
742 lines
33 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import atexit
import random
import yaml
import os.path
import argparse
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from pyVim import connect
from pyVmomi import vim
from pyVmomi import vmodl
from nailgun import objects
from nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models import Cluster
from nailgun.db import db
class Vcenter_base(object):
def __init__(self, user_data=None, si=None):
if user_data:
self.vc_ip = user_data['vcenter_ip']
self.vc_user = user_data['vcenter_user']
self.vc_pass = user_data['vcenter_password']
elif si:
self.service_instance = si
self.content = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent()
self.datacenter = self.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0]
self.network_folder = self.datacenter.networkFolder
logger.error('Need to specify credential for vcenter (user_data) or service instance object (si)')
def connect_to_vcenter(self):
"""Create connection for vCenter instance"""
self.service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=self.vc_ip,
self.content = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent()
self.datacenter = self.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0]
self.network_folder = self.datacenter.networkFolder
atexit.register(connect.Disconnect, self.service_instance)
return self.service_instance
def wait_for_tasks(self, service_instance, tasks):
"""Given the service instance si and tasks,
it returns after all the tasks are complete
property_collector = service_instance.content.propertyCollector
task_list = [str(task) for task in tasks]
# Create filter
obj_specs = [vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectSpec(obj=task)
for task in tasks]
property_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.PropertySpec(type=vim.Task,
filter_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterSpec()
filter_spec.objectSet = obj_specs
filter_spec.propSet = [property_spec]
pcfilter = property_collector.CreateFilter(filter_spec, True)
version, state = None, None
# Loop looking for updates till the state moves to a completed state.
while len(task_list):
update = property_collector.WaitForUpdates(version)
for filter_set in update.filterSet:
for obj_set in filter_set.objectSet:
task = obj_set.obj
for change in obj_set.changeSet:
if change.name == 'info':
state = change.val.state
elif change.name == 'info.state':
state = change.val
if not str(task) in task_list:
if state == vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
# Remove task from taskList
elif state == vim.TaskInfo.State.error:
raise task.info.error
# Move to next version
version = update.version
if pcfilter:
def get_obj(self, vimtype, name):
"""Get the vsphere object associated with a given text name"""
obj = None
container = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(self.content.rootFolder, vimtype, True)
for c in container.view:
if c.name == name:
obj = c
return obj
def get_all_hosts(self):
host_list = list()
for cl in self.datacenter.hostFolder.childEntity:
for h in cl.host:
host = h.name
return host_list
def gen_mac(self):
"""Generate mac address"""
mac = [0x00, 0x16, 0x3e,
random.randint(0x00, 0x7f),
random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
random.randint(0x00, 0xff)]
return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac))
def get_host_ip_by_name(self, name):
host_obj = self.get_obj([vim.HostSystem], name)
host_ip = host_obj.config.vmotion.ipConfig.ipAddress
return host_ip
def fetch_hosts_data(self):
hosts_data = list()
for cl in self.datacenter.hostFolder.childEntity:
for h in cl.host:
host_name = h.name
host_ip = h.config.vmotion.ipConfig.ipAddress
mac_for_vm = self.gen_mac()
hosts_data.append({'host': host_name, 'host_ip': host_ip, 'mac_for_vm': mac_for_vm})
return hosts_data
def get_args():
"""Parse command line arguments"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--env_id', type=int, help='Environment id', required=True)
'--spawn', action='store_true', dest='spawn', default=None, help='Spawn vm\'s for contrail-vmware role',
'--map-ips', action='store_true', dest='map_ips', default=None, help='Map vmware vm\'s to fuel admin ip\'s',
'--dvs-mtu-ext', type=int, dest='dvs_mtu_ext', help='Max MTU for external DVS', default=None)
'--dvs-mtu-priv', type=int, dest='dvs_mtu_priv', help='Max MTU for private DVS', default=None)
'--dvs-mtu-int', type=int, dest='dvs_mtu_int', help='Max MTU for internal DVS', default=None)
'--cluster-list', type=str, dest='cluster_list', help='Change cluster list', default=None)
'--reduce-vm-params', action='store_true', dest='reduce_vm_params',
help='Reduce memory value for ContrailVM\'s', default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def get_vcenter_credentials(cluster_id):
"""Fetch vCenter credential from nailgun
:param cluster_id: Fuel environment id
cl = objects.Cluster.get_by_uid(cluster_id)
if cl:
vmware_settings = objects.Cluster.get_vmware_attributes(cl).get('editable')
vcenter_host = vmware_settings['value']['availability_zones'][0].get('vcenter_host')
vcenter_username = vmware_settings['value']['availability_zones'][0].get('vcenter_username')
vcenter_password = vmware_settings['value']['availability_zones'][0].get('vcenter_password')
if not vcenter_host or not vcenter_username or not vcenter_password:
logger.error('Credentials for vcenter not specified fully. Specify their in Fuel vmware tab.')
