FROM {{ namespace }}/base-tools:{{ tag }} MAINTAINER {{ maintainer }} RUN apt-get -y -t jessie-backports --no-install-recommends install golang \ && apt-get clean # ReplaceMe with a heka package install COPY /tmp/ RUN mkdir -p /var/cache/hekad /usr/share/heka/lua_modules /etc/heka RUN bash -x /tmp/ # Add this to heka package? COPY plugins/modules /usr/share/heka/lua_modules/ COPY plugins/decoders /usr/share/heka/lua_decoders/ COPY plugins/encoders /usr/share/heka/lua_encoders/ RUN useradd --user-group heka \ && usermod -a -G microservices heka \ && chown -R heka: /usr/share/heka /etc/heka /var/cache/hekad # ENV GODEBUG cgocheck=0 # We need to mount docker.sock for docker plugin. And this sock need # docker group or root user permissions. #USER heka