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# Copyright 2013 Cloudbase Solutions Srl
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import base64
from oslo_log import log as oslo_logging
from cloudbaseinit import conf as cloudbaseinit_conf
from cloudbaseinit import constant
from cloudbaseinit.osutils import factory as osutils_factory
from cloudbaseinit.plugins.common import base
from cloudbaseinit.plugins.common import constants as plugin_constant
from cloudbaseinit.utils import crypt
CONF = cloudbaseinit_conf.CONF
LOG = oslo_logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SetUserPasswordPlugin(base.BasePlugin):
def _encrypt_password(self, ssh_pub_key, password):
cm = crypt.CryptManager()
with cm.load_ssh_rsa_public_key(ssh_pub_key) as rsa:
enc_password = rsa.public_encrypt(password.encode())
return base64.b64encode(enc_password)
def _get_ssh_public_key(self, service):
public_keys = service.get_public_keys()
if public_keys:
return list(public_keys)[0]
def _get_password(self, service, shared_data):
injected = False
if CONF.inject_user_password:
password = service.get_admin_password()
password = None
if password:
injected = True
LOG.warn('Using admin_pass metadata user password. Consider '
'changing it as soon as possible')
password = shared_data.get(plugin_constant.SHARED_DATA_PASSWORD)
return password, injected
def _set_metadata_password(self, password, service):
if service.is_password_set:
LOG.debug('User\'s password already set in the instance metadata '
'and it cannot be updated in the instance metadata')
return True
ssh_pub_key = self._get_ssh_public_key(service)
if ssh_pub_key:
enc_password_b64 = self._encrypt_password(ssh_pub_key,
return service.post_password(enc_password_b64)
else:'No SSH public key available for password encryption')
return True
def _set_password(self, service, osutils, user_name, shared_data):
"""Change the password for the received username if it is required.
The used password can be the one received from the metadata provider,
if it does exist, or a random one will be generated.
.. notes:
This method has a different behaviour depending on the value of
:meth:`~can_update password` if this is True the password will
be set only if the :meth:`~is_password_changed` is also True.
if service.can_update_password and not service.is_password_changed():'Updating password is not required.')
return None
password, injected = self._get_password(service, shared_data)
if not password:
LOG.debug('Generating a random user password')
password = osutils.generate_random_password(
osutils.set_user_password(user_name, password)
self._change_logon_behaviour(user_name, password_injected=injected)
return password
def _change_logon_behaviour(self, username, password_injected=False):
"""Post set password logic
If the option is activated, force the user to change the
password at next logon.
if CONF.first_logon_behaviour == constant.NEVER_CHANGE:
clear_text = (CONF.first_logon_behaviour ==
always = CONF.first_logon_behaviour == constant.ALWAYS_CHANGE
if always or (clear_text and password_injected):
osutils = osutils_factory.get_os_utils()
def execute(self, service, shared_data):
# TODO(alexpilotti): The username selection logic must be set in the
# CreateUserPlugin instead if using CONF.username
user_name = shared_data.get(plugin_constant.SHARED_DATA_USERNAME,
osutils = osutils_factory.get_os_utils()
if osutils.user_exists(user_name):
password = self._set_password(service, osutils,
user_name, shared_data)
if password:'Password succesfully updated for user %s' %
# TODO(alexpilotti): encrypt with DPAPI
shared_data[plugin_constant.SHARED_DATA_PASSWORD] = password
if not service.can_post_password:'Cannot set the password in the metadata as it '
'is not supported by this service')
self._set_metadata_password(password, service)
if service.can_update_password:
# If the metadata provider can update the password, the plugin
# must run at every boot in order to update the password if
# it was changed.
return base.PLUGIN_EXECUTION_DONE, False