
127 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

# This script semit-automates deployment of multiple OpenStack environemtns
# within single K8s cluster using mcp/ccp tool.
# This is PoC.
# Usage: tox -e multi-deploy -- --help
# (c) mzawadzki@mirantis.com
set -e
# Config (defaults):
NUMBER_OF_ENVS=1 # Requires 3 K8s nodes per env
BUILD_IMAGES=true # Set to true if run for the first time
: ${CONFIG_DIR:="tools/ccp-multi-deploy/config"}
: ${VERSION:="master"}
# Functions:
function usage {
cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 [OPTION]
Deploy multiple OpenStack environments with fuel-ccp.
-h, --help
print usage and exit
-n, --number-of-envs=NUMBER
deploy NUMBER of parallel environments (default: 1)
-s, --skip-building-images
do not build Docker images for OpenStack services
(rely on existing local registry, default: false)
-v, --openstack-version=VERSION
set openstack version newton or master (default: master)
function ccp_wait_for_deployment_to_finish {
until kubectl --namespace $1 get jobs | awk '$3 ~ 0 {print}' | wc -l | grep "^0$"; do
echo "Waiting for jobs to finish..."
sleep 1m
echo "...................................."
echo "Jobs and pods in namespace: $1"
kubectl --namespace $1 get jobs
kubectl --namespace $1 get pods
echo "openrc file: openrc-$1"
cat openrc-${1}
echo "...................................."
function display_horizon_access_info {
HORIZON_EXT_ADDRESS=$($CCP status horizon -f value -c links)
echo "Hint - to access horizon from your workstation please use the following address $HORIZON_EXT_ADDRESS"
function run_openstack_tests {
source openrc-$1
./tools/deploy-test-vms.sh -k $1 -a create
./tools/deploy-test-vms.sh -k $1 -a destroy
# Parse command line arguments:
OPTS=`getopt -o 'hsn:v:' --long help,skip-building-images,number-of-envs:,openstack-version: -n 'parse-options' -- ${@}`
if [ ${?} != 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed parsing options."
exit 1
eval set -- ${OPTS}
while true; do
case ${1} in
-h|--help ) usage; shift ;;
-n|--number-of-envs ) NUMBER_OF_ENVS=${2}; shift; shift ;;
-s|--skip-building-images ) BUILD_IMAGES=false; shift ;;
-v|--openstack-version ) VERSION="${2}"; NAMESPACE_PREFIX="ccp-${2}"; shift; shift ;;
-- ) shift; break ;;
* ) break ;;
# Check some basic requirements and exit explicitly if they are not met:
if [ ! -f "${CONFIG_DIR}/ccp-cli-${VERSION}-config-1.yaml" ]; then
echo "Config file not found, did you set CONFIG_DIR correctly?"
exit 1
which kubectl || exit 1
groups | grep docker || exit 1
if [ `kubectl get nodes | grep node | wc -l` -lt $(($NUMBER_OF_ENVS * 3)) ]; then
echo "Your K8s cluster is too small, you need NUMBER_OF_ENVS * 3 nodes."
exit 1
# add k8s_address to config
default_iface=$(ip ro sh | awk '/^default via [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ dev/ {print $5}')
ext_ipaddr=$(ip addr show $default_iface | awk '/inet / {print substr($2, 1, length($2)-3)}')
cat >${CONFIG_DIR}/ccp-hw-config.yaml << EOF
k8s_external_ip: "$ext_ipaddr"
# Fetch CCP repos
CCP="ccp --verbose --debug --config-file ${CONFIG_DIR}/ccp-cli-${VERSION}-config-1.yaml"
${CCP} fetch
# Create internal Docker registry for CCP,
# build and push CCP images:
if [ "${BUILD_IMAGES}" = "true" ]; then
kubectl delete pod registry || true
kubectl delete service registry || true
./tools/registry/deploy-registry.sh -n default
${CCP} build
# Deploy envs:
for n in $(seq 1 ${NUMBER_OF_ENVS}); do
CCP="ccp --verbose --debug --config-file ${CONFIG_DIR}/ccp-cli-${VERSION}-config-${n}.yaml"
${CCP} deploy
ccp_wait_for_deployment_to_finish ${NAMESPACE_PREFIX}-${n}
display_horizon_access_info ${NAMESPACE_PREFIX}-${n}
run_openstack_tests ${NAMESPACE_PREFIX}-${n}
echo "CCP cleanup command: ccp --verbose --debug --config-file ${CONFIG_DIR}/ccp-cli-${VERSION}-config-${n} cleanup"