cc_mounts: add ability to create swap file

User can now configure setting of a swap file.
Only supports un-encrypted swap for now.

   filename: /swap.img
   size: "auto" or size in bytes
   maxsize: size in bytes

Also adds 2 util:
 read_meminfo: return how much memory on system.
 human2bytes: convert human numbers (8G) to bytes.
This commit is contained in:
Scott Moser 2014-10-01 16:10:01 -04:00
commit fc8df8eb06
4 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- cc_grub_dpkg: fix EC2 hvm instances to avoid prompt on grub update.
(LP: #1336855)
- FreeBsd: support config drive datasource [Joseph bajin]
- cc_mounts: support creating a swap file
- open 0.7.5
- Add a debug log message around import failures

View File

@ -75,6 +75,159 @@ def sanitize_devname(startname, transformer, log):
return devnode_for_dev_part(blockdev, part)
def suggested_swapsize(memsize=None, maxsize=None, fsys=None):
# make a suggestion on the size of swap for this system.
if memsize is None:
memsize = util.read_meminfo()['total']
GB = 2 ** 30
sugg_max = 8 * GB
info = {'avail': 'na', 'max_in': maxsize, 'mem': memsize}
if fsys is None and maxsize is None:
# set max to 8GB default if no filesystem given
maxsize = sugg_max
elif fsys:
statvfs = os.statvfs(fsys)
avail = statvfs.f_frsize * statvfs.f_bfree
info['avail'] = avail
if maxsize is None:
# set to 25% of filesystem space
maxsize = min(int(avail / 4), sugg_max)
elif maxsize > ((avail * .9)):
# set to 90% of available disk space
maxsize = int(avail * .9)
elif maxsize is None:
maxsize = sugg_max
info['max'] = maxsize
formulas = [
# < 1G: swap = double memory
(1 * GB, lambda x: x * 2),
# < 2G: swap = 2G
(2 * GB, lambda x: 2 * GB),
# < 4G: swap = memory
(4 * GB, lambda x: x),
# < 16G: 4G
(16 * GB, lambda x: 4 * GB),
# < 64G: 1/2 M up to max
(64 * GB, lambda x: x / 2),
size = None
for top, func in formulas:
if memsize <= top:
size = min(func(memsize), maxsize)
# if less than 1/2 memory and not much, return 0
if size < (memsize / 2) and size < 4 * GB:
size = 0
if size is not None:
size = maxsize
info['size'] = size
MB = 2 ** 20
pinfo = {}
for k, v in info.items():
if isinstance(v, int):
pinfo[k] = "%s MB" % (v / MB)
pinfo[k] = v
LOG.debug("suggest %(size)s swap for %(mem)s memory with '%(avail)s'"
" disk given max=%(max_in)s [max=%(max)s]'" % pinfo)
return size
def setup_swapfile(fname, size=None, maxsize=None):
fname: full path string of filename to setup
size: the size to create. set to "auto" for recommended
maxsize: the maximum size
tdir = os.path.dirname(fname)
if str(size).lower() == "auto":
memsize = util.read_meminfo()['total']
except IOError as e:
LOG.debug("Not creating swap. failed to read meminfo")
size = suggested_swapsize(fsys=tdir, maxsize=maxsize,
if not size:
LOG.debug("Not creating swap: suggested size was 0")
mbsize = str(int(size / (2 ** 20)))
msg = "creating swap file '%s' of %sMB" % (fname, mbsize)
util.log_time(LOG.debug, msg, func=util.subp,
args=[['sh', '-c',
('rm -f "$1" && umask 0066 && '
'dd if=/dev/zero "of=$1" bs=1M "count=$2" && '
'mkswap "$1" || { r=$?; rm -f "$1"; exit $r; }'),
'setup_swap', fname, mbsize]])
except Exception as e:
raise IOError("Failed %s: %s" % (msg, e))
return fname
def handle_swapcfg(swapcfg):
"""handle the swap config, calling setup_swap if necessary.
return None or (filename, size)
if not isinstance(swapcfg, dict):
LOG.warn("input for swap config was not a dict.")
return None
fname = swapcfg.get('filename', '/swap.img')
size = swapcfg.get('size', 0)
maxsize = swapcfg.get('maxsize', None)
if not (size and fname):
LOG.debug("no need to setup swap")
if os.path.exists(fname):
if not os.path.exists("/proc/swaps"):
LOG.debug("swap file %s existed. no /proc/swaps. Being safe.",
return fname
for line in util.load_file("/proc/swaps").splitlines():
if line.startswith(fname + " "):
LOG.debug("swap file %s already in use.", fname)
return fname
LOG.debug("swap file %s existed, but not in /proc/swaps", fname)
LOG.warn("swap file %s existed. Error reading /proc/swaps", fname)
return fname
if isinstance(size, str) and size != "auto":
size = util.human2bytes(size)
if isinstance(maxsize, str):
maxsize = util.human2bytes(maxsize)
return setup_swapfile(fname=fname, size=size, maxsize=maxsize)
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("failed to setup swap: %s", e)
return None
def handle(_name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
# fs_spec, fs_file, fs_vfstype, fs_mntops, fs-freq, fs_passno
defvals = [None, None, "auto", "defaults,nobootwait", "0", "2"]
@ -162,6 +315,10 @@ def handle(_name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
swapret = handle_swapcfg(cfg.get('swap', {}))
if swapret:
actlist.append([swapret, "none", "swap", "sw", "0", "0"])
if len(actlist) == 0:
log.debug("No modifications to fstab needed.")

View File

@ -1957,3 +1957,53 @@ def pathprefix2dict(base, required=None, optional=None, delim=os.path.sep):
raise ValueError("Missing required files: %s", ','.join(missing))
return ret
def read_meminfo(meminfo="/proc/meminfo", raw=False):
# read a /proc/meminfo style file and return
# a dict with 'total', 'free', and 'available'
mpliers = {'kB': 2**10, 'mB': 2 ** 20, 'B': 1, 'gB': 2 ** 30}
kmap = {'MemTotal:': 'total', 'MemFree:': 'free',
'MemAvailable:': 'available'}
ret = {}
for line in load_file(meminfo).splitlines():
key, value, unit = line.split()
except ValueError:
key, value = line.split()
unit = 'B'
if raw:
ret[key] = int(value) * mpliers[unit]
elif key in kmap:
ret[kmap[key]] = int(value) * mpliers[unit]
return ret
def human2bytes(size):
"""Convert human string or integer to size in bytes
10M => 10485760
.5G => 536870912
size_in = size
if size.endswith("B"):
size = size[:-1]
mpliers = {'B': 1, 'K': 2 ** 10, 'M': 2 ** 20, 'G': 2 ** 30, 'T': 2 ** 40}
num = size
mplier = 'B'
for m in mpliers:
if size.endswith(m):
mplier = m
num = size[0:-len(m)]
num = float(num)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("'%s' is not valid input." % size_in)
if num < 0:
raise ValueError("'%s': cannot be negative" % size_in)
return int(num * mpliers[mplier])

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@ -37,3 +37,10 @@ mounts:
# complete. This must be an array, and must have 7 fields.
mount_default_fields: [ None, None, "auto", "defaults,nobootwait", "0", "2" ]
# swap can also be set up by the 'mounts' module
# default is to not create any swap files, because 'size' is set to 0
filename: /swap.img
size: "auto" or size in bytes
maxsize: size in bytes