
1676 lines
63 KiB

(function() {
define(['./baseService'], function() {
'use strict';
var WizardService;
WizardService = (function() {
function WizardService(dataService, $state, wizardFactory, $filter, $q, ngTableParams, $modal) {
this.dataService = dataService;
this.$state = $state;
this.wizardFactory = wizardFactory;
this.$filter = $filter;
this.$q = $q;
this.ngTableParams = ngTableParams;
this.$modal = $modal;
WizardService.prototype.getClusterById = function(clusterId) {
return this.dataService.getClusterById(clusterId);
WizardService.prototype.getAllMachineHosts = function() {
return this.dataService.getAllMachineHosts();
WizardService.prototype.getWizardSteps = function() {
return this.dataService.getWizardSteps();
WizardService.prototype.getClusterConfig = function(clusterId) {
return this.dataService.getClusterConfig(clusterId);
WizardService.prototype.getAdapters = function() {
return this.dataService.getAdapters();
WizardService.prototype.getCurrentAdapterName = function(adapters, adapterId) {
var adapter, currentAdapterName, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = adapters.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
adapter = adapters[_i];
if ( === adapterId) {
_results.push(currentAdapterName =;
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.getSteps = function(currentAdapterName, wizardStepsData) {
switch (currentAdapterName[0]) {
case "os_only":
return wizardStepsData["os"];
return wizardStepsData["os_and_ts"];
WizardService.prototype.setWizardPreConfig = function(currentAdapterName, clusterConfigData) {
switch (currentAdapterName[0]) {
case "os_only":
return this.getWizardPreConfig("os_only", clusterConfigData);
return this.getWizardPreConfig("openstack", clusterConfigData);
WizardService.prototype.getWizardPreConfig = function(name, clusterConfigData) {
var oldConfig, wizardFactory;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
oldConfig = clusterConfigData;
return this.dataService.getWizardPreConfig().success(function(data) {
var preConfigData;
preConfigData = data[name];
if (preConfigData) {
if (oldConfig.os_config) {
if (oldConfig.os_config.partition) {
if (oldConfig.package_config) {
if ( {
if ( {
if ( {
if (oldConfig.package_config.network_mapping) {
if (oldConfig.package_config.ceph_config) {
return wizardFactory.setPackageConfig(oldConfig.package_config);
WizardService.prototype.getClusterInfo = function() {
return this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
WizardService.prototype.getAllMachinesHost = function() {
return this.wizardFactory.getAllMachinesHost();
WizardService.prototype.setAllMachinesHost = function(server) {
return this.wizardFactory.setAllMachinesHost(server);
WizardService.prototype.ipAddressPre = function(ip) {
var i, ipAddressPreHelper, m, x, _i, _ref;
m = ip.split(".");
x = "";
ipAddressPreHelper = function(i) {
var item;
item = m[i];
if (item.length === 1) {
return x += "00" + item;
} else if (item.length === 2) {
return x += "0" + item;
} else {
return x += item;
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = m.length - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
return x;
WizardService.prototype.setSubnetworks = function() {
var wizardFactory;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
return this.dataService.getSubnetConfig().success(function(data) {
return wizardFactory.setSubnetworks(data);
WizardService.prototype.getServerColumns = function() {
return this.dataService.getServerColumns();
WizardService.prototype.getSwitches = function() {
return this.dataService.getSwitches();
WizardService.prototype.watchAndAddNewServers = function($scope) {
var $filter;
$filter = this.$filter;
return $scope.$watch('foundResults', function(newResults, oldResults) {
var result, sv, _i, _len;
if (newResults !== oldResults) {
for (_i = 0, _len = newResults.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
result = newResults[_i];
sv = $filter('filter')($scope.allservers, result.mac, true);
if (sv.length === 0) {
result.machine_id =;
delete result['id'];
result["new"] = true;
if ($scope.tableParams) {
$scope.tableParams.$params.count = $scope.allservers.length;
return $scope.tableParams.reload();
}, true);
WizardService.prototype.postSwitches = function(newswitch) {
return this.dataService.postSwitches(newswitch);
WizardService.prototype.wizardInit = function($scope, clusterId, clusterData, adaptersData, wizardStepsData, machinesHostsData, clusterConfigData) {
$scope.loading = false;
$scope.clusterId = clusterId;
$scope.cluster = clusterData;
$scope.adapters = adaptersData;
$scope.currentAdapterName = this.getCurrentAdapterName($scope.adapters, $scope.cluster.adapter_id);
$scope.steps = this.getSteps($scope.currentAdapterName, wizardStepsData);
this.setWizardPreConfig($scope.currentAdapterName, clusterConfigData);
$scope.currentStep = 1;
$scope.maxStep = 1;
return $scope.pendingStep = 1;
WizardService.prototype.globalConfigInit = function($scope) {
$scope.os_global_config = {};
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
if (this.wizardFactory.getOsGlobalConfig() !== void 0) {
return $scope.os_global_config = this.wizardFactory.getOsGlobalConfig();
WizardService.prototype.networkInit = function($scope) {
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
$scope.subnetworks = this.wizardFactory.getSubnetworks();
$scope.interfaces = this.wizardFactory.getInterfaces();
$scope.autoFill = false;
