.. _overview: Overview of the Kaminario Cinder plugin ======================================= The Kaminario Cinder Plugin for Fuel assists in the configuration of the Kaminario Cinder driver for Kaminario K2 All-Flash array. The plugin enables configuration of one or many Kaminario K2 back-ends by installing the “krest” python library on cinder-volume node which is prerequisite for Kaminario iSCSI and FC cinder drivers. Software prerequisites ---------------------- To use the Kaminario Cinder plugin for Fuel, verify that your environment meets the following prerequisites: ============================ ====================================== Prerequisites Version/Comment ============================ ====================================== Fuel 9.0 Kaminario K2 All Flash Array K2 rest api version should be >= 2.2.0 ============================ ====================================== * The Kaminario K2 All-Flash array should be configured with data and management path to the cinder volume nodes and data path to the nova compute nodes. * To enable replication, a replication peer must be configured. Limitations ----------- No limitations.