
91 lines
3.8 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class contrail::setup ($node_name)
if $node_name == $contrail::deployment_node {
$pythonpath = $operatingsystem ? {
'Ubuntu' => '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages',
'CentOS' => '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'
file {'/tmp/install.py.patch':
ensure => file,
source => 'puppet:///modules/contrail/install.py.patch'
} ->
exec {'install.py.patch':
command => 'patch /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/tasks/install.py /tmp/install.py.patch && touch /opt/contrail/install.py.patch-DONE',
creates => '/opt/contrail/install.py.patch-DONE'
} ->
file {'/tmp/commandline.py.patch':
ensure => file,
source => 'puppet:///modules/contrail/commandline.py.patch'
} ->
exec {'commandline.py.patch':
command => 'patch /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/utils/commandline.py /tmp/commandline.py.patch && touch /opt/contrail/commandline.py.patch-DONE',
creates => '/opt/contrail/commandline.py.patch-DONE'
} ->
file {'/tmp/ha.py.patch':
ensure => file,
source => 'puppet:///modules/contrail/ha.py.patch'
} ->
exec {'ha.py.patch':
command => 'patch /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/tasks/ha.py /tmp/ha.py.patch && touch /opt/contrail/ha.py.patch-DONE',
creates => '/opt/contrail/ha.py.patch-DONE'
} ->
file {'/tmp/keepalived_conf_template.py.patch':
ensure => file,
source => 'puppet:///modules/contrail/keepalived_conf_template.py.patch'
} ->
exec {'keepalived_conf_template.py.patch':
command => "patch ${pythonpath}/contrail_provisioning/common/templates/keepalived_conf_template.py /tmp/keepalived_conf_template.py.patch \
&& touch /opt/contrail/keepalived_conf_template.py.patch-DONE",
creates => '/opt/contrail/keepalived_conf_template.py.patch-DONE'
} ->
# Database installation
run_fabric { 'install_database': } ->
run_fabric { 'setup_database': } ->
notify{"Waiting for cassandra nodes: ${contrail::contrail_node_num}":} ->
exec {'wait_for_cassandra':
provider => 'shell',
command => "if [ `nodetool status|grep ^UN|wc -l` -lt ${contrail::contrail_node_num} ]; then exit 1; fi",
tries => 10, # wait for whole cluster is up: 10 tries every 30 seconds = 5 min
try_sleep => 30,
} ->
# Installing components
run_fabric { 'install_cfgm': } ->
run_fabric { 'install_control': } ->
run_fabric { 'install_collector': } ->
run_fabric { 'install_webui': } ->
# Some fixups
run_fabric { 'setup_contrail_keepalived': } ->
run_fabric { 'fixup_restart_haproxy_in_collector': } ->
run_fabric { 'fix-service-tenant-name':
hostgroup => 'control',
command => "sed -i '49s/service/services/g' ${pythonpath}/contrail_provisioning/config/quantum_in_keystone_setup.py",
} ->
# Setting up the components
run_fabric { 'setup_cfgm': } ->
exec {'update_neutron_pwd':
command => "keystone --os-endpoint http://${contrail::mos_mgmt_vip}:35357/v2.0 --os-token ${contrail::admin_token} \
--os-tenant-name services user-password-update --pass ${contrail::service_token} neutron"} ->
run_fabric { 'setup_control': } ->
run_fabric { 'setup_collector': } ->
run_fabric { 'setup_webui': }