return vcenter_host, vcenter_username, vcenter_password
logger.error('Could not find cluster with ID: {}'.format(cluster_id))
def get_contrail_settings(cluster_id, setting_name):
"""Fetch Contrail settings from nailgun
:param cluster_id: Fuel environment id
:param setting_name: Fuel Contrail setting name
cl = objects.Cluster.get_by_uid(cluster_id)
contrail_setting = objects.Cluster.get_editable_attributes(cl)['contrail'].get(setting_name)
if contrail_setting:
value = contrail_setting['value']
return value
logger.error('Contrail setting {} does not exist'.format(setting_name))
def create_logger():
logger = logging.getLogger()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
return logger
def change_cluster_list(env_id, cluster_list):
cluster_db = db.query(Cluster).get(env_id)
cluster_db.vmware_attributes.editable = deepcopy(cluster_db.vmware_attributes.editable)
'vsphere_cluster'] = cluster_list
class Vcenter_obj_tpl(object):
def controller_info(self):
scsi_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
scsi_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
scsi_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicController()
scsi_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description()
scsi_spec.device.slotInfo = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.PciBusSlotInfo()
scsi_spec.device.slotInfo.pciSlotNumber = 16
scsi_spec.device.controllerKey = 100
scsi_spec.device.unitNumber = 3
scsi_spec.device.busNumber = 0
scsi_spec.device.hotAddRemove = True
scsi_spec.device.sharedBus = 'noSharing'
scsi_spec.device.scsiCtlrUnitNumber = 7
return scsi_spec
def disk_info(self, disk_size, controller_info, unit_number=0):
new_disk_kb = int(disk_size) * 1024 * 1024
disk_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
disk_spec.fileOperation = "create"
disk_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
disk_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk()
disk_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo()
disk_spec.device.backing.diskMode = 'persistent'
disk_spec.device.unitNumber = unit_number
disk_spec.device.capacityInKB = new_disk_kb
disk_spec.device.controllerKey = controller_info.device.key
return disk_spec
def nic_info(self, nic_type='Vmxnet3', mac_address=None, label=None, dv_pg_obj=None):
nic_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
nic_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
if nic_type == 'Vmxnet3':
nic_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3()
elif nic_type == 'E1000':
nic_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualE1000()
if mac_address:
nic_spec.device.macAddress = mac_address
nic_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description()
nic_spec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo()
nic_spec.device.connectable.startConnected = True
nic_spec.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = True
nic_spec.device.connectable.connected = True
nic_spec.device.wakeOnLanEnabled = True
nic_spec.device.addressType = 'assigned'
if label:
nic_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = label
port = vim.dvs.PortConnection()
# port.switchUuid = '54 01 36 50 13 35 cf f0-3d ad c9 74 36 95 2f 7e'
# port.portgroupKey = 'dvportgroup-43'
if dv_pg_obj:
port.portgroupKey = dv_pg_obj.key
port.switchUuid = dv_pg_obj.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid
nic_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.DistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo()
nic_spec.device.backing.port = port
return nic_spec
def vmx_file_info(self, storage_name, vm_name):
datastore_path = '[' + storage_name + '] ' + vm_name
vmx_file = vim.vm.FileInfo(logDirectory=None,
return vmx_file
def dvs_info(self, dvs_name, private_vlan=None, max_mtu=None):
pvlan_configs = []
