import copy import json import os import uuid import yaml from fuel_ccp.common import utils from fuel_ccp import config from fuel_ccp.config import images as config_images from fuel_ccp import exceptions from fuel_ccp import kubernetes from fuel_ccp import templates CONF = config.CONF RESTART_POLICY_ALWAYS = "always" RESTART_POLICY_NEVER = "never" class Action(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop("name") self.component = kwargs.pop("component") self.component_dir = kwargs.pop("component_dir") self.image = kwargs.pop("image") self.command = kwargs.pop("command") self.dependencies = kwargs.pop("dependencies", ()) self.files = kwargs.pop("files", ()) self.restart_policy = kwargs.pop("restart_policy", RESTART_POLICY_NEVER) if kwargs: key_names = ", ".join(kwargs.keys()) raise ValueError("Invalid keys '%s' for '%s' action" % ( key_names, @property def k8s_name(self): if not hasattr(self, "_k8s_name"): self._k8s_name = "%s-%s" % (, str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]) return self._k8s_name def validate(self): pass def run(self): self._create_configmap() self._create_action() # configmap methods def _create_configmap(self): data = { "config": CONF.configs._json(sort_keys=True), "workflow": self._get_workflow() } data.update(self._get_file_templates()) cm = templates.serialize_configmap(self.k8s_name, data) kubernetes.process_object(cm) def _get_workflow(self): wf = { "name":, "dependencies": self.dependencies, "job": { "command": self.command }, "files": [] } for f in self.files: wf["files"].append({ "name": f["content"], "path": f["path"], "perm": f.get("perm"), "user": f.get("user") }) return json.dumps({"workflow": wf}) def _get_file_templates(self): # TODO(sreshetniak): use imports and add macros CM data = {} for f in self.files: template_path = os.path.join(self.component_dir, "service", "files", f["content"]) with open(template_path) as filedata: data[f["content"]] = return data # job methods def _create_action(self): cont_spec = { "name": self.k8s_name, "image": config_images.image_spec(self.image), "imagePullPolicy": CONF.kubernetes.image_pull_policy, "command": templates.get_start_cmd(, "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "config-volume", "mountPath": "/etc/ccp" }, { "name": "start-script", "mountPath": "/opt/ccp_start_script/bin" } ], "env": templates.serialize_env_variables({}), "restartPolicy": "Never" } config_volume_items = [ { "key": "config", "path": "globals/globals.json" }, { "key": "workflow", "path": "role/%s.json" % } ] for f in self.files: config_volume_items.append({ "key": f["content"], "path": "files/%s" % f["content"] }) pod_spec = { "metadata": { "name": self.k8s_name }, "spec": { "containers": [cont_spec], "restartPolicy": "Never", "volumes": [ { "name": "config-volume", "configMap": { "name": self.k8s_name, "items": config_volume_items } }, { "name": "start-script", "configMap": { "name": templates.SCRIPT_CONFIG, "items": [ { "key": templates.SCRIPT_CONFIG, "path": "" } ] } } ] } } if self.restart_policy == RESTART_POLICY_NEVER: self._create_pod(pod_spec) elif self.restart_policy == RESTART_POLICY_ALWAYS: self._create_job(pod_spec) else: raise ValueError("Restart policy %s is not supported" % ( self.restart_policy)) def _create_pod(self, pod_spec): spec = copy.deepcopy(pod_spec) spec["metadata"].setdefault("labels", {}) spec["metadata"]["labels"].update({ "app":, "ccp": "true", "ccp-action": "true", "ccp-component": self.component}) spec.update({ "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1"}) kubernetes.process_object(spec) def _create_job(self, pod_spec): job_spec = templates.serialize_job( name=self.k8s_name, spec=pod_spec, component_name=self.component, job_spec["metadata"]["labels"].update({"ccp-action": "true"}) kubernetes.process_object(job_spec) class ActionStatus(object): @classmethod def get_actions(cls, action_name=None): selector = "ccp-action=true" if action_name: selector += "," + "app=%s" % action_name actions = [] for job in kubernetes.list_cluster_jobs(selector=selector): actions.append(cls(job)) for pod in kubernetes.list_cluster_pods(selector=selector): actions.append(cls(pod)) return actions def __init__(self, k8s_spec): self._spec = k8s_spec = self.component = k8s_spec.labels["ccp-component"] = k8s_spec.obj["metadata"]["creationTimestamp"] if k8s_spec.kind == "Job": self.restarts = k8s_spec.obj["status"].get("failed", 0) = k8s_spec.obj["status"].get("active", 0) self.failed = False else: phase = k8s_spec.obj["status"]["phase"] self.restarts = 0 = 1 if phase not in {"Failed", "Completed"} else 0 self.failed = phase == "Failed" @property def status(self): if self.failed: return "fail" if return "wip" return "ok" def log(self): if self._spec.kind == "Pod": return self._spec.logs() else: pod_selector = "job-name=%s" % pods = kubernetes.list_cluster_pods(raw_selector=pod_selector) for pod in pods: if pod.obj['status']['phase'] == "Failed": continue return pod.logs() def list_actions(): """List of available actions. :returns: list -- list of all available actions """ actions = [] for repo in utils.get_repositories_paths(): component_name = utils.get_component_name_from_repo_path(repo) action_path = os.path.join(repo, "service", "actions") if not os.path.isdir(action_path): continue for filename in os.listdir(action_path): if filename.endswith(".yaml"): with open(os.path.join(action_path, filename)) as f: data = yaml.load(f) for action_dict in data.get("actions", ()): actions.append(Action(component=component_name, component_dir=repo, **action_dict)) return actions def get_action(action_name): """Get action by name. :returns: Action -- action object :raises: fuel_ccp.exceptions.NotFoundException """ for action in list_actions(): if action_name == return action raise exceptions.NotFoundException("Action with name '%s' not found" % ( action_name)) def run_action(action_name): """Run action. :raises: fuel_ccp.exceptions.NotFoundException """ action = get_action(action_name) action.validate() def list_action_status(action_type=None): return ActionStatus.get_actions(action_type) def get_action_status_by_name(action_name): for action in list_action_status(): if == action_name: return action raise exceptions.NotFoundException("Action with name \"%s\" not found" % ( action_name))