
393 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Copyright 2014 SoftLayer Technologies, Inc.
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
System-level utilities and helper functions.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from webob import exc
from daisy.common import utils
from daisy import i18n
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = i18n._
_LE = i18n._LE
def get_total_cpus_for_numa(numa_cpus):
all_cpus = []
for value in numa_cpus.values():
return all_cpus
def get_default_os_num(host_roles_name):
if (('CONTROLLER_LB' in host_roles_name or
'CONTROLLER_HA' in host_roles_name) and
'COMPUTER' in host_roles_name):
# host with role of CONTOLLER and COMPUTER,
# isolate 4 cpu cores default for OS and TECS
os_cpu_num = 4
elif 'COMPUTER' in host_roles_name:
# host with role of COMPUTER only,
# isolate 2 cpu cores default for OS and TECS
os_cpu_num = 2
elif ('CONTROLLER_LB' in host_roles_name or
'CONTROLLER_HA' in host_roles_name):
# host with role of CONTOLLER only,
# don't isolate cpu for OS and TECS
os_cpu_num = 0
os_cpu_num = 0
return os_cpu_num
def pci_get_cpu_sets(numa_cpus, pci_info, device_numa_node):
high_pci_cpu_set = {}
msg = ''
return_code = 0
status = {'rc': 0, 'msg': ''}
if not numa_cpus:
msg = "The architecture of CPU does not supported"
return_code = 0
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, high_pci_cpu_set)
# get Intel Corporation Coleto Creek PCIe Endpoint
clc_pci_lines = utils.get_clc_pci_info(pci_info)
if not clc_pci_lines:
msg = "No CLC card in system"
return_code = 0
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, high_pci_cpu_set)
high_pci_cpusets = []
for clc_pci_line in clc_pci_lines:
numa_node = device_numa_node['0000:' + clc_pci_line]
numa_key = 'numa_node' + str(numa_node)
if numa_key not in numa_cpus:
msg = "Can't find numa_node '%s' for CLC" % numa_node
return_code = 1
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, high_pci_cpu_set)
high_pci_cpusets += numa_cpus[numa_key]
high_pci_cpu_set['high'] = list(set(high_pci_cpusets))
total_cpus = get_total_cpus_for_numa(numa_cpus)
high_pci_cpu_set['low'] =\
list(set(total_cpus) - set(high_pci_cpu_set['high']))
LOG.debug("high_pci_cpu_set:%s" % high_pci_cpu_set)
return (status, high_pci_cpu_set)
# if numa codes are not same, return -1
def get_numa_by_nic(nic_info, device_numa_node):
numa = []
for nic in nic_info:
numa = list(set(numa))
numa_info = (-1 if len(numa) > 1 else numa[0])
except Exception:
numa_info = -1
return numa_info
def dvs_get_cpu_sets(dic_numas, nic_info, device_numa_node, cpu_num=4):
dvs_cpu_set = []
total_cpus = []
high_cpu_set = []
low_cpu_set = []
cpu_set = {}
msg = ''
return_code = 0
status = {}
if not dic_numas:
msg = "The architecture of CPU not supported"
return_code = 1
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, cpu_set)
numa_node = get_numa_by_nic(nic_info, device_numa_node)
if numa_node < 0:
msg = 'Invalid numa node:%s' % numa_node
return_code = 3
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, cpu_set)
numa_key = "numa_node%s" % numa_node
if numa_key not in dic_numas:
msg = "Can't find numa node '%s' for DVS" % numa_node
return_code = 4
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, cpu_set)
if len(dic_numas[numa_key]) < (cpu_num + 1):
msg = "CPU on %s is not enough" % numa_key
return_code = 5
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
return (status, cpu_set)
total_cpus = get_total_cpus_for_numa(dic_numas)
LOG.debug("total_cpu:%s" % total_cpus)
# sort
dic_numas[numa_key] = sorted(dic_numas[numa_key], reverse=True)
for i in dic_numas[numa_key][0:cpu_num]:
high_cpu_set = dic_numas[numa_key]
low_cpu_set =\
LOG.debug("cpu used by dvs:%s" % dvs_cpu_set)
LOG.debug("low_cpu_set:%s" % low_cpu_set)
LOG.debug("high_cpu_set:%s" % high_cpu_set)
cpu_set['dvs'] = dvs_cpu_set
cpu_set['high'] = high_cpu_set
cpu_set['low'] = low_cpu_set
LOG.debug("cpu_set:%s" % cpu_set)
msg = 'Success'
status['rc'] = return_code
status['msg'] = msg
LOG.debug("status:%s" % status)
return (status, cpu_set)
def get_dvs_cpusets(numa_cpus, host_detail, host_hw_info):
dvs_nics_name = []
dvs_interfaces = utils.get_dvs_interfaces(host_detail['interfaces'])
for dvs_interface in dvs_interfaces:
if dvs_interface['type'] == 'ether':
if dvs_interface['type'] == 'bond':
if dvs_interface.get('slaves', None):
elif dvs_interface.get('slave1', None) and \
dvs_interface.get('slave2', None):
slave_list = []
dvs_cpusets = {}
if dvs_nics_name:
nics_info = [{'name': nic_name, 'bus': interface['pci']}
for nic_name in dvs_nics_name
for interface in host_hw_info['interfaces'].values()
if nic_name == interface['name']]
dvs_cpu_num = 4
device_numa = {}
for device in host_hw_info['devices'].values():
LOG.info("DVS netcard info: '%s'" % nics_info)
(status, dvs_cpusets) = \
if status['rc'] != 0:
msg = "Get dvs cpu sets for host '%s' failed,\
detail error is '%s'"\
% (host_detail['name'], status['msg'])
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return dvs_cpusets
def get_pci_cpusets(numa_cpus, host_hw_info):
device_numa = {}
for device in host_hw_info['devices'].values():
(status, pci_cpusets) = pci_get_cpu_sets(numa_cpus,
if status['rc'] != 0:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=status['msg'])
return pci_cpusets
def allocate_os_cpus(roles_name, pci_cpusets, dvs_cpusets):
os_cpus = []
if not dvs_cpusets and not pci_cpusets:
return os_cpus
os_cpu_num = get_default_os_num(roles_name)
if os_cpu_num == 0:
return os_cpus
os_available_cpuset = []
if ((pci_cpusets and pci_cpusets.get('high')) and
(not dvs_cpusets or not dvs_cpusets.get('high'))):
# if only pci exist, get OS cores from pci lowset
cpus_low = pci_cpusets.get('low', [])
cpus_high = pci_cpusets.get('high', [])
if dvs_cpusets and dvs_cpusets.get('high'):