$scope.autoFillButtonDisplay = "Enable Autofill";
return this.dataService.getServerColumns().success(function(data) {
return $scope.server_columns = data.showless;
WizardService.prototype.deleteSubnet = function($scope, index, id) {
return this.dataService.deleteSubnet(id).success(function(data) {
return $scope.subnetworks.splice(index, 1);
WizardService.prototype.validateAllSubnets = function($scope) {
var subnet, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
$scope.subnetAllValid = true;
_ref = $scope.subnetworks;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
subnet = _ref[_i];
if (subnet['valid'] === false) {
_results.push($scope.subnetAllValid = false);
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.subnetCommit = function($scope, $modalInstance) {
var findNewSubnetId, promises, requestData, subnet, updateSubnetConfig, _i, _len, _ref;
promises = [];
_ref = $scope.subnetworks;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
subnet = _ref[_i];
requestData = {
"subnet": subnet.subnet
if ( === void 0) {
updateSubnetConfig = this.dataService.postSubnetConfig(requestData);
} else {
updateSubnetConfig = this.dataService.putSubnetConfig(, requestData);
findNewSubnetId = this.findNewSubnetId;
this.$q.all(promises).then(function(data) {
var id, _j, _len1, _ref1;
_ref1 = $scope.subnetworks;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
subnet = _ref1[_j];
if (!subnet["id"]) {
id = findNewSubnetId(subnet.subnet, data);
subnet["id"] = id;
return $modalInstance.close($scope.subnetworks);
return function(response) {
return console.log("promises error", response);
WizardService.prototype.findNewSubnetId = function(ip, data) {
var sub, _i, _len;
for (_i = 0, _len = data.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
sub = data[_i];
if ( === ip) {
return null;
WizardService.prototype.fillHostname = function($scope, rule) {
var server, server_index, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _results, _results1;
switch (rule) {
case "host":
server_index = 1;
_ref = $scope.servers;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
server = _ref[_i];
server.hostname = "host-" + server_index;
return _results;
case "switch_ip":
_ref1 = $scope.servers;
_results1 = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
server = _ref1[_j];
_results1.push(server.hostname = server.switch_ip.replace(/\./g, "-") + "-p" + server.port);
return _results1;
WizardService.prototype.fillIPBySequence = function($scope, ipStart, interval, key) {
var ip, ipParts, ipStartParts, server, _i, _len, _ref;
if (ipStart === "") {
ipStartParts = ipStart.split(".");
ipParts = {
return parseInt(x);
_ref = $scope.servers;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
server = _ref[_i];
if (ipParts[3] > 255) {
ipParts[3] = ipParts[3] - 256;
if (ipParts[2] > 255) {
ipParts[2] = ipParts[2] - 256;
if (ipParts[1] > 255) {
ipParts[1] = ipParts[1] - 256;
if (ipParts[0] > 255) {
server.networks[key].ip = "";
} else {
ip = ipParts[0] + "." + ipParts[1] + "." + ipParts[2] + "." + ipParts[3];
server.networks[key].ip = ip;
ipParts[3] = ipParts[3] + interval;
WizardService.prototype.getNetMaskFromCIDR = function(cidr) {
var parts;
parts = cidr.split('/');
if (parts.length === 2) {
return parts[1];
} else {
return '24';
WizardService.prototype.getClusterHosts = function(clusterId) {
return this.dataService.getClusterHosts(clusterId);
WizardService.prototype.setInterfaces = function(interfaces) {
return this.wizardFactory.setInterfaces(interfaces);
WizardService.prototype.setClusterInfo = function(cluster) {
return this.wizardFactory.setClusterInfo(cluster);
WizardService.prototype.setPartition = function(partition) {
return this.wizardFactory.setPartition(partition);
WizardService.prototype.partitionInit = function($scope) {
var key, val, _ref, _results;
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
$scope.partition = this.wizardFactory.getPartition();
$scope.partitionInforArray = [];
$scope.duplicated = false;
$scope.duplicatedIndexArray = [];
_ref = $scope.partition;
_results = [];
for (key in _ref) {
val = _ref[key];
"name": key,
"percentage": val.percentage,
"max_size": val.max_size
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.targetSystemConfigInit = function($scope) {
var keyLength_console_credentials, keyLength_service_credentials, typeIsArray;
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
$scope.service_credentials = this.wizardFactory.getServiceCredentials();
$scope.console_credentials = this.wizardFactory.getConsoleCredentials();
$scope.package_config = this.wizardFactory.getPackageConfig();
typeIsArray = Array.isArray || function(value) {
return {} === '[object Array]';
this.dataService.getPackageConfigUiElements($ {
var content, content_data_serialNum, content_data_value, details_content_data_key, details_content_data_value, details_key, details_value, key, serialNum, value, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
$scope.metaData = data.flavor_config;
_ref = $scope.metaData;
_results = [];
for (key in _ref) {
value = _ref[key];
if (value.category !== "service_credentials" && value.category !== "console_credentials") {
if (!$scope.package_config[value.category]) {
$scope.package_config[value.category] = {};
if (value.data_structure === "form") {
_ref1 =;
for (serialNum in _ref1) {
content = _ref1[serialNum];
if (!$scope.package_config[value.category][]) {
if (!content.content) {
if (!content.default_value) {
