# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ /hosts endpoint for Daisy v1 API """ import subprocess import re from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from webob.exc import HTTPBadRequest from webob.exc import HTTPConflict from webob.exc import HTTPForbidden from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound from webob import Response from daisy.api import policy import daisy.api.v1 from daisy.api.v1 import controller from daisy.api.v1 import filters from daisy.common import exception from daisy.common import property_utils from daisy.common import utils from daisy.common import wsgi from daisy.common import vcpu_pin from daisy import i18n from daisy import notifier import daisy.registry.client.v1.api as registry import threading import daisy.api.backends.common as daisy_cmn import daisy.api.backends.tecs.common as tecs_cmn import ConfigParser import socket import netaddr LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _ = i18n._ _LE = i18n._LE _LI = i18n._LI _LW = i18n._LW SUPPORTED_PARAMS = daisy.api.v1.SUPPORTED_PARAMS SUPPORTED_FILTERS = daisy.api.v1.SUPPORTED_FILTERS ACTIVE_IMMUTABLE = daisy.api.v1.ACTIVE_IMMUTABLE CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt('disk_formats', 'daisy.common.config', group='image_format') CONF.import_opt('container_formats', 'daisy.common.config', group='image_format') CONF.import_opt('image_property_quota', 'daisy.common.config') DISCOVER_DEFAULTS = { 'listen_port': '5050', 'ironic_url': '', } ML2_TYPE = [ 'ovs', 'dvs', 'ovs,sriov(macvtap)', 'ovs,sriov(direct)', 'sriov(macvtap)', 'sriov(direct)'] SUPPORT_HOST_PAGE_SIZE = ['2M', '1G'] class Controller(controller.BaseController): """ WSGI controller for hosts resource in Daisy v1 API The hosts resource API is a RESTful web service for host data. The API is as follows:: GET /nodes -- Returns a set of brief metadata about hosts GET /nodes -- Returns a set of detailed metadata about hosts HEAD /nodes/ -- Return metadata about an host with id GET /nodes/ -- Return host data for host with id POST /nodes -- Store host data and return metadata about the newly-stored host PUT /nodes/ -- Update host metadata and/or upload host data for a previously-reserved host DELETE /nodes/ -- Delete the host with id """ support_resource_type = ['baremetal', 'server', 'docker'] def __init__(self): self.notifier = notifier.Notifier() registry.configure_registry_client() self.policy = policy.Enforcer() if property_utils.is_property_protection_enabled(): self.prop_enforcer = property_utils.PropertyRules(self.policy) else: self.prop_enforcer = None def _enforce(self, req, action, target=None): """Authorize an action against our policies""" if target is None: target = {} try: self.policy.enforce(req.context, action, target) except exception.Forbidden: raise HTTPForbidden() def _raise_404_if_network_deleted(self, req, network_id): network = self.get_network_meta_or_404(req, network_id) if network is None or network['deleted']: msg = _("Network with identifier %s has been deleted.") % \ network_id raise HTTPNotFound(msg) def _raise_404_if_cluster_deleted(self, req, cluster_id): cluster = self.get_cluster_meta_or_404(req, cluster_id) if cluster is None or cluster['deleted']: msg = _("Cluster with identifier %s has been deleted.") % \ cluster_id raise HTTPNotFound(msg) def _raise_404_if_role_deleted(self, req, role_id): role = self.get_role_meta_or_404(req, role_id) if role is None or role['deleted']: msg = _("Cluster with identifier %s has been deleted.") % role_id raise HTTPNotFound(msg) def _get_filters(self, req): """ Return a dictionary of query param filters from the request :param req: the Request object coming from the wsgi layer :retval a dict of key/value filters """ query_filters = {} for param in req.params: if param in SUPPORTED_FILTERS: query_filters[param] = req.params.get(param) if not filters.validate(param, query_filters[param]): raise HTTPBadRequest(_('Bad value passed to filter ' '%(filter)s got %(val)s') % {'filter': param, 'val': query_filters[param]}) return query_filters def _get_query_params(self, req): """ Extracts necessary query params from request. :param req: the WSGI Request object :retval dict of parameters that can be used by registry client """ params = {'filters': self._get_filters(req)} for PARAM in SUPPORTED_PARAMS: if PARAM in req.params: params[PARAM] = req.params.get(PARAM) return params def check_bond_slaves_validity( self, bond_slaves_lists, ether_nic_names_list): ''' members in bond slaves must be in ether_nic_names_list len(set(bond_slaves)) == 2, and can not be overlap between slaves members bond_slaves_lists: [[name1,name2], [name1,name2], ...] ether_nic_names_list: [name1, name2, ...] ''' for bond_slaves in bond_slaves_lists: LOG.warn('bond_slaves: %s' % bond_slaves) if len(set(bond_slaves)) != 2: LOG.error('set(bond_slaves: %s' % set(bond_slaves)) msg = ( _( "Bond slaves(%s) must be different nic and existed " "in ether nics in pairs." % bond_slaves)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) if not set(bond_slaves).issubset(set(ether_nic_names_list)): msg = ( _("Pay attention: illegal ether nic existed " "in bond slaves(%s)." % bond_slaves)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) def validate_ip_format(self, ip_str): ''' valid ip_str format = '' invalid ip_str format : '123. 233.42.12', spaces existed in field '3234.23.453.353', out of range '-', negative number in field '', letter in field '10.43.1789', invalid format ''' valid_fromat = False if ip_str.count('.') == 3 and all(num.isdigit() and 0 <= int( num) < 256 for num in ip_str.rstrip().split('.')): valid_fromat = True if not valid_fromat: msg = (_("%s invalid ip format!") % ip_str) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) def validate_mac_format(self, mac_str): '''Validates a mac address''' if re.match("[0-9a-f]{2}([-:])[0-9a-f]{2}(\\1[0-9a-f]{2}){4}$", mac_str.lower()): return else: msg = (_("%s invalid mac format!") % mac_str) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) def get_cluster_networks_info(self, req, cluster_id=None, type=None): ''' get_cluster_networks_info by cluster id ''' params = {} if type: params['filters'] = {'type': type} all_networks = registry.get_all_networks(req.context, **params) if cluster_id: cluster_networks = [network for network in all_networks if network['cluster_id'] == cluster_id] return cluster_networks else: return all_networks def _check_assigned_networks(self, req, cluster_id, assigned_networks): LOG.info("assigned_networks %s " % assigned_networks) cluster_networks = self.get_cluster_networks_info(req, cluster_id) list_of_assigned_networks = [] for assigned_network in assigned_networks: LOG.info("assigned_network %s " % assigned_network) if 'name' not in assigned_network or not assigned_network['name']: msg = "assigned networks '%s' are invalid" % ( assigned_networks) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") network_info = [network for network in cluster_networks if network[ 'name'] == assigned_network['name']] if network_info and network_info[0]: network_cidr = network_info[0]['cidr'] LOG.info("network_info %s " % network_info) if network_info[0]['network_type'] != 'DATAPLANE': if network_cidr: if 'ip' in assigned_network and assigned_network['ip']: self.validate_ip_format(assigned_network['ip']) ip_in_cidr = utils.is_ip_in_cidr( assigned_network['ip'], network_cidr) if not ip_in_cidr: msg = (_("The ip '%s' for network '%s'" " is not in cidr range." % (assigned_network['ip'], assigned_network['name']))) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) else: msg = "error, cidr of network '%s' is empty" % ( assigned_network['name']) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: msg = "can't find network named '%s' in cluster '%s'" % ( assigned_network['name'], cluster_id) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") list_of_assigned_networks.append(network_info[0]) return list_of_assigned_networks def _compare_assigned_networks_of_interface(self, interface1, interface2): for network in interface1: if network.get('segmentation_type') in ['vlan']: continue for network_compare in interface2: if network_compare.get('segmentation_type') in ['vlan']: continue if network.get('cidr', None) \ and network_compare.get('cidr', None) \ and network['cidr'] == network_compare['cidr']: return network['name'], network_compare['name'] return False, False def _compare_assigned_networks_between_interfaces( self, interface_num, assigned_networks_of_interfaces): for interface_id in range(interface_num): for interface_id_compare in range(interface_id + 1, interface_num): network1_name, network2_name = self.