
279 lines
8.8 KiB

class fuel_project::roles::docs (
$community_hostname = 'docs.fuel-infra.org',
$community_ssl_cert_content = '',
$community_ssl_cert_filename = '/etc/ssl/community-docs.crt',
$community_ssl_key_content = '',
$community_ssl_key_filename = '/etc/ssl/community-docs.key',
$docs_user = 'docs',
$fuel_version = '6.0',
$hostname = 'docs.mirantis.com',
$nginx_access_log = '/var/log/nginx/access.log',
$nginx_error_log = '/var/log/nginx/error.log',
$nginx_log_format = undef,
$redirect_root_to = 'http://www.mirantis.com/openstack-documentation/',
$specs_hostname = 'specs.fuel-infra.org',
$specs_www_root = '/var/www/specs',
$ssh_auth_key = undef,
$ssl_cert_content = '',
$ssl_cert_filename = '/etc/ssl/docs.crt',
$ssl_key_content = '',
$ssl_key_filename = '/etc/ssl/docs.key',
$www_root = '/var/www',
) {
if ( ! defined(Class['::fuel_project::nginx']) ) {
class { '::fuel_project::nginx' : }
user { $docs_user :
ensure => 'present',
shell => '/bin/bash',
managehome => true,
if ($ssl_cert_content and $ssl_key_content) {
file { $ssl_cert_filename :
ensure => 'present',
mode => '0600',
group => 'root',
owner => 'root',
content => $ssl_cert_content,
file { $ssl_key_filename :
ensure => 'present',
mode => '0600',
group => 'root',
owner => 'root',
content => $ssl_key_content,
Nginx::Resource::Vhost <| title == $hostname |> {
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert_filename,
ssl_key => $ssl_key_filename,
listen_port => 443,
ssl_port => 443,
::nginx::resource::vhost { "${hostname}-redirect" :
ensure => 'present',
server_name => [$hostname],
listen_port => 80,
www_root => $www_root,
access_log => $nginx_access_log,
error_log => $nginx_error_log,
format_log => $nginx_log_format,
location_cfg_append => {
return => "301 https://${hostname}\$request_uri",
$ssl = true
} else {
$ssl = false
if ($community_ssl_cert_content and $community_ssl_key_content) {
file { $community_ssl_cert_filename :
ensure => 'present',
mode => '0600',
group => 'root',
owner => 'root',
content => $community_ssl_cert_content,
file { $community_ssl_key_filename :
ensure => 'present',
mode => '0600',
group => 'root',
owner => 'root',
content => $community_ssl_key_content,
Nginx::Resource::Vhost <| title == $community_hostname |> {
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => $community_ssl_cert_filename,
ssl_key => $community_ssl_key_filename,
listen_port => 443,
ssl_port => 443,
::nginx::resource::vhost { "${community_hostname}-redirect" :
ensure => 'present',
server_name => [$community_hostname],
listen_port => 80,
www_root => $www_root,
access_log => $nginx_access_log,
error_log => $nginx_error_log,
format_log => $nginx_log_format,
location_cfg_append => {
return => "301 https://${community_hostname}\$request_uri",
$community_ssl = true
} else {
$community_ssl = false
if ($ssh_auth_key) {
ssh_authorized_key { 'fuel_docs@jenkins' :
user => $docs_user,
type => 'ssh-rsa',
key => $ssh_auth_key,
require => User[$docs_user],
::nginx::resource::vhost { $community_hostname :
ensure => 'present',
server_name => [$community_hostname],
listen_port => 80,
www_root => $www_root,
access_log => $nginx_access_log,
error_log => $nginx_error_log,
format_log => $nginx_log_format,
location_cfg_append => {
'rewrite' => {
'^/$' => '/fuel-dev',
'^/express/?$' => '/openstack/express/latest',
'^/(express/.+)' => '/openstack/$1',
'^/fuel/?$' => "/openstack/fuel/fuel-${fuel_version}",
