(defpackage cl-openstack-client.test (:use cl trivial-gray-streams fiveam) (:import-from #:drakma #:+latin-1+ #:header-value #:read-http-headers) (:import-from #:local-time #:encode-timestamp #:timestamp+ #:format-timestring #:now) (:import-from #:cl-keystone-client #:connection-v2) (:import-from #:cl-openstack-client #:*http-stream*) (:import-from #:flexi-streams #:string-to-octets #:make-flexi-stream #:make-in-memory-input-stream #:octets-to-string #:octet) (:import-from #:chunga #:make-chunked-stream) (:export tests connection-fixture with-mock-http-stream make-mock-http-stream read-mock-request mock-http-stream)) (in-package :cl-openstack-client.test) (def-suite tests :description "cl-openstack-client tests") (defun connection-fixture (&key (url "http://localhost:5000") (username "demo") (password "demo")) (let ((connection (make-instance 'connection-v2 :url url :password password :username username))) (setf (slot-value connection 'cl-keystone-client::token) `((:issued-at . ,(now)) (:expires . ,(timestamp+ (now) 24 :hour)) (:id . "MIINUAYJKoZIhvcNAQ==") (:tenant (:description) (:enabled . t) (:id . "45ca25c") (:name . "admin")))) (setf (slot-value connection 'cl-keystone-client::service-catalog) '(((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "25210b1") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "compute") (:name . "nova")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "46d0cc5") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "volumev2") (:name . "cinder")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "5ed56fb") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "computev3") (:name . "nova")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "a590747") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "s3") (:name . "s3")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "010d69f") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "image") (:name . "glance")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "3698a28") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "volume") (:name . "cinder")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "aa700cc") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "ec2") (:name . "ec2")) ((:endpoints ((:admin-url . "") (:region . "RegionOne") (:internal-url . "") (:id . "2c04749") (:public-url . ""))) (:endpoints-links) (:type . "identity") (:name . "keystone")))) connection)) (defclass mock-http-stream (fundamental-binary-input-stream fundamental-binary-output-stream fundamental-character-input-stream fundamental-character-output-stream) ((mock-requests :accessor mock-request-stream :initform nil) (mock-responses-location :initform 0 :accessor mock-response-location) (mock-responses :accessor mock-response-stream :initform nil))) (defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream mock-http-stream)) (if (<= (length (mock-response-stream stream)) (mock-response-location stream)) :eof (prog1 (aref (mock-response-stream stream) (mock-response-location stream)) (incf (mock-response-location stream))))) (defmethod stream-write-byte ((stream mock-http-stream) byte) (push byte (mock-request-stream stream))) (defmethod stream-write-char ((stream mock-http-stream) char) (push char (mock-request-stream stream))) (defun make-mock-http-stream (&optional (stream (make-instance 'mock-http-stream))) (make-flexi-stream (make-chunked-stream stream) :external-format +latin-1+)) (defun mock-response (stream code &key headers content) (setf (mock-response-stream stream) (string-to-octets (with-output-to-string (http-stream) (labels ((write-http-line (fmt &rest args) (format http-stream "~?~C~C" fmt args #\Return #\Linefeed)) (write-header (name value-fmt &rest value-args) (write-http-line "~A: ~?" name value-fmt value-args))) (write-http-line "HTTP/1.1 ~D" code) (loop :for (header . value) :in headers :do (write-header header "~A" value)) (write-header "Content-Type" "~A" "application/json") (write-header "Content-Length" "~D" (length content)) (write-header "Connection" "~A" "close") (format http-stream "~C~C" #\Return #\Linefeed) (write-string content http-stream)))))) (defun read-status-line (stream) (let* ((line (or (chunga:read-line* stream) (error "No status line"))) (first-space-pos (or (position #\Space line :test #'char=) (error "No space in status line ~S." line))) (second-space-pos (position #\Space line :test #'char= :start (1+ first-space-pos)))) (list (cond ((string-equal line "POST" :end1 first-space-pos) :post) ((string-equal line "GET" :end1 first-space-pos) :get) ((string-equal line "DELETE" :end1 first-space-pos) :delete) ((string-equal line "PUT" :end1 first-space-pos) :put) ((string-equal line "PATCH" :end1 first-space-pos) :patch) (t (error "Unknown protocol in ~S." line))) (cond ((string-equal line "HTTP/1.0" :start1 (1+ second-space-pos)) :http/1.0) ((string-equal line "HTTP/1.1" :start1 (1+ second-space-pos)) :http/1.1) (t (error "Unknown protocol in ~S." line))) (subseq line (1+ first-space-pos) second-space-pos)))) (defmethod read-mock-request ((stream mock-http-stream)) "Read a request out of a MOCK-HTTP-STREAM. The result is a list in form (parsed-status-line headers contents)" (let ((http-stream (make-in-memory-input-stream (reverse (slot-value stream 'mock-requests))))) (destructuring-bind (method protocol uri) (read-status-line http-stream) (let ((headers (read-http-headers http-stream))) (list (list :method method :protocol protocol :uri uri) headers (when (header-value :content-length headers) (let ((result (make-array (parse-integer (header-value :content-length headers)) :element-type 'octet))) (read-sequence result http-stream) (octets-to-string result)))))))) (defmacro with-mock-http-stream ((stream) &body body) `(let* ((,stream (make-instance 'mock-http-stream)) (*http-stream* (make-flexi-stream (make-chunked-stream ,stream) :external-format +latin-1+))) ,@body)) (defun is-valid-request (stream method uri &optional content) (destructuring-bind (status headers content1) (read-mock-request stream) (is (equal content1 content)) (when (header-value :content-length headers) (is (string-equal "application/json" (header-value :content-type headers)))) (is (string-equal "MIINUAYJKoZIhvcNAQ==" (header-value :x-auth-token headers))) (is (string-equal "" (header-value :host headers))) (is (eql (getf status :method) method)) (is (string-equal (getf status :uri) uri))))