# # Copyright 2016 Cray Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import namedtuple import mock import unittest2 from bareon.drivers.data import ironic from bareon import errors from bareon.utils import hardware as hu from bareon.utils import utils class TestGetImageSchema(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestGetImageSchema, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def test_get_image_schema(self): image_uri = 'test_uri' rsync_flags = '-a -X' deploy_flags = {'rsync_flags': rsync_flags} data = {'images': [ { 'image_pull_url': image_uri, 'target': '/', 'name': 'test' } ], 'image_deploy_flags': deploy_flags} self.driver = ironic.Ironic(data) result = self.driver._get_image_scheme() self.assertEqual(len(result.images), 1) result_image = result.images[0] self.assertEqual(result_image.deployment_flags, deploy_flags) self.assertEqual(result_image.uri, image_uri) class TestMatchDevice(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestMatchDevice, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = ironic.Ironic(None) def test_match_list_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_disk = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_disk = {test_type: ['path1', test_value]} result = self.driver._match_device(hu_disk, ks_disk) self.assertTrue(result) def test_not_match_list_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_disk = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_disk = {test_type: ['path1', 'path2']} result = self.driver._match_device(hu_disk, ks_disk) self.assertFalse(result) def test_match_one_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_disk = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_disk = {test_type: test_value} result = self.driver._match_device(hu_disk, ks_disk) self.assertTrue(result) def test_not_match_one_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_disk = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_disk = {test_type: 'path1'} result = self.driver._match_device(hu_disk, ks_disk) self.assertFalse(result) class TestDiskDev(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestDiskDev, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = ironic.Ironic(None) self.driver._match_device = self.mock_match_device = mock.MagicMock() def test_no_valid_disks(self): self.mock_match_device.side_effect = [False, False, False] self.driver._hu_disks = [{'name': 'disk1'}, {'name': 'disk2'}, {'name': 'disk3'}] ks_disk = {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'not_found'}} self.assertRaises(errors.DiskNotFoundError, self.driver._disk_dev, ks_disk) def test_more_than_one_valid_disk(self): self.mock_match_device.side_effect = [True, False, True] self.driver._hu_disks = [{'name': 'disk1', 'device': 'disk1'}, {'name': 'disk2'}, {'name': 'disk3', 'device': 'disk3'}] ks_disk = {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'ks_disk'}} self.assertRaises(errors.DiskNotFoundError, self.driver._disk_dev, ks_disk) def test_one_valid_disk(self): ks_disk = 'ks_disk' self.mock_match_device.side_effect = [True, False, False] self.driver._hu_disks = [{'name': 'disk1', 'device': ks_disk}, {'name': 'disk2'}, {'name': 'disk3'}] result = self.driver._disk_dev(None) self.assertEqual(result, 'disk1') class TestMatchPartition(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestMatchPartition, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = ironic.Ironic(None) def test_match_list_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_partition = {test_type: ['path1', test_value]} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertTrue(result) def test_match_list_value_wildcard(self): test_type = 'path' test_value_wc = 'test_*' test_value = 'test_path' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value_wc}} hu_partition = {test_type: ['path1', test_value]} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertTrue(result) def test_not_match_list_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_partition = {test_type: ['path1', 'path2']} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertFalse(result) def test_not_match_list_value_wildcard(self): test_type = 'path' test_value_wc = 'test_*' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value_wc}} hu_partition = {test_type: ['path1', 'path2']} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertFalse(result) def test_match_one_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_partition = {test_type: test_value} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertTrue(result) def test_match_one_value_wildcard(self): test_type = 'path' test_value_wc = 'test_*' test_value = 'test_path' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value_wc}} hu_partition = {test_type: test_value} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertTrue(result) def test_not_match_one_value(self): test_type = 'path' test_value = 'test_path' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value}} hu_partition = {test_type: 'path1'} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertFalse(result) def test_not_match_one_wildcard(self): test_type = 'path' test_value_wc = 'test_*' ks_partition = {'id': {'type': test_type, 'value': test_value_wc}} hu_partition = {test_type: 'path1'} result = self.driver._match_data_by_pattern(hu_partition, ks_partition) self.assertFalse(result) class TestDiskPartition(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestDiskPartition, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = ironic.Ironic(None) self.driver._match_data_by_pattern = \ self.mock_match_part = mock.MagicMock() def test_no_valid_disks(self): self.mock_match_part.side_effect = [False, False, False] self.driver._hu_partitions = [{'name': 'disk1'}, {'name': 'disk2'}, {'name': 'disk3'}] ks_disk = {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'ks_disk'}} self.assertRaises(errors.DiskNotFoundError, self.driver._disk_partition, ks_disk) def test_more_than_one_valid_disk(self): self.mock_match_part.side_effect = [True, False, True] self.driver._hu_partitions = [{'name': 'disk1', 'device': 'disk1'}, {'name': 'disk2'}, {'name': 'disk3', 'device': 'disk3'}] ks_disk = {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'ks_disk'}} self.assertRaises(errors.DiskNotFoundError, self.driver._disk_partition, ks_disk) def test_one_valid_disk(self): desired = ks_disk = 'ks_disk' self.mock_match_part.side_effect = [True, False, False] self.driver._hu_partitions = [{'name': ks_disk}, {'name': 'disk2'}, {'name': 'disk3'}] result = self.driver._disk_partition(None) self.assertEqual(result, desired) @mock.patch('bareon.utils.hardware.get_partitions_from_udev_db') @mock.patch('bareon.utils.hardware.get_device_ids') class TestGetPartitionIds(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestGetPartitionIds, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = ironic.Ironic(None) def test_no_devices(self, mock_ids, mock_partitions): mock_partitions.return_value = [] desired = [] result = self.driver._get_device_ids(dev_type=hu.PARTITION) self.assertEqual(result, desired) self.assertFalse(mock_ids.called) def test_no_ids_on_devices(self, mock_ids, mock_partitions): mock_partitions.return_value = parts = ['/dev/sda1', '/dev/sda2'] mock_ids.return_value = [] desired = [] result = self.driver._get_device_ids(dev_type=hu.PARTITION) self.assertEqual(result, desired) mock_ids.assert_has_calls([mock.call(part) for part in parts]) def test_success(self, mock_ids, mock_partitions): mock_partitions.return_value = parts = ['/dev/sda1', '/dev/sda2'] mock_ids.side_effect = desired = [ {'name': '/dev/sda1'}, {'name': '/dev/sda2'} ] result = self.driver._get_device_ids(dev_type=hu.PARTITION) self.assertEqual(result, desired) mock_ids.assert_has_calls([mock.call(part) for part in parts]) class TestFindHwFstab(unittest2.TestCase): @mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute') def test__find_hw_fstab_success_single_disk(self, exec_mock): fs = namedtuple('fs', 'mount type device os_id') fss = [fs(mount='/', type='ext4', device='/dev/sda', os_id='1'), fs(mount='/usr', type='ext4', device='/dev/sdb', os_id='1')] data_driver = ironic.Ironic(None) data_driver._partition_scheme = ironic.objects.PartitionScheme() data_driver.partition_scheme.fss = fss exec_mock.side_effect = [('stdout', 'stderr'), ('fstab_1', 'stderr'), ('stdout', 'stderr')] res = data_driver._find_hw_fstab() self.assertEqual('\n'.join(('fstab_1',)), res) @mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute') def test__find_hw_fstab_success_two_disk(self, exec_mock): fs = namedtuple('fs', 'mount type device os_id') fss = [fs(mount='/', type='ext4', device='/dev/sda', os_id='1'), fs(mount='/usr', type='ext4', device='/dev/sdb', os_id='1'), fs(mount='/', type='ext4', device='/dev/sda', os_id='2')] data_driver = ironic.Ironic(None) data_driver._partition_scheme = ironic.objects.PartitionScheme() data_driver.partition_scheme.fss = fss exec_mock.side_effect = [('stdout', 'stderr'), ('fstab_1', 'stderr'), ('stdout', 'stderr'), ('stdout', 'stderr'), ('fstab_2', 'stderr'), ('stdout', 'stderr')] res = data_driver._find_hw_fstab() self.assertEqual('\n'.join(('fstab_1', 'fstab_2')), res) @mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute') def test__find_hw_fstab_fail_error_while_reading_fstba(self, exec_mock): fs = namedtuple('fs', 'mount type device os_id') fss = [fs(mount='/etc', type='ext4', device='/dev/sda', os_id='1'), fs(mount='/', type='ext4', device='/dev/sda', os_id='1')] data_driver = ironic.Ironic(None) data_driver._partition_scheme = ironic.objects.PartitionScheme() data_driver.partition_scheme.fss = fss exec_mock.side_effect = [('stdout', 'stderr'), errors.ProcessExecutionError, ('stdout', 'stderr')] self.assertRaises(errors.HardwarePartitionSchemeCannotBeReadError, data_driver._find_hw_fstab) class TestConvertStringSize(unittest2.TestCase): @mock.patch.object(ironic, 'human2bytes') def test_success_single_disk(self, mock_converter): data = {'image_deploy_flags': {'rsync_flags': '-a -A -X'}, 'partitions': [{'extra': [], 'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': '10000 MB', 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/', 'size': '5 GB', 'type': 'partition'}, {'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/var', 'size': '4000', 'type': 'partition'}]}]} ironic.convert_string_sizes(data) mock_converter.assert_has_calls( [mock.call('10000 MB'), mock.call('5 GB'), mock.call('4000')], any_order=True) @mock.patch.object(ironic, 'human2bytes') def test_success_two_disks(self, mock_converter): data = {'image_deploy_flags': {'rsync_flags': '-a -A -X'}, 'partitions': [{'extra': [], 'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': '10000 MB', 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/', 'size': '5 GB', 'type': 'partition'}, {'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/var', 'size': '4000', 'type': 'partition'}]}, {'extra': [], 'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vdb'}, 'size': '2000 MB', 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/usr', 'size': '2 GB', 'type': 'partition'}]}]} ironic.convert_string_sizes(data) mock_converter.assert_has_calls( [mock.call('10000 MB'), mock.call('5 GB'), mock.call('4000'), mock.call('2000 MB'), mock.call('2 GB')], any_order=True) @mock.patch.object(ironic, 'human2bytes') def