Added create_formpost method to assist in CORS tests.

Change-Id: Id68175b87f413d2a25e9c38698127cbd70e91a82
This commit is contained in:
Richard (Rick) Hawkins 2014-04-24 12:02:32 -05:00
parent 2d22704140
commit 9e61b5ca72
3 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -573,6 +573,120 @@ class ObjectStorageAPIClient(HTTPClient):
return {'target_url': base_url, 'signature': sig, 'expires': expires}
def create_formpost(self, container, files, object_prefix='',
max_file_size=104857600, max_file_count=10,
expires=None, key=''):
Creates RFC-2388.
@param container: Name of the container to post objects to.
@type container: string
@param files: Files to post in the form. The dictionaries representing
a file should be formatted as follows:
'name': '<form name>',
'filename': '<filename>',
'content_type': '<content_type>',
'data': '<filedata>'
Where only name is required, defaults to other values
will be as follows:
filename - the value stored in name.
content_type - 'text/plain'
data - the md5 hash of the value stored in name.
@type files: list of dictionaries
@param object_prefix: prefix to be used in the name of the objects
@type object_prefix: string
@param redirect: URL to be returned as the 'location' header in the
HTTP response.
@type redirect: string
@param max_file_size: The maximum file size in bytes which can be
uploaded with the form.
@type max_file_size: int
@param max_file_count: The maximum number of files allowed to be
uploaded with the form.
@type max_file_count: int
@param expires: The unix time relating to when the form expires
and will no longer allow uploads to the container.
@type expires: int
@param key: The account's X-Tempurl-Key used in creating the signatre
which authorizes the form to be POSTed.
@type key: string
@return: Data to be POSTed in the following format:
'target_url': '<url to POST to>',
'headers': '<headers to be added to the request>,
'body': '<body to be posted to the target url>'
@rtype: dictionary
base_url, path = self.storage_url.split('/v1')
path = '/v1{0}/{1}'.format(path, container)
if object_prefix:
path = '{0}/{1}'.format(path, object_prefix)
if not expires:
expires = int(time() + 600)
url = ''.join([base_url, path])
hmac_body = '{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}'.format(
path, redirect, max_file_size, max_file_count, expires)
sig =, hmac_body, sha1).hexdigest()
form = []
'headers': {'Content-Disposition': 'form-data; name="redirect"'},
'data': redirect})
'headers': {'Content-Disposition':
'form-data; name="max_file_size"'},
'data': str(max_file_size)})
'headers': {'Content-Disposition':
'form-data; name="max_file_count"'},
'data': str(max_file_count)})
'headers': {'Content-Disposition': 'form-data; name="expires"'},
'data': str(expires)})
'headers': {'Content-Disposition': 'form-data; name="signature"'},
'data': sig})
for f in files:
form_name = f.get('name')
form_filename = f.get('filename', form_name)
form_content_type = f.get('content_type', 'text/plain')
form_data = f.get('data', get_md5_hash(form_name))
'headers': {'Content-Disposition':
'form-data; name="{0}"; filename="{1}"'.format(
form_name, form_filename),
'Content-Type': form_content_type},
'data': form_data})
data = []
boundry = '----WebKitFormBoundary40Q4WaJHO84PBBIa'
for section in form:
for key, value in section['headers'].iteritems():
data.append('{0}: {1}\r\n'.format(key, value))
post_headers = {
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
'Accept': '*/*;q=0.8',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary={0}'.format(
return {'target_url': url, 'headers': post_headers,
'body': ''.join(data)}
def create_archive(self, object_names, compression_type,

View File

@ -208,3 +208,11 @@ class ObjectStorageAPIConfig(ConfigSectionInterface):
The admin key for admin /info calls.
return self.get('info_admin_key', '')
def strict_cors_mode(self):
If set to False, CORS will opperate in the 'old' way, otherwise
CORS works more strictly according to the spec.
return self.get_boolean('strict_cors_mode', True)

View File

@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ username=test:tester
# Maximum number of distinct metadata items.
# object_metadata_max_count = 90
# If set to False, CORS will opperate in the 'old' way, otherwise
# CORS works more strictly according to the spec.
# strict_cors_mode = True
# The amount of time that keys for tempurl are cached.
# tempurl_key_cache_time = 0