#!/bin/bash # DAISY upgrade if [ ! "$_INSTALL_FUNC_FILE" ];then _INSTALL_FUNC_DIR=`pwd` cd $_INSTALL_FUNC_DIR/../common/ . daisy_common_func.sh . daisy_global_var.sh cd $_INSTALL_FUNC_DIR/../uninstall/ . uninstall_func.sh cd $_INSTALL_FUNC_DIR . install_global_var.sh function ip2int() { local ip=$1 [ `echo $ip |grep "^[0-9]\{1,3\}\.\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{2\}[0-9]\{1,3\}$"` ] || { echo "ip of $ip format error."; exit 1; } ip_list=${ip//./ } read -a ip_array <<<${ip_list}; int_num=`echo $(( ${ip_array[0]}<<24 | ${ip_array[1]}<<16 | ${ip_array[2]}<<8 | ${ip_array[3]} ))` } function int2ip() { A=$((($1 & 0xff000000 ) >>24)) B=$((($1 & 0x00ff0000)>>16)) C=$((($1 & 0x0000ff00)>>8)) D=$(($1 & 0x000000ff)) ip_addr=$A.$B.$C.$D } function netmask_to_int() { local netmask=$1 [ `echo $ip |grep "^[0-9]\{1,3\}\.\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{2\}[0-9]\{1,3\}$"` ] || { echo "netmask of $netmask format error."; exit 1; } netmask_int=`echo $netmask |awk -F. -vOFS=\; 'NF+=0{print "obase=2;"$0}'|bc |paste -s -d '' |grep -E '^1[1]*[0]*$' |grep -o '1' |wc -l` [ "$netmask_int" -eq 0 ] && { echo "error, $netmask is not a correct netmask."; exit 1; } } function ip_to_cidr() { local ip=$1 local netmask=$2 netmask_to_int $netmask cidr_int=$netmask_int ip2int "$ip" local ip_int=$int_num ip2int "$netmask" local netmask_int=$int_num cidr0_int=$(( $ip_int & $netmask_int )) int2ip "$cidr0_int" cidr_ip=$ip_addr cidr="$cidr_ip/$cidr_int" } function kolla_install { write_install_log "Begin install kolla depends..." check_installed "docker-engine" if [[ "$has_installed" == "yes" ]];then echo "docker-engine has been already installed" else curl -sSL https://get.docker.io | bash fi mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d config_path=/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/kolla.conf echo -e "[Service]\nMountFlags=shared" > $config_path systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker check_and_install_rpm python-docker-py check_and_install_rpm ntp systemctl enable ntpd.service systemctl start ntpd.service check_and_install_rpm ansible check_and_install_rpm python2-crypto check_and_install_rpm python-gitdb check_and_install_rpm GitPython.noarch check_and_install_rpm python-pbr.noarch check_and_install_rpm python2-oslo-config.noarch check_and_install_rpm python-six.noarch check_and_install_rpm python-beautifulsoup4.noarch check_and_install_rpm python2-setuptools.noarch check_installed "python-jinja2-2.8-2.fc23.noarch" if [[ "$has_installed" == "yes" ]];then echo "jinja2 has been already installed" else yum install -y https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/python-jinja2/2.8/2.fc23/noarch/python-jinja2-2.8-2.fc23.noarch.rpm fi imagebranch="newton" imageversion="latest" imageserver="" imagedir="/var/lib/daisy/versionfile/kolla" imagebakdir="/home/kolla_install/docker/" imagename="kolla-image-$imagebranch-$imageversion.tgz" sourcedir="/home/kolla_install/" write_install_log "Begin copy images..." if [ ! -f "$imagedir/$imagename" ];then mkdir -p $imagebakdir cd $imagebakdir if [ -f "$imagebakdir/$imagename" ];then echo "$imagename already exist!" else wget "$imageserver/$imagename" fi cp $imagebakdir/$imagename $imagedir fi cd $imagedir tar mzxvf $imagedir/$imagename sourceversion=$(cat $imagedir/registry-*.version | head -1) write_install_log "Begin clone kolla... $sourceversion" if [ -e "$sourcedir/kolla" ];then echo "kolla code already exist!" else mkdir -p $sourcedir cd $sourcedir git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/kolla fi cd $sourcedir/kolla git remote update git checkout -f $sourceversion cp -r /home/kolla_install/kolla/etc/kolla /etc # TODO: (huzhj)Use latest registry server from upstream if [ ! -f "$imagedir/registry-server.tar" ];then cd $imagebakdir if [ -f "$imagebakdir/registry-server.tar" ];then echo "registry-server.tar already exist!" else wget "http://daisycloud.org/static/files/registry-server.tar" fi cp $imagebakdir/registry-server.tar $imagedir fi docker load < ./registry-server.tar rm -rf $imagedir/tmp rm -rf $imagedir/registry-*.version } #rm daisy yum config file function delete_unused_repo_file { rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/daisy* } #create ssh key function generate_ssh_key { local private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_dsa local public_key_file=~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub if [ ! -e $private_key_file ] || [ ! -e $public_key_file ]; then rm -rf $public_key_file rm -rf $private_key_file ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $private_key_file -q -P '' -b 1024 [ $? == 0 ] && echo "ssh-keygen -t dsa succssfully!" else echo "ssh key is ready!" fi } function get_ip_from_ping { input_ip=$1 output_ip=$input_ip ping_result=`ping $input_ip -c 1 -w 5` if [ $? -eq 0 ];then ping_result=`echo $ping_result|tr '(' ' '|tr ')' ' '` local ip=`echo $ping_result|sed -n '/from/ s/.*from[^0-9]* \([0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\).*/\1/p'` [ ! -z "$ip" ] && output_ip=$ip || echo -e "=============\nwarning: can't get ip address from \"ping $input_ip\"\n=============" else echo -e "=============\nwarning: ping $input_ip failed.