dvs_create_spec = vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.CreateSpec()
dvs_config_spec = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.ConfigSpec()
if private_vlan:
for pvlan_idx in range(100, 2001, 2):
# promiscuous pvlan config
pvlan_map_entry = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.PvlanMapEntry()
pvlan_config_spec = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.PvlanConfigSpec()
pvlan_map_entry.primaryVlanId = pvlan_idx
pvlan_map_entry.secondaryVlanId = pvlan_idx
pvlan_map_entry.pvlanType = "promiscuous"
pvlan_config_spec.pvlanEntry = pvlan_map_entry
pvlan_config_spec.operation = vim.ConfigSpecOperation.add
# isolated pvlan config
pvlan_map_entry2 = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.PvlanMapEntry()
pvlan_config_spec2 = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.PvlanConfigSpec()
pvlan_map_entry2.primaryVlanId = pvlan_idx
pvlan_map_entry2.secondaryVlanId = pvlan_idx + 1
pvlan_map_entry2.pvlanType = "isolated"
pvlan_config_spec2.pvlanEntry = pvlan_map_entry2
pvlan_config_spec2.operation = vim.ConfigSpecOperation.add
dvs_config_spec.pvlanConfigSpec = pvlan_configs
dvs_config_spec.name = dvs_name
if max_mtu:
dvs_config_spec.maxMtu = int(max_mtu)
dvs_create_spec.configSpec = dvs_config_spec
return dvs_create_spec
def dvs_host_info(self, host, uplink=None):
dvs_host_configs = list()
uplink_port_names = 'dvUplink1'
dvs_config_spec = vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.ConfigSpec()
dvs_config_spec.uplinkPortPolicy = vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.NameArrayUplinkPortPolicy()
dvs_config_spec.uplinkPortPolicy.uplinkPortName = uplink_port_names
dvs_config_spec.maxPorts = 60000
dvs_host_config = vim.dvs.HostMember.ConfigSpec()
dvs_host_config.operation = vim.ConfigSpecOperation.add
dvs_host_config.host = host
if uplink:
pnic_specs = list()
pnic_spec = vim.dvs.HostMember.PnicSpec()
pnic_spec.pnicDevice = uplink
dvs_host_config.backing = vim.dvs.HostMember.PnicBacking()
dvs_host_config.backing.pnicSpec = pnic_specs
dvs_config_spec.host = dvs_host_configs
return dvs_config_spec
def dvs_pg_info(self, dv_pg_name, dv_pg_ports_num, vlan_type, vlan_list):
dv_pg_spec = vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.ConfigSpec()
dv_pg_spec.name = dv_pg_name
dv_pg_spec.numPorts = int(dv_pg_ports_num)
dv_pg_spec.type = vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.PortgroupType.earlyBinding
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.VmwarePortConfigPolicy()
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.SecurityPolicy()
if vlan_type == 'access':
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.VlanIdSpec()
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId = vlan_list[0]
elif vlan_type == 'trunk':
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan = vim.dvs.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.TrunkVlanSpec()
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId = [vim.NumericRange(start=vlan_list[0], end=vlan_list[1])]
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.allowPromiscuous = vim.BoolPolicy(value=True)
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.forgedTransmits = vim.BoolPolicy(value=True)
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan.inherited = False
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.macChanges = vim.BoolPolicy(value=False)
dv_pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy.inherited = False
return dv_pg_spec
def startup_info(self, vm_obj, host_obj):
hostdefsettings = vim.host.AutoStartManager.SystemDefaults()
hostdefsettings.enabled = True
hostdefsettings.startDelay = 120
spec = host_obj.configManager.autoStartManager.config
spec.defaults = hostdefsettings
