
119 lines
4.2 KiB

# Setup firewalld or iptables for Browbeat
- name: Determine if firewalld is in use
shell: systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service | egrep -qv 'masked|disabled'
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_in_use
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall is in use
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Determine if firewalld is active
shell: systemctl is-active firewalld.service | egrep -vq 'inactive|unknown'
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_is_active
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if firewall is active
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: (shaker) Determine if TCP/{{shaker_port}} is already active
shell: firewall-cmd --list-ports | egrep -q "^{{shaker_port}}/tcp"
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_shaker_port_exists
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if port is already active
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: (browbeat_results) Determine if TCP/{{browbeat_results_port}} is already active
shell: firewall-cmd --list-ports | egrep -q "^{{browbeat_results_port}}/tcp"
when: browbeat_results_in_httpd
ignore_errors: true
register: firewalld_browbeat_results_port_exists
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if port is already active
- skip_ansible_lint
# add firewall rule via firewalld module
- name: (shaker) Add firewall rule for TCP/{{shaker_port}} (firewalld)
port: "{{ shaker_port }}/tcp"
state: enabled
zone: public
permanent: true
immediate: true
become: true
when: firewalld_in_use.rc == 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc == 0 and firewalld_shaker_port_exists.rc != 0
- name: (browbeat_results) Add firewall rule for TCP/{{browbeat_results_port}} (firewalld)
port: "{{ browbeat_results_port }}/tcp"
state: enabled
zone: public
permanent: true
immediate: true
become: true
when: browbeat_results_in_httpd and firewalld_in_use.rc == 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc == 0 and firewalld_browbeat_results_port_exists.rc != 0
# iptables-services
- name: (shaker) check firewall rules for TCP/{{shaker_port}} (iptables-services)
shell: "grep \"dport {{shaker_port}} \\-j ACCEPT\" {{iptables_file}} | wc -l"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
register: iptables_shaker_port_exists
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if port is already active
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: (browbeat_results) Check firewall rules for TCP/{{browbeat_results_port}} (iptables-services)
shell: "grep \"dport {{browbeat_results_port}} \\-j ACCEPT\" {{iptables_file}} | wc -l"
when: browbeat_results_in_httpd
ignore_errors: true
become: true
register: iptables_browbeat_results_port_exists
no_log: true
# Skip ANSIBLE0012 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Need to check if port is already active
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: check if iptables rules exist
path: "{{ iptables_file }}"
register: iptables_file_present
- name: (shaker) Add firewall rule for TCP/{{shaker_port}} (iptables-services)
dest: "{{iptables_file}}"
line: '-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport {{shaker_port}} -j ACCEPT'
insertbefore: '^-A INPUT -i lo'
backup: yes
become: true
when: firewalld_in_use.rc != 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc != 0 and iptables_shaker_port_exists.stdout|int == 0 and iptables_file_present.stat.exists
- restart iptables
- name: (browbeat_results) Add firewall rule for TCP/{{browbeat_results_port}} (iptables-services)
dest: "{{iptables_file}}"
line: '-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport {{browbeat_results_port}} -j ACCEPT'
insertbefore: '^-A INPUT -i lo'
backup: yes
become: true
when: browbeat_results_in_httpd and firewalld_in_use.rc != 0 and firewalld_is_active.rc != 0 and iptables_browbeat_results_port_exists.stdout|int == 0 and iptables_file_present.stat.exists
- restart iptables