\ _compare_assigned_networks_of_interface( assigned_networks_of_interfaces[interface_id], assigned_networks_of_interfaces[interface_id_compare]) if network1_name and network2_name: msg = (_('Network %s and network %s with same ' 'cidr can not be assigned to different ' 'interfaces.')) % (network1_name, network2_name) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _check_add_host_interfaces(self, req, host_meta): host_meta_interfaces = [] if 'interfaces' in host_meta: host_meta_interfaces = list(eval(host_meta['interfaces'])) else: return cluster_id = host_meta.get('cluster', None) exist_id, os_status = self._verify_interface_among_hosts( req, host_meta) if exist_id: if os_status == "active": msg = _( 'The host %s os_status is active,' 'forbidden ironic to add host.') % exist_id raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) host_meta['id'] = exist_id self.update_host(req, exist_id, host_meta) LOG.info( "<<>>" % exist_id) return {'host_meta': host_meta} ether_nic_names_list = list() bond_nic_names_list = list() bond_slaves_lists = list() have_assigned_network = False have_ip_netmask = False assigned_networks_of_intefaces = [] interface_num = 0 for interface in host_meta_interfaces: assigned_networks_of_one_interface = [] if interface.get( 'type', None) != 'bond' and not interface.get( 'mac', None): msg = _('The ether interface need a non-null mac ') raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if interface.get( 'type', None) == 'ether' and not interface.get( 'pci', None): msg = "The Interface need a non-null pci" LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if interface.get('name', None): if 'type' in interface and interface['type'] == 'bond': bond_nic_names_list.append(interface['name']) if interface.get('slaves', None): bond_slaves_lists.append(interface['slaves']) else: msg = ( _("Slaves parameter can not be None " "when nic type was bond.")) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) else: # type == ether or interface without type field ether_nic_names_list.append(interface['name']) else: msg = (_("Nic name can not be None.")) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) if 'is_deployment' in interface: if interface['is_deployment'] == "True" or interface[ 'is_deployment']: interface['is_deployment'] = 1 else: interface['is_deployment'] = 0 if ('assigned_networks' in interface and interface['assigned_networks'] != [''] and interface['assigned_networks']): have_assigned_network = True if cluster_id: assigned_networks_of_one_interface = self.\ _check_assigned_networks(req, cluster_id, interface[ 'assigned_networks']) else: msg = "cluster must be given first when network " \ "plane is allocated" LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if ('ip' in interface and interface['ip'] and 'netmask' in interface and interface['netmask']): have_ip_netmask = True if 'mac' in interface and 'ip' in interface: host_infos = registry.get_host_interface( req.context, host_meta) for host_info in host_infos: if 'host_id' in host_info: host_meta["id"] = host_info['host_id'] if 'vswitch_type' in interface and interface[ 'vswitch_type'] != '' and \ interface['vswitch_type'] not in \ ML2_TYPE: msg = "vswitch_type %s is not supported" % interface[ 'vswitch_type'] raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") interface_num += 1 assigned_networks_of_intefaces.\ append(assigned_networks_of_one_interface) for interface_id in range(interface_num): for interface_id_compare in range(interface_id + 1, interface_num): network1_name, network2_name = self.\ _compare_assigned_networks_of_interface( assigned_networks_of_intefaces[interface_id], assigned_networks_of_intefaces[interface_id_compare]) if network1_name and network2_name: msg = (_('Network %s and network %s with same ' 'cidr can not be assigned to different ' 'interfaces.')) % (network1_name, network2_name) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) # when assigned_network is empty, ip must be config if not have_assigned_network: if not have_ip_netmask: msg = "ip and netmask must be given when network " \ "plane is not allocated" LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") # check bond slaves validity self.check_bond_slaves_validity( bond_slaves_lists, ether_nic_names_list) nic_name_list = ether_nic_names_list + bond_nic_names_list if len(set(nic_name_list)) != len(nic_name_list): msg = (_("Nic name must be unique.")) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) def _check_dvs_huge(self, host_meta, orig_host_meta={}): host_interfaces = (host_meta.get('interfaces') or orig_host_meta.get('interfaces')) if host_interfaces: if not isinstance(host_interfaces, list): host_interfaces = eval(host_interfaces) has_dvs = utils.get_dvs_interfaces(host_interfaces) if has_dvs: if (('hugepages' in host_meta and int(host_meta['hugepages']) < 10) or ('hugepagesize' in host_meta and host_meta['hugepagesize'] != '1G')): host_name = (host_meta.get('name') or orig_host_meta.get('name')) msg = _("hugepages should be larger than 10G " " when dvs installed on host %s") % host_name raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) @utils.mutating def add_host(self, req, host_meta): """ Adds a new host to Daisy :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param image_meta: Mapping of metadata about host :raises HTTPBadRequest if x-host-name is missing """ self._enforce(req, 'add_host') # if host is update in '_verify_interface_among_hosts', no need add # host continue. cluster_id = host_meta.get('cluster', None) if cluster_id: self.get_cluster_meta_or_404(req, cluster_id) if 'role' in host_meta and host_meta['role']: role_id_list = [] host_roles = [] if 'cluster' in host_meta: params = self._get_query_params(req) role_list = registry.get_roles_detail(req.context, **params) for role_name in role_list: if role_name['cluster_id'] == host_meta['cluster']: host_roles = list(eval(host_meta['role'])) for host_role in host_roles: if role_name['name'] == host_role: role_id_list.append(role_name['id']) continue if len(role_id_list) != len(host_roles): msg = "The role of params %s is not exist, " \ "please use the right name" % host_roles raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") host_meta['role'] = role_id_list else: msg = "cluster params is none" raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") # if host is found from ssh, don't set pxe interface if host_meta.get('os_status', None) == 'init': self._set_pxe_interface_for_host(req, host_meta) self._check_add_host_interfaces(req, host_meta) if 'resource_type' in host_meta: if host_meta['resource_type'] not in self.support_resource_type: msg = "resource type is not supported, please use it in %s" % \ self.support_resource_type raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: host_meta['resource_type'] = 'baremetal' if 'os_status' in host_meta: if host_meta['os_status'] not in ['init', 'installing', 'active', 'failed', 'none']: msg = "os_status is not valid." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if 'ipmi_addr' in host_meta and host_meta['ipmi_addr']: if 'ipmi_user' not in host_meta: host_meta['ipmi_user'] = 'zteroot' if 'ipmi_passwd' not in host_meta: host_meta['ipmi_passwd'] = 'superuser' self._check_dvs_huge(host_meta) if host_meta.get('config_set_id'): self.get_config_set_meta_or_404(req, host_meta['config_set_id']) host_meta = registry.add_host_metadata(req.context, host_meta) return {'host_meta': host_meta} @utils.mutating def delete_host(self, req, id): """ Deletes a host from Daisy. :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param image_meta: Mapping of metadata about host :raises HTTPBadRequest if x-host-name is missing """ self._enforce(req, 'delete_host') try: registry.delete_host_metadata(req.context, id) except exception.NotFound as e: msg = (_("Failed to find host to delete: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.Forbidden as e: msg = (_("Forbidden to delete host: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.InUseByStore as e: msg = (_("Host %(id)s could not be deleted because it is in use: " "%(exc)s") % {"id": id, "exc": utils.exception_to_str(e)}) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPConflict(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: # self.notifier.info('host.delete', host) params = {} discover_hosts = registry.get_discover_hosts_detail( req.context, **params) for host in discover_hosts: if host.get('host_id') == id: LOG.info("delete discover host: %s" % id) registry.delete_discover_host_metadata( req.context, host['id']) return Response(body='', status=200) @utils.mutating def get_host(self, req, id): """ Returns metadata about an host in the HTTP headers of the response object :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param id: The opaque host identifier :raises HTTPNotFound if host metadata is not available to user """ self._enforce(req, 'get_host') host_meta = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, id) host_vcpu_pin = vcpu_pin.allocate_cpus(host_meta) host_meta.update(host_vcpu_pin) if 'role' in host_meta and 'CONTROLLER_HA' in host_meta['role']: host_cluster_name = host_meta['cluster'] params = {'filters': {u'name': host_cluster_name}} cluster_info = registry.get_clusters_detail(req.context, **params) cluster_id = cluster_info[0]['id'] ctl_ha_nodes_min_mac =\ tecs_cmn.get_ctl_ha_nodes_min_mac(req, cluster_id) sorted_ha_nodes = \ sorted(ctl_ha_nodes_min_mac.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1]) sorted_ha_nodes_min_mac = \ [min_mac[1] for min_mac in sorted_ha_nodes] host_min_mac = utils.get_host_min_mac(host_meta['interfaces']) host_iqn = daisy_cmn.calc_host_iqn(host_min_mac) host_meta['iqn'] = host_iqn cluster_roles = daisy_cmn.get_cluster_roles_detail(req, cluster_id) role_id = '' for role in cluster_roles: if role['name'] == 'CONTROLLER_HA': role_id = role['id'] break service_disks = \ tecs_cmn.get_service_disk_list(req, {'filters': { 'role_id': role_id}}) db_share_cluster_disk = [] service_lun_info = [] for disk in service_disks: if disk['service'] == 'db' and \ disk['disk_location'] == 'share_cluster': db_share_cluster_disk.append(disk) if disk['disk_location'] == 'share': tmp_disk = {} tmp_disk[disk['service']] = disk['lun'] service_lun_info.append(tmp_disk) sorted_db_share_cluster = \ sorted(db_share_cluster_disk, key=lambda s: s['lun']) db_service_lun_info = {} for (min_mac, share_disk) in \ zip(sorted_ha_nodes_min_mac, sorted_db_share_cluster): if host_min_mac == min_mac: db_service_lun_info['db'] = share_disk['lun'] break if db_service_lun_info: service_lun_info.append(db_service_lun_info) if service_lun_info: host_meta['lun'] = service_lun_info return {'host_meta': host_meta} def detail(self, req): """ Returns detailed information for all available nodes :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :retval The response body is a mapping of the following form:: {'nodes': [ {'id': , 'name': , 'description': , 'created_at': , 'updated_at': , 'deleted_at': |,}, ... ]} """ self._enforce(req, 'get_hosts') params = self._get_query_params(req) try: nodes = registry.get_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) for node in nodes: if node.get("hwm_id"): self.check_discover_state_with_hwm(req, node) else: self.check_discover_state_with_no_hwm(req, node) except exception.Invalid as e: raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg, request=req) return dict(nodes=nodes) def check_discover_state_with_hwm(self, req, node): node['discover_state'] = None host_meta = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, node.get('id')) if host_meta and host_meta.get('interfaces'): mac_list = [ interface['mac'] for interface in host_meta.get('interfaces') if interface.get('mac')] if mac_list: min_mac = min(mac_list) pxe_discover_host = self._get_discover_host_by_mac(req, min_mac) if pxe_discover_host: if pxe_discover_host.get('ip'): node['discover_state'] = \ "SSH:" + pxe_discover_host.get('status') else: node['discover_state'] = \ "PXE:" + pxe_discover_host.get('status') return node def check_discover_state_with_no_hwm(self, req, node): node['discover_state'] = None host_meta = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, node.get('id')) if host_meta and host_meta.get('interfaces'): ip_list = [interface['ip'] for interface in host_meta.get('interfaces') if interface['ip']] if ip_list: for ip in ip_list: ssh_discover_host = self._get_host_by_ip(req, ip) if ssh_discover_host: node['discover_state'] = \ "SSH:" + ssh_discover_host.get('status') return node def _update_hwm_host(self, req, hwm_host, hosts, hwm_ip): hwm_host_mac = [hwm_host_interface['mac'] for hwm_host_interface in hwm_host.get('interfaces')] for host in hosts: host_update_meta = dict() host_meta = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, host['id']) host_mac = [host_interface['mac'] for host_interface in host_meta.get('interfaces')] set_same_mac = set(hwm_host_mac) & set(host_mac) if set_same_mac: host_update_meta['hwm_id'] = hwm_host['id'] host_update_meta['hwm_ip'] = hwm_ip node = registry.update_host_metadata(req.context, host['id'], host_update_meta) return node host_add_meta = dict() host_add_meta['name'] = str(hwm_host['id']) host_add_meta['description'] = 'default' host_add_meta['os_status'] = 'init' host_add_meta['hwm_id'] = str(hwm_host['id']) host_add_meta['hwm_ip'] = str(hwm_ip) host_add_meta['interfaces'] = str(hwm_host['interfaces']) node = registry.add_host_metadata(req.context, host_add_meta) return node def update_hwm_host(self, req, host_meta): self._enforce(req, 'get_hosts') params = self._get_query_params(req) try: hosts = registry.get_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) hosts_without_hwm_id = list() hosts_hwm_id_list = list() for host in hosts: if host.get('hwm_id'): hosts_hwm_id_list.append(host['hwm_id']) else: hosts_without_hwm_id.append(host) hwm_hosts = host_meta['nodes'] hwm_ip = host_meta['hwm_ip'] nodes = list() for hwm_host in eval(hwm_hosts): if hwm_host['id'] in hosts_hwm_id_list: continue node = self._update_hwm_host(req, hwm_host, hosts_without_hwm_id, hwm_ip) nodes.append(node) return dict(nodes=nodes) except exception.Invalid as e: raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg, request=req) def _compute_hugepage_memory(self, hugepages, memory, hugepagesize='1G'): hugepage_memory = 0 if hugepagesize == '2M': hugepage_memory = 2 * 1024 * int(hugepages) if hugepagesize == '1G': hugepage_memory = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * int(hugepages) if hugepage_memory > memory: msg = "The memory hugepages used is bigger " \ "than total memory." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _count_host_pxe_info(self, interfaces): interfaces = eval(interfaces) input_host_pxe_info = [ interface for interface in interfaces if interface.get( 'is_deployment', None) == "True" or interface.get( 'is_deployment', None) == "true" or interface.get( 'is_deployment', None) == 1] return input_host_pxe_info def _update_networks_phyname(self, req, interface, cluster_id): phyname_networks = {} cluster_networks = registry.get_networks_detail( req.context, cluster_id) for assigned_network in list(interface['assigned_networks']): network_info_list = [network for network in cluster_networks if assigned_network['name'] == network['name']] if network_info_list and network_info_list[0]: network_info = network_info_list[0] phyname_networks[network_info['id']] = \ [network_info['name'], interface['name']] else: msg = "can't find network named '%s' in cluster '%s'" % ( assigned_network['name'], cluster_id) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") # by cluster id and network_name search interface table registry.update_phyname_of_network(req.context, phyname_networks) def _verify_interface_in_same_host(self, interfaces, id=None): """ Verify interface in the input host. :param interface: host interface info :return: """ # verify interface among the input host interfaces = eval(interfaces) same_mac_list = [interface1['name'] for interface1 in interfaces for interface2 in interfaces if interface1.get('name', None) and interface1.get('mac', None) and interface2.get('name', None) and interface2.get('mac', None) and interface1.get('type', None) and interface2.get('type', None) and interface1['name'] != interface2['name'] and interface1['mac'] == interface2['mac'] and interface1['type'] != "bond" and interface2['type'] != "bond"] # Notice:If interface with same 'mac' is illegal, # we need delete code #1,and raise exception in 'if' block. # This code block is just verify for early warning. if same_mac_list: msg = "%s%s" % ("" if not id else "Host id:%s." % id, "The nic name of interface [%s] with same mac," "please check!" % ",".join(same_mac_list)) LOG.warn(msg) # 1----------------------------------------------------------------- # if interface with same 'pci', raise exception same_pci_list = [interface1['name'] for interface1 in interfaces for interface2 in interfaces if interface1.get('name', None) and interface1.get('pci', None) and interface2.get('name', None) and interface2.get('pci', None) and interface1.get('type', None) and interface2.get('type', None) and interface1['name'] != interface2['name'] and interface1['pci'] == interface2['pci'] and interface1['type'] == "ether" and interface2['type'] == "ether"] if same_pci_list: msg = "The nic name of interface [%s] " \ "with same pci,please check!" % ",".join( same_pci_list) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) # 1----------------------------------------------------------------- def _verify_interface_among_hosts(self, req, host_meta): """ Verify interface among the hosts in cluster :param req: :param cluster_id: :param host_meta: :return:True,host already update False,host need add """ # If true, the host need update, not add and update is successful. self._verify_interface_in_same_host(host_meta['interfaces']) # host pxe interface info input_host_pxe_info = self._count_host_pxe_info( host_meta['interfaces']) # verify interface between exist host and input host in cluster list_params = { 'sort_key': u'name', 'sort_dir': u'asc'} all_hosts = registry.get_hosts_detail(req.context, **list_params) exist_nodes = [] for id in [host['id'] for host in all_hosts]: host_meta_list = registry.get_host_metadata(req.context, id) exist_nodes.append(host_meta_list) if input_host_pxe_info: input_host_pxe_info = input_host_pxe_info[0] for exist_node in exist_nodes: id = exist_node.get('id', None) os_status = exist_node.get('os_status', None) exist_node_info = self.get_host(req, id).get('host_meta', None) if not exist_node_info.get('interfaces', None): continue for interface in exist_node_info['interfaces']: if interface.get( 'mac', None) != input_host_pxe_info.get( 'mac', None) or interface.get( 'type', None) == "bond": continue if exist_node.get('dmi_uuid') \ and exist_node.get('dmi_uuid') != \ host_meta.get('dmi_uuid'): msg = "The 'mac' of host interface is exist in " \ "db, but 'dmi_uuid' is different.We think " \ "you want update the host, but the host " \ "can't find." raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) return (id, os_status) return (None, None) def _get_swap_lv_size_m(self, memory_size_m): if memory_size_m <= 4096: swap_lv_size_m = 4096 elif memory_size_m <= 16384: swap_lv_size_m = 8192 elif memory_size_m <= 65536: swap_lv_size_m = 32768 