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# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
# This file is part of charm-helpers.
# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <>.
import amulet
import ConfigParser
import distro_info
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import six
import sys
import time
import urlparse
class AmuletUtils(object):
"""Amulet utilities.
This class provides common utility functions that are used by Amulet
def __init__(self, log_level=logging.ERROR):
self.log = self.get_logger(level=log_level)
self.ubuntu_releases = self.get_ubuntu_releases()
def get_logger(self, name="amulet-logger", level=logging.DEBUG):
"""Get a logger object that will log to stdout."""
log = logging
logger = log.getLogger(name)
fmt = log.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(funcName)s "
"%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
handler = log.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
return logger
def valid_ip(self, ip):
if re.match(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$", ip):
return True
return False
def valid_url(self, url):
p = re.compile(
r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' # noqa
if p.match(url):
return True
return False
def get_ubuntu_release_from_sentry(self, sentry_unit):
"""Get Ubuntu release codename from sentry unit.
:param sentry_unit: amulet sentry/service unit pointer
:returns: list of strings - release codename, failure message
msg = None
cmd = 'lsb_release -cs'
release, code =
if code == 0:
self.log.debug('{} lsb_release: {}'.format(['unit_name'], release))
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, release, code))
if release not in self.ubuntu_releases:
msg = ("Release ({}) not found in Ubuntu releases "
"({})".format(release, self.ubuntu_releases))
return release, msg
def validate_services(self, commands):
"""Validate that lists of commands succeed on service units. Can be
used to verify system services are running on the corresponding
service units.
:param commands: dict with sentry keys and arbitrary command list vals
:returns: None if successful, Failure string message otherwise
self.log.debug('Checking status of system services...')
# /!\ DEPRECATION WARNING (beisner):
# New and existing tests should be rewritten to use
# validate_services_by_name() as it is aware of init systems.
self.log.warn('/!\\ DEPRECATION WARNING: use '
'validate_services_by_name instead of validate_services '
'due to init system differences.')
for k, v in six.iteritems(commands):
for cmd in v:
output, code =
self.log.debug('{} `{}` returned '
cmd, code))
if code != 0:
return "command `{}` returned {}".format(cmd, str(code))
return None
def validate_services_by_name(self, sentry_services):
"""Validate system service status by service name, automatically
detecting init system based on Ubuntu release codename.
:param sentry_services: dict with sentry keys and svc list values
:returns: None if successful, Failure string message otherwise
self.log.debug('Checking status of system services...')
# Point at which systemd became a thing
systemd_switch = self.ubuntu_releases.index('vivid')
for sentry_unit, services_list in six.iteritems(sentry_services):
# Get lsb_release codename from unit
release, ret = self.get_ubuntu_release_from_sentry(sentry_unit)
if ret:
return ret
for service_name in services_list:
if (self.ubuntu_releases.index(release) >= systemd_switch or
service_name == "rabbitmq-server"):
# init is systemd
cmd = 'sudo service {} status'.format(service_name)
elif self.ubuntu_releases.index(release) < systemd_switch:
# init is upstart
cmd = 'sudo status {}'.format(service_name)
output, code =
self.log.debug('{} `{}` returned '
cmd, code))
if code != 0:
return "command `{}` returned {}".format(cmd, str(code))
return None
def _get_config(self, unit, filename):
"""Get a ConfigParser object for parsing a unit's config file."""
file_contents = unit.file_contents(filename)
# NOTE(beisner): by default, ConfigParser does not handle options
# with no value, such as the flags used in the mysql my.cnf file.
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
return config
def validate_config_data(self, sentry_unit, config_file, section,
"""Validate config file data.
Verify that the specified section of the config file contains
the expected option key:value pairs.
Compare expected dictionary data vs actual dictionary data.
The values in the 'expected' dictionary can be strings, bools, ints,
longs, or can be a function that evaluates a variable and returns a
self.log.debug('Validating config file data ({} in {} on {})'
'...'.format(section, config_file,['unit_name']))
config = self._get_config(sentry_unit, config_file)
if section != 'DEFAULT' and not config.has_section(section):
return "section [{}] does not exist".format(section)
for k in expected.keys():
if not config.has_option(section, k):
return "section [{}] is missing option {}".format(section, k)
actual = config.get(section, k)
v = expected[k]
if (isinstance(v, six.string_types) or
isinstance(v, bool) or
isinstance(v, six.integer_types)):
# handle explicit values
if actual != v:
return "section [{}] {}:{} != expected {}:{}".format(
section, k, actual, k, expected[k])
# handle function pointers, such as not_null or valid_ip
elif not v(actual):
return "section [{}] {}:{} != expected {}:{}".format(
section, k, actual, k, expected[k])
return None
def _validate_dict_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate dictionary data.
