
553 lines
21 KiB

# vi: ts=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
# Author: Scott Moser <>
# Author: Juerg Haefliger <>
# Author: Joshua Harlow <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import cPickle as pickle
import copy
import os
import sys
from cloudinit.settings import (PER_INSTANCE, FREQUENCIES, CLOUD_CONFIG)
from cloudinit import handlers
# Default handlers (used if not overridden)
from cloudinit.handlers import boot_hook as bh_part
from cloudinit.handlers import cloud_config as cc_part
from cloudinit.handlers import shell_script as ss_part
from cloudinit.handlers import upstart_job as up_part
from cloudinit import cloud
from cloudinit import config
from cloudinit import distros
from cloudinit import helpers
from cloudinit import importer
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import sources
from cloudinit import util
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Init(object):
def __init__(self, ds_deps=None):
if ds_deps is not None:
self.ds_deps = ds_deps
self.ds_deps = [sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK]
# Created on first use
self._cfg = None
self._paths = None
self._distro = None
# Created only when a fetch occurs
self.datasource = None
def distro(self):
if not self._distro:
# Try to find the right class to use
scfg = self._extract_cfg('system')
name = scfg.pop('distro', 'ubuntu')
cls = distros.fetch(name)
LOG.debug("Using distro class %s", cls)
self._distro = cls(name, scfg, self.paths)
return self._distro
def cfg(self):
return self._extract_cfg('restricted')
def _extract_cfg(self, restriction):
# Ensure actually read
# Nobody gets the real config
ocfg = copy.deepcopy(self._cfg)
if restriction == 'restricted':
ocfg.pop('system_info', None)
elif restriction == 'system':
ocfg = util.get_cfg_by_path(ocfg, ('system_info',), {})
elif restriction == 'paths':
ocfg = util.get_cfg_by_path(ocfg, ('system_info', 'paths'), {})
if not isinstance(ocfg, (dict)):
ocfg = {}
return ocfg
def paths(self):
if not self._paths:
path_info = self._extract_cfg('paths')
self._paths = helpers.Paths(path_info, self.datasource)
return self._paths
def _initial_subdirs(self):
c_dir = self.paths.cloud_dir
initial_dirs = [
os.path.join(c_dir, 'scripts'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'scripts', 'per-instance'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'scripts', 'per-once'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'scripts', 'per-boot'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'seed'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'instances'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'handlers'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'sem'),
os.path.join(c_dir, 'data'),
return initial_dirs
def purge_cache(self, rm_instance_lnk=True):
rm_list = []
if rm_instance_lnk:
for f in rm_list:
return len(rm_list)
def initialize(self):
def _initialize_filesystem(self):
log_file = util.get_cfg_option_str(self.cfg, 'def_log_file')
perms = util.get_cfg_option_str(self.cfg, 'syslog_fix_perms')
if log_file:
if perms:
u, g = util.extract_usergroup(perms)
util.chownbyname(log_file, u, g)
except OSError:
util.logexc(LOG, ("Unable to change the ownership"
" of %s to user %s, group %s"),
log_file, u, g)
def read_cfg(self, extra_fns=None):
# None check so that we don't keep on re-loading if empty
if self._cfg is None:
self._cfg = self._read_cfg(extra_fns)
# LOG.debug("Loaded 'init' config %s", self._cfg)
def _read_base_cfg(self):
base_cfgs = []
default_cfg = util.get_builtin_cfg()
kern_contents = util.read_cc_from_cmdline()
# Kernel/cmdline parameters override system config
if kern_contents:
base_cfgs.append(util.load_yaml(kern_contents, default={}))
# Anything in your conf.d location??
# or the 'default' cloud.cfg location???
# And finally the default gets to play
if default_cfg:
return util.mergemanydict(base_cfgs)
def _read_cfg(self, extra_fns):
no_cfg_paths = helpers.Paths({}, self.datasource)
merger = helpers.ConfigMerger(paths=no_cfg_paths,
return merger.cfg
def _restore_from_cache(self):
# We try to restore from a current link and static path
# by using the instance link, if purge_cache was called
# the file wont exist.
pickled_fn = self.paths.get_ipath_cur('obj_pkl')
pickle_contents = None
pickle_contents = util.load_file(pickled_fn)
except Exception:
# This is expected so just return nothing
# successfully loaded...
if not pickle_contents:
return None
return pickle.loads(pickle_contents)
except Exception:
util.logexc(LOG, "Failed loading pickled blob from %s", pickled_fn)
return None
def _write_to_cache(self):
if not self.datasource:
return False
pickled_fn = self.paths.get_ipath_cur("obj_pkl")
pk_contents = pickle.dumps(self.datasource)
except Exception:
util.logexc(LOG, "Failed pickling datasource %s", self.datasource)
return False
util.write_file(pickled_fn, pk_contents, mode=0400)
except Exception:
util.logexc(LOG, "Failed pickling datasource to %s", pickled_fn)
return False
return True
def _get_datasources(self):
