# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import sys from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_network from hamcrest import (assert_that, calling, raises, contains_string, has_item, has_entry, is_not, empty, equal_to, all_of) # noqa H301 from neutronclient.common import exceptions as neutron_exceptions from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions from stepler import config as stepler_config from stepler.third_party import utils from pycontrail import exceptions import pycontrail.types as contrail_types import pytest from vapor.helpers import agent_steps from vapor.helpers import asserts from vapor.helpers import contrail_status, connectivity from vapor import settings from vapor.settings import logger def test_network_deleting_with_server(network, server, contrail_api_client): assert_that( calling(contrail_api_client.virtual_network_delete).with_args( id=network['id']), raises(exceptions.RefsExistError)) def test_create_vm_bulk(net_subnet_router, tiny_flavor, cirros_image, server_steps): """Description: Test to validate creation and deletion of VMs in bulk. Test steps: 1. Create VMs in bulk, based on the count specified. 2. Verify the VMs so created and cleanup of the VMs should also go through fine. Pass criteria: The creation and deletion of the VMs in bulk should go through fine. """ network, _, _ = net_subnet_router BULK_SERVER_COUNT = 10 servers = server_steps.create_servers(count=BULK_SERVER_COUNT, image=cirros_image, flavor=tiny_flavor, networks=[network]) server_steps.delete_servers(servers) def test_delete_vm_with_associated_vn(contrail_network, contrail_subnet, flavor, cirros_image, server_steps, network_steps, contrail_api_client): """Description: Test to validate that VN cannot be deleted if there is a VM associated with it. Test steps: 1. Create a VN and launch a VM in that VN. 2. Verify that with the VM still existing, it is not possible to delete the VN. Pass criteria: The attempt to delete VN should fail. """ server_steps.create_servers( image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, nics=[{ 'net-id': contrail_network.uuid }]) net = network_steps.get_network(id=contrail_network.uuid) neutron_client = network_steps._client._rest_client # Check that we can't delete this net. assert_that( calling(neutron_client.delete_network).with_args( contrail_network.uuid), raises(neutron_exceptions.NetworkInUseClient)) # Check that network is still there # via contrail API c_networks = contrail_api_client.virtual_networks_list() assert_that(c_networks['virtual-networks'], has_item(has_entry('uuid', contrail_network.uuid))) # via neutron API assert_that( network_steps.get_network_by_name(net['name']), is_not(empty())) def test_two_nets_same_name(contrail_api_client, contrail_network, contrail_subnet): """Description: check creating 2 VNs with same name and parent. Test steps: 1. Create a VN. 2. Create a second VN with the same name and subnet as the first VN. 3. Verify that no second VN object is created. Pass criteria: There is a single VN created. """ project = contrail_api_client.project_read(id=contrail_network.parent_uuid) net = contrail_types.VirtualNetwork( contrail_network.name, parent_obj=project) assert_that( calling(contrail_api_client.virtual_network_create).with_args(net), raises(exceptions.RefsExistError)) def test_metadata_service(security_group, port_steps, network, subnet, public_network, flavor, create_floating_ip, tiny_flavor, cirros_image, server_steps): """Description: Test to validate metadata service Test steps: 1. Create a VN. 2. Launch a VM in this VN. 3. Write a metadata script to print the current time. 4. Pass this during the VM launch. Pass criteria: The output of the metadata script should be seen in the VM. """ output_filename, = utils.generate_ids('output') userdata = ( u'#!/bin/sh\n' u'echo "TestMetadataService.' u'The time is now $(date -R)!" | tee /tmp/{filename}\n'.format( filename=output_filename ) ) server, = server_steps.create_servers( image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, networks=[network], security_groups=[security_group], userdata=userdata, username=stepler_config.CIRROS_USERNAME, password=stepler_config.CIRROS_PASSWORD) server1_port = port_steps.get_port( device_owner=stepler_config.PORT_DEVICE_OWNER_SERVER, device_id=server.id) floating_ip = create_floating_ip(public_network, port=server1_port) with server_steps.get_server_ssh(server, ip=floating_ip['floating_ip_address'], ssh_timeout=60) as server_ssh: res = server_ssh.execute(u'ls /tmp/', timeout=60) assert_that(res.stdout, contains_string(output_filename)) def test_restart_control_service(os_faults_steps): """Validate restart of control node services.""" control_nodes_fqdns = settings.CONTRAIL_ROLES_DISTRIBUTION[ settings.ROLE_CONTRAIL_CONTROLLER] control_nodes = os_faults_steps.get_nodes(fqdns=control_nodes_fqdns) contrail_status.check_service_status( os_faults_steps, control_nodes_fqdns, 'contrail-control', 'active', timeout=0) # Stop services os_faults_steps.execute_cmd(control_nodes, 'service contrail-control stop') contrail_status.check_service_status( os_faults_steps, control_nodes_fqdns, 'contrail-control', 'inactive', timeout=settings.SERVICE_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMEOUT) # Start services os_faults_steps.execute_cmd(control_nodes, 'service contrail-control start') contrail_status.check_service_status( os_faults_steps, control_nodes_fqdns, 'contrail-control', 'active', timeout=settings.SERVICE_STATUS_CHANGE_TIMEOUT) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('contrail_network_cleanup') def test_vn_name_with_special_characters(contrail_api_client, contrail_current_project): """Validate creating virtual network with special characters in name. Steps: #. Create VN with special characters in name #. Check that VN created successfully and is present in networks list """ network_name, = utils.generate_ids(use_unicode=True) net = contrail_types.VirtualNetwork( network_name, parent_obj=contrail_current_project) contrail_api_client.virtual_network_create(net) networks = contrail_api_client.virtual_networks_list() assert_that(networks['virtual-networks'], has_item(has_entry('uuid', net.uuid))) def test_create_server_on_exhausted_subnet(cirros_image, flavor, network, create_subnet, create_port, server_steps): """Validate that a VMs cannot be created after the IP-Block is exhausted. Steps: #. Create network #. Create subnet with CIDR #. Create server in network #. Check that server reaches active status #. Create as many ports on network as possible #. Create another server in network #. Check that second server reaches error status """ name, = utils.generate_ids() create_subnet(name, network, cidr='') create_server_args = dict( image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, networks=[network]) server_steps.create_servers(**create_server_args) while True: try: create_port(network) except neutron_exceptions.BadRequest: if 'exhausted' in str(sys.exc_value): break else: raise assert_that( calling(server_steps.create_servers).with_args(**create_server_args), raises(AssertionError, '(No valid host was found)|' '(Exceeded maximum number of retries)')) def test_file_transfer_with_scp(ubuntu_xenial_image, keypair, flavor, create_floating_ip, public_network, network, subnet, security_group, port_steps, server_steps): """Validate File Transfer using scp between VMs. Steps: #. Create network #. Create 2 servers #. Create file on server1 #. Transfer file to server2 with scp #. Verify transferred file size #. Repeat transfer for next file sizes: 1000,1101,1202,1303,1373, 1374,2210, 2845, 3000, 10000, 10000003 """ sizes = [ 1000, 1101, 1202, 1303, 1373, 1374, 2210, 2845, 3000, 10000, 10000003 ] username = stepler_config.UBUNTU_USERNAME path = '/home/{}/file'.format(username) key_content = keypair.private_key key_path = '/home/{}/key'.format(username) userdata = '\n'.join([ "#!