test_success_lvm_meta_size(self, mock_converter): data = {'image_deploy_flags': {'rsync_flags': '-a -A -X'}, 'partitions': [{'extra': [], 'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': '10000 MB', 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/', 'size': '5 GB', 'type': 'partition'}, {"size": "4 GB", "type": "pv", "lvm_meta_size": "64", "vg": "os" }]}]} ironic.convert_string_sizes(data) mock_converter.assert_has_calls( [mock.call('10000 MB'), mock.call('5 GB'), mock.call('4 GB'), mock.call('64')], any_order=True) @mock.patch.object(ironic, 'human2bytes') def test_success_ignore_percent(self, mock_converter): data = {'image_deploy_flags': {'rsync_flags': '-a -A -X'}, 'partitions': [{'extra': [], 'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': '10000 MB', 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/', 'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/var', 'size': '4000', 'type': 'partition'}]}]} ironic.convert_string_sizes(data) mock_converter.assert_has_calls( [mock.call('10000 MB'), mock.call('4000')], any_order=True) @mock.patch.object(ironic, 'human2bytes') def test_success_ignore_remaining(self, mock_converter): data = {'image_deploy_flags': {'rsync_flags': '-a -A -X'}, 'partitions': [{'extra': [], 'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': '10000 MB', 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/', 'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'partition'}, {'file_system': 'ext4', 'mount': '/var', 'size': '4000', 'type': 'partition'}]}]} ironic.convert_string_sizes(data) mock_converter.assert_has_calls( [mock.call('10000 MB'), mock.call('4000')], any_order=True) class TestHumantoBytesConverter(unittest2.TestCase): def test_default_convertion(self): result = ironic.human2bytes('1000', default='GiB') self.assertEqual(result, 1024000) def test_target_convertion(self): result = ironic.human2bytes('1024 MiB', target='GiB') self.assertEqual(result, 1) def test_invalid_data(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic.human2bytes, 'invalid data') class TestConvertPercentSizes(unittest2.TestCase): GRUB = ironic.DEFAULT_GRUB_SIZE LVM = ironic.DEFAULT_LVM_META_SIZE def test_single_disk_no_percent(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] desired = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_percent(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] desired = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_percent_unicode(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': u'50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] desired = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_without_size(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'partition'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_insufficient_size(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 6000, 'type': 'partition'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_with_vg(self): start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': '49%', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': "100%", 'type': 'lv'}]}] desired = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': 4900 - self.LVM, 'type': 'lv'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_with_vg_insufficient_size(self): start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': '49%', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': "60%", 'type': 'lv'}, {'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/media', 'name': 'media', 'size': "60%", 'type': 'lv'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_with_vg_size_more_than_100_percent(self): start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': '49%', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': "101%", 'type': 'lv'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_with_vg_lvm_meta_size(self): start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': '49%', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home', 'lvm_meta_size': 49}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': "100%", 'type': 'lv'}]}] desired = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home', 'lvm_meta_size': 49}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': 4900 - 49, 'type': 'lv'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_remaining(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/'}, {'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/home'}]}] desired = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/'}, {'size': 5000 - self.GRUB, 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/home'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_remaining_nothing_left(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 10000 - self.GRUB, 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/'}, {'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/home'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_remaining_insufficient_size(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/'}, {'size': 11000, 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/home'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_with_lv_remaining(self): start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/', 'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': '49%', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/var', 'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'lv'}, {'mount': '/home', 'size': '30%', 'type': 'lv'}]}] desired = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/', 'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/var', 'size': 4836 - (int(0.3 * 4836)), 'type': 'lv'}, {'mount': '/home', 'size': int(0.3 * 4836), 'type': 