$scope.package_config[value.category][] = "";
} else {
$scope.package_config[value.category][] = content.default_value;
} else {
$scope.package_config[value.category][] = {};
if (content.content) {
_ref2 = content.content;
for (content_data_serialNum in _ref2) {
content_data_value = _ref2[content_data_serialNum];
if (!$scope.package_config[value.category][][]) {
if (!content_data_value.default_value) {
if (!content_data_value.content_data) {
$scope.package_config[value.category][][] = "";
} else {
$scope.package_config[value.category][][] = {};
} else {
$scope.package_config[value.category][][] = content_data_value.default_value;
_ref3 = content_data_value.content_data;
for (details_content_data_key in _ref3) {
details_content_data_value = _ref3[details_content_data_key];
if (details_content_data_key === content_data_value.default_value) {
for (details_key in details_content_data_value) {
details_value = details_content_data_value[details_key];
if (!$scope.package_config[value.category][][]) {
if (!details_value.hint) {
$scope.package_config[value.category][][] = [""];
} else {
$scope.package_config[value.category][][] = [details_value.hint];
if (value.category === "service_credentials" || value.category === "console_credentials") {
if (!$scope.package_config["security"]) {
$scope.package_config["security"] = {};
$scope.package_config["security"][value.category] = value.config;
_results.push($scope.metaData[key].dataSource = $scope.package_config["security"][value.category]);
} else {
_results.push($scope.metaData[key].dataSource = $scope.package_config[value.category]);
return _results;
$scope.change = function(category, subname, name, value) {
var content, content_data_key, content_data_value, detail_data_key, detail_data_value, i, metaKey, metaValue, serialNum, _results;
_results = [];
for (i in $scope.package_config[category][subname]) {
if (i !== name) {
delete $scope.package_config[category][subname][i];
_results.push((function() {
var _ref, _results1;
_ref = $scope.metaData;
_results1 = [];
for (metaKey in _ref) {
metaValue = _ref[metaKey];
if (metaValue.category === category) {
_results1.push((function() {
var _ref1, _results2;
_ref1 =;
_results2 = [];
for (serialNum in _ref1) {
content = _ref1[serialNum];
_results2.push((function() {
var _ref2, _results3;
_ref2 = content.content;
_results3 = [];
for (content_data_key in _ref2) {
content_data_value = _ref2[content_data_key];
_results3.push((function() {
var _ref3, _results4;
_ref3 = content_data_value.content_data;
_results4 = [];
for (detail_data_key in _ref3) {
detail_data_value = _ref3[detail_data_key];
if (detail_data_key === value) {
_results4.push((function() {
var _i, _len, _results5;
_results5 = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = detail_data_value.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
i = detail_data_value[_i];
if (!$scope.package_config[category][subname][]) {
if (!i.hint) {
_results5.push($scope.package_config[category][subname][] = [""]);
} else {
_results5.push($scope.package_config[category][subname][] = [i.hint]);
} else {
_results5.push(void 0);
return _results5;
} else {
_results4.push(void 0);
return _results4;
return _results3;
return _results2;
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
return _results;
keyLength_service_credentials = Object.keys($scope.service_credentials).length;
$scope.editServiceMode = [];
$scope.editServiceMode.length = keyLength_service_credentials;
keyLength_console_credentials = Object.keys($scope.console_credentials).length;
$scope.editMgntMode = [];
$scope.editMgntMode.length = keyLength_console_credentials;
return $scope.mgmtAccordion = {};
WizardService.prototype.roleAssignInit = function($scope) {
var colors;
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
colors = ['#a4ebc6', '#cbe375', '#f5d185', '#ee9f97', '#de8ea8', '#8a8ae7', '#85c9fc', '#ffdc4d', '#f2af58', '#f1a3d7', '#e0a9f8', '#88e8db', '#7dc9df', '#bfbfbf', '#bece91', '#84efa7'];
$scope.servers = this.wizardFactory.getServers();
$scope.existingRoles = [];
$scope.realRole = [];
this.getServerColumns().success(function(data) {
return $scope.server_columns = data.showless;
return this.getClusterById($ {
var key, role, role_key, server_role, server_role_key, value, _ref, _ref1, _results;
$scope.roles = data.flavor.roles;
_ref = $scope.roles;
for (role_key in _ref) {
role = _ref[role_key];
role.color = colors[role_key];
$scope.roles[role_key].dragChannel = role_key;
_ref1 = $scope.servers;
_results = [];
for (key in _ref1) {
value = _ref1[key];
$scope.servers[key].dropChannel = $scope.existingRoles[key].toString();
_results.push((function() {
var _ref2, _ref3, _results1;
_ref2 = $scope.servers[key].roles;
_results1 = [];
for (server_role_key in _ref2) {
server_role = _ref2[server_role_key];
$scope.server_role = "";
_ref3 = $scope.roles;
for (role_key in _ref3) {
role = _ref3[role_key];
if ( === $scope.roles[role_key].name) {
$scope.server_role = role_key;
_results1.push(server_role.color = colors[$scope.server_role]);
return _results1;
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.networkMappingInit = function($scope) {
var key, value, _ref, _results;
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
$scope.interfaces = this.wizardFactory.getInterfaces();
$scope.original_networking = this.wizardFactory.getNetworkMapping();
_ref = $scope.interfaces;
_results = [];
for (key in _ref) {
value = _ref[key];
