import json from oslo_config import cfg from fuel_ccp.common import utils CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_group('images', 'fuel_ccp.config.images') CONF.import_group('registry', 'fuel_ccp.config.registry') GLOBAL_CONFIG = "globals" SCRIPT_CONFIG = "start-script" FILES_CONFIG = "files" META_CONFIG = "meta" ROLE_CONFIG = "role" def _get_image_name(image_name): image_name = "%s/%s:%s" % (CONF.images.namespace, image_name, CONF.images.tag) if CONF.registry.address: image_name = "%s/%s" % (CONF.registry.address, image_name) return image_name def _get_start_cmd(cmd_name): return ["dumb-init", "python", "/opt/mcp_start_script/bin/", cmd_name] def serialize_configmap(name, data): return { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ConfigMap", "metadata": { "name": name, "mcp": "true" }, "data": data } def serialize_volume_mounts(container): spec = [ { "name": GLOBAL_CONFIG, "mountPath": "/etc/mcp/%s" % GLOBAL_CONFIG }, { "name": ROLE_CONFIG, "mountPath": "/etc/mcp/%s" % ROLE_CONFIG }, { "name": META_CONFIG, "mountPath": "/etc/mcp/%s" % META_CONFIG }, { "name": SCRIPT_CONFIG, "mountPath": "/opt/mcp_start_script/bin" }, { "name": FILES_CONFIG, "mountPath": "/etc/mcp/%s" % FILES_CONFIG } ] for v in container.get("volumes", ()): spec.append({ "name": v["name"], "mountPath": v.get("mount-path", v["path"]) }) return spec def serialize_daemon_container_spec(container): cont_spec = { "name": container["name"], "image": _get_image_name(container["image"]), "command": _get_start_cmd(container["name"]), "volumeMounts": serialize_volume_mounts(container) } if container.get("probes", {}).get("readiness"): cont_spec["readinessProbe"] = { "exec": { "command": [container["probes"]["readiness"]] }, "timeoutSeconds": 1 } if container.get("probes", {}).get("liveness"): cont_spec["livenessProbe"] = { "exec": { "command": [container["probes"]["liveness"]] }, "timeoutSeconds": 1 } cont_spec["securityContext"] = {"privileged": container.get("privileged", False)} return cont_spec def serialize_job_container_spec(container, job): return { "name": job["name"], "image": _get_image_name(container["image"]), "command": _get_start_cmd(job["name"]), "volumeMounts": serialize_volume_mounts(container) } def serialize_job_pod_spec(service, job, cont_spec): return { "metadata": { "name": job["name"] }, "spec": { "containers": [cont_spec], "volumes": serialize_volumes(service), "restartPolicy": "OnFailure" } } def serialize_daemon_containers(service): return [serialize_daemon_container_spec(c) for c in service["containers"]] def serialize_daemon_pod_spec(service): cont_spec = { "containers": serialize_daemon_containers(service), "volumes": serialize_volumes(service), "restartPolicy": "Always" } if service.get("host-net"): cont_spec["hostNetwork"] = True return cont_spec def serialize_volumes(service): workflow_items = [] for cont in service["containers"]: workflow_items.append( {"key": cont["name"], "path": "%s.yaml" % cont["name"]}) for job_type in ("pre", "post"): for job in cont.get(job_type, ()): if job.get("type", "local") == "single": workflow_items.append( {"key": job["name"], "path": "%s.yaml" % job["name"]}) file_items = [] for c in service["containers"]: for f_name, f_item in c["daemon"].get("files", {}).items(): file_items.append({"key": f_name, "path": f_name}) for job_type in ("pre", "post"): for job in c.get(job_type, ()): if job.get("type", "local") == "single" and job.get("files"): for f_name in job["files"].keys(): file_items.append({"key": f_name, "path": f_name}) file_items.append({"key": "placeholder", "path": ".placeholder"}) vol_spec = [ { "name": GLOBAL_CONFIG, "configMap": { "name": GLOBAL_CONFIG, "items": [{"key": GLOBAL_CONFIG, "path": "globals.yaml"}] } }, { "name": SCRIPT_CONFIG, "configMap": { "name": SCRIPT_CONFIG, "items": [{"key": SCRIPT_CONFIG, "path": ""}] } }, { "name": ROLE_CONFIG, "configMap": { "name": "%s-%s" % (service["name"], ROLE_CONFIG), "items": workflow_items } }, { "name": META_CONFIG, "configMap": { "name": "%s-%s" % (service["name"], META_CONFIG), "items": [{"key": META_CONFIG, "path": "meta.yaml"}] } }, { "name": FILES_CONFIG, "configMap": { "name": "%s-%s" % (service["name"], FILES_CONFIG), "items": file_items } } ] volume_names = [GLOBAL_CONFIG, META_CONFIG, ROLE_CONFIG, SCRIPT_CONFIG, FILES_CONFIG] for cont in service["containers"]: for v in cont.get("volumes", ()): if v["name"] in volume_names: # TODO(apavlov): move to validation continue if v["type"] == "host": vol_spec.append({ "name": v["name"], "hostPath": { "path": v["path"] } }) elif v["type"] == "empty-dir": vol_spec.append({ "name": v["name"], "emptyDir": {} }) else: # TODO(sreshetniak): move it to validation raise ValueError("Volume type \"%s\" not supported" % v["type"]) volume_names.append(v["name"]) return vol_spec def serialize_job(name, spec): return { "apiVersion": "batch/v1", "kind": "Job", "metadata": { "name": name, "mcp": "true" }, "spec": { "template": spec } } def serialize_deployment(name, spec, affinity): return { "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "kind": "Deployment", "metadata": { "name": name }, "spec": { "replicas": 1, "template": { "metadata": { "annotations": affinity, "labels": { "mcp": "true", "app": name } }, "spec": spec } } } def serialize_daemonset(name, spec, affinity): return { "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "kind": "DaemonSet", "metadata": { "name": name }, "spec": { "template": { "metadata": { "annotations": affinity, "labels": { "mcp": "true", "app": name } }, "spec": spec } } } def serialize_affinity(service, topology): policy = { "nodeAffinity": { "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": { "nodeSelectorTerms": [{ "matchExpressions": [{ "key": "", "operator": "In", "values": topology[service["name"]] }] }] } } } return {"": json.dumps(policy)} def serialize_service(name, ports): ports_spec = [] for port in ports: spec_entry = {"protocol": "TCP", "port": port["port"], "targetPort": port["port"], "name": utils.k8s_name(port["name"])} if port.get("node-port"): spec_entry.update({"nodePort": port["node-port"]}) ports_spec.append(spec_entry) return { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Service", "metadata": { "name": name, "mcp": "true" }, "spec": { "type": "NodePort", "selector": { "app": name }, "ports": ports_spec } }