# if only dvs exist, get OS cores from dvs lowset.
# if pci and dvs exist at the same time,
# get OS cores from lowset from dvs lowset.
cpus_low = list(set(dvs_cpusets.get('low', [])) -
set(dvs_cpusets.get('dvs', [])))
cpus_high = list(set(dvs_cpusets.get('high', [])) -
set(dvs_cpusets.get('dvs', [])))
os_available_cpuset = cpus_low + cpus_high
if not os_available_cpuset:
return os_cpus
if (len(os_available_cpuset) < os_cpu_num):
msg = 'cpus are not enough'
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
# cpu core 0 must give OS
cpu0 = 0
if cpu0 in os_available_cpuset:
os_available_cpuset = [cpu0] + os_available_cpuset
os_cpus = os_available_cpuset[:os_cpu_num]
return os_cpus
# when config role 'COMPUTER', allocate cpus for CLC
def allocate_clc_cpus(host_detail):
pci_cpu_sets = {}
if 'COMPUTER' not in host_detail.get('role', []):
return pci_cpu_sets
host_interfaces = host_detail.get('interfaces')
if host_interfaces:
host_hw_info = utils.get_host_hw_info(host_interfaces)
return pci_cpu_sets
host_id = host_detail.get('id')
clc_pci = utils.get_clc_pci_info(host_hw_info['pci'].values())
if not clc_pci:
return pci_cpu_sets
LOG.info("CLC card pci number: '%s'" % clc_pci)
numa_cpus = utils.get_numa_node_cpus(host_hw_info.get('cpu', {}))
if not numa_cpus or not numa_cpus['numa_node0']:
msg = "No NUMA CPU found from of host '%s'" % host_id
return pci_cpu_sets
LOG.info("Get CLC cpusets of host '%s'" % host_id)
pci_cpu_sets = get_pci_cpusets(numa_cpus, host_hw_info)
if not pci_cpu_sets or not pci_cpu_sets.get('high'):
msg = "Can't get CLC cpusets of host '%s'" % host_id
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return pci_cpu_sets
# when config DVS on network plane mapping, allocate cpus for dvs
def allocate_dvs_cpus(host_detail):
dvs_cpu_sets = {}
host_interfaces = host_detail.get('interfaces')
if not host_interfaces:
return dvs_cpu_sets
dvs_interfaces = utils.get_dvs_interfaces(host_interfaces)
if not dvs_interfaces:
return dvs_cpu_sets
host_id = host_detail.get('id')
host_hw_info = utils.get_host_hw_info(host_interfaces)
numa_cpus = utils.get_numa_node_cpus(host_hw_info.get('cpu', {}))
if not numa_cpus or not numa_cpus['numa_node0']:
msg = "No NUMA CPU found from of host '%s'" % host_id
return dvs_cpu_sets
LOG.info("Get dvs cpusets of host '%s'" % host_id)
dvs_cpu_sets = get_dvs_cpusets(numa_cpus,
if not dvs_cpu_sets or not dvs_cpu_sets.get('high'):
msg = "Can't get dvs high cpusets of host '%s'" % host_id
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return dvs_cpu_sets
def allocate_cpus(host_detail):
host_cpu_sets = {'dvs_high_cpuset': '',
'pci_high_cpuset': '',
'suggest_dvs_cpus': '',
'suggest_os_cpus': ''}
dvs_cpusets = allocate_dvs_cpus(host_detail)
pci_cpusets = allocate_clc_cpus(host_detail)
# no CLC and no DVS
if (not pci_cpusets and not dvs_cpusets):
return host_cpu_sets
host_roles_name = host_detail.get('role', [])
os_cpus = allocate_os_cpus(host_roles_name,
host_cpu_sets['dvs_high_cpuset'] =\
utils.cpu_list_to_str(dvs_cpusets.get('high', []))
host_cpu_sets['pci_high_cpuset'] =\
utils.cpu_list_to_str(pci_cpusets.get('high', []))
host_cpu_sets['suggest_dvs_cpus'] =\
utils.cpu_list_to_str(dvs_cpusets.get('dvs', []))
host_cpu_sets['suggest_os_cpus'] = utils.cpu_list_to_str(os_cpus)
LOG.info("NUMA CPU usage for host %s: %s"
% (host_detail['id'], host_cpu_sets))
return host_cpu_sets