_results.push($scope.interfaces[key].dropChannel = "others");
return _results;
/* drag options for networks
$scope.networking = {}
for key, value of $scope.original_networking
$scope.networking[key] = {}
$scope.networking[key].mapping_interface = value
$scope.networking[key].dragChannel = "others"
*if key == "external" then $scope.networking[key].dragChannel = "external" else $scope.networking[key].dragChannel = "others"
* set the interface with promisc mode to be external network [required]
for key, value of $scope.interfaces
if value.is_promiscuous
$scope.networking["external"].mapping_interface = key
$scope.interfaces[key].dropChannel = "external"
if value.is_mgmt
$scope.networking["mgmt"].mapping_interface = key
WizardService.prototype.reviewInit = function($scope) {
$scope.cluster = this.wizardFactory.getClusterInfo();
$scope.servers = this.wizardFactory.getServers();
$scope.interfaces = this.wizardFactory.getInterfaces();
$scope.partition = this.wizardFactory.getPartition();
$scope.network_mapping = this.wizardFactory.getNetworkMapping();
$scope.server_credentials = this.wizardFactory.getServerCredentials();
$scope.service_credentials = this.wizardFactory.getServiceCredentials();
$scope.console_credentials = this.wizardFactory.getConsoleCredentials();
$scope.global_config = this.wizardFactory.getGeneralConfig();
$scope.os_global_config = this.wizardFactory.getOsGlobalConfig();
$scope.packageConfig = this.wizardFactory.getPackageConfig();
if ($scope.packageConfig.ceph_config) {
$scope.cephConfig = $scope.packageConfig.ceph_config;
if ($scope.packageConfig.neutron_config) {
$scope.neutronConfig = $scope.packageConfig.neutron_config;
this.getServerColumns().success(function(data) {
var index, temp, value, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
$scope.server_columns =;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (index = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
value = _ref[index];
if (value.title === "Hostname") {
temp = $scope.server_columns[0];
$scope.server_columns[0] = value;
$scope.server_columns[index] = temp;
if (value.title === "Host MAC Addr") {
temp = $scope.server_columns[1];
$scope.server_columns[1] = value;
$scope.server_columns[index] = temp;
if (value.title === "Switch IP") {
temp = $scope.server_columns[2];
$scope.server_columns[2] = value;
$scope.server_columns[index] = temp;
if (value.title === "Port") {
temp = $scope.server_columns[3];
$scope.server_columns[3] = value;
_results.push($scope.server_columns[index] = temp);
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
$scope.tabs = [
"title": "Database & Queue",
"url": "service.tpl.html"
}, {
"title": "Keystone User",
"url": "console.tpl.html"
if ($scope.currentAdapterName === "ceph_openstack_icehouse") {
"title": "Ceph",
"url": "ceph.tpl.html"
return $scope.currentTab = $scope.tabs[0].url;
WizardService.prototype.triggerCommitByStepById = function($scope, stepId, nextStepId) {
var commitState, sendRequest;
if (nextStepId > stepId) {
sendRequest = true;
} else {
sendRequest = false;
commitState = {
"name": $scope.steps[stepId - 1].name,
"state": "triggered",
"sendRequest": sendRequest,
"message": {}
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState(commitState);
WizardService.prototype.watchingCommittedStatus = function($scope) {
var $modal, $state, showErrorMessage, wizardFactory;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
$state = this.$state;
$modal = this.$modal;
showErrorMessage = this.showErrorMessage;
return $scope.$watch((function() {
return wizardFactory.getCommitState();
}), function(newCommitState, oldCommitState) {
var goToPreviousStep;
if (newCommitState.state === "success") {
console.warn("### catch success in wizardCtrl ###", newCommitState, oldCommitState);
if ( === "review") {
console.log("### go to overview ###");
$state.go("cluster.overview", {
'id': $
$scope.stepControl(goToPreviousStep = false);
if ($scope.currentStep > $scope.maxStep) {
$scope.maxStep = $scope.currentStep;
} else if (newCommitState.state === "invalid") {
showErrorMessage($modal, "Error Message", newCommitState.message);
} else if (newCommitState.state === "error") {
console.warn("### catch error in wizardCtrl ###", newCommitState, oldCommitState);
} else if (newCommitState.state === "goToPreviousStep") {
$scope.stepControl(goToPreviousStep = true);
if ($scope.currentStep > $scope.maxStep) {
$scope.maxStep = $scope.currentStep;
return $scope.loading = false;
WizardService.prototype.showErrorMessage = function($modal, showTitle, showContent) {
return ${
templateUrl: 'src/app/partials/modalErrorMessage.html',
controller: 'errorMessageCtrl',
resolve: {
title: function() {
return showTitle;
content: function() {
return showContent;
WizardService.prototype.stepControl = function($scope, goToPreviousStep) {
var i, previousStepsIncomplete, _i, _len, _ref;
if ($scope.pendingStep <= $scope.maxStep + 1) {
previousStepsIncomplete = false;
_ref = $scope.pendingStep - 1;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
i = _ref[_i];
if ($scope.steps[i].state === "incomplete") {
previousStepsIncomplete = true;
if (previousStepsIncomplete) {
return alert("Please make sure pre-requisite steps are complete.");
} else {
this.updateStepProgress($scope, $scope.pendingStep, $scope.currentStep, goToPreviousStep);
return $scope.currentStep = $scope.pendingStep;
} else {
this.showErrorMessage(this.$modal, "Error", "Please complete previous steps first");
