.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ========================= Bareon functional testing ========================= https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bareon/+spec/bareon-functional-testing Problem description =================== Currently there are no functional tests in bareon. Tests that would cover full on-metal provisioning and a result - actual partition scheme / image applied to the node Proposed change =============== NOTE: This is a contribution of the feature developed within Cray OpenStack project. We will try to make a minimum changes to existing code. We are adding the new framework "bareon-func-test" to allow writing such kind of tests. This is a virsh-based tool that allows to walk through the full provisioning cycle and read the results from the node at each step. An overview of the framework can be found at [1] The framework will reside in a separate repo called "bareon-func-test". Functional tests, as well as node templates, provision.json templates (if any) are stored in the bareon tree (bareon/tests_functional/). The main idea behind this is that you can commit the new piece of functionality together with funcitonal tests covering it, and it's easier to track in CI. We are also adding a set of tests covering: - partitioning operations on Ironic data driver - lvm operations on Ironic data driver - full provisioning on both swift/rsync deploy drivers and Ironic data driver. Since the framework requires a ramdisk to run, test integration also includes a job to build a ramdisk from the current repo, and a tox env that manages build/test-run. Alternatives ------------ None. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- - max_lobur Milestones ---------- See blueprint ref above. Work Items ---------- - rebase onto Bareon master. Dependencies ============ - rsync image deployment Links ===== [1] http://www.slideshare.net/MaxLobur/bareon-functional-testing-ci-58066411