auto_power_info = vim.host.AutoStartManager.AutoPowerInfo()
auto_power_info.key = vm_obj
auto_power_info.startAction = 'powerOn'
auto_power_info.startDelay = -1
auto_power_info.startOrder = -1
auto_power_info.stopAction = 'None'
auto_power_info.stopDelay = -1
auto_power_info.waitForHeartbeat = 'no'
spec.powerInfo = [auto_power_info]
return spec
class Vm(Vcenter_base, Vcenter_obj_tpl):
def __init__(self, user_data=None, si=None):
super(Vm, self).__init__(user_data, si)
self._unit_number = None
self._nic_unit_number = None
self.vm_devices = list()
self.scsi_spec = self.controller_info()
def add_disk(self, disk_size):
"""Add disk specifications for vm object
:param disk_size: size of disk in MB
if self._unit_number >= 0:
self._unit_number += 1
self._unit_number = 0
disk_spec = self.disk_info(disk_size, self.scsi_spec, self._unit_number)
def add_nic(self, nic_type='Vmxnet3', mac_address=None, dv_pg_name=None):
"""Add nic specification for vm object
:param nic_type: type of virtual Ethernet adapter. possible values: Vmxnet3, E1000
:param mac_address: mac address of virtual Ethernet adapter
:param dv_pg_name: if set, added nic to given port group
if self._nic_unit_number >= 0:
self._nic_unit_number += 1
self._nic_unit_number = 0
label = 'nic' + str(self._nic_unit_number)
if dv_pg_name:
dv_pg_obj = self.get_obj([vim.DistributedVirtualPortgroup], dv_pg_name)
if not dv_pg_obj:
logger.warning('Port group: {} does not exist.'.format(dv_pg_name))
dv_pg_obj = None
nic_spec = self.nic_info(nic_type, mac_address, label, dv_pg_obj)
def create(self, name, cpu, memory, storage_name, cluster=None, host=None):
"""Create virtual machine
:param name: name of virtual machine
:param cpu: cpu amount
:param memory: memory amount in MB
:param storage_name: name of datastore where vm will be spawned
:param cluster: optional, set cluster where vm will be created
:param host: optional, set ESXi host where vm will be created
vm_obj = self.get_obj([vim.VirtualMachine], name)
host_obj = self.get_obj([vim.HostSystem], host)
if vm_obj:
logger.info('VM({}) already exist. Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(name, name))
return vm_obj
if host:
if not host_obj:
logger.warning('Host({}) does not exist. Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(host, name))
if host_obj.overallStatus == 'red':
logger.warning('Host({}) not responding. Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(host, name))
if not any(ds.name == storage_name for ds in host_obj.datastore):
'Datastore({}) does not exist on Host({}). Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(storage_name, host, name))
vm_folder = host_obj.parent.parent.parent.vmFolder
resource_pool = host_obj.parent.resourcePool
elif cluster:
host_obj = None
cluster_obj = self.get_obj([vim.ClusterComputeResource], cluster)
if not cluster_obj:
logger.warning('Cluster({}) does not exist. Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(cluster, name))
if not any(ds.name == storage_name for ds in cluster_obj.datastore):
'Datastore({}) does not exist on Cluster({}). Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(storage_name, cluster,
vm_folder = cluster_obj.parent.parent.vmFolder
resource_pool = cluster_obj.resourcePool
'Need to specify Cluster or Host name where you want to create vm. Skip creation VM: {}.'.format(name))
vmx_file = self.vmx_file_info(storage_name, name)
self.config = vim.vm.ConfigSpec(
logger.info('Creating VM {}...'.format(name))
task = vm_folder.CreateVM_Task(config=self.config, pool=resource_pool, host=host_obj)
self.wait_for_tasks(self.service_instance, [task])
def power_on(self, name):
"""Power on virtual machine
:param name: name of virtual machine
vm_obj = self.get_obj([vim.VirtualMachine], name)
if not vm_obj:
logger.error('VM({}) does not exist. Skip power on VM: {}.'.format(name, name))
