- job: name: 'mcp-build-images-smoke' builders: - inject: properties-content: | IMAGE_PATH=/home/jenkins/workspace/cloud-images/default-image.qcow2 - shell: !include-raw builders/mcp-build-images-smoke.sh concurrent: false node: standard description: | Run tests.

Job for build images and run deploy with them.
It's based on QA Team smoke test job.

logrotate: daysToKeep: 30 numToKeep: 50 scm: - openstack: scm-branch: 'master' scm-repo: 'fuel-ccp-tests' scm-basedir: 'fuel-ccp-tests' - openstack: scm-branch: 'master' scm-repo: 'fuel-ccp-installer' scm-basedir: 'fuel-ccp-installer' wrappers: - timeout: fail: true timeout: 235 publishers: - post-tasks: - matches: - log-text: '' escalate-status: true run-if-job-successful: false script: | #!/bin/bash set -xe export ENV_PREFIX="fuel-ccp-tests" export ENV_NAME=${ENV_PREFIX}.${BUILD_NUMBER} source /home/jenkins/venv-fuel-devops-3.0/bin/activate dos.py erase ${ENV_NAME} deactivate