
272 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable File

# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 ft=sh :
function pre_install_drbd_devstack {
# Install OS packages, if necessary
if [[ ! -d "${FILES:?FILES not set yet}" ]]; then
mkdir "${FILES}"
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linbit/linbit-drbd9-stack
# install packages normally
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --yes debhelper python-dbus dbus patch \
lvm2 thin-provisioning-tools drbd-utils drbd-dkms python-drbdmanage
# ensure we're starting with upstream config file, ie.
# overwrite local modifications, so that the automated
# processes later on work as intended
sudo apt-get install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew python-drbdmanage
# Hotfix needed? Avoid dput delay.
if wget -O "$HOTFIXFILE" "$HOTFIXURL" ; then
( cd / ; sudo patch --dry-run --forward --verbose -p0 ) < "$HOTFIXFILE" &&
( cd / ; sudo patch --forward --verbose -p0 ) < "$HOTFIXFILE"
return 0
function install_drbd_devstack {
# Install the service.
# Write DRBDmanage configuration;
# use the single-thinpool driver for these tests.
sudo sed -i "s/^drbdctrl-vg\s*=.*/drbdctrl-vg = ${DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG}/g" \
echo "
storage-plugin = drbdmanage.storage.lvm_thinlv.LvmThinLv
volume-group = $DRBD_DATA_VG
pool-name = drbdthinpool
" | sudo tee /etc/drbdmanaged.cfg
# allow the stack user access to drbdmanage
sudo tee "$DRBDMANAGE_DBUS_AUTH_FILE" > /dev/null << "EOF"
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policy user="stack">
<allow send_destination="org.drbd.drbdmanaged"/>
# done.
function _find_lo_for_dev {
sudo losetup -a | grep "$1"
function _drbd_make_vg {
local vg_name="${1:?No VG name given}"
local vg_size="$2"
local vg_lo_dev="$3"
local vg_dev="/dev/${vg_lo_dev}"
# If the VG exists, there's nothing left to do.
if sudo vgdisplay | grep -q "${vg_name}" ; then
# if the file exists, don't destroy it...
if [[ ! -f "${FILES}/${vg_name}" ]]; then
sudo truncate -s "${vg_size}" "${FILES}/${vg_name}"
# if the loop device is present, don't recreate it...
if [[ ! -e "${vg_dev}" ]]; then
local vg_lo_minor="$(echo "${vg_lo_dev}" | sed 's/loop//g')"
sudo mknod -m 660 "${vg_dev}" b 7 "${vg_lo_minor}"
# if the file is already assigned a loop device, don't reassign
if ! _find_lo_for_dev "${vg_lo_dev}" | grep -q "${vg_name}" ; then
sudo losetup "${vg_dev}" "${FILES}/${vg_name}"
local lvm_cfg="devices { global_filter=[ 'a|${vg_lo_dev}|' ] }"
# # if the lvm.conf already accepts the loop device, don't insert it again
# if ! sudo grep -q "${vg_lo_dev}" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf ; then
# sudo sed -i.drbdctrl-bak "s/global_filter = \[ /global_filter = \[ \"a|${vg_lo_dev}|\", /g" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
# fi
# if theres already a pv signature, don't try to recreate
if ! sudo pvdisplay | grep -q "${vg_lo_dev}" ; then
sudo pvscan --config "${lvm_cfg}"
if sudo pvdisplay | grep -q "${vg_lo_dev}" ; then
sudo pvcreate --config "${lvm_cfg}" "${vg_dev}"
# if theres already a vg, don't try to recreate
if ! sudo vgdisplay | grep -q "${vg_name}" ; then
sudo vgscan
if ! sudo vgdisplay | grep -q "${vg_name}" ; then
sudo vgcreate --config "${lvm_cfg}" "${vg_name}" "${vg_dev}"
function _modify_udev_file {
local file="$1"
local search="$2"
local sed_cmd="$3"
local path="/lib/udev/rules.d/${file}"
if [[ -f "$path" ]] && ! grep "${search}" "$path"; then
sudo sed -i "${sed_cmd}" "$path"
function _this_is_the_initial_node {
[[ -z "$SERVICE_HOST" ||
"$SERVICE_HOST" == "" ||
function configure_drbd_devstack {
# Configure the service.
# This gets called before starting the c-vol service; the next callback,
# init_drbd_devstack, is too late for that, so we need to make DRBDmanage
# operational here.
local be_name="${1:-drbdmanage}"