# Any config provided???
pkg_list = self.cfg.get('datasource_pkg_list') or []
# Add the defaults at the end
for n in ['', util.obj_name(sources)]:
if n not in pkg_list:
cfg_list = self.cfg.get('datasource_list') or []
return (cfg_list, pkg_list)
def _get_data_source(self):
if self.datasource:
return self.datasource
ds = self._restore_from_cache()
if ds:
LOG.debug("Restored from cache, datasource: %s", ds)
if not ds:
(cfg_list, pkg_list) = self._get_datasources()
# Deep copy so that user-data handlers can not modify
# (which will affect user-data handlers down the line...)
(ds, dsname) = sources.find_source(self.cfg,
LOG.debug("Loaded datasource %s - %s", dsname, ds)
self.datasource = ds
# Ensure we adjust our path members datasource
# now that we have one (thus allowing ipath to be used)
self.paths.datasource = ds
return ds
def _get_instance_subdirs(self):
return ['handlers', 'scripts', 'sems']
def _get_ipath(self, subname=None):
# Force a check to see if anything
# actually comes back, if not
# then a datasource has not been assigned...
instance_dir = self.paths.get_ipath(subname)
if not instance_dir:
raise RuntimeError(("No instance directory is available."
" Has a datasource been fetched??"))
return instance_dir
def _reflect_cur_instance(self):
# Remove the old symlink and attach a new one so
# that further reads/writes connect into the right location
idir = self._get_ipath()
util.sym_link(idir, self.paths.instance_link)
# Ensures these dirs exist
dir_list = []
for d in self._get_instance_subdirs():
dir_list.append(os.path.join(idir, d))
# Write out information on what is being used for the current instance
# and what may have been used for a previous instance...
dp = self.paths.get_cpath('data')
# Write what the datasource was and is..
ds = "%s: %s" % (util.obj_name(self.datasource), self.datasource)
previous_ds = None
ds_fn = os.path.join(idir, 'datasource')
previous_ds = util.load_file(ds_fn).strip()
except Exception:
if not previous_ds:
previous_ds = ds
util.write_file(ds_fn, "%s\n" % ds)
util.write_file(os.path.join(dp, 'previous-datasource'),
"%s\n" % (previous_ds))
# What the instance id was and is...
iid = self.datasource.get_instance_id()
previous_iid = None
iid_fn = os.path.join(dp, 'instance-id')
previous_iid = util.load_file(iid_fn).strip()
except Exception:
if not previous_iid:
previous_iid = iid
util.write_file(iid_fn, "%s\n" % iid)
util.write_file(os.path.join(dp, 'previous-instance-id'),
"%s\n" % (previous_iid))
return iid
def fetch(self):
return self._get_data_source()
def instancify(self):
return self._reflect_cur_instance()
def cloudify(self):
# Form the needed options to cloudify our members
return cloud.Cloud(self.datasource,
self.paths, self.cfg,
self.distro, helpers.Runners(self.paths))
def update(self):
if not self._write_to_cache():
def _store_userdata(self):
raw_ud = "%s" % (self.datasource.get_userdata_raw())
util.write_file(self._get_ipath('userdata_raw'), raw_ud, 0600)
processed_ud = "%s" % (self.datasource.get_userdata())
util.write_file(self._get_ipath('userdata'), processed_ud, 0600)
def _default_userdata_handlers(self):
opts = {
'paths': self.paths,
'datasource': self.datasource,
# TODO(harlowja) Hmmm, should we dynamically import these??
def_handlers = [
return def_handlers
def consume_userdata(self, frequency=PER_INSTANCE):
cdir = self.paths.get_cpath("handlers")
idir = self._get_ipath("handlers")
# Add the path to the plugins dir to the top of our list for import
# instance dir should be read before cloud-dir
if cdir and cdir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, cdir)
if idir and idir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, idir)
# Ensure datasource fetched before activation (just incase)
user_data_msg = self.datasource.get_userdata()
# This keeps track of all the active handlers
c_handlers = helpers.ContentHandlers()
# Add handlers in cdir
potential_handlers = util.find_modules(cdir)
for (fname, mod_name) in potential_handlers.iteritems():
mod_locs = importer.find_module(mod_name, [''],
if not mod_locs:
LOG.warn(("Could not find a valid user-data handler"
" named %s in file %s"), mod_name, fname)
mod = importer.import_module(mod_locs[0])
mod = handlers.fixup_handler(mod)
types = c_handlers.register(mod)
LOG.debug("Added handler for %s from %s", types, fname)
util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to register handler from %s", fname)
def_handlers = self._default_userdata_handlers()
applied_def_handlers = c_handlers.register_defaults(def_handlers)
if applied_def_handlers:
LOG.debug("Registered default handlers: %s", applied_def_handlers)
# Form our cloud interface
data = self.cloudify()
# Init the handlers first
called = []
for (_ctype, mod) in c_handlers.iteritems():
if mod in called:
handlers.call_begin(mod, data, frequency)