\n=============" fi } function get_public_ip { local_ip_list=`ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v "" | awk -F' ' {'print $2'} ` local def_gw_if=`route | grep default | awk -F' ' '{print $8}'|uniq|head -1` public_ip="" if [[ -n "$def_gw_if" ]];then public_ip=`ifconfig "$def_gw_if" | grep 'inet ' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $2}'` fi } function get_default_gw_st { defaultgw_ip=`route |grep default |awk '{print $2}'` } function set_default_gw_st { if [ -n "$defaultgw_ip" ] ; then route add default gw $defaultgw_ip fi } #create daisy component function create_daisy_component { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the component" /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "nova" "The OpenStack Compute component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of nova failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "cinder" "The OpenStack Block Storage component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of cinder failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "glance" "The OpenStack Image component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of glance failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "heat" "The OpenStack Orchestration component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of heat failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "ceilometer" "The OpenStack Telemetry component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of ceilometer failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "horizon" "The OpenStack dashboard component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of horizon failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "neutron" "The OpenStack Networking component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of neutron failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "keystone" "The OpenStack Identity component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of keystone failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "ironic" "The OpenStack Bare Metal component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of ironic failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "database" "Database component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of database failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "amqp" "Message queue component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of amqp failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "loadbalance" "Loadbalance component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of loadbalance failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "ha" "High availability component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of ha failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "camellia" "Camellia component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of camellia failed"; exit 1; } # /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-add "log" "Log component" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 # [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the component of log failed"; exit 1; } } #create daisy service function create_daisy_service { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the service" local nova_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "nova" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of nova component failed"; exit 1; } local ironic_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "ironic" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of ironic component failed"; exit 1; } local glance_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "glance" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of glance component failed"; exit 1; } local cinder_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "cinder" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of cinder component failed"; exit 1; } local keystone_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "keystone" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of keystone component failed"; exit 1; } local neutron_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "neutron" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of neutron component failed"; exit 1; } local horizon_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "horizon" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of horizon component failed"; exit 1; } local heat_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "heat" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of heat component failed"; exit 1; } local ceilometer_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "ceilometer" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of ceilometer component failed"; exit 1; } local amqp_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "amqp" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of amqp component failed"; exit 1; } local database_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "database" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of datebase component failed"; exit 1; } local ha_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "ha" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of ha component failed"; exit 1; } local lb_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "loadbalance" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of loadbalance component failed"; exit 1; } local camellia_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "camellia" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of camellia component failed"; exit 1; } # local log_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "log" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 # [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of log component failed"; exit 1; } if [ ! -z $nova_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "nova-api" "The nova api service" --component-id $nova_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova-api failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "nova-conductor" "The nova conductor service" --component-id $nova_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova conductor failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "nova-vncproxy" "The nova vnc proxy service" --component-id $nova_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova vnc proxy failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "nova-sched" "The nova scheduler service" --component-id $nova_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova scheduler failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "compute" "The nova compute service" --component-id $nova_component_id >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova scheduler failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "nova-cert" "The nova certificate service" --component-id $nova_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova certificate failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of nova" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $ironic_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ironic" "The nova ironic service" --component-id $ironic_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of ironic failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of ironic" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $glance_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "glance" "The glance api service" --component-id $glance_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of glance api failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of glance" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $cinder_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "cinder-api" "The cinder api service" --component-id $cinder_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of cinder api failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "cinder-scheduler" "The cinder scheduler service" --component-id $cinder_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of cinder scheduler failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "cinder-volume" "The cinder volumes service" --component-id $cinder_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of cinder volumes failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of cinder" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $keystone_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "keystone" "The keystone service" --component-id $keystone_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of keystone failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of keystone" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $neutron_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "neutron-server" "The neutron server service" --component-id $neutron_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of neutron server failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "neutron-l3" "The neutron l3 service" --component-id $neutron_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of neutron l3 failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "neutron-dhcp" "The neutron dhcp service" --component-id $neutron_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of neutron dhcp failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "neutron-metadata" "The neutron metadata service" --component-id $neutron_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of neutron metadata failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of neutron" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $horizon_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "horizon" "The horizon service" --component-id $horizon_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of horizon failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of horizon" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $heat_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "heat-api" "The heat api service" --component-id $heat_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of heat api failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "heat-api-cfn" "The heat api cfn service" --component-id $heat_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of heat api cfn failed"; exit 1; } #/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "heat-api-cloudwatch" "The heat api cfn cloudwatch service" --component-id $heat_component_id --backup-type ha>> $install_logfile 2>&1 #[ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of heat api cloudwatch failed"; exit 1;} /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "heat-engine" "The heat engine service" --component-id $heat_component_id --backup-type ha>> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of heat engine failed"; exit 1;} else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of heat" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $ceilometer_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ceilometer-api" "The ceilometer api service" --component-id $ceilometer_component_id --backup-type lb >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of ceilometer api failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ceilometer-collector" "The ceilometer service" --component-id $ceilometer_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of ceilometer collector failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ceilometer-notification" "The ceilometer service" --component-id $ceilometer_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of ceilometer notification failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ceilometer-central" "The ceilometer service" --component-id $ceilometer_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of ceilometer central failed"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ceilometer-alarm" "The ceilometer service" --component-id $ceilometer_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of ceilometer alarm failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of ceilometer" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $amqp_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "amqp" "The amqp service" --component-id $amqp_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of amqp failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of amqp" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $database_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "mariadb" "The database service" --component-id $database_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of mariadb failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of database" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $ha_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "ha" "The high availability service" --component-id $ha_component_id >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of high availability failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of ha" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $lb_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "lb" "The loadbalance service" --component-id $lb_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of lb failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of loadbalance" exit 1; fi # now ceilometer use mariadb default, 10132825 20160202 if [ ! -z $database_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "mongodb" "The database service" --component-id $database_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of mongodb failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of database" exit 1; fi if [ ! -z $camellia_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "camellia-api" "The camellia-api service" --component-id $camellia_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of camellia-api failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of camellia" exit 1; fi # if [ ! -z $log_component_id ];then # /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "log-server" "The log-server service" --component-id $log_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 # [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of log-server failed"; exit 1; } # else # write_install_log "Error:there is no componet of log" # exit 1; # fi } #create daisy network function create_daisy_network { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the network" daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "PUBLICAPI" "For public api" "PUBLICAPI" --cidr "" --type template --capability high >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of publicAPI failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "MANAGEMENT" "For internal API and AMQP" "MANAGEMENT" --cidr "" --type template --capability high >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of MANAGEMENT failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "STORAGE" "Storage network plane" "STORAGE" --cidr "" --type template --capability high >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of STORAGE failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "physnet1" "Dataplane network for vms" "DATAPLANE" --type template --ml2-type ovs --capability high >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of DATAPLANE failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "DEPLOYMENT" "For deploy the infrastructure" "DEPLOYMENT" --cidr "" --type template --capability high >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of DEPLOYMENT failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "EXTERNAL" "For external interactive" "EXTERNAL" --cidr "" --type template --capability high >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of EXTERNAL failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" network-add "DEPLOYMENT" "For build pxe server" "DEPLOYMENT" --cidr "" --ip "" --ip-ranges "start":"","end":"" --type system >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the network of DEPLOYMENT failed"; exit 1; } } #create daisy role with tecs function create_daisy_role_with_tecs { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the role with tecs" local service_type_LB_list=`daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" service-list | awk -F "|" '{print $2$6}' | grep -w [Ll][Bb] | awk -F " " '{print $1}'` local service_type_HA_list=`daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" service-list | awk -F "|" '{print $2$6}' | grep -w [Hh][Aa] | awk -F " " '{print $1}'` local service_type_compute_list=`daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" service-list | awk -F "|" '{print $2$3}' | grep -w "compute" | awk -F " " '{print $1}'` if [ ! -z "$service_type_LB_list" ];then daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "CONTROLLER_LB" "Controller role,backup type is loadbalance" --services $service_type_LB_list --type template --role-type CONTROLLER_LB >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of CONTROLLER_LB failed"; exit 1; } fi if [ ! -z "$service_type_HA_list" ];then daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "CONTROLLER_HA" "Controller role,backup type is HA,active/standby" --services $service_type_HA_list --type template --role-type CONTROLLER_HA >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of CONTROLLER_HA failed"; exit 1; } fi if [ ! -z $service_type_compute_list ];then daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "COMPUTER" "Compute role" --services $service_type_compute_list --type template --role-type COMPUTER >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of COMPUTER failed"; exit 1; } fi # daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "DOCTOR" "Role for health monitoring" --type template >> $install_logfile 2>&1 # [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of DOCTOR failed"; exit 1; } } function create_daisy_role_with_zenic { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the role with zenic" daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "ZENIC_CTL" "Role for zenic controller." --type template --deployment-backend zenic --role-type ZENIC_CTL >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of ZENIC_CTL failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "ZENIC_NFM" "Role for zenic nfmanager." --type template --deployment-backend zenic --role-type ZENIC_NFM >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of ZENIC_NFM failed"; exit 1; } #daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "ZENIC_MDB" "Role for zenic mongodb." --type template --deployment-backend zenic --role-type ZENIC_MDB >> $install_logfile 2>&1 #[ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of ZENIC_MDB failed"; exit 1; } } function create_daisy_role_with_proton { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the role with proton" daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "PROTON" "Role for proton." --type template --deployment-backend proton --role-type PROTON >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of proton failed"; exit 1; } } function create_daisy_role_with_kolla { write_install_log "Daisy init and create the role with kolla" daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "CONTROLLER_LB" "Controller Role for kolla." --type template --deployment-backend kolla --role-type CONTROLLER_LB >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the controller role of KOLLA failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "COMPUTER" "Computer Role for kolla." --type template --deployment-backend kolla --role-type COMPUTER >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the computer role of KOLLA failed"; exit 1; } } function create_daisy_service_role_with_cell { write_install_log "Daisy init and create component and role with cell" local nova_component_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" component-list |grep -w "nova" |awk -F " " '{print $2}'` >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:query the id of nova component failed"; exit 1; } if [ ! -z $nova_component_id ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://$public_ip:$bind_port" service-add "nova-cells" "The nova cells service" --component-id $nova_component_id --backup-type ha >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:create the service of nova cell failed"; exit 1; } fi daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "CHILD_CELL_1_COMPUTER" "Child cell compute role" --type template --role-type CHILD_CELL_1_COMPUTER >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of CHILD CELL COMPUTER failed"; exit 1; } daisy --os-endpoint="http://${public_ip}:$bind_port" role-add "CONTROLLER_CHILD_CELL_1" "Controller role,backup type is cell" --type template --role-type CONTROLLER_CHILD_CELL_1 >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "create the role of cell failed"; exit 1; } } function daisy_init_func { get_public_ip if [ -z $public_ip ];then write_install_log "Error:default gateway is not set!!!" exit 1 fi local file="/etc/daisy/daisy-api.conf" bind_port="" if [ -e $file ];then bind_port=`openstack-config --get $file DEFAULT "bind_port"` if [ $bind_port=="" ];then bind_port="19292" fi fi create_daisy_component create_daisy_service create_daisy_network config_file="/home/daisy_install/daisy.conf" [ ! -e $config_file ] && return get_config "$config_file" default_backend_types local default_backend_types_params=$config_answer cell=`echo $default_backend_types_params|grep 'cell'|wc -l` if [ $cell -ne 0 ];then create_daisy_service_role_with_cell fi tecs=`echo $default_backend_types_params|grep 'tecs'|wc -l` if [ -z "$default_backend_types_params" ] || [ $tecs -ne 0 ];then create_daisy_role_with_tecs fi zenic=`echo $default_backend_types_params|grep 'zenic'|wc -l` if [ $zenic -ne 0 ];then create_daisy_role_with_zenic fi proton=`echo $default_backend_types_params|grep 'proton'|wc -l` if [ $proton -ne 0 ];then create_daisy_role_with_proton fi kolla=`echo $default_backend_types_params|grep 'kolla'|wc -l` if [ $kolla -ne 0 ];then create_daisy_role_with_kolla fi } function modify_sudoers { local file=$1 local key=$2 [ ! -e $file ] && { write_install_log "Error:$file is not exist"; exit 1;} #echo update key $key to value $value in file $file ... local exist=`grep "^[[:space:]]*[^#]" $file | grep -c "[[:space:]]*$key[[:space:]]*"` if [ $exist -gt 0 ];then sed -i "/^[^#]/s/Defaults requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" $file fi sudoer_daisy="/etc/sudoers.d/daisy" if [ ! -e $sudoer_daisy ];then touch $sudoer_daisy echo "daisy ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > $sudoer_daisy fi } function config_rabbitmq_env { local config_file="/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf" if [ ! -e $config_file ];then touch $config_file echo "NODE_PORT=5672" >> $config_file fi } function config_rabbitmq_config { local config_file="/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config" if [ ! -e $config_file ];then cat > $config_file <>}, {default_pass, <<"guest">>} ]}, {kernel, [ ]} ]. % EOF EOF fi } function config_ironic_discoverd { local file=$1 local ip=$2 local daisy_file="/etc/daisy/daisy-api.conf" local bind_port="" if [ -e $daisy_file ];then bind_port=`openstack-config --get $daisy_file DEFAULT "bind_port"` if [ $bind_port=="" ];then bind_port="19292" fi fi [ ! -e $file ] && { write_install_log "Error:$file is not exist"; exit 1;} openstack-config --set "$file" discoverd "os_auth_token" "admin" openstack-config --set "$file" discoverd "ironic_url " "http://$ip:6385/v1" openstack-config --set "$file" discoverd "manage_firewall " "false" openstack-config --set "$file" discoverd "daisy_url " "http://$ip:$bind_port" } function daisyrc_admin { local ip=$1 local file="/root/daisyrc_admin" if [ -z $bind_port ];then bind_port="19292" fi if [ ! -e $file ];then touch $file echo "export OS_ENDPOINT=http://$ip:$bind_port" >> $file fi } function config_pxe { local config_file="/var/log/ironic/pxe.json" if [ ! -e $config_file ];then touch $config_file fi echo -e "{\n\"build_pxe\":\"$2\",\n\"ip_addr_l\":\"$3\",\n\"ethname_l\":\"$1\",\n\"net_mask_l\":\"$4\",\n\"client_ip_begin\":\"$5\",\n\"client_ip_end\":\"$6\"\n}" > $config_file } function build_pxe_server { local ip=$1 local daisy_port=$2 config_file="/home/daisy_install/daisy.conf" [ ! -e $config_file ] && return get_config "$config_file" build_pxe local build_pxe_params=$config_answer if [ "$build_pxe_params" == yes ];then write_install_log "build pxe server" get_config "$config_file" eth_name pxe_bond_name=$config_answer if [ -z $pxe_bond_name ];then write_install_log "Error:In the configuration file daisy.conf,eth_name is blank" fi optional_parameters=() get_config "$config_file" ip_address ip_address_params=$config_answer get_config "$config_file" net_mask net_mask_params=$config_answer get_config "$config_file" client_ip_begin client_ip_begin_params=$config_answer get_config "$config_file" client_ip_end client_ip_end_params=$config_answer config_pxe $pxe_bond_name yes $ip_address_params $net_mask_params $client_ip_begin_params $client_ip_end_params /usr/bin/pxe_server_install /var/log/ironic/pxe.json >> $install_logfile 2>&1 # write dhcp cidr to DEPLOYMENT network of system for daisy # to decide which is pxe mac if [ "$ip_address_params" -a "$net_mask_params" ];then ip_to_cidr "$ip_address_params" "$net_mask_params" [ -z "$cidr" ] && { write_install_log "Error: can't get cidr of dhcp"; exit 1; } dhcp_cidr=$cidr template_deploy_network_id=`/usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://${ip}:${daisy_port}" network-list --type "system"|grep -w system |grep -w 'DEPLOYMENT' |awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' 2>&1` if [ "$client_ip_begin_params" -a "$client_ip_end_params" ];then ip_ranges="start:$client_ip_begin_params,end:$client_ip_end_params" else ip_ranges="" fi [ -z "$template_deploy_network_id" ] && { write_install_log "Error:can't find DEPLOYMENT network of system"; exit 1; } write_install_log "write dhcp cidr to DEPLOYMENT network of system" if [ "$ip_ranges" ];then /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://${ip}:${daisy_port}" network-update "$template_deploy_network_id" --cidr "$dhcp_cidr" --ip-ranges "$ip_ranges" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 else /usr/bin/daisy --os-endpoint="http://${ip}:${daisy_port}" network-update "$template_deploy_network_id" --cidr "$dhcp_cidr" >> $install_logfile 2>&1 fi [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:update DEPLOYMENT network $template_deploy_network_id of system failed"; exit 1; } fi systemctl is-active dhcpd.service >> $install_logfile 2>&1 [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:dhcpd.service is not active,so build pxe server failed"; exit 1; } else write_install_log "Notice:No build PXE server" fi } function config_dashboard_local_setting { local dashboard_conf_file="/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings" get_public_ip if [ -z $public_ip ];then write_install_log "Error:default gateway is not set!!!" exit 1 fi update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL "\"http://${public_ip}:5000/v3\"" update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" DAISY_ENDPOINT_URL "\"http://$public_ip:19292\"" update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" WEBROOT "'/dashboard/'" update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" LOGIN_URL "'/dashboard/auth/login/'" update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" LOGOUT_URL "'/dashboard/auth/logout/'" update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" ALLOWED_HOSTS "['*']" update_config "$dashboard_conf_file" AUTHENTICATION_URLS "['openstack_auth.urls',]" touch /var/log/horizon/horizon.log chown apache:apache /var/log/horizon/horizon.log config_file="/home/daisy_install/daisy.conf" local director_theme_conf_file="/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/enabled/_20_director_theme.py" [ ! -e $config_file ] && return get_config "$config_file" with_director local with_director=$config_answer if [ "$with_director" == yes ];then update_config "$director_theme_conf_file" DISABLED "False" else update_config "$director_theme_conf_file" DISABLED "True" fi } function config_keystone_local_setting { local keystone_conf_file="/etc/keystone/keystone.conf" openstack-config --set "$keystone_conf_file" database connection "mysql+pymysql://keystone:keystone@" openstack-config --set "$keystone_conf_file" token provider "fernet" openstack-config --set "$keystone_conf_file" token expiration "90000" } function config_get_node_info { local get_node_info_file="/var/lib/daisy/kolla/getnodeinfo.sh" if [ ! -e $get_node_info_file ];then write_install_log "Error:the file $get_node_info_file is not exist" exit 1 fi get_public_ip if [ -z $public_ip ];then write_install_log "Error:default gateway is not set!!!" exit 1 fi sed -i "s/$public_ip/g" $get_node_info_file [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && { write_install_log "Error:config /var/lib/daisy/kolla/getnodeinfo.sh failed"; exit 1;} } _INSTALL_FUNC_FILE="install_func.sh" fi