# Initialize and start the service.
# need to setup loopback device(s) for DRBD
_drbd_make_vg "${DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG:?DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG is not set}" \
# Do the same thing for the DATA volume group
_drbd_make_vg "${DRBD_DATA_VG:?DRBD_DATA_VG is not set}" \
local vg_size=$(LC_ALL=C sudo vgdisplay --columns --units M \
--noheadings -o vg_free --nosuffix "${DRBD_DATA_VG}")
# No quotes, so that the whitespace around the number gets eaten by the shell
local thinpool_size=$( echo $vg_size \* 30 / 32 - 64 | bc )
if ! sudo lvdisplay "${DRBD_DATA_VG}/drbdthinpool" ; then
sudo /sbin/lvcreate -L "${thinpool_size}"M -T "${DRBD_DATA_VG}/drbdthinpool"
# Deactivate udev calling blkid etc. on the DRBD backend devices - that is
# neither needed nor wanted, because blkid having the device open can race
# with DRBD attaching.
# This will result in a message like
# kernel: [...] drbd CV_...: drbdX: open("/dev/...") failed with -16
# which means EBUSY
_modify_udev_file 60-persistent-storage-dm.rules \
'ENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DATA_VG}"'-CV_' \
's:DM_SUSPENDED.*=="1",.*GOTO="\(.*\)":&\nENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DATA_VG}"'-CV_*", GOTO="\1"\n:'
_modify_udev_file 80-btrfs-lvm.rules \
'ENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DATA_VG}"'-CV_' \
's:SUBSYSTEM.="block",.*GOTO="\(.*\)":&\nENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DATA_VG}"'-CV_*", GOTO="\1"\n:'
# The same can happen to the DRBDmanage control volume, too, of course!
_modify_udev_file 60-persistent-storage-dm.rules \
'ENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG}"'-.drbdctrl' \
's:DM_SUSPENDED.*=="1",.*GOTO="\(.*\)":&\nENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG}"'-.drbdctrl", GOTO="\1"\n:'
_modify_udev_file 80-btrfs-lvm.rules \
'ENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG}"'-.drbdctrl' \
's:SUBSYSTEM.="block",.*GOTO="\(.*\)":&\nENV{DM_NAME}=="'"${DRBD_DRBDCTRL_VG}"'-.drbdctrl", GOTO="\1"\n:'
# drbdmanage modii: --no-control-volume --no-storage --no-autojoin
# initialize drbdmanage
if _this_is_the_initial_node ; then
# No quotes, so that it can expand to an empty string (and get ignored), too.
sudo drbdmanage init --quiet $no_stor
# Do we want $HOST_IP, or a possibly different one that should be reachable by the SERVICE_HOST?
# Is the $SERVICE_HOST always a drbdmanage node, or should we go to $CINDER_SERVICE_HOST?
# for now some debug output
set | grep SERVICE_HOST
local my_address="$HOST_IP"
if [[ -z "$my_address" ]] ; then
# Fallback, in case that script gets called standalone.
my_address="$(ip -oneline route get "$SERVICE_HOST" | \
grep "$SERVICE_HOST" | awk '/src (.*)/ { print $5 }')"
echo "I am from $my_address" # ;)
ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no stack@"$SERVICE_HOST" \
sudo drbdmanage new-node --no-autojoin "$no_cv" "$no_stor" \
--quiet "$HOSTNAME" "$my_address"
ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no stack@"$SERVICE_HOST" \
sudo drbdmanage howto-join "$HOSTNAME" --quiet | sudo bash
sudo drbdmanage shutdown --quiet
sudo drbdmanage wait-for-startup
sudo drbdmanage debug 'set loglevel=debug'
sudo drbdmanage nodes
if [[ -n "$CINDER_CONF" && -f "$CINDER_CONF" ]] ; then
iniset $CINDER_CONF "$be_name" volume_backend_name "$be_name"
local driver=DrbdManageIscsiDriver
if [[ -n "$CINDER_DRBD_USE_DRBD_PROTOCOL" ]] ; then
iniset $CINDER_CONF "$be_name" volume_driver \
function init_drbd_devstack {
function shutdown_drbd_devstack {
# Shut the service down.
# drbdadm down all
# drbdmanage shutdown --quiet
echo "shutdown drbd devstack"
function cleanup_drbd_devstack {
# Cleanup the service.
# something like
# drbdmanage list-resource --short | xargs -l drbdmanage remove-resource
# ???
# drbdmanage resources -m | sed 's/,.*//g' | xargs -l drbdmanage remove-resource --quiet
echo "cleanup drbd devstack"
#debug main
#source $(dirname '$0')/../settings
# Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode
## Local variables:
## mode: shell-script
## End: