volumes: - id: "contrail-db" type: "vg" min_size: generator: "calc_gb_to_mb" generator_args: [256] label: "Contrail Database" volumes: - mount: "/var/lib/contrail_db" type: "lv" name: "cassandra" file_system: "ext4" size: generator: "calc_total_vg" generator_args: ["contrail-db"] volumes_roles_mapping: contrail-controller: - {allocate_size: "min", id: "os"} - {allocate_size: "min", id: "contrail-db"} contrail-analytics-db: - {allocate_size: "min", id: "os"} - {allocate_size: "all", id: "contrail-db"} # NOTE(gomarivera): It might be needed to specify the partitions # since the roles could be used in stand alone nodes. # Furthermore, there is a lot of unallocated space left over. contrail-analytics: - {allocate_size: "min", id: "os"} - {allocate_size: "all", id: "logs"}