):
for n in neg_phase_recs:
# Reset all activations
for c, instance in six.iteritems(instances):
change_activate(instance, False)
# Run all components which have not been ran previously (due to phase tracking)
for c, instance in six.iteritems(instances):
c = "%s_%s" % (c, group)
if c in phase_recorder:
LOG.debug("Skipping phase named %r for component %r since it already happened.", phase_name, c)
with phase_recorder.mark(c):
if functors.start:
result =
result = None
if functors.end:
functors.end(instance, result)
except excp.NoTraceException:
change_activate(instance, True)
def run(self, persona):
groups = self._construct_instances(persona)"Processing components for action %s.", colorizer.quote(
for group in persona.matched_components:
header="Activating group %s in the following order" % colorizer.quote(,
self._on_start(persona, groups)
self._run(persona, groups)
self._on_finish(persona, groups)