require 'erb' module Noop class Task # Dumps the entire catalog structure to the text # representation in the Puppet language # @param context [Object] the context from the rspec test # @param resources_filter [Array] the list of resources to dump. Dump all resources if not given def catalog_dump(context, resources_filter = []) catalog = context.subject catalog = if catalog.is_a? Proc text = '' resources_filter = [resources_filter] unless resources_filter.is_a? Array do |catalog_resource| if catalog_resource.type == 'Class' next false if %w(main Settings).include? catalog_resource.title.to_s end next true unless resources_filter.any? resources_filter.find do |filter_resource| resources_are_same? catalog_resource, filter_resource end end.sort_by do |catalog_resource| catalog_resource.to_s end.each do |catalog_resource| text += dump_resource(catalog_resource) + "\n" text += "\n" end text end # Takes a parameter value and formats it to the literal value # that could be placed in the Puppet manifest # @param value [String, Array, Hash, true, false, nil] # @return [String] def parameter_value_format(value) case value when TrueClass then 'true' when FalseClass then 'false' when NilClass then 'undef' when Array then begin array = value.collect do |v| parameter_value_format v end.join(', ') "[ #{array} ]" end when Hash then begin hash = value.keys.sort do |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s end.collect do |key| "#{parameter_value_format key.to_s} => #{parameter_value_format value[key]}" end.join(', ') "{ #{hash} }" end when Numeric, Symbol then parameter_value_format value.to_s when String then begin # escapes single quote characters and wrap into them "'#{value.gsub "'", '\\\\\''}'" end else value.to_s end end # Take a resource object and generate a manifest representation of it # in the Puppet language. Replaces "to_manifest" Puppet function which # is not working correctly. # @param resource [Puppet::Resource] # @return [String] def dump_resource(resource) return '' unless resource.is_a? Puppet::Resource or resource.is_a? Puppet::Parser::Resource attributes = resource.keys if attributes.include?(:name) and resource[:name] == resource[:title] attributes.delete(:name) end attribute_max_length = attributes.inject(0) do |max_length, attribute| attribute.to_s.length > max_length ? attribute.to_s.length : max_length end attributes.sort! if attributes.first != :ensure && attributes.include?(:ensure) attributes.delete(:ensure) attributes.unshift(:ensure) end attributes_text_block = { |attribute| value = resource[attribute] " #{attribute.to_s.ljust attribute_max_length} => #{parameter_value_format value},\n" }.join "#{resource.type.to_s.downcase} { '#{resource.title.to_s}' :\n#{attributes_text_block}}" end # This function preprocesses both saved and generated # catalogs before they will be compared. It allows us to ignore # irrelevant changes in the catalogs: # * ignore trailing whitespaces # * ignore empty lines # @param data [String] # @return [String] def preprocess_catalog_data(data) clear_data = [] data.to_s.split("\n").each do |line| line = line.rstrip next if line == '' clear_data << line end clear_data.join "\n" end # Check if two resources have same type and title # @param res1 [Puppet::Resource] # @param res2 [Puppet::Resource] # @return [TrueClass, False,Class] def resources_are_same?(res1, res2) res1 = res1.to_s.downcase.gsub %r|'"|, '' res2 = res2.to_s.downcase.gsub %r|'"|, '' res1 == res2 end # @return [Pathname] def dir_name_catalogs 'catalogs' end # @return [Pathname] def dir_path_catalogs Noop::Config.dir_path_root + dir_name_catalogs end # @return [Pathname] def file_name_task_catalog Noop::Utils.convert_to_path "#{file_name_base_task_report}.pp" end # @return [Pathname] def file_path_task_catalog dir_path_catalogs + file_name_task_catalog end # Write the catalog file of this task # using the data from RSpec context # @param context [Object] the context from the rspec test # @return [void] def file_write_task_catalog(context) dir_path_catalogs.mkpath error "Catalog directory '#{dir_path_catalogs}' doesn't exist!" unless debug "Writing catalog file: #{file_path_task_catalog}", 'w') do |file| file.puts catalog_dump context end end # Check if the catalog file exists for this task # @return [true,false] def file_present_task_catalog? file_path_task_catalog.file? end # Read the catalog file of this task # @return [String] def file_read_task_catalog return unless file_present_task_catalog? debug "Reading catalog file: #{file_path_task_catalog}" end end end