
216 lines
8.5 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class contrail::compute::vrouter {
$raw_phys_dev = regsubst($::contrail::phys_dev, '\..*' , '')
$vlan_tag = regsubst($::contrail::phys_dev, '^.+\.' , '')
if $contrail::compute_dpdk_on_vf {
$sriov_hash = get_sriov_devices($contrail::phys_dev)
$sriov_ifaces = keys($sriov_hash)
$pf_dev_name = $sriov_ifaces[0]
$dpdk_dev_name = "${contrail::vf_prefix}${pf_dev_name}"
# unbonded VFs go here
if count(keys($sriov_hash)) == 1 {
if $vlan_tag =~ /^\d*$/ {
$phys_dev = "${dpdk_dev_name}.${vlan_tag}"
} else {
$phys_dev = $dpdk_dev_name
$vf_data = get_vf_data($pf_dev_name, $contrail::dpdk_vf_number)
$dpdk_dev_pci = $vf_data['vf_pci_addr']
$dev_mac = $vf_data['vf_mac_addr']
# bonds from VFs go here
} else {
$phys_dev = $contrail::phys_dev
$dev_mac = getvar("::macaddress_${dpdk_dev_name}")
$dpdk_dev_pci = $contrail::phys_dev_pci
# usual dpdk and kernel-based routers go here
} else {
# facter uses underscore instead of dot as a separator for interface name with vlan
$phys_dev_facter = regsubst($::contrail::phys_dev, '\.' , '_')
$dev_mac = getvar("::macaddress_${phys_dev_facter}")
$phys_dev = $contrail::phys_dev
$dpdk_dev_pci = $contrail::phys_dev_pci
Exec {
path => '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin',
if $contrail::compute_dpdk_enabled {
$mac_from_vrouter = $::mac_from_vrouter
if $contrail::compute_dpdk_on_vf {
$dpdk_dev_mac = $dev_mac
} else {
if $mac_from_vrouter {
$dpdk_dev_mac = $mac_from_vrouter
} else {
$dpdk_dev_mac = $dev_mac
# in case of bonds, MAC address should be set permanently, because slave interfaces
# may start in random order during the boot process
if ( 'bond' in $raw_phys_dev) {
file_line { 'permanent_mac':
ensure => present,
line => "hwaddress ${dpdk_dev_mac}",
path => "/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-${raw_phys_dev}",
after => "iface ${raw_phys_dev} inet manual",
$install_packages = ['contrail-openstack-vrouter','contrail-vrouter-dpdk-init','iproute2','haproxy','libatm1']
$delete_packages = ['openvswitch-common','openvswitch-datapath-dkms','openvswitch-datapath-lts-saucy-dkms','openvswitch-switch','nova-network','nova-api']
contrail_vrouter_dpdk_ini_config {
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/command': value => "taskset ${contrail::vrouter_core_mask} /usr/bin/contrail-vrouter-dpdk --no-daemon --vr_mpls_labels ${contrail::vr_mpls_labels} ${::supervisor_params}";
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/priority': value => '410';
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/loglevel': value => 'debug';
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/autostart': value => true;
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/killasgroup': value => true;
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/stdout_capture_maxbytes': value => '1MB';
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/redirect_stderr': value => true;
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/stdout_logfile': value => '/var/log/contrail/contrail-vrouter-dpdk-stdout.log';
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/stderr_logfile': value => '/var/log/contrail/contrail-vrouter-dpdk-stderr.log';
'program:contrail-vrouter-dpdk/exitcodes': value => '0';
Package[$install_packages] -> Contrail_vrouter_dpdk_ini_config <||> ~> Service['supervisor-vrouter']
} else {
$install_packages = ['contrail-openstack-vrouter','contrail-vrouter-dkms','iproute2','haproxy','libatm1']
$delete_packages = ['openvswitch-common','openvswitch-datapath-dkms','openvswitch-datapath-lts-saucy-dkms','openvswitch-switch','nova-network','nova-api']