else: swap_lv_size_m = 65536 return swap_lv_size_m def _ready_to_discover_host(self, host_meta, orig_host_meta): if orig_host_meta.get('interfaces', None): macs = [interface['mac'] for interface in orig_host_meta['interfaces'] if interface['mac']] for mac in macs: delete_host_discovery_info = 'pxe_os_install_clean ' + mac subprocess.call(delete_host_discovery_info, shell=True, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if ('role' not in host_meta and 'status' in orig_host_meta and orig_host_meta['status'] == 'with-role' and orig_host_meta['os_status'] != 'init'): host_meta['role'] = [] if 'os_progress' not in host_meta: host_meta['os_progress'] = 0 if 'messages' not in host_meta: host_meta['messages'] = '' def _set_pxe_interface_for_host(self, req, host_meta): all_networks = self.get_cluster_networks_info(req, type='system') template_deploy_network = [network for network in all_networks if network['type'] == 'system' and network['name'] == 'DEPLOYMENT'] if not template_deploy_network: msg = "error, can't find deployment network of system" raise HTTPNotFound(msg) dhcp_cidr = template_deploy_network[0]['cidr'] dhcp_ip_ranges = template_deploy_network[0]['ip_ranges'] deployment_interface_count = 0 host_meta['interfaces'] = eval(host_meta['interfaces']) for interface in host_meta['interfaces']: if 'ip' in interface and interface['ip']: ip_in_cidr = utils.is_ip_in_cidr(interface['ip'], dhcp_cidr) if dhcp_ip_ranges: ip_in_ranges = utils.is_ip_in_ranges(interface['ip'], dhcp_ip_ranges) else: ip_in_ranges = True if ip_in_cidr and ip_in_ranges: interface['is_deployment'] = 1 deployment_interface_count += 1 if deployment_interface_count != 1: if deployment_interface_count == 0: msg = "error, can't find dhcp ip" if deployment_interface_count > 1: msg = "error, find more than one dhcp ip" LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) host_meta['interfaces'] = unicode(host_meta['interfaces']) @utils.mutating def update_host(self, req, id, host_meta): """ Updates an existing host with the registry. :param request: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param id: The opaque image identifier :retval Returns the updated image information as a mapping """ self._enforce(req, 'update_host') orig_host_meta = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, id) # Do not allow any updates on a deleted image. # Fix for LP Bug #1060930 if orig_host_meta['deleted']: msg = _("Forbidden to update deleted host.") raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") orig_mac_list = list() if 'interfaces' in host_meta: for interface_param in eval(host_meta['interfaces']): if not interface_param.get('pci', None) and \ interface_param.get('type', None) == 'ether': msg = "The Interface need a non-null pci" raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if 'vswitch_type' in interface_param and interface_param[ 'vswitch_type'] != '' and \ interface_param['vswitch_type'] not in ML2_TYPE: msg = "vswitch_type %s is not supported" % interface_param[ 'vswitch_type'] raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") interfaces_db = orig_host_meta.get('interfaces', None) orig_mac_list = [interface_db['mac'] for interface_db in interfaces_db if interface_db['mac']] orig_pci_list = [interface_db['pci'] for interface_db in interfaces_db if interface_db['pci']] if interfaces_db and len(orig_pci_list): interfaces_param = eval(host_meta['interfaces']) interfaces_db_ether = [ interface_db for interface_db in interfaces_db if interface_db.get( 'type', None) != 'bond'] interfaces_param_ether = [ interface_param for interface_param in interfaces_param if interface_param.get( 'type', None) != 'bond'] if len(interfaces_param) < len(interfaces_db_ether): msg = "Forbidden to update part of interfaces" raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) # pci in subnet interface is null, # comment it to avoid the bug. 20160508 gaoming if '': pci_count = 0 for interface_db in interfaces_db: if interface_db.get('type', None) != 'bond': for interface_param in interfaces_param_ether: if interface_param['pci'] == interface_db['pci']: pci_count += 1 if interface_param[ 'mac'] != interface_db['mac']: msg = "Forbidden to modify mac of " \ "interface with pci %s" % \ interface_db['pci'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) if interface_param[ 'type'] != interface_db['type']: msg = "Forbidden to modify type of " \ "interface with pci %s" % \ interface_db['pci'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) if pci_count != len(interfaces_db_ether): msg = "Forbidden to modify pci of interface" raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) if 'cluster' in host_meta: self.get_cluster_meta_or_404(req, host_meta['cluster']) if 'cluster' in host_meta: if orig_host_meta['status'] == 'in-cluster': host_cluster = registry.get_host_clusters(req.context, id) if host_meta['cluster'] != host_cluster[0]['cluster_id']: msg = _("Forbidden to add host %s with status " "'in-cluster' in another cluster") % id raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) if ('resource_type' in host_meta and host_meta['resource_type'] not in self.support_resource_type): msg = "resource type is not supported, please use it in %s" % \ self.support_resource_type raise HTTPNotFound(msg) if host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) != 'init' and orig_host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get('root_disk', None) and host_meta[ 'root_disk'] != orig_host_meta['root_disk']: msg = _( "Forbidden to update root_disk of %s " "when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: host_meta['root_disk'] = orig_host_meta['root_disk'] else: if host_meta.get('root_disk', None): root_disk = host_meta['root_disk'] elif orig_host_meta.get('root_disk', None): root_disk = str(orig_host_meta['root_disk']) else: host_meta['root_disk'] = 'sda' root_disk = host_meta['root_disk'] if not orig_host_meta.get('disks', None): msg = "there is no disks in %s" % orig_host_meta['id'] raise HTTPNotFound(msg) if root_disk not in orig_host_meta['disks'].keys(): msg = "There is no disk named %s" % root_disk raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) != 'init' and orig_host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get( 'root_lv_size', None) and int( host_meta['root_lv_size']) != orig_host_meta[ 'root_lv_size']: msg = _( "Forbidden to update root_lv_size of %s " "when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: host_meta['root_lv_size'] = str(orig_host_meta['root_lv_size']) else: if host_meta.get('root_lv_size', None): root_lv_size = host_meta['root_lv_size'] elif orig_host_meta.get('root_lv_size', None): root_lv_size = str(orig_host_meta['root_lv_size']) else: host_meta['root_lv_size'] = '102400' root_lv_size = host_meta['root_lv_size'] if not orig_host_meta.get('disks', None): msg = "there is no disks in %s" % orig_host_meta['id'] raise HTTPNotFound(msg) if root_lv_size.isdigit(): root_lv_size = int(root_lv_size) root_disk_storage_size_b_str = str( orig_host_meta['disks'][ '%s' % root_disk]['size']) root_disk_storage_size_b_int = int( root_disk_storage_size_b_str.strip().split()[0]) root_disk_storage_size_m = root_disk_storage_size_b_int // ( 1024 * 1024) boot_partition_m = 400 redundant_partiton_m = 600 free_root_disk_storage_size_m = root_disk_storage_size_m - \ boot_partition_m - redundant_partiton_m if (root_lv_size / 4) * 4 > free_root_disk_storage_size_m: msg = "root_lv_size of %s is larger " \ "than the free_root_disk_storage_size." % \ orig_host_meta['id'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if (root_lv_size / 4) * 4 < 102400: msg = "root_lv_size of %s is too small, " \ "it must be larger than 102400M." % orig_host_meta[ 'id'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: msg = ( _("root_lv_size of %s is wrong," "please input a number and it must be positive number") % orig_host_meta['id']) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) != 'init' and orig_host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get( 'swap_lv_size', None) and int( host_meta['swap_lv_size']) != \ orig_host_meta['swap_lv_size']: msg = _( "Forbidden to update swap_lv_size of %s " "when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: host_meta['swap_lv_size'] = str(orig_host_meta['swap_lv_size']) else: if host_meta.get('swap_lv_size', None): swap_lv_size = host_meta['swap_lv_size'] elif orig_host_meta.get('swap_lv_size', None): swap_lv_size = str(orig_host_meta['swap_lv_size']) else: if not orig_host_meta.get('memory', None): msg = "there is no memory in %s" % orig_host_meta['id'] raise HTTPNotFound(msg) memory_size_b_str = str(orig_host_meta['memory']['total']) memory_size_b_int = int(memory_size_b_str.strip().split()[0]) memory_size_m = memory_size_b_int // 1024 swap_lv_size_m = self._get_swap_lv_size_m(memory_size_m) host_meta['swap_lv_size'] = str(swap_lv_size_m) swap_lv_size = host_meta['swap_lv_size'] if swap_lv_size.isdigit(): swap_lv_size = int(swap_lv_size) disk_storage_size_b = 0 for key in orig_host_meta['disks']: if orig_host_meta['disks'][key]['disk'].find("-fc-") \ != -1 or orig_host_meta['disks'][key]['disk'].\ find("-iscsi-") != -1 \ or orig_host_meta['disks'][key]['name'].\ find("mpath") != -1 \ or orig_host_meta['disks'][key]['name'].