'^/(fuel/.+)' => '/openstack/$1',
'^/openstack/fuel/$' => "/openstack/fuel/fuel-${fuel_version}",
vhost_cfg_append => {
'error_page 403' => '/fuel-infra/403.html',
'error_page 404' => '/fuel-infra/404.html',
'error_page 500 502 504' => '/fuel-infra/5xx.html',
# error pages for community
::nginx::resource::location { "${community_hostname}-error-pages" :
ensure => 'present',
vhost => $community_hostname,
location => '~ ^\/fuel-infra\/(403|404|5xx)\.html$',
ssl => true,
ssl_only => true,
www_root => '/usr/share/error_pages',
require => Package['error-pages'],
# Disable fuel-master docs on community site
::nginx::resource::location { "${community_hostname}/openstack/fuel/fuel-master" :
vhost => $community_hostname,
location => '~ \/openstack\/fuel\/fuel-master\/.*',
www_root => $www_root,
ssl => $community_ssl,
ssl_only => $community_ssl,
location_cfg_append => {
return => 404,
::nginx::resource::location { "${community_hostname}/fuel-dev" :
vhost => $community_hostname,
location => '/fuel-dev',
location_alias => "${www_root}/fuel-dev-docs/fuel-dev-master",
ssl => $community_ssl,
ssl_only => $community_ssl,
# Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1473440
::nginx::resource::location { "${community_hostname}/fuel-qa" :
vhost => $community_hostname,
location => '/fuel-qa',
location_alias => "${www_root}/fuel-qa/fuel-master",
ssl => $community_ssl,
ssl_only => $community_ssl,
::nginx::resource::vhost { $hostname :
ensure => 'present',
server_name => [$hostname],
listen_port => 80,
www_root => $www_root,
access_log => $nginx_access_log,
error_log => $nginx_error_log,
format_log => $nginx_log_format,
location_cfg_append => {
'rewrite' => {
'^/$' => $redirect_root_to,
'^/fuel-dev/?(.*)$' => "http://${community_hostname}/fuel-dev/\$1",
'^/express/?$' => '/openstack/express/latest',
'^/(express/.+)' => '/openstack/$1',
'^/fuel/?$' => "/openstack/fuel/fuel-${fuel_version}",
'^/(fuel/.+)' => '/openstack/$1',
'^/openstack/fuel/$' => "/openstack/fuel/fuel-${fuel_version}",
vhost_cfg_append => {
'error_page 403' => '/mirantis/403.html',
'error_page 404' => '/mirantis/404.html',
'error_page 500 502 504' => '/mirantis/5xx.html',
# error pages for primary docs
::nginx::resource::location { "${hostname}-error-pages" :
ensure => 'present',
vhost => $hostname,
location => '~ ^\/mirantis\/(403|404|5xx)\.html$',
ssl => true,
ssl_only => true,
www_root => '/usr/share/error_pages',
require => Package['error-pages'],
if (! defined(File[$www_root])) {
file { $www_root :
ensure => 'directory',
mode => '0755',
owner => $docs_user,
group => $docs_user,
require => User[$docs_user],
} else {
File <| title == $www_root |> {
owner => $docs_user,
group => $docs_user,
require => User[$docs_user],
file { "${www_root}/robots.txt" :
ensure => 'present',
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template('fuel_project/fuel_docs/robots.txt.erb'),
require => File[$www_root],
# fuel specs
file { $specs_www_root :
ensure => 'directory',
mode => '0755',
owner => $docs_user,
group => $docs_user,
require => [
::nginx::resource::vhost { $specs_hostname :
server_name => [$specs_hostname],
www_root => $specs_www_root,
access_log => $nginx_access_log,
error_log => $nginx_error_log,
location_cfg_append => {
'rewrite' => {
'^/$' => '/fuel-specs-master',
vhost_cfg_append => {
'error_page 403' => '/mirantis/403.html',
'error_page 404' => '/mirantis/404.html',
'error_page 500 502 504' => '/mirantis/5xx.html',