'lv'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_with_pv_and_lv_remaining(self): disk_size = 10000 start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': disk_size, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/', 'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/var', 'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'lv'}, {'mount': '/home', 'size': '30%', 'type': 'lv'}]}] expected_partition_size = disk_size * 0.50 expected_home_pv_size = (disk_size - expected_partition_size - ironic.DEFAULT_GRUB_SIZE) expected_home_lv_size = int((expected_home_pv_size - ironic.DEFAULT_LVM_META_SIZE) * 0.3) expected_var_lv_size = (expected_home_pv_size - expected_home_lv_size - ironic.DEFAULT_LVM_META_SIZE) desired = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': disk_size, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/', 'size': expected_partition_size, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': expected_home_pv_size, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'mount': '/var', 'size': expected_var_lv_size, 'type': 'lv'}, {'mount': '/home', 'size': expected_home_lv_size, 'type': 'lv'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_multiple_remaining(self): start_data = [ {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/'}, {'size': 'remaining', 'type': 'partition', 'mount': '/home'}]}] self.assertRaises(ValueError, ironic._resolve_all_sizes, start_data) def test_single_disk_with_vg_reverse_order(self): start_data = [{'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': "100%", 'type': 'lv'}]}, {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': '50%', 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': '49%', 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}] desired = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 5000, 'type': 'partition'}, {'size': 4900, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': 4900 - self.LVM, 'type': 'lv'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) def test_single_disk_with_vg_multiple_pv(self): start_data = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [ {'size': 7000, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vdb'}, 'size': 5000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [ {'size': 4000, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': '50%', 'type': 'lv'}]}] desired = [{'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vda'}, 'size': 10000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 7000, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'vdb'}, 'size': 5000, 'type': 'disk', 'volumes': [{'size': 4000, 'type': 'pv', 'vg': 'home'}]}, {'id': 'home', 'type': 'vg', 'volumes': [{'file_system': 'ext3', 'mount': '/home', 'name': 'home', 'size': 5500 - self.LVM, 'type': 'lv'}]}] result = ironic._resolve_all_sizes(start_data) map(lambda r, d: self.assertDictEqual(r, d), result, desired) class TestProcessPartition(unittest2.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestProcessPartition, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = ironic.Ironic(None) self.driver._partition_data = self.mock_part_data = mock.MagicMock() self.driver._add_partition = self.mock_add_part = mock.MagicMock() self.mock_add_part.return_value = self.mock_part = mock.MagicMock() self.driver.get_os_ids = self.mock_get_os_ids = mock.MagicMock() self.driver.get_image_ids = self.mock_get_image_ids = mock.MagicMock() def test_with_partition_guid(self): mock_volume = {'partition_guid': 'test_guid'} self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, None, None) self.mock_part.set_guid.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') def test_no_mount_option(self): mock_volume = {} mock_part_schema = mock.MagicMock() self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, None, None) self.assertEqual(mock_part_schema.call_count, 0) def test_none_mount_option(self): mock_volume = {'mount': 'none'} mock_part_schema = mock.MagicMock() self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, None, None) self.assertEqual(mock_part_schema.call_count, 0) def test_non_boot_volume_non_default(self): mock_volume = {'mount': '/', 'file_system': 'ext4', 'fstab_options': 'noatime', 'fstab_enabled': False, 'disk_label': 'test_label'} part_schema = ironic.objects.PartitionScheme() parted = part_schema.add_parted(name='test_parted', label='gpt') self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, parted, part_schema) self.assertEqual(len(part_schema.fss), 1) fs = part_schema.fss[0] self.assertEqual(fs.type, 'ext4') self.assertEqual(fs.label, ' -L test_label ') self.assertEqual(fs.fstab_options, 'noatime') self.assertEqual(fs.fstab_enabled, False) self.assertEqual(fs.mount, '/') self.assertFalse(self.driver._boot_done) def test_non_boot_volume_default(self): mock_volume = {'mount': '/'} part_schema = ironic.objects.PartitionScheme() parted = part_schema.add_parted(name='test_parted', label='gpt') self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, parted, part_schema) self.assertEqual(len(part_schema.fss), 1) fs = part_schema.fss[0] self.assertEqual(fs.type, 'xfs') self.assertEqual(fs.label, '') self.assertEqual(fs.fstab_options, 'defaults') self.assertEqual(fs.fstab_enabled, True) self.assertEqual(fs.mount, '/') self.assertFalse(self.driver._boot_done) def test_already_boot_volume(self): mock_volume = {'mount': '/boot'} self.driver._boot_done = True self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock()) self.assertTrue(self.driver._boot_done) def test_boot_volume(self): mock_volume = {'mount': '/boot'} self.driver._process_partition(mock_volume, None, mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock()) self.assertTrue(self.driver._boot_done)