begin require_relative 'hosts/common.rb' rescue LoadError nil end shared_examples 'compile' do it { compile } end shared_examples 'show_catalog' do it 'shows catalog contents' do Noop::Utils.output Noop::Utils.separator Noop::Utils.output Noop.task.catalog_dump self Noop::Utils.output Noop::Utils.separator end end shared_examples 'status' do it 'shows status' do Noop::Utils.output Noop::Utils.separator Noop::Utils.output Noop.task.status_report self Noop::Utils.output Noop::Utils.separator Noop::Utils.output Noop.task.gem_versions_report Noop::Utils.output Noop::Utils.separator end end shared_examples 'files_installed_by_puppet' do it 'should check that binary files are not installed by this task' do Noop.catalog_file_resources_check self end end shared_examples 'save_files_list' do it 'should save the list of File resources to the file' do Noop.catalog_file_report_write self end end shared_examples 'saved_catalog' do it 'should save the current task catalog to the file', :if => (ENV['SPEC_CATALOG_CHECK'] == 'save') do Noop.file_write_task_catalog self end it 'should check the current task catalog against the saved one', :if => (ENV['SPEC_CATALOG_CHECK'] == 'check') do saved_catalog = Noop.preprocess_catalog_data Noop.file_read_task_catalog current_catalog = Noop.preprocess_catalog_data Noop.catalog_dump self expect(saved_catalog).to eq current_catalog end end shared_examples 'console' do it 'runs pry console' do require 'pry' binding.pry end end ############################################################################### def run_test(manifest_file, *args) Noop.task_spec = manifest_file unless Noop.task_spec Noop::Config.log.progname = 'noop_spec' Noop::Utils.debug "RSPEC: #{Noop.task.inspect}" Noop.setup_overrides include FuelRelationshipGraphMatchers let(:task) do Noop.task end before(:all) do Noop.setup_overrides end let(:facts) do Noop.facts_data end let (:catalog) do catalog = subject catalog = if catalog.is_a? Proc end let (:ral) do ral = catalog.to_ral ral.finalize ral end let (:graph) do graph = graph.populate_from(ral) graph end include_examples 'compile' include_examples 'status' if ENV['SPEC_SHOW_STATUS'] include_examples 'show_catalog' if ENV['SPEC_CATALOG_SHOW'] include_examples 'console' if ENV['SPEC_RSPEC_CONSOLE'] include_examples 'files_installed_by_puppet' if ENV['SPEC_PUPPET_BINARY_FILES'] include_examples 'save_files_list' if ENV['SPEC_SAVE_FILE_RESOURCES'] include_examples 'saved_catalog' if ENV['SPEC_CATALOG_CHECK'] begin include_examples 'catalog' rescue ArgumentError true end begin it_behaves_like 'common' rescue ArgumentError true end at_exit do Noop.dir_path_coverage.mktree unless report =! Noop::Utils.output "Coverage:#{report[:coverage]}% (#{report[:touched]}/#{report[:total]})" if report[:untouched] > 0 resources_report = "Untouched resources:\n" resources = report[:resources] if resources.is_a? Hash resources.each do |resource, status| resources_report += "* #{resource}\n" unless status['touched'] end end Noop::Utils.output resources_report end Noop::Utils.debug "Saving coverage report to: '#{Noop.file_path_coverage_report}'", 'w') do |file| file.puts YAML.dump report end end if ENV['SPEC_COVERAGE'] yield self if block_given? end alias :test_ubuntu_and_centos :run_test alias :test_ubuntu :run_test alias :test_centos :run_test