return $scope.pendingStep = $scope.currentStep;
WizardService.prototype.updateStepProgress = function($scope, newStep, oldStep, goToPreviousStep) {
$scope.steps[newStep - 1].state = "active";
if (goToPreviousStep) {
$scope.steps[oldStep - 1].state = "";
} else {
$scope.steps[oldStep - 1].state = "complete";
$scope.steps[oldStep - 1].state = "complete";
if ($scope.steps[newStep - 1].name === 'sv_selection') {
if ($scope.maxStep > $scope.networkStep) {
$scope.steps[$scope.networkStep].state = "incomplete";
if ($scope.maxStep > $scope.roleAssignStep) {
$scope.steps[$scope.roleAssignStep].state = "incomplete";
if ($scope.maxStep > $scope.networkMappingStep) {
$scope.steps[$scope.networkMappingStep].state = "incomplete";
if (newStep === $scope.networkStep + 1 && $scope.maxStep > $scope.networkMappingStep) {
$scope.steps[$scope.networkMappingStep].state = "incomplete";
if (oldStep === $scope.steps.length) {
return $scope.steps[$scope.steps.length - 1].state = "";
WizardService.prototype.watchingTriggeredStep = function($scope) {
var wizardFactory;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
return $scope.$watch((function() {
return wizardFactory.getCommitState();
}), function(newCommitState, oldCommitState) {
if (newCommitState.state === "triggered") {
return $scope.commit(newCommitState.sendRequest);
WizardService.prototype.svSelectonCommit = function($scope) {
var addHostsAction, buildMachineObjectHelper, noSelection, selectedServers, server, sv, wizardFactory, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
selectedServers = [];
noSelection = true;
_ref = $scope.allservers;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
sv = _ref[_i];
if (sv.selected) {
noSelection = false;
buildMachineObjectHelper = function(server) {
if (server.reinstallos === void 0) {
return {
"machine_id": server.machine_id
} else {
return {
"machine_id": server.machine_id,
"reinstall_os": server.reinstallos
if (noSelection) {
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "sv_selection",
"state": "invalid",
"message": "Please select at least one server"
} else {
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
addHostsAction = {
"add_hosts": {
"machines": []
_ref1 = $scope.allservers;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
server = _ref1[_j];
if (server.selected) {
this.dataService.postClusterActions($, addHostsAction).success(function(data) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "sv_selection",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}).error(function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "sv_selection",
"state": "error",
"message": response
return wizardFactory.setServers(selectedServers);
WizardService.prototype.globalCommit = function($scope, sendRequest) {
var category, content, mdata, message, submitData, wizardFactory, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
if (!sendRequest) {
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "os_global",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
submitData = {
os_config: {}
_ref = $scope.metaData;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
mdata = _ref[_i];
submitData.os_config[] = $scope.os_global_config[];
_ref1 = $scope.metaData;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
category = _ref1[_j];
_ref2 =;
for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
content = _ref2[_k];
if (content.datamatch) {
delete submitData.os_config[][];
if ($scope.generalForm.$valid) {
return this.dataService.updateClusterConfig($, submitData).success(function(configData) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "os_global",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}).error(function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "os_global",
"state": "error",
"message": response
} else {
if ($scope.generalForm.$error.required) {
message = "The required(*) fields can not be empty !";
} else if ($scope.generalForm.$error.match) {
message = "The passwords do not match";
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "os_global",
"state": "invalid",
"message": message
WizardService.prototype.addInterface = function($scope, newInterface) {
var isExist, key, value, _ref;
isExist = false;
if (newInterface) {
_ref = $scope.interfaces;
for (key in _ref) {
value = _ref[key];
if (key === {
isExist = true;
alert("This interface already exists. Please try another one");
if (!isExist) {
$scope.interfaces[] = {
"subnet_id": parseInt(newInterface.subnet_id),
"is_mgmt": Object.keys($scope.interfaces).length === 0 ? true : false
return $scope.newInterface = {};
WizardService.prototype.networkCommit = function($scope, sendRequest) {
var hostNetworkPromises, hostname, hostnamePromises, interfaceCount, key, network, server, updateHostnamePromise, updateNetworkPromise, value, wizardFactory, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
if (!sendRequest) {
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "network",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
interfaceCount = Object.keys($scope.interfaces).length;
if (interfaceCount === 0) {
alert("Please add interface");
hostnamePromises = [];
hostNetworkPromises = [];
_ref = $scope.servers;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
server = _ref[_i];
hostname = {
"name": server["hostname"]
updateHostnamePromise = this.dataService.putHost(, hostname);
_ref1 = server.networks;
for (key in _ref1) {
value = _ref1[key];