\ find("spath") != -1: continue stroage_size_str = orig_host_meta['disks'][key]['size'] stroage_size_b_int = int( stroage_size_str.strip().split()[0]) disk_storage_size_b = \ disk_storage_size_b + stroage_size_b_int disk_storage_size_m = disk_storage_size_b / (1024 * 1024) boot_partition_m = 400 redundant_partiton_m = 600 if host_meta.get('role', None): host_role_names = eval(host_meta['role']) elif orig_host_meta.get('role', None): host_role_names = orig_host_meta['role'] else: host_role_names = None if host_role_names: roles_of_host = [] params = self._get_query_params(req) role_lists = registry.get_roles_detail( req.context, **params) for host_role_name in host_role_names: for role in role_lists: if host_role_name == role[ 'name'] and role['type'] == 'default': roles_of_host.append(role) db_lv_size = 0 nova_lv_size = 0 glance_lv_size = 0 for role_of_host in roles_of_host: if role_of_host['name'] == 'CONTROLLER_HA': if role_of_host.get('glance_lv_size', None): glance_lv_size = role_of_host['glance_lv_size'] if role_of_host.get('db_lv_size', None): db_lv_size = role_of_host['db_lv_size'] if role_of_host['name'] == 'COMPUTER': nova_lv_size = role_of_host['nova_lv_size'] free_disk_storage_size_m = disk_storage_size_m - \ boot_partition_m - \ redundant_partiton_m - \ (root_lv_size / 4) * 4 - (glance_lv_size / 4) * 4 - \ (nova_lv_size / 4) * 4 - \ (db_lv_size / 4) * 4 else: free_disk_storage_size_m = disk_storage_size_m - \ boot_partition_m - redundant_partiton_m - \ (root_lv_size / 4) * 4 if (swap_lv_size / 4) * 4 > free_disk_storage_size_m: msg = "the sum of swap_lv_size and " \ "glance_lv_size and nova_lv_size and " \ "db_lv_size of %s is larger " \ "than the free_disk_storage_size." % \ orig_host_meta['id'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if (swap_lv_size / 4) * 4 < 2000: msg = "swap_lv_size of %s is too small, " \ "it must be larger than 2000M." % orig_host_meta[ 'id'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: msg = ( _("swap_lv_size of %s is wrong," "please input a number and it must be positive number") % orig_host_meta['id']) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) != 'init' and orig_host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get('root_pwd', None) and host_meta[ 'root_pwd'] != orig_host_meta['root_pwd']: msg = _( "Forbidden to update root_pwd of %s " "when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: host_meta['root_pwd'] = orig_host_meta['root_pwd'] else: if not host_meta.get( 'root_pwd', None) and not orig_host_meta.get( 'root_pwd', None): host_meta['root_pwd'] = 'ossdbg1' if host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) != 'init' and orig_host_meta.get( 'os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get('isolcpus', None) and host_meta[ 'isolcpus'] != orig_host_meta['isolcpus']: msg = _( "Forbidden to update isolcpus of %s " "when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: host_meta['isolcpus'] = orig_host_meta['isolcpus'] else: if host_meta.get('isolcpus', None): isolcpus = host_meta['isolcpus'] elif orig_host_meta.get('isolcpus', None): isolcpus = orig_host_meta['isolcpus'] else: host_meta['isolcpus'] = None isolcpus = host_meta['isolcpus'] if not orig_host_meta.get('cpu', None): msg = "there is no cpu in %s" % orig_host_meta['id'] raise HTTPNotFound(msg) cpu_num = orig_host_meta['cpu']['total'] if isolcpus: isolcpus_lists = [value.split('-') for value in isolcpus.split(',')] isolcpus_list = [] for value in isolcpus_lists: isolcpus_list = isolcpus_list + value for value in isolcpus_list: if int(value) < 0 or int(value) > cpu_num - 1: msg = "isolcpus number must be lager than 0 and " \ "less than %d" % ( cpu_num - 1) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") clusters = registry.get_clusters_detail(req.context) orig_cluster_name = orig_host_meta.get('cluster', None) orig_cluster_id = None for cluster in clusters: if cluster['name'] == orig_cluster_name: orig_cluster_id = cluster['id'] cluster_id = host_meta.get('cluster', orig_cluster_id) params = self._get_query_params(req) role_list = registry.get_roles_detail(req.context, **params) if 'role' in host_meta: role_id_list = [] if 'cluster' in host_meta: host_roles = list() for role_name in role_list: if role_name['cluster_id'] == host_meta['cluster']: host_roles = list(eval(host_meta['role'])) for host_role in host_roles: if role_name['name'] == host_role: role_id_list.append(role_name['id']) continue if len(role_id_list) != len( host_roles) and host_meta['role'] != u"[u'']": msg = "The role of params %s is not exist, " \ "please use the right name" % host_roles raise HTTPNotFound(msg) host_meta['role'] = role_id_list else: msg = "cluster params is none" raise HTTPNotFound(msg) if 'interfaces' in host_meta: host_meta_interfaces = list(eval(host_meta['interfaces'])) ether_nic_names_list = list() bond_nic_names_list = list() bond_slaves_lists = list() interface_num = 0 assigned_networks_of_interfaces = [] for interface in host_meta_interfaces: if interface.get('name', None): if 'type' in interface and interface['type'] == 'bond': bond_nic_names_list.append(interface['name']) slave_list = [] if interface.get('slaves', None): bond_slaves_lists.append(interface['slaves']) elif interface.get('slave1', None) and \ interface.get('slave2', None): slave_list.append(interface['slave1']) slave_list.append(interface['slave2']) bond_slaves_lists.append(slave_list) else: msg = ( _("Slaves parameter can not be " "None when nic type was bond.")) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) else: # type == ether or interface without type field ether_nic_names_list.append(interface['name']) else: msg = (_("Nic name can not be None.")) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) if 'is_deployment' in interface: if interface['is_deployment'] == "True" or interface[ 'is_deployment']: interface['is_deployment'] = 1 else: interface['is_deployment'] = 0 if ('assigned_networks' in interface and interface['assigned_networks'] != [''] and interface['assigned_networks']): if cluster_id: LOG.info( "interface['assigned_networks']: %s" % interface['assigned_networks']) assigned_networks_of_one_interface = self.\ _check_assigned_networks(req, cluster_id, interface['assigned_' 'networks']) self._update_networks_phyname( req, interface, cluster_id) host_meta['cluster'] = cluster_id else: msg = "cluster must be given first " \ "when network plane is allocated" LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") assigned_networks_of_interfaces.\ append(assigned_networks_of_one_interface) else: assigned_networks_of_interfaces.\ append([]) interface_num += 1 self._compare_assigned_networks_between_interfaces( interface_num, assigned_networks_of_interfaces) # check bond slaves validity self.check_bond_slaves_validity( bond_slaves_lists, ether_nic_names_list) nic_name_list = ether_nic_names_list + bond_nic_names_list if len(set(nic_name_list)) != len(nic_name_list): msg = (_("Nic name must be unique.")) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) if 'os_status' in host_meta: if host_meta['os_status'] not in \ ['init', 'installing', 'active', 'failed', 'none']: msg = "os_status is not valid." raise HTTPNotFound(msg) if (('ipmi_addr' in host_meta and host_meta['ipmi_addr']) or orig_host_meta['ipmi_addr']): if 'ipmi_user' not in host_meta and not\ orig_host_meta['ipmi_user']: host_meta['ipmi_user'] = 'zteroot' if 'ipmi_passwd' not in host_meta and not \ orig_host_meta['ipmi_passwd']: host_meta['ipmi_passwd'] = 'superuser' if host_meta.get('os_status', None) != 'init' and \ orig_host_meta.get('os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get( 'hugepages', None) and int( host_meta['hugepages']) != orig_host_meta['hugepages']: msg = _("Forbidden to update hugepages of %s" " when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: if 'hugepages' in host_meta: if not orig_host_meta.get('memory', {}).get('total', None): msg = "The host %s has no memory" % id raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) memory = orig_host_meta.get('memory', {}).get('total', None) if host_meta['hugepages'] is None: host_meta['hugepages'] = 0 if int(host_meta['hugepages']) < 0: msg = "The parameter hugepages must be zero or " \ "positive integer." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if 'hugepagesize' not in host_meta and \ orig_host_meta.get('hugepagesize', None): self._compute_hugepage_memory(host_meta['hugepages'], int(memory.strip().split( ' ')[0]), orig_host_meta[ 'hugepagesize']) if 'hugepagesize' not in host_meta and \ not orig_host_meta.get('hugepagesize', None): self._compute_hugepage_memory( host_meta['hugepages'], int( memory.strip().split(' ')[0])) if host_meta.get('os_status', None) != 'init' and \ orig_host_meta.get('os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get('hugepagesize', None) and \ host_meta['hugepagesize'] != \ orig_host_meta['hugepagesize']: msg = _( "Forbidden to update hugepagesize of %s" " when os_status is active if you don't " "want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) else: if 'hugepagesize' in host_meta: if not orig_host_meta.get('memory', {}).get('total', None): msg = "The host %s has no memory" % id raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) memory = orig_host_meta.get('memory', {}).get('total', None) if host_meta['hugepagesize'] is None: host_meta['hugepagesize'] = '1G' else: host_meta['hugepagesize'].upper() if host_meta['hugepagesize'] not in SUPPORT_HOST_PAGE_SIZE: msg = "The value 0f parameter hugepagesize " \ "is not supported." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if host_meta['hugepagesize'] == '2M' and \ int(host_meta['hugepagesize'][0]) * 1024 > \ int(memory.strip().split(' ')[0]): msg = "The host %s forbid to use hugepage because it's " \ "memory is too small" % id raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) if host_meta['hugepagesize'] == '1G' and \ int(host_meta['hugepagesize'][0]) * 1024 * 1024 > \ int(memory.strip().split(' ')[0]): msg = "The hugepagesize is too big, you can choose 2M " \ "for a try." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if 'hugepages' in host_meta: self._compute_hugepage_memory(host_meta['hugepages'], int( memory.strip().split(' ')[0]), host_meta['hugepagesize']) if 'hugepages' not in host_meta and \ orig_host_meta.get('hugepages', None): self._compute_hugepage_memory(orig_host_meta['hugepages'], int( memory.strip().split(' ')[0]), host_meta['hugepagesize']) self._check_dvs_huge(host_meta, orig_host_meta) if host_meta.get('os_status', None) != 'init' \ and orig_host_meta.get('os_status', None) == 'active': if host_meta.get('os_version', None) and host_meta['os_version'] \ != orig_host_meta['os_version_file']: msg = _("Forbidden to update os_version of %s " "when os_status is active if " "you don't want to install os") % host_meta['name'] raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) if (host_meta.get('config_set_id') and host_meta['config_set_id'] != orig_host_meta.get('config_set_id')): self.get_config_set_meta_or_404(req, host_meta['config_set_id']) if host_meta.get('os_status', None) == 'init': self._ready_to_discover_host(host_meta, orig_host_meta) try: if host_meta.get('cluster', None): host_detail = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, id) pxe_macs = [interface['mac'] for interface in host_detail[ 'interfaces'] if interface['is_deployment']] if not pxe_macs: self.add_ssh_host_to_cluster_and_assigned_network( req, host_meta['cluster'], id) host_meta = registry.update_host_metadata(req.context, id, host_meta) if orig_mac_list: orig_min_mac = min(orig_mac_list) discover_host = self._get_discover_host_by_mac(req, orig_min_mac) if discover_host: discover_host_params = { "mac": orig_min_mac, "status": "DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL" } self.update_pxe_host(req, discover_host['id'], discover_host_params) except exception.Invalid as e: msg = (_("Failed to update host metadata. Got error: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.NotFound as e: msg = (_("Failed to find host to update: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.Forbidden as e: msg = (_("Forbidden to update host: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except (exception.Conflict, exception.Duplicate) as e: LOG.error(utils.exception_to_str(e)) raise HTTPConflict(body=_('Host operation conflicts'), request=req, content_type='text/plain') else: self.notifier.info('host.update', host_meta) return {'host_meta': host_meta} def _checker_the_ip_or_hostname_valid(self, ip_str): try: socket.gethostbyname_ex(ip_str) return True except Exception: if netaddr.IPAddress(ip_str).version == 6: return True else: return False def check_vlan_nic_and_join_vlan_network( self, req, cluster_id, host_list, networks): father_vlan_list = [] for host_id in host_list: host_meta_detail = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, host_id) if 'interfaces' in host_meta_detail: interfac_list = host_meta_detail.get('interfaces', None) for interface_info in interfac_list: host_ip = interface_info.get('ip', None) if interface_info['type'] == 'vlan' and host_ip: check_ip_if_valid =\ self._checker_the_ip_or_hostname_valid(host_ip) if not check_ip_if_valid: msg = "Error:The %s is not the right ip!" % host_ip LOG.error(msg) raise exception.Forbidden(msg) nic_name = interface_info['name'].split('.')[0] vlan_id = interface_info['name'].split('.')[1] for network in networks: if vlan_id == network['vlan_id']: if network['network_type'] not in \ ['DATAPLANE', 'EXTERNAL']: father_vlan_list.append( {nic_name: {'name': network['name'], 'ip': host_ip}}) interface_info['assigned_networks'].\ append({'name': network['name'], 'ip': host_ip}) LOG.info( "add the nic %s of the host %s to" " assigned_network %s" % (interface_info['name'], host_id, interface_info['assigned_networks'])) return father_vlan_list def check_bond_or_ether_nic_and_join_network( self, req, cluster_id, host_list, networks, father_vlan_list): for host_id in host_list: host_info = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, host_id) if 'interfaces' in host_info: update_host_interface = 0 interfac_meta_list = host_info.get('interfaces', None) for interface_info in interfac_meta_list: update_flag = 0 host_info_ip = interface_info.get('ip', None) if interface_info['type'] != 'vlan': nic_name = interface_info['name'] for nic in father_vlan_list: if nic.keys()[0] == nic_name: update_flag = 1 update_host_interface = 1 interface_info['assigned_networks']\ .append(nic.values()[0]) if update_flag: continue if host_info_ip: check_ip_if_valid =\ self._checker_the_ip_or_hostname_valid( host_info_ip) if not check_ip_if_valid: msg = "Error:The %s is not the right ip!"\ % host_info_ip LOG.error(msg) raise exception.Forbidden(msg) for network in networks: if network.get('cidr', None): ip_in_cidr = utils.is_ip_in_cidr( host_info_ip, network['cidr']) if ip_in_cidr: vlan_id = network['vlan_id'] if not vlan_id: update_host_interface = 1 if network['network_type'] not in\ ['DATAPLANE', 'EXTERNAL']: interface_info[ 'assigned_networks']\ .append({'name': network['name'], 'ip': host_info_ip}) LOG.info( "add the nic %s " "of the host" " %s to assigned_network" " %s" % (nic_name, host_id, interface_info[ 'assigned_networks'])) else: msg = ( "the nic %s of ip %s is " "in the %s cidr " "range,but the network vlan " "id is %s " % (nic_name, host_info_ip, network['name'], vlan_id)) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.Forbidden(msg) if update_host_interface: host_meta = {} host_meta['cluster'] = cluster_id host_meta['interfaces'] = str(interfac_meta_list) host_meta = registry.update_host_metadata(req.context, host_id, host_meta) LOG.info("add the host %s join the cluster %s and" " assigned_network successful" % (host_id, cluster_id)) def add_ssh_host_to_cluster_and_assigned_network( self, req, cluster_id, host_id): if cluster_id: host_list = [] father_vlan_list = [] # cluster_meta = {} discover_successful = 0 host_info = self.get_host_meta_or_404(req, host_id) host_status = host_info.get('status', None) if host_status != 'init': interfac_meta_list = host_info.get('interfaces', None) for interface_info in interfac_meta_list: assigned_networks = interface_info.get( 'assigned_networks', None) if assigned_networks: discover_successful = 1 if not discover_successful: host_list.append(host_id) if host_list: # cluster_meta['nodes']=str(host_list) # LOG.info("add ssh host %s to cluster %s" % # (host_list, cluster_id)) # cluster_meta = registry.update_cluster_metadata(req.context, # cluster_id, # cluster_meta) params = {'filters': {'cluster_id': cluster_id}} networks = registry.get_networks_detail(req.context, cluster_id, **params) father_vlan_list = self.check_vlan_nic_and_join_vlan_network( req, cluster_id, host_list, networks) self.check_bond_or_ether_nic_and_join_network( req, cluster_id, host_list, networks, father_vlan_list) def update_progress_to_db(self, req, update_info, discover_host_meta): discover = {} discover['status'] = update_info['status'] discover['message'] = update_info['message'] if update_info.get('host_id'): discover['host_id'] = update_info['host_id'] LOG.info("discover:%s", discover) registry.update_discover_host_metadata(req.context, discover_host_meta['id'], discover) def thread_bin(self, req, cluster_id, discover_host_meta): cmd = 'mkdir -p /var/log/daisy/discover_host/' daisy_cmn.subprocess_call(cmd) if not discover_host_meta['passwd']: msg = "the passwd of ip %s is none." % discover_host_meta['ip'] LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(msg) var_log_path = "/var/log/daisy/discover_host/%s_discovery_host.log" \ % discover_host_meta['ip'] with open(var_log_path, "w+") as fp: try: trustme_result = subprocess.check_output( '/var/lib/daisy/tecs/trustme.sh %s %s' % (discover_host_meta['ip'], discover_host_meta['passwd']), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if 'Permission denied' in trustme_result: # when passwd was wrong update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "Passwd was wrong, do" \ "trustme.sh %s failed!"\ % discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) msg = (_("Do trustme.sh %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) LOG.warn(_(msg)) fp.write(msg) elif 'is unreachable' in trustme_result: # when host ip was unreachable update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "Host ip was unreachable," \ " do trustme.sh %s failed!" %\ discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) msg = (_("Do trustme.sh %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) LOG.warn(_(msg)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' msg = "discover host for %s failed! raise CalledProcessError" \ " when execute trustme.sh." % discover_host_meta['ip'] update_info['message'] = msg self.update_progress_to_db( req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_(msg)) fp.write(e.output.strip()) return except: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "discover host for %s failed!" \ % discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db( req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_("discover host for %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) fp.write("discover host for %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip']) return try: cmd = 'clush -S -b -w %s "rm -rf /home/daisy/discover_host"'\ % (discover_host_meta['ip'],) daisy_cmn.subprocess_call(cmd, fp) cmd = 'clush -S -w %s "mkdir -p /home/daisy/discover_host"'\ % (discover_host_meta['ip'],) daisy_cmn.subprocess_call(cmd, fp) cmd = 'clush -S -w %s "chmod 777 /home/daisy/discover_host"'\ % (discover_host_meta['ip'],) daisy_cmn.subprocess_call(cmd, fp) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' msg = "raise CalledProcessError when execute cmd for host %s."\ % discover_host_meta['ip'] update_info['message'] = msg self.update_progress_to_db( req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_(msg)) fp.write(e.output.strip()) return try: subprocess.check_output( 'clush -S -w %s -c /var/lib/daisy/tecs/getnodeinfo.sh' ' /var/lib/daisy/tecs/jq-1.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm ' '--dest=/home/daisy/discover_host' % (discover_host_meta['ip'],), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "scp getnodeinfo.sh and " \ "jq-1.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm for %s" \ " failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_("scp getnodeinfo.sh and" " jq-1.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm for %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) fp.write(e.output.strip()) return try: subprocess.check_output( 'clush -S -w %s rpm -ivh --force ' '/home/daisy/discover_host/jq-1.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm' % (discover_host_meta['ip'],), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = \ "install jq-1.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm for %s failed!"\ % discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_("install jq-1.3-2.el7.x86_64.rpm for %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) fp.write(e.output.strip()) return try: exc_result = subprocess.check_output( 'clush -S -w %s /home/daisy/discover_host/getnodeinfo.sh' % (discover_host_meta['ip'],), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if 'Failed connect to' in exc_result: # when openstack-ironic-discoverd.service has problem update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "Do getnodeinfo.sh %s failed!" \ % discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) msg = (_("Do trustme.sh %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) LOG.warn(_(msg)) fp.write(msg) else: mac_info = re.search(r'"mac": ([^,\n]*)', exc_result) mac = eval(mac_info.group(1)) filters = {'mac': mac} update_info = {} host_interfaces =\ registry.get_all_host_interfaces(req.context, filters) if host_interfaces: update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL' update_info['message'] =\ "discover host for %s successfully!" %\ discover_host_meta['ip'] update_info['host_id'] = host_interfaces[0]['host_id'] LOG.info("update_info['host_id']:%s", update_info['host_id']) self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.info(_("discover host for %s successfully!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) fp.write(exc_result) else: update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = \ "discover host for %s failed!please view" \ " the daisy api log" % discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_("discover host for %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) fp.write(exc_result) return except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "discover host for %s failed!" %\ discover_host_meta['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db( req, update_info, discover_host_meta) LOG.error(_("discover host for %s failed!" % discover_host_meta['ip'])) fp.write(e.output.strip()) return discover_host_info = \ registry.get_discover_host_metadata(req.context, discover_host_meta['id']) if not discover_host_info['host_id']: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_FAILED' update_info['message'] = "discover host for %s failed!" \ % discover_host_info['ip'] self.update_progress_to_db( req, update_info, discover_host_info) msg = (_("discover host for %s failed!" % discover_host_info['ip'])) LOG.error(msg) return else: self.add_ssh_host_to_cluster_and_assigned_network( req, cluster_id, discover_host_info['host_id']) @utils.mutating def discover_host_bin(self, req, host_meta): params = {} cluster_id = host_meta.get('cluster_id', None) if cluster_id: params = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} discover_host_meta_list =\ registry.get_discover_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) filters = {} host_interfaces = \ registry.get_all_host_interfaces(req.context, filters) existed_host_ip = [host['ip'] for host in host_interfaces] LOG.info('existed_host_ip**: %s', existed_host_ip) for discover_host in discover_host_meta_list: if discover_host['status'] != 'DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL': update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERING' update_info['message'] = 'DISCOVERING' update_info['host_id'] = 'None' self.update_progress_to_db(req, update_info, discover_host) threads = [] for discover_host_meta in discover_host_meta_list: if discover_host_meta['ip'] in existed_host_ip: update_info = {} update_info['status'] = 'DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL' update_info['message'] = "discover host for %s successfully!" \ % discover_host_meta['ip'] host_id_list = \ [host['host_id'] for host in host_interfaces if discover_host_meta['ip'] == host['ip']] update_info['host_id'] = host_id_list[0] self.update_progress_to_db( req, update_info, discover_host_meta) continue if discover_host_meta['status'] != 'DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL': t = threading.Thread( target=self.thread_bin, args=( req, cluster_id, discover_host_meta)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() threads.append(t) LOG.info(_("all host discovery threads have started, " "please waiting....")) try: for t in threads: t.join() except: LOG.warn(_("Join discover host thread %s failed!" % t)) @utils.mutating def discover_host(self, req, host_meta): cluster_id = host_meta.get('cluster_id', None) if cluster_id: self.get_cluster_meta_or_404(req, cluster_id) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read("/home/daisy_install/daisy.conf") daisy_management_ip = config.get("DEFAULT", "daisy_management_ip") if daisy_management_ip: cmd = 'dhcp_linenumber=`grep -n "dhcp_ip="' \ ' /var/lib/daisy/tecs/getnodeinfo.sh|cut -d ":" -f 1` && ' \ 'sed -i "${dhcp_linenumber}c dhcp_ip=\'%s\'" ' \ '/var/lib/daisy/tecs/getnodeinfo.sh' % (daisy_management_ip,) daisy_cmn.subprocess_call(cmd) config_discoverd = ConfigParser.ConfigParser( defaults=DISCOVER_DEFAULTS) config_discoverd.read("/etc/ironic-discoverd/discoverd.conf") listen_port = config_discoverd.get("discoverd", "listen_port") if listen_port: cmd = 'port_linenumber=`grep -n "listen_port="' \ ' /var/lib/daisy/tecs/getnodeinfo.sh|cut -d ":" -f 1` && ' \ 'sed -i "${port_linenumber}c listen_port=\'%s\'" ' \ '/var/lib/daisy/tecs/getnodeinfo.sh' % (listen_port,) daisy_cmn.subprocess_call(cmd) discovery_host_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.discover_host_bin, args=(req, host_meta)) discovery_host_thread.start() return {"status": "begin discover host"} @utils.mutating def add_discover_host(self, req, host_meta): """ Adds a new discover host to Daisy :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param host_meta: Mapping of metadata about host :raises HTTPBadRequest if x-host-name is missing """ self._enforce(req, 'add_discover_host') LOG.warn("host_meta: %s" % host_meta) if not host_meta.get('ip', None): msg = "IP parameter can not be None." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: discover_hosts_ip = self._get_discover_host_ip(req) if host_meta['ip'] in discover_hosts_ip: host = self._get_host_by_ip(req, host_meta['ip']) if host and host['status'] != 'DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL': host_info = {} host_info['ip'] = host_meta.get('ip', host.get('ip')) host_info['passwd'] =\ host_meta.get('passwd', host.get('passwd')) host_info['user'] = \ host_meta.get('user', host.get('user')) host_info['status'] = 'init' host_info['message'] = 'None' host_meta = \ registry.update_discover_host_metadata(req.context, host['id'], host_info) return {'host_meta': host_meta} else: msg = (_("ip %s already existed and this host has " "been discovered successfully. " % host_meta['ip'])) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") self.validate_ip_format(host_meta['ip']) if not host_meta.get('user', None): host_meta['user'] = 'root' if not host_meta.get('passwd', None): msg = "PASSWD parameter can not be None." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") if not host_meta.get('status', None): host_meta['status'] = 'init' try: discover_host_info = \ registry.add_discover_host_metadata(req.context, host_meta) except exception.Invalid as e: raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg, request=req) return {'host_meta': discover_host_info} @utils.mutating def delete_discover_host(self, req, id): """ Deletes a discover host from Daisy. :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param image_meta: Mapping of metadata about host :raises HTTPBadRequest if x-host-name is missing """ self._enforce(req, 'delete_discover_host') try: registry.delete_discover_host_metadata(req.context, id) except exception.NotFound as e: msg = (_("Failed to find host to delete: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.Forbidden as e: msg = (_("Forbidden to delete host: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.InUseByStore as e: msg = (_("Host %(id)s could not be deleted because it is in use: " "%(exc)s") % {"id": id, "exc": utils.exception_to_str(e)}) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPConflict(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") else: # self.notifier.info('host.delete', host) return Response(body='', status=200) def detail_discover_host(self, req): """ Returns detailed information for all available nodes :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :retval The response body is a mapping of the following form:: {'nodes': [ {'id': , 'name': , 'description': , 'created_at': , 'updated_at': , 'deleted_at': |,}, ... ]} """ self._enforce(req, 'get_discover_hosts') params = self._get_query_params(req) try: nodes = registry.get_discover_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) except exception.Invalid as e: raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg, request=req) return dict(nodes=nodes) def update_discover_host(self, req, id, host_meta): ''' ''' self._enforce(req, 'update_discover_host') orig_host_meta = registry.get_discover_host_metadata(req.context, id) if host_meta.get('ip', None): discover_hosts_ip = self._get_discover_host_ip(req) if host_meta['ip'] in discover_hosts_ip: host_status = host_meta.get('status', orig_host_meta['status']) if host_status == 'DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL': msg = (_("Host with ip %s already has been discovered " "successfully, can not change host ip to %s " % (orig_host_meta['ip'], host_meta['ip']))) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") self.validate_ip_format(host_meta['ip']) if orig_host_meta['ip'] != host_meta.get('ip', None): host_meta['status'] = 'init' try: host_meta = registry.update_discover_host_metadata(req.context, id, host_meta) except exception.Invalid as e: msg = (_("Failed to update host metadata. Got error: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.NotFound as e: msg = (_("Failed to find host to update: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.Forbidden as e: msg = (_("Forbidden to update host: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except (exception.Conflict, exception.Duplicate) as e: LOG.error(utils.exception_to_str(e)) raise HTTPConflict(body=_('Host operation conflicts'), request=req, content_type='text/plain') else: self.notifier.info('host.update', host_meta) return {'host_meta': host_meta} def _get_discover_host_ip(self, req): params = {} hosts_ip = list() discover_hosts =\ registry.get_discover_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) for host in discover_hosts: if host.get('ip', None): hosts_ip.append(host['ip']) return hosts_ip def _get_host_by_ip(self, req, host_ip): params = {} discover_hosts = \ registry.get_discover_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) LOG.info("%s" % discover_hosts) for host in discover_hosts: if host.get('ip') == host_ip: return host return def get_discover_host_detail(self, req, discover_host_id): ''' ''' try: host_meta = registry.get_discover_host_metadata(req.context, discover_host_id) except exception.Invalid as e: msg = (_("Failed to update host metadata. Got error: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.NotFound as e: msg = (_("Failed to find host to update: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.Forbidden as e: msg = (_("Forbidden to update host: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except (exception.Conflict, exception.Duplicate) as e: LOG.error(utils.exception_to_str(e)) raise HTTPConflict(body=_('Host operation conflicts'), request=req, content_type='text/plain') else: self.notifier.info('host.update', host_meta) return {'host_meta': host_meta} def _get_discover_host_mac(self, req): params = dict() hosts_mac = list() discover_hosts =\ registry.get_discover_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) for host in discover_hosts: if host.get('mac'): hosts_mac.append(host['mac']) return hosts_mac def _get_discover_host_by_mac(self, req, host_mac): params = dict() discover_hosts = \ registry.get_discover_hosts_detail(req.context, **params) LOG.info("%s" % discover_hosts) for host in discover_hosts: if host.get('mac') == host_mac: return host return @utils.mutating def add_pxe_host(self, req, host_meta): """ Adds a new pxe host to Daisy :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object :param host_meta: Mapping of metadata about host :raises HTTPBadRequest if x-host-name is missing """ self._enforce(req, 'add_pxe_host') LOG.warn("host_meta: %s" % host_meta) if not host_meta.get('mac'): msg = "MAC parameter can not be None." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") self.validate_mac_format(host_meta['mac']) pxe_hosts_mac = self._get_discover_host_mac(req) if host_meta['mac'] in pxe_hosts_mac: host = self._get_discover_host_by_mac(req, host_meta['mac']) host_meta = registry.update_discover_host_metadata( req.context, host['id'], host_meta) return {'host_meta': host_meta} if not host_meta.get('status', None): host_meta['status'] = 'None' try: pxe_host_info = \ registry.add_discover_host_metadata(req.context, host_meta) except exception.Invalid as e: raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg, request=req) return {'host_meta': pxe_host_info} @utils.mutating def update_pxe_host(self, req, id, host_meta): """ Update a new pxe host to Daisy """ self._enforce(req, 'update_pxe_host') if not host_meta.get('mac'): msg = "MAC parameter can not be None." raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") self.validate_mac_format(host_meta['mac']) orig_host_meta = registry.get_discover_host_metadata(req.context, id) try: if host_meta['mac'] == orig_host_meta['mac']: host_meta = registry.update_discover_host_metadata( req.context, id, host_meta) except exception.Invalid as e: msg = (_("Failed to update discover host metadata. " "Got error: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.NotFound as e: msg = (_("Failed to find discover host to update: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except exception.Forbidden as e: msg = (_("Forbidden to update discover host: %s") % utils.exception_to_str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg, request=req, content_type="text/plain") except (exception.Conflict, exception.Duplicate) as e: LOG.error(utils.exception_to_str(e)) raise HTTPConflict(body=_('Host operation conflicts'), request=req, content_type='text/plain') else: self.notifier.info('host.update', host_meta) return {'host_meta': host_meta} class HostDeserializer(wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer): """Handles deserialization of specific controller method requests.""" def _deserialize(self, request): result = {} result["host_meta"] = utils.get_host_meta(request) return result def add_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def update_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def discover_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def update_hwm_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def add_discover_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def update_discover_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def add_pxe_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) def update_pxe_host(self, request): return self._deserialize(request) class HostSerializer(wsgi.JSONResponseSerializer): """Handles serialization of specific controller method responses.""" def __init__(self): self.notifier = notifier.Notifier() def add_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) return response def delete_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) return response def get_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) return response def discover_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host_meta)) return response def add_discover_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) return response def update_discover_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) def get_discover_host_detail(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) return response def add_pxe_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) return response def update_pxe_host(self, response, result): host_meta = result['host_meta'] response.status = 201 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.body = self.to_json(dict(host=host_meta)) def create_resource(): """Hosts resource factory method""" deserializer = HostDeserializer() serializer = HostSerializer() return wsgi.Resource(Controller(), deserializer, serializer)