file {'/etc/modprobe.d/vrouter.conf':
ensure => present,
augeas { 'vrouter':
context => '/files/etc/modprobe.d/vrouter.conf',
lens => 'modprobe.lns',
incl => '/etc/modprobe.d/vrouter.conf',
changes => ["set options[. = 'vrouter'] vrouter",
"set options[. = 'vrouter']/vr_flow_entries ${contrail::vr_flow_entries}"],
require => File['/etc/modprobe.d/vrouter.conf'],
file { 'create_supervisor_vrouter_override':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/init/supervisor-vrouter.override',
content => 'manual',
} ->
package { $delete_packages:
ensure => purged,
tag => ['delete'],
} ->
package { $install_packages:
ensure => present,
tag => ['install'],
} ->
exec { 'remove-ovs-modules':
command => 'modprobe -r openvswitch'
} ->
file {'/etc/contrail/agent_param':
ensure => present,
content => template('contrail/agent_param.erb'),
require => Package[$install_packages],
} ->
contrail_vrouter_nodemgr_config {
'DISCOVERY/server': value => $contrail::contrail_private_vip;
'DISCOVERY/port': value => '5998';
} ->
exec { 'remove_supervisor_override':
command => '/bin/rm /etc/init/supervisor-vrouter.override',
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -f /etc/init/supervisor-vrouter.override',
require => Package[$install_packages],
contrail_vrouter_agent_config {
'DEFAULT/log_file': value => '/var/log/contrail/contrail-vrouter-agent.log';
'DEFAULT/log_level': value => 'SYS_NOTICE';
'DEFAULT/log_local': value => '1';
'DEFAULT/log_flow': value => '1';
'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => '1';
'DEFAULT/syslog_facility': value => 'LOG_LOCAL0';
'DEFAULT/headless_mode': value => $::contrail::headless_mode;
'DISCOVERY/server': value => $::contrail::contrail_private_vip;
'DISCOVERY/max_control_nodes': value => '2';
'HYPERVISOR/type': value => 'kvm';
'METADATA/metadata_proxy_secret': value => $::contrail::metadata_secret;
'NETWORKS/control_network_ip': value => $::contrail::address;
'VIRTUAL-HOST-INTERFACE/name': value => 'vhost0';
'VIRTUAL-HOST-INTERFACE/ip': value => "${contrail::address}/${contrail::netmask_short}";
'VIRTUAL-HOST-INTERFACE/physical_interface': value => $phys_dev;
'SERVICE-INSTANCE/netns_command': value => '/usr/bin/opencontrail-vrouter-netns';
if $contrail::gateway {
contrail_vrouter_agent_config { 'VIRTUAL-HOST-INTERFACE/gateway': value => $contrail::gateway; }
if $contrail::compute_dpdk_enabled == true {
contrail_vrouter_agent_config {
'DEFAULT/platform': value => 'dpdk';
'DEFAULT/physical_interface_address' : value => $dpdk_dev_pci;
'DEFAULT/physical_interface_mac': value => $dpdk_dev_mac;
file {'/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-vhost0':
ensure => present,
content => template('contrail/ubuntu-ifcfg-vhost0.erb'),
} ~>
service {'supervisor-vrouter':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
} else {
contrail_vrouter_agent_config {
'TASK/thread_count': value => '8';
'FLOWS/thread_count': value => '2';
file {'/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-vhost0':
ensure => present,
content => template('contrail/ubuntu-ifcfg-vhost0.erb'),
} ~>
service {'supervisor-vrouter':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => false,
restart => 'service supervisor-vrouter stop && \
modprobe -r vrouter && \
sync && \
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && \
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory && \
service supervisor-vrouter start',
Package[$install_packages] -> Contrail_vrouter_nodemgr_config <||> ~> Service['supervisor-vrouter']
Package[$install_packages] -> Contrail_vrouter_agent_config <||> ~> Service['supervisor-vrouter']