if (!$scope.interfaces[key]) {
network = {
"interface": key,
"ip": value.ip,
"subnet_id": parseInt($scope.interfaces[key].subnet_id),
"is_mgmt": $scope.interfaces[key].is_mgmt,
"is_promiscuous": $scope.interfaces[key].is_promiscuous
if ( === void 0) {
updateNetworkPromise = this.dataService.postHostNetwork(, network).success(function(networkData) {
return server.networks[networkData["interface"]].id =;
} else {
updateNetworkPromise = this.dataService.putHostNetwork(,, network);
return this.$q.all(hostnamePromises.concat(hostNetworkPromises)).then(function() {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "network",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}, function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "network",
"state": "error",
WizardService.prototype.partitionCommit = function($scope, sendRequest) {
var newPartition, os_partition, partitionInfo, wizardFactory, _i, _len, _ref;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
if (!sendRequest) {
"name": "partition",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
if ($scope.duplicated) {
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "partition",
"state": "invalid",
"message": "Mount Point cannot be the same"
} else {
newPartition = {};
_ref = $scope.partitionInforArray;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
partitionInfo = _ref[_i];
newPartition[partitionInfo['name']] = {};
newPartition[partitionInfo['name']]['percentage'] = partitionInfo['percentage'];
newPartition[partitionInfo['name']]['max_size'] = partitionInfo['max_size'];
os_partition = {
"os_config": {
"partition": newPartition
return this.dataService.updateClusterConfig($, os_partition).success(function(configData) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "partition",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}).error(function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "partition",
"state": "error",
"message": response
WizardService.prototype.addPartition = function($scope) {
var newRowExist, partitionInfo, _i, _len, _ref;
newRowExist = false;
_ref = $scope.partitionInforArray;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
partitionInfo = _ref[_i];
if ( === "") {
newRowExist = true;
if (!newRowExist && !$scope.duplicated) {
return $scope.partitionInforArray.push({
"name": "",
"percentage": 0,
"max_size": 0
WizardService.prototype.mount_point_change = function($scope, index, name) {
var count, duplicatedIndexContainer, numberOfNames, partitionInfo, _i, _len, _ref;
duplicatedIndexContainer = [];
$scope.duplicatedIndexArray = [];
count = 0;
$scope.duplicated = false;
numberOfNames = 0;
_ref = $scope.partitionInforArray;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
partitionInfo = _ref[_i];
if ( === name) {
if (numberOfNames > 1) {
$scope.duplicated = true;
return $scope.duplicatedIndexArray = duplicatedIndexContainer;
WizardService.prototype.deletePartition = function($scope, index) {
var emptyRowIndex;
emptyRowIndex = -1;
if ($scope.partitionInforArray.length <= 2) {
if ($scope.partitionInforArray[0]['name'] === "") {
emptyRowIndex = 0;
} else if ($scope.partitionInforArray[1]['name'] === "") {
emptyRowIndex = 1;
if (emptyRowIndex === index || emptyRowIndex === -1) {
} else {
$scope.partitionInforArray.splice(index, 1);
if ($scope.duplicatedIndexArray.indexOf(index) >= 0) {
return $scope.duplicated = false;
WizardService.prototype.targetSystemConfigCommit = function($scope, sendRequest) {
var message, targetSysConfigData, wizardFactory;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
if (!sendRequest) {
"name": "package_config",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
targetSysConfigData = {
"package_config": $scope.package_config
if ($scope.packageConfigForm.$valid) {
return this.dataService.updateClusterConfig($, targetSysConfigData).success(function(configData) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "package_config",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}).error(function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "package_config",
"state": "error",
"message": response
} else {
if ($scope.packageConfigForm.$error.required) {
message = "The required(*) fields can not be empty !";
} else if ($scope.packageConfigForm.$error.match) {
message = "The passwords do not match";
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "package_config",
"state": "invalid",
"message": message
WizardService.prototype.assignRole = function($scope, role) {
var server, serverChecked, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _results;
serverChecked = false;
_ref = $scope.servers;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
server = _ref[_i];
if (server.checked) {
serverChecked = true;
if (!serverChecked) {
return alert("Please select at least one server");
} else {
_ref1 = $scope.servers;
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
server = _ref1[_j];
if (server.checked && !this.checkRoleExist(server.roles, role)) {
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.checkRoleExist = function(existingRoles, newRole) {
var existingRole, roleExist, _i, _len;
roleExist = false;
for (_i = 0, _len = existingRoles.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
existingRole = existingRoles[_i];
if ( === {
roleExist = true;
return roleExist;
WizardService.prototype.checkExistRolesDrag = function($scope) {