# Walk the user data
part_data = {
'handlers': c_handlers,
# Any new handlers that are encountered get writen here
'handlerdir': idir,
'data': data,
# The default frequency if handlers don't have one
'frequency': frequency,
# This will be used when new handlers are found
# to help write there contents to files with numbered
# names...
'handlercount': 0,
handlers.walk(user_data_msg, handlers.walker_callback, data=part_data)
# Give callbacks opportunity to finalize
called = []
for (_ctype, mod) in c_handlers.iteritems():
if mod in called:
handlers.call_end(mod, data, frequency)
class Modules(object):
def __init__(self, init, cfg_files=None):
self.init = init
self.cfg_files = cfg_files
# Created on first use
self._cached_cfg = None
def cfg(self):
# None check to avoid empty case causing re-reading
if self._cached_cfg is None:
merger = helpers.ConfigMerger(paths=self.init.paths,
self._cached_cfg = merger.cfg
# LOG.debug("Loading 'module' config %s", self._cached_cfg)
# Only give out a copy so that others can't modify this...
return copy.deepcopy(self._cached_cfg)
def _read_modules(self, name):
module_list = []
if name not in self.cfg:
return module_list
cfg_mods = self.cfg[name]
# Create 'module_list', an array of hashes
# Where hash['mod'] = module name
# hash['freq'] = frequency
# hash['args'] = arguments
for item in cfg_mods:
if not item:
if isinstance(item, (str, basestring)):
'mod': item.strip(),
elif isinstance(item, (list)):
contents = {}
# Meant to fall through...
if len(item) >= 1:
contents['mod'] = item[0].strip()
if len(item) >= 2:
contents['freq'] = item[1].strip()
if len(item) >= 3:
contents['args'] = item[2:]
if contents:
elif isinstance(item, (dict)):
contents = {}
valid = False
if 'name' in item:
contents['mod'] = item['name'].strip()
valid = True
if 'frequency' in item:
contents['freq'] = item['frequency'].strip()
if 'args' in item:
contents['args'] = item['args'] or []
if contents and valid:
raise TypeError(("Failed to read '%s' item in config,"
" unknown type %s") %
(item, util.obj_name(item)))
return module_list
def _fixup_modules(self, raw_mods):
mostly_mods = []
for raw_mod in raw_mods:
raw_name = raw_mod['mod']
freq = raw_mod.get('freq')
run_args = raw_mod.get('args') or []
mod_name = config.form_module_name(raw_name)
if not mod_name:
if freq and freq not in FREQUENCIES:
LOG.warn(("Config specified module %s"
" has an unknown frequency %s"), raw_name, freq)
# Reset it so when ran it will get set to a known value
freq = None
mod_locs = importer.find_module(mod_name,
['', util.obj_name(config)],
if not mod_locs:
LOG.warn("Could not find module named %s", mod_name)
mod = config.fixup_module(importer.import_module(mod_locs[0]))
mostly_mods.append([mod, raw_name, freq, run_args])
return mostly_mods
def _run_modules(self, mostly_mods):
d_name =
cc = self.init.cloudify()
# Return which ones ran
# and which ones failed + the exception of why it failed
failures = []
which_ran = []
for (mod, name, freq, args) in mostly_mods:
# Try the modules frequency, otherwise fallback to a known one
if not freq:
freq = mod.frequency
if not freq in FREQUENCIES:
worked_distros = mod.distros
if (worked_distros and d_name not in worked_distros):
LOG.warn(("Module %s is verified on %s distros"
" but not on %s distro. It may or may not work"
" correctly."), name, worked_distros, d_name)
# Use the configs logger and not our own
# TODO(harlowja): possibly check the module
# for having a LOG attr and just give it back
# its own logger?
func_args = [name, self.cfg,
cc, config.LOG, args]
# Mark it as having started running
# This name will affect the semaphore name created
run_name = "config-%s" % (name), mod.handle, func_args, freq=freq)
except Exception as e:
util.logexc(LOG, "Running %s (%s) failed", name, mod)
failures.append((name, e))
return (which_ran, failures)
def run_single(self, mod_name, args=None, freq=None):
# Form the users module 'specs'
mod_to_be = {
'mod': mod_name,
'args': args,
'freq': freq,
# Now resume doing the normal fixups and running
raw_mods = [mod_to_be]
mostly_mods = self._fixup_modules(raw_mods)
return self._run_modules(mostly_mods)
def run_section(self, section_name):
raw_mods = self._read_modules(section_name)
mostly_mods = self._fixup_modules(raw_mods)
return self._run_modules(mostly_mods)