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# Copyright 2015 Cloudbase Solutions Srl
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
import os
import struct
from six.moves import winreg
import win32security
from cloudbaseinit import exception
from import privilege
REG_TIME_ZONES = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones"
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
class SYSTEMTIME(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('wYear', wintypes.WORD),
('wMonth', wintypes.WORD),
('wDayOfWeek', wintypes.WORD),
('wDay', wintypes.WORD),
('wHour', wintypes.WORD),
('wMinute', wintypes.WORD),
('wMilliseconds', wintypes.WORD),
class TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('Bias', wintypes.LONG),
('StandardName', wintypes.WCHAR * 32),
('StandardDate', SYSTEMTIME),
('StandardBias', wintypes.LONG),
('DaylightName', wintypes.WCHAR * 32),
('DaylightDate', SYSTEMTIME),
('DaylightBias', wintypes.LONG),
class DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('Bias', wintypes.LONG),
('StandardName', wintypes.WCHAR * 32),
('StandardDate', SYSTEMTIME),
('StandardBias', wintypes.LONG),
('DaylightName', wintypes.WCHAR * 32),
('DaylightDate', SYSTEMTIME),
('DaylightBias', wintypes.LONG),
('TimeZoneKeyName', wintypes.WCHAR * 128),
('DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled', wintypes.BOOLEAN),
class Timezone(object):
"""Class which holds details about a particular timezone.
It also can be used to change the current timezone,
by calling the :meth:`~set`. The supported time zone names
are the ones found here:
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
self._timezone_info = self._get_timezone_info()
# Public API.
self.bias = self._timezone_info[0]
self.standard_name = self._timezone_info[1]
self.standard_date = self._timezone_info[2]
self.standard_bias = self._timezone_info[3]
self.daylight_name = self._timezone_info[4]
self.daylight_date = self._timezone_info[5]
self.daylight_bias = self._timezone_info[6]
def _create_system_time(values):
mtime = SYSTEMTIME()
mtime.wYear = values[0]
mtime.wMonth = values[1]
mtime.wDayOfWeek = values[2]
mtime.wDay = values[3]
mtime.wHour = values[4]
mtime.wMinute = values[5]
mtime.wSecond = values[6]
mtime.wMilliseconds = values[7]
return mtime
def _get_timezone_struct(self):
info.Bias = self.bias
info.StandardName = self.standard_name
info.StandardDate = self._create_system_time(self.standard_date)
info.StandardBias = self.standard_bias
info.DaylightName = self.daylight_name
info.DaylightBias = self.daylight_bias
info.DaylightDate = self._create_system_time(self.daylight_date)
return info
def _get_dynamic_timezone_struct(self):
info.Bias = self.bias
info.StandardName = self.standard_name
info.StandardDate = self._create_system_time(self.standard_date)
info.StandardBias = self.standard_bias
info.DaylightName = self.daylight_name
info.DaylightBias = self.daylight_bias
info.DaylightDate = self._create_system_time(self.daylight_date)
# TODO(cpopa): should this flag be controllable?
info.DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled = False
info.TimeZoneKeyName = self._name
return info
def _get_timezone_info(self):
keyname = os.path.join(REG_TIME_ZONES, self._name)
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyname) as key:
return self._unpack_timezone_info(key)
except WindowsError as exc:
if exc.errno == NOT_FOUND:
raise exception.CloudbaseInitException(
"Timezone %r not found" % self._name)
def _unpack_system_time(tzi, offset):
# Unpack the values of a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure
# from the given blob, starting at the given offset.
return [struct.unpack("H", tzi[index: index + 2])[0]
for index in range(offset, offset + 16, 2)]
def _query_tz_key(key):
tzi = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "TZI")[0]
daylight_name = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Dlt")[0]
standard_name = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Std")[0]
return tzi, standard_name, daylight_name
def _unpack_timezone_info(self, key):
# Get information about the current timezone from the given
# registry key.
tzi, standard_name, daylight_name = self._query_tz_key(key)
bias, = struct.unpack("l", tzi[:4])
standard_bias, = struct.unpack("l", tzi[4:8])
daylight_bias, = struct.unpack("l", tzi[8:12])
standard_date = self._unpack_system_time(tzi, 12)
daylight_date = self._unpack_system_time(tzi, 12 + 16)
return (bias, standard_name, tuple(standard_date),
standard_bias, daylight_name,
tuple(daylight_date), daylight_bias)
def _set_time_zone_information(self):
info = self._get_timezone_struct()
with privilege.acquire_privilege(win32security.SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME):
def _set_dynamic_time_zone_information(self):
info = self._get_dynamic_timezone_struct()
with privilege.acquire_privilege(win32security.SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME):
def set(self, osutils):
"""Change the underlying timezone with this one.
This will use SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation on Windows Vista+ and
for Windows 2003 it will fallback to SetTimeZoneInformation, which
doesn't handle Daylight Saving Time.
if osutils.check_os_version(6, 0):