
227 lines
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# vi: ts=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
# Author: Scott Moser <>
# Author: Joshua Harlow <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import json
import os
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import sources
from cloudinit import util
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Various defaults/constants...
DEFAULT_IID = "iid-dsconfigdrive"
"instance-id": DEFAULT_IID,
"dsmode": DEFAULT_MODE,
class DataSourceConfigDrive(sources.DataSource):
def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
self.seed = None
self.cfg = {}
self.dsmode = 'local'
self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'config_drive')
def __str__(self):
mstr = "%s [%s]" % (util.obj_name(self), self.dsmode)
mstr += "[seed=%s]" % (self.seed)
return mstr
def get_data(self):
found = None
md = {}
ud = ""
if os.path.isdir(self.seed_dir):
(md, ud) = read_config_drive_dir(self.seed_dir)
found = self.seed_dir
except NonConfigDriveDir:
util.logexc(LOG, "Failed reading config drive from %s",
if not found:
dev = find_cfg_drive_device()
if dev:
(md, ud) = util.mount_cb(dev, read_config_drive_dir)
found = dev
except (NonConfigDriveDir, util.MountFailedError):
if not found:
return False
if 'dsconfig' in md:
self.cfg = md['dscfg']
md = util.mergedict(md, DEFAULT_METADATA)
# Update interfaces and ifup only on the local datasource
# this way the DataSourceConfigDriveNet doesn't do it also.
if 'network-interfaces' in md and self.dsmode == "local":
LOG.debug("Updating network interfaces from config drive (%s)",
self.seed = found
self.metadata = md
self.userdata_raw = ud
if md['dsmode'] == self.dsmode:
return True
LOG.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s", self, md['dsmode'])
return False
def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
if not 'public-keys' in self.metadata:
return []
return self.metadata['public-keys']
# The data sources' config_obj is a cloud-config formated
# object that came to it from ways other than cloud-config
# because cloud-config content would be handled elsewhere
def get_config_obj(self):
return self.cfg
class DataSourceConfigDriveNet(DataSourceConfigDrive):
def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
DataSourceConfigDrive.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
self.dsmode = 'net'
class NonConfigDriveDir(Exception):
def find_cfg_drive_device():
"""Get the config drive device. Return a string like '/dev/vdb'
or None (if there is no non-root device attached). This does not
check the contents, only reports that if there *were* a config_drive
attached, it would be this device.
Note: per config_drive documentation, this is
"associated as the last available disk on the instance"
# This seems to be for debugging??
if CFG_DRIVE_DEV_ENV in os.environ:
return os.environ[CFG_DRIVE_DEV_ENV]
# We are looking for a raw block device (sda, not sda1) with a vfat
# filesystem on it....
letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
devs = util.find_devs_with("TYPE=vfat")
# Filter out anything not ending in a letter (ignore partitions)
devs = [f for f in devs if f[-1] in letters]
# Sort them in reverse so "last" device is first
if devs:
return devs[0]
return None
def read_config_drive_dir(source_dir):
read source_dir, and return a tuple with metadata dict and user-data
string populated. If not a valid dir, raise a NonConfigDriveDir
# TODO(harlowja): fix this for other operating systems...
# Ie: this is where or similar should
# be hooked in... (or could be)
found = {}
for af in CFG_DRIVE_FILES:
fn = os.path.join(source_dir, af)
if os.path.isfile(fn):
found[af] = fn
if len(found) == 0:
raise NonConfigDriveDir("%s: %s" % (source_dir, "no files found"))
md = {}
ud = ""
keydata = ""
if "etc/network/interfaces" in found:
fn = found["etc/network/interfaces"]
md['network-interfaces'] = util.load_file(fn)
if "root/.ssh/authorized_keys" in found:
fn = found["root/.ssh/authorized_keys"]
keydata = util.load_file(fn)
meta_js = {}
if "meta.js" in found:
fn = found['meta.js']
content = util.load_file(fn)
# Just check if its really json...
meta_js = json.loads(content)
if not isinstance(meta_js, (dict)):
raise TypeError("Dict expected for meta.js root node")
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise NonConfigDriveDir("%s: %s, %s" %
(source_dir, "invalid json in meta.js", e))
md['meta_js'] = content
# Key data override??
keydata = meta_js.get('public-keys', keydata)
if keydata:
lines = keydata.splitlines()
md['public-keys'] = [l for l in lines
if len(l) and not l.startswith("#")]
for copy in ('dsmode', 'instance-id', 'dscfg'):
if copy in meta_js:
md[copy] = meta_js[copy]
if 'user-data' in meta_js:
ud = meta_js['user-data']
return (md, ud)
# Used to match classes to dependencies
datasources = [
(DataSourceConfigDrive, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, )),
(DataSourceConfigDriveNet, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),
# Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies
def get_datasource_list(depends):
return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)