/bin/bash -v", "echo '{content}' > {path}", "chown {user}:{user} {path}", "chmod 600 {path}", "echo {done_marker}", ]).format( content=key_content, path=key_path, user=username, done_marker=stepler_config.USERDATA_DONE_MARKER) ssh_opts = ('-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no') # Boot servers servers = server_steps.create_servers( count=2, image=ubuntu_xenial_image, flavor=flavor, networks=[network], security_groups=[security_group], keypair=keypair, userdata=userdata, username=username) # Assign floating ips floating_ips = [] for server in servers: port = port_steps.get_port( device_owner=stepler_config.PORT_DEVICE_OWNER_SERVER, device_id=server.id) floating_ip = create_floating_ip(public_network, port=port) floating_ips.append(floating_ip) # Wait userdata to be done server_steps.check_server_log_contains_record( servers[0], stepler_config.USERDATA_DONE_MARKER, timeout=stepler_config.USERDATA_EXECUTING_TIMEOUT) ip = server_steps.get_fixed_ip(servers[1]) with asserts.AssertsCollector() as collector: for size in sizes: # Transfer file with server_steps.get_server_ssh( servers[0], floating_ips[0]['floating_ip_address']) as server1_ssh: server1_ssh.check_call( 'fallocate -l {size} {path}'.format(size=size, path=path)) server1_ssh.check_call( 'scp -i {key} {ssh_opts} {path} {user}@{ip}:{path}'.format( key=key_path, path=path, user=username, ip=ip, ssh_opts=ssh_opts)) # Check file size with server_steps.get_server_ssh( servers[1], floating_ips[1]['floating_ip_address']) as server2_ssh: actual_size = server2_ssh.check_call( 'stat -c %s {}'.format(path)).stdout collector.check(actual_size, equal_to(str(size))) def test_various_type_of_subnets_associated_with_vn( cirros_image, flavor, security_group, contrail_network, contrail_current_project, contrail_create_subnet, create_virtual_interface, contrail_create_instance_ip, server_steps, create_floating_ip, public_network): """Validate that 2 subnets with different CIDR on single VN works. Steps: #. Create network #. Create subnet_1 #. Create subnet 2 with different CIDR #. Create 2 ports on VN for each subnet #. Boot nova server with created ports #. Execute `sudo cirros-dhcpd up ` for all interfaces on server #. Check that server gets correct IP addresses on all interfaces """ ip1 = '' ip2 = '' iface_names = ('eth0', 'eth1') contrail_create_subnet( contrail_network, ip_prefix='', ip_prefix_len=24) contrail_create_subnet( contrail_network, ip_prefix='', ip_prefix_len=16) iface1 = create_virtual_interface(contrail_network) iface2 = create_virtual_interface(contrail_network) ip1 = contrail_create_instance_ip(contrail_network, iface1, ip1) ip2 = contrail_create_instance_ip(contrail_network, iface2, ip2) server = server_steps.create_servers( image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, nics=[{ 'port-id': iface1.uuid, }, { 'port-id': iface2.uuid }], security_groups=[security_group], username=stepler_config.CIRROS_USERNAME, password=stepler_config.CIRROS_PASSWORD)[0] floating_ip = create_floating_ip(public_network, port={'id': iface1.uuid}) with server_steps.get_server_ssh( server, floating_ip['floating_ip_address']) as server_ssh: with server_ssh.sudo(): for name in iface_names: server_ssh.check_call('/sbin/cirros-dhcpc up {}'.format(name)) result = server_ssh.check_call('ip a') assert_that(result.stdout, all_of(*[contains_string(name) for name in iface_names])) def test_create_server_on_network_without_subnet( cirros_image, flavor, contrail_network, server_steps, ): """Creating server on network without subnet should raise an exception.""" assert_that( calling(server_steps.create_servers).with_args( image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, networks=[{ 'id': contrail_network.uuid }], check=False), raises(nova_exceptions.BadRequest, 'requires a subnet')) def test_vm_multi_intf_in_same_vn_chk_ping( network, cirros_image, flavor, security_group, server, server_steps, port_steps, create_floating_ip, public_network): """Test to validate that a multiple interfaces of the same VM can be associated to the same VN and ping is successful. """ server_port = port_steps.get_ports( device_owner=stepler_config.PORT_DEVICE_OWNER_SERVER, device_id=server.id)[0] floating_ip = create_floating_ip(public_network, port=server_port) userdata = (u'#!/bin/sh\n' u"/sbin/ifconfig -a\n" u"/sbin/cirros-dhcpc up eth1\n") server2 = server_steps.create_servers( userdata=userdata, image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, security_groups=[security_group], networks=[network, network], username=stepler_config.CIRROS_USERNAME, password=stepler_config.CIRROS_PASSWORD)[0] with server_steps.get_server_ssh( server, floating_ip['floating_ip_address']) as server_ssh: for ip in server_steps.get_ips( server2, ip_type=stepler_config.FIXED_IP).keys(): server_steps.check_ping_for_ip( ip, server_ssh, timeout=stepler_config.PING_CALL_TIMEOUT) def test_create_multiple_servers_on_many_networks( cirros_image, flavor, create_network, create_subnet, server_steps): """Validate creation of multiple VN with multiple subnet and VMs in it. Steps: #. Create 2 networks with subnets #. Create 4 servers on each of network #. Check that all servers reach ACTIVE state """ networks = [] for name in utils.generate_ids(count=2): network = create_network(name) networks.append(network) create_subnet( name + '__subnet', network=network, cidr=stepler_config.LOCAL_CIDR) for network in networks: server_steps.create_servers( count=4, flavor=flavor, image=cirros_image, networks=[network]) def test_network_in_agent_with_server_add_delete( contrail_api_client, session, contrail_services_http_introspect_ports, network, server, server_steps): """Validate network's existence and removal in agent. Steps: #. Create network, subnet #. Launch server on it #. Check that network is present on one of vrouter agent #. Delete server #. Check that network is not present on any of vrouter agent """ contrail_network = contrail_api_client.virtual_network_read( id=network['id']) network_fq_name = contrail_network.get_fq_name_str() service_data = contrail_services_http_introspect_ports[ 'contrail-vrouter-agent'] port = service_data['port'] agent_networks = [] for node in service_data['nodes']: agent_network = agent_steps.get_vna_vn(session, node['ip'], port, network_fq_name) if agent_network: agent_networks.append(agent_network) assert_that(agent_networks, is_not(empty())) server_steps.delete_servers([server]) agent_networks = [] for node in service_data['nodes']: agent_network = agent_steps.get_vna_vn(session, node['ip'], port, network_fq_name) if agent_network: agent_networks.append(agent_network) assert_that(agent_networks, empty()) def test_policy_between_vns_diff_proj( different_tenants_resources, server_steps, contrail_api_client, create_network_policy, set_network_policy): """Check policy to deny and pass under different projects. Test steps: 1. Create 2 different projects. 2. Launch 2 VNs and 2 VMs. 3. Configure a policy to allow ICMP in one of the projects, while in the other configure a policy to deny ICMP between the projects. """ project1, project2 = different_tenants_resources project1_policy = create_network_policy(parent=project1.contrail_project) project2_policy = create_network_policy(parent=project2.contrail_project) project1_network = contrail_api_client.virtual_network_read( id=project1.network['id']) project2_network = contrail_api_client.virtual_network_read( id=project2.network['id']) set_network_policy(project1_network, project1_policy) set_network_policy(project2_network, project2_policy) # Create allow ICMP policy entries src_address = contrail_types.AddressType( virtual_network=project1_network.get_fq_name_str()) dst_address = contrail_types.AddressType( virtual_network=project2_network.get_fq_name_str()) port = contrail_types.PortType(start_port=-1, end_port=-1) pass_action = contrail_types.ActionListType(simple_action='pass') allow_rule = contrail_types.PolicyRuleType( protocol='icmp', direction='<>', src_addresses=[src_address], src_ports=[port], dst_addresses=[dst_address], dst_ports=[port], action_list=pass_action) allow_icmp_policy_entries = contrail_types.PolicyEntriesType( policy_rule=[allow_rule]) # Create deny ICMP policy entries deny_action = contrail_types.ActionListType(simple_action='deny') deny_rule = contrail_types.PolicyRuleType( protocol='icmp', direction='<>', src_addresses=[src_address], src_ports=[port], dst_addresses=[dst_address], dst_ports=[port], action_list=deny_action) deny_icmp_policy_entries = contrail_types.PolicyEntriesType( policy_rule=[deny_rule]) project1_policy.network_policy_entries = allow_icmp_policy_entries contrail_api_client.network_policy_update(project1_policy) project2_policy.network_policy_entries = deny_icmp_policy_entries contrail_api_client.network_policy_update(project2_policy) project2_server_fixed_ip = project2.server_steps.get_fixed_ip( project2.server) with server_steps.get_server_ssh( project1.server, ip=project1.floating_ip['floating_ip_address']) as server_ssh: connectivity.check_icmp_connection_status( project2_server_fixed_ip, server_ssh, must_available=False, timeout=settings.SECURITY_GROUP_APPLY_TIMEOUT) project2_policy.network_policy_entries = allow_icmp_policy_entries contrail_api_client.network_policy_update(project2_policy) connectivity.check_icmp_connection_status( project2_server_fixed_ip, server_ssh, timeout=settings.SECURITY_GROUP_APPLY_TIMEOUT) def test_vm_associated_2vn(cirros_image, flavor, security_group, contrail_2_networks, server_steps): """Test to validate a VM associated with two VNs. Test steps: 1. Create 2 VNs. 2. Launch a VM such that it has address from both the VNs. Pass criteria: VM should get both the IPs. """ server = server_steps.create_servers( image=cirros_image, flavor=flavor, networks=contrail_2_networks.networks, security_groups=[security_group])[0] server_ips = server_steps.get_ips(server) nets = {net['name'] for net in contrail_2_networks.networks} server_nets = {ip['net'] for addr, ip in server_ips.items()} server_ips = {ip_address(addr) for addr, ip in server_ips.items()} cidrs = {ip_network(subnet['cidr']) for subnet in contrail_2_networks.subnets} assert_that(nets, equal_to(server_nets)) # Check each CIDR for each IP ips_in_cidr = {ip for ip in server_ips for cidr in cidrs if ip in cidr} assert_that(server_ips, equal_to(ips_in_cidr)) def test_update_vm_ip(server, subnet, port_steps, server_steps): """Test to validate that updating the IP address of the VM fails. Test steps: 1. Create a VM in a VN. 2. Try to update the IP of the VM. Pass criteria: Modification of fixed IP will not be allowed. Proper error should be observed. """ server_fixed_ip = server_steps.get_fixed_ip(server) # Find new IP address from server's network server_fixed_ip_new = '' for net_ip in ip_network(subnet['cidr']).hosts(): if str(net_ip) != server_fixed_ip: server_fixed_ip_new = str(net_ip) break server_port = port_steps.get_port( device_owner=stepler_config.PORT_DEVICE_OWNER_SERVER, device_id=server.id) port_dict = { 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': subnet['id'], 'ip_address': server_fixed_ip_new}] } assert_that( calling(port_steps.update).with_args(server_port, check=False, **port_dict), raises(neutron_exceptions.BadRequest)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('different_tenants_resources', [dict(ips=('', ''))], indirect=True) def test_diff_proj_same_vn_vm_add_delete(different_tenants_resources, client_contrail_vrouter_agent): """Test to validate that a VN and VM with the same name and same subnet can be created in two different projects. Test steps: #. Create 2 different projects. #. Create a VN with the same name and subnet under each project. #. Launch a VM under the VN in both the projects. Pass criteria: The label allocated to the VM's should be different. """ resources = different_tenants_resources itfs = client_contrail_vrouter_agent.get_itfs()['ItfResp'][ 'itf_list'] s1_net_label = next(vrif['label'] for vrif in itfs if vrif['vm_uuid'] == resources[0].server.id) s2_net_label = next(vrif['label'] for vrif in itfs if vrif['vm_uuid'] == resources[1].server.id) logger.debug('label1 = {}; label2 = {}'.format(s1_net_label, s2_net_label)) assert_that(s1_net_label, is_not(equal_to(s2_net_label)))