--- - name: Copy bash file copy: src: uuid_extract.sh dest: /tmp - name: Parse uuid from variable shell: "sh /tmp/uuid_extract.sh {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat/log/debug.log" register: browbeat_uuid - name: Clone and Install Browbeat-ML dependencies pip: name: "git+https://github.com/jkilpatr/Browbeat-ML#egg=bml" virtualenv: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat-venv" - name: Run Browbeat-ML on uuid shell: "source {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat-venv/bin/activate; bml --summary-uuid {{browbeat_uuid.stdout}} --update-db True " register: browbeatml_summary - debug: msg="{{ browbeatml_summary.stdout_lines }}" - name: Upload timeseries data summaries to cockroach db shell: "source {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat-venv/bin/activate; bml --upload-timesummary {{browbeat_uuid.stdout}}" - name: Upload log data summaries to cockroach db shell: "source {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat-venv/bin/activate; bml --upload-logsummary {{browbeat_uuid.stdout}}"