var key, role, role_key, server_role, server_role_key, value, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results;
_ref = $scope.servers;
_results = [];
for (key in _ref) {
value = _ref[key];
_ref1 = $scope.servers[key].roles;
for (server_role_key = _i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; server_role_key = ++_i) {
server_role = _ref1[server_role_key];
_ref2 = $scope.roles;
for (role_key = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref2.length; _j < _len1; role_key = ++_j) {
role = _ref2[role_key];
if ($scope.servers[key].roles[server_role_key].name === $scope.roles[role_key].name) {
$scope.existingRoles[key].splice(role_key, 1, "p");
_results.push($scope.servers[key].dropChannel = $scope.existingRoles[key].toString());
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.autoAssignRoles = function($scope) {
var i, loopStep, newRole, roleExist, svIndex, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
svIndex = 0;
_ref = $scope.roles;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
newRole = _ref[_i];
i = 0;
loopStep = 0;
_results.push((function() {
var _results1;
_results1 = [];
while (i < newRole.count && loopStep < $scope.servers.length) {
if (svIndex >= $scope.servers.length) {
svIndex = 0;
roleExist = this.checkRoleExist($scope.servers[svIndex].roles, newRole);
if (!roleExist) {
loopStep = 0;
} else {
return _results1;
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.roleAssignCommit = function($scope, sendRequest) {
var config, data, promises, role, roles, server, updateHAVIP, updateRoles, wizardFactory, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
if (!sendRequest) {
"name": "role_assign",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
promises = [];
_ref = $scope.servers;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
server = _ref[_i];
roles = [];
_ref1 = server.roles;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
role = _ref1[_j];
data = {
"roles": roles
updateRoles = this.dataService.updateClusterHost($,, data);
if ($scope.ha_vip) {
config = {
"package_config": {
"ha_vip": $scope.ha_vip
updateHAVIP = dataService.updateClusterConfig($, config);
return this.$q.all(promises).then(function() {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "role_assign",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}, function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "role_assign",
"state": "error",
WizardService.prototype.networkMappingCommit = function($scope, networkCfg, networkMapping, neutronCfg, sendRequest) {
var key, network_mapping, networks, value, wizardFactory, _ref;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
if (!sendRequest) {
"name": "network_mapping",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
$scope.$emit("loading", true);
networks = {};
_ref = $scope.networking;
for (key in _ref) {
value = _ref[key];
networks[key] = value.mapping_interface;
network_mapping = {
"package_config": {
"network_cfg": networkCfg,
"network_mapping": networkMapping,
"neutron_config": neutronCfg,
"enable_vpnaas": "False",
"enable_fwaas": "False",
"enable_secgroup": "False"
return this.dataService.updateClusterConfig($, network_mapping).success(function(data) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "network_mapping",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}).error(function(response) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "network_mapping",
"state": "error",
"message": response
WizardService.prototype.reviewCommit = function($scope, sendRequest) {
var dataService, deployAction, reviewAction, server, wizardFactory, _i, _len, _ref;
if (!sendRequest) {
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "review",
"state": "goToPreviousStep",
"message": ""
dataService = this.dataService;
wizardFactory = this.wizardFactory;
reviewAction = {
"review": {
"hosts": []
deployAction = {
"deploy": {
"hosts": []
_ref = $scope.servers;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
server = _ref[_i];;
return dataService.postClusterActions($, reviewAction).success(function(data) {
return dataService.postClusterActions($, deployAction).success(function(data) {
return wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "review",
"state": "success",
"message": ""
}).error(function(data) {
return console.warn("Deploy hosts error: ", data);
}).error(function(data) {
return console.warn("Review hosts error: ", data);
WizardService.prototype.deploy = function($scope) {
var step, wizard_complete, _i, _len, _ref;
wizard_complete = true;
_ref = $scope.steps;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
step = _ref[_i];
if ( !== "review" && step.state !== "complete") {
wizard_complete = false;
if (wizard_complete) {
return this.wizardFactory.setCommitState({
"name": "review",
"state": "triggered",
"message": "",
"sendRequest": true
WizardService.prototype.displayDataInTable = function($scope, data) {
var $filter, ipAddressPre;
ipAddressPre = this.ipAddressPre;
$filter = this.$filter;
return $scope.tableParams = new this.ngTableParams({
page: 1,
count: data.length + 1
}, {
counts: [],
total: data.length,
getData: function($defer, params) {
var orderBy, orderByColumn, orderBySort, orderedData, reverse;
reverse = false;
orderBy = params.orderBy()[0];
orderBySort = "";
orderByColumn = "";
orderedData = {};
if (orderBy) {
orderByColumn = orderBy.substring(1);
orderBySort = orderBy.substring(0, 1);
if (orderBySort === "+") {
reverse = true;
} else {
reverse = false;