Compare expected dictionary data vs actual dictionary data.
The values in the 'expected' dictionary can be strings, bools, ints,
longs, or can be a function that evaluates a variable and returns a
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
self.log.debug('expected: {}'.format(repr(expected)))
for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
if k in actual:
if (isinstance(v, six.string_types) or
isinstance(v, bool) or
isinstance(v, six.integer_types)):
# handle explicit values
if v != actual[k]:
return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
# handle function pointers, such as not_null or valid_ip
elif not v(actual[k]):
return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
return "key '{}' does not exist".format(k)
return None
def validate_relation_data(self, sentry_unit, relation, expected):
"""Validate actual relation data based on expected relation data."""
actual = sentry_unit.relation(relation[0], relation[1])
return self._validate_dict_data(expected, actual)
def _validate_list_data(self, expected, actual):
"""Compare expected list vs actual list data."""
for e in expected:
if e not in actual:
return "expected item {} not found in actual list".format(e)
return None
def not_null(self, string):
if string is not None:
return True
return False
def _get_file_mtime(self, sentry_unit, filename):
"""Get last modification time of file."""
return sentry_unit.file_stat(filename)['mtime']
def _get_dir_mtime(self, sentry_unit, directory):
"""Get last modification time of directory."""
return sentry_unit.directory_stat(directory)['mtime']
def _get_proc_start_time(self, sentry_unit, service, pgrep_full=False):
"""Get process' start time.
Determine start time of the process based on the last modification
time of the /proc/pid directory. If pgrep_full is True, the process
name is matched against the full command line.
if pgrep_full:
cmd = 'pgrep -o -f {}'.format(service)
cmd = 'pgrep -o {}'.format(service)
cmd = cmd + ' | grep -v pgrep || exit 0'
cmd_out =
self.log.debug('CMDout: ' + str(cmd_out))
if cmd_out[0]:
self.log.debug('Pid for %s %s' % (service, str(cmd_out[0])))
proc_dir = '/proc/{}'.format(cmd_out[0].strip())
return self._get_dir_mtime(sentry_unit, proc_dir)
def service_restarted(self, sentry_unit, service, filename,
pgrep_full=False, sleep_time=20):
"""Check if service was restarted.
Compare a service's start time vs a file's last modification time
(such as a config file for that service) to determine if the service
has been restarted.
if (self._get_proc_start_time(sentry_unit, service, pgrep_full) >=
self._get_file_mtime(sentry_unit, filename)):
return True
return False
def service_restarted_since(self, sentry_unit, mtime, service,
pgrep_full=False, sleep_time=20,
"""Check if service was been started after a given time.
sentry_unit (sentry): The sentry unit to check for the service on
mtime (float): The epoch time to check against
service (string): service name to look for in process table
pgrep_full (boolean): Use full command line search mode with pgrep
sleep_time (int): Seconds to sleep before looking for process
retry_count (int): If service is not found, how many times to retry
bool: True if service found and its start time it newer than mtime,
False if service is older than mtime or if service was
not found.
self.log.debug('Checking %s restarted since %s' % (service, mtime))
proc_start_time = self._get_proc_start_time(sentry_unit, service,
while retry_count > 0 and not proc_start_time:
self.log.debug('No pid file found for service %s, will retry %i '
'more times' % (service, retry_count))
proc_start_time = self._get_proc_start_time(sentry_unit, service,
retry_count = retry_count - 1
if not proc_start_time:
self.log.warn('No proc start time found, assuming service did '
'not start')
return False
if proc_start_time >= mtime:
self.log.debug('proc start time is newer than provided mtime'
'(%s >= %s)' % (proc_start_time, mtime))
return True
self.log.warn('proc start time (%s) is older than provided mtime '
'(%s), service did not restart' % (proc_start_time,
return False
def config_updated_since(self, sentry_unit, filename, mtime,
"""Check if file was modified after a given time.
sentry_unit (sentry): The sentry unit to check the file mtime on
filename (string): The file to check mtime of
mtime (float): The epoch time to check against
sleep_time (int): Seconds to sleep before looking for process
bool: True if file was modified more recently than mtime, False if
file was modified before mtime,
self.log.debug('Checking %s updated since %s' % (filename, mtime))
file_mtime = self._get_file_mtime(sentry_unit, filename)
if file_mtime >= mtime:
self.log.debug('File mtime is newer than provided mtime '
'(%s >= %s)' % (file_mtime, mtime))
return True
self.log.warn('File mtime %s is older than provided mtime %s'
% (file_mtime, mtime))
return False
def validate_service_config_changed(self, sentry_unit, mtime, service,
filename, pgrep_full=False,
sleep_time=20, retry_count=2):
"""Check service and file were updated after mtime
sentry_unit (sentry): The sentry unit to check for the service on
mtime (float): The epoch time to check against
service (string): service name to look for in process table
filename (string): The file to check mtime of
pgrep_full (boolean): Use full command line search mode with pgrep
sleep_time (int): Seconds to sleep before looking for process
retry_count (int): If service is not found, how many times to retry
Typical Usage:
u = OpenStackAmuletUtils(ERROR)
mtime = u.get_sentry_time(self.cinder_sentry)
self.d.configure('cinder', {'verbose': 'True', 'debug': 'True'})
if not u.validate_service_config_changed(self.cinder_sentry,
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg='update failed')
bool: True if both service and file where updated/restarted after
mtime, False if service is older than mtime or if service was
not found or if filename was modified before mtime.