if (orderedData = params.sorting()) {
orderedData = $filter('orderBy')(data, function(item) {
if (orderByColumn === "switch_ip") {
return ipAddressPre(item.switch_ip);
} else {
return item[orderByColumn];
}, reverse);
} else {
orderedData = data;
$scope.servers = orderedData;
return $defer.resolve(orderedData.slice(( - 1) * params.count(), * params.count()));
WizardService.prototype.getSwitchById = function(id) {
return this.dataService.getSwitchById(id);
WizardService.prototype.getSwitchMachines = function(id) {
return this.dataService.getSwitchMachines(id);
WizardService.prototype.postSwitchAction = function(id, action) {
return this.dataService.postSwitchAction(id, action);
WizardService.prototype.putSwitches = function(id, sw) {
return this.dataService.putSwitches(id, sw);
WizardService.prototype.buildOsGlobalConfigByMetaData = function($scope) {
return this.dataService.getOsGlobalConfigMetaData($scope.cluster.os_id).success(function(data) {
var category, content, key, values, _results;
$scope.metaData = data.os_global_config;
_results = [];
for (key in data) {
values = data[key];
_results.push((function() {
var _i, _len, _results1;
_results1 = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = values.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
category = values[_i];
if ($scope.os_global_config[]) {
$scope[key][] = $scope.os_global_config[];
} else {
$scope[key][] = {};
_results1.push((function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref, _results2;
_ref =;
_results2 = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
content = _ref[_j];
if (content.default_value && !$scope.os_global_config[][]) {
$scope.os_global_config[][] = content.default_value;
if (content.display_type === "multitext") {
if ($scope.os_global_config[][]) {
_results2.push($scope[key][][] = $scope.os_global_config[][]);
} else {
_results2.push($scope[key][][] = [""]);
} else {
_results2.push(void 0);
return _results2;
return _results1;
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.copyWithHashKey = function(target, source) {
var index, s, _i, _len, _results;
index = 0;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = source.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
s = source[_i];
target[index]["$$hashKey"] = source[index]["$$hashKey"];
return _results;
WizardService.prototype.getDataService = function() {
return this.dataService;
WizardService.prototype.addUploadSwitches = function($scope, allSwitches, allMachines) {
var addUploadMachines, componets, dataService, postData, s, switches, temp, _i, _len;
$scope.switchLoading = true;
addUploadMachines = this.addUploadMachines;
dataService = this.dataService;
switches = $scope.switchFile.split("\n");
postData = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = switches.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
s = switches[_i];
if (s.indexOf(',') === -1) {
componets = s.split(',');
temp = {};
temp.credentials = {};
if (componets[0]) {
temp.ip = componets[0];
if (componets[1]) {
temp.vendor = componets[1];
if (componets[2]) {
temp.credentials.version = componets[2];
if (componets[3]) { = componets[3];
return dataService.uploadSwitches(postData).success(function(data) {
var _j, _len1, _ref;
$scope.uploadSwitchesReturn = data;
_ref = data.switches;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
s = _ref[_j];
$scope.switchLoading = false;
if ($scope.machineFile) {
return addUploadMachines($scope, allMachines, dataService);
WizardService.prototype.addUploadMachines = function($scope, allMachines, dataService) {
var componets, m, machines, postData, temp, _i, _len;
$scope.machineLoading = true;
machines = $scope.machineFile.split("\n");
postData = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = machines.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
m = machines[_i];
if (m.indexOf(',') === -1) {
componets = m.split(',');
temp = {};
if (componets[0]) {
temp.mac = componets[0];
if (componets[1]) {
temp.port = componets[1];
if (componets[2]) {
temp.switch_ip = componets[2];
return dataService.uploadMachines(postData).success(function(data) {
var _j, _len1, _ref;
$scope.uploadMachinesReturn = data;
_ref = data.switches_machines;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
m = _ref[_j];
temp = {}; = m.machine_id;
temp.mac = m.mac;
temp.port = m.port;
temp.switch_ip = m.switch_ip;
temp.switch_id = m.switch_id;
temp.vlan = m.vlan;
return $scope.machineLoading = false;
WizardService.prototype.readDataFromFile = function($scope, selector, target) {
var reader, selectedFile;
selectedFile = $(selector).get(0).files[0];
if (selectedFile) {
reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(selectedFile, "UTF-8");
return reader.onload = function(e) {
return $scope[target] = reader.result;
WizardService.prototype.addSingMachine = function($scope, $modalInstance, allMachines) {
var request;
request = {};
request.mac = $scope.newMac;
request.port = "0";
return this.dataService.postSigleMachine($, request).success(function(data) {
data.switch_ip = $scope.selected_switch.ip;
return $modalInstance.dismiss('ok');
return WizardService;
return angular.module('').service('wizardService', [
'dataService', '$state', 'wizardFactory', '$filter', '$q', 'ngTableParams', '$modal', function(dataService, $state, wizardFactory, $filter, $q, ngTableParams, $modal) {
return new WizardService(dataService, $state, wizardFactory, $filter, $q, ngTableParams, $modal);