self.log.debug('Checking %s restarted since %s' % (service, mtime))
service_restart = self.service_restarted_since(sentry_unit, mtime,
config_update = self.config_updated_since(sentry_unit, filename, mtime,
return service_restart and config_update
def get_sentry_time(self, sentry_unit):
"""Return current epoch time on a sentry"""
cmd = "date +'%s'"
return float([0])
def relation_error(self, name, data):
return 'unexpected relation data in {} - {}'.format(name, data)
def endpoint_error(self, name, data):
return 'unexpected endpoint data in {} - {}'.format(name, data)
def get_ubuntu_releases(self):
"""Return a list of all Ubuntu releases in order of release."""
_d = distro_info.UbuntuDistroInfo()
_release_list = _d.all
self.log.debug('Ubuntu release list: {}'.format(_release_list))
return _release_list
def file_to_url(self, file_rel_path):
"""Convert a relative file path to a file URL."""
_abs_path = os.path.abspath(file_rel_path)
return urlparse.urlparse(_abs_path, scheme='file').geturl()
def check_commands_on_units(self, commands, sentry_units):
"""Check that all commands in a list exit zero on all
sentry units in a list.
:param commands: list of bash commands
:param sentry_units: list of sentry unit pointers
:returns: None if successful; Failure message otherwise
self.log.debug('Checking exit codes for {} commands on {} '
'sentry units...'.format(len(commands),
for sentry_unit in sentry_units:
for cmd in commands:
output, code =
if code == 0:
self.log.debug('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code))
return ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
return None
def get_process_id_list(self, sentry_unit, process_name):
"""Get a list of process ID(s) from a single sentry juju unit
for a single process name.
:param sentry_unit: Pointer to amulet sentry instance (juju unit)
:param process_name: Process name
:returns: List of process IDs
cmd = 'pidof {}'.format(process_name)
output, code =
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
return str(output).split()
def get_unit_process_ids(self, unit_processes):
"""Construct a dict containing unit sentries, process names, and
process IDs."""
pid_dict = {}
for sentry_unit, process_list in unit_processes.iteritems():
pid_dict[sentry_unit] = {}
for process in process_list:
pids = self.get_process_id_list(sentry_unit, process)
pid_dict[sentry_unit].update({process: pids})
return pid_dict
def validate_unit_process_ids(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate process id quantities for services on units."""
self.log.debug('Checking units for running processes...')
self.log.debug('Expected PIDs: {}'.format(expected))
self.log.debug('Actual PIDs: {}'.format(actual))
if len(actual) != len(expected):
return ('Unit count mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{} '.format(len(expected), len(actual)))
for (e_sentry, e_proc_names) in expected.iteritems():
e_sentry_name =['unit_name']
if e_sentry in actual.keys():
a_proc_names = actual[e_sentry]
return ('Expected sentry ({}) not found in actual dict data.'
'{}'.format(e_sentry_name, e_sentry))
if len(e_proc_names.keys()) != len(a_proc_names.keys()):
return ('Process name count mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{}'.format(len(expected), len(actual)))
for (e_proc_name, e_pids_length), (a_proc_name, a_pids) in \
zip(e_proc_names.items(), a_proc_names.items()):
if e_proc_name != a_proc_name:
return ('Process name mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{}'.format(e_proc_name, a_proc_name))
a_pids_length = len(a_pids)
if e_pids_length != a_pids_length:
return ('PID count mismatch. {} ({}) expected, actual: '
'{}, {} ({})'.format(e_sentry_name, e_proc_name,
e_pids_length, a_pids_length,
self.log.debug('PID check OK: {} {} {}: '
'{}'.format(e_sentry_name, e_proc_name,
e_pids_length, a_pids))
return None
def validate_list_of_identical_dicts(self, list_of_dicts):
"""Check that all dicts within a list are identical."""
hashes = []
for _dict in list_of_dicts:
self.log.debug('Hashes: {}'.format(hashes))
if len(set(hashes)) == 1:
self.log.debug('Dicts within list are identical')
return 'Dicts within list are not identical'
return None