if vm_obj.summary.runtime.powerState == 'poweredOn':
logger.info('VM({}) already power on. Skip power on VM: {}.'.format(name, name))
task = vm_obj.PowerOnVM_Task()
self.wait_for_tasks(self.service_instance, [task])
def enable_startup(self, name):
"""Enable startup for virtual machine
:param name: name of virtual machine
vm_obj = self.get_obj([vim.VirtualMachine], name)
if not vm_obj:
logger.error('VM({}) does not exist. Skip adding to startup VM: {}.'.format(name, name))
host_obj = vm_obj.summary.runtime.host
power_info = host_obj.configManager.autoStartManager.config.powerInfo
if not host_obj:
logger.warning('Host({}) does not exist. Skip adding to startup VM: {}.'.format(host_obj.name, name))
if any(pf.key == vm_obj for pf in power_info):
logger.info('VM({}) already added to startup. Skip adding to startup VM: {}.'.format(name, name))
spec = self.startup_info(vm_obj, host_obj)
logger.info('Enable startup for VM: {}'.format(name))
class Dvs(Vcenter_base, Vcenter_obj_tpl):
def create(self, dvs_name, private_vlan, max_mtu=None):
"""Create Distributed Virtual Switch
:param dvs_name: name of switch
:param private_vlan: if set, configure private VLAN range
dvs_obj = self.get_obj([vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch], dvs_name)
if dvs_obj:
logger.info('DVS({}) already exist. Skip creation DVS: {}.'.format(dvs_name, dvs_name))
return dvs_obj
dvs_spec = self.dvs_info(dvs_name, private_vlan, max_mtu)
logger.info('Creating DVS {}...'.format(dvs_name))
task = self.network_folder.CreateDVS_Task(dvs_spec)
self.wait_for_tasks(self.service_instance, [task])
def add_hosts(self, hosts_list, dvs_name, attach_uplink):
"""Add ESXi hosts to Distributed Virtual Switch
:param hosts_list: list of hosts with uplink relation. Example: [{'host': '', 'uplink': 'vmnic1'},]
:param dvs_name: name of Distributed Virtual Switch
:param attach_uplink: if set, attach host with uplink to DVS
dvs_obj = self.get_obj([vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch], dvs_name)
if not dvs_obj:
logger.warning('DVS({}) does not exist. Skip adding Hosts: {}.'.format(dvs_name, str(hosts_list)))
for h in hosts_list:
host = h['host']
uplink = h['uplink']
if any(dvs_host.config.host.name == host for dvs_host in dvs_obj.config.host):
'Host({}) already adding to DVS({}). Skip adding Host: {}.'.format(host, dvs_name, host))
if not attach_uplink:
uplink = None
host_obj = self.get_obj([vim.HostSystem], host)
dvs_host_spec = self.dvs_host_info(host_obj, uplink)
dvs_host_spec.configVersion = dvs_obj.config.configVersion
logger.info('Adding {} to DVS: {}'.format(host, dvs_name))
task = dvs_obj.ReconfigureDvs_Task(dvs_host_spec)
self.wait_for_tasks(self.service_instance, [task])
class Dvpg(Vcenter_base, Vcenter_obj_tpl):
def create(self, dvs_name, dv_pg_ports_num=128, dv_pg_name=None, vlan_type='access', vlan_list=[0]):
"""Create Distributed Virtual Port Group
:param dvs_name: name of DVS where DVPG will be created
:param dv_pg_ports_num: number of ports in DVPG
:param dv_pg_name: name of Distributed Virtual Port Group
:param vlan_type: vlan type, possible values: trunk, access
:param vlan_list: range of vlans that will be set, for vlan_type 'access' will take first element of list,
for vlan_type 'trunk' need set 2 values: first and last value of range
if not dv_pg_name:
dv_pg_name = dvs_name + '-PG'
dvs_obj = self.get_obj([vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch], dvs_name)
if not dvs_obj:
logger.warning('DVS({}) does not exist. Skip creation DVS-PG: {}.'.format(dvs_name, dv_pg_name))
dv_pg_obj = self.get_obj([vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup], dv_pg_name)
if dv_pg_obj:
logger.info('DVS-PG({}) already exist. Skip creation DVS-PG: {}.'.format(dv_pg_name, dv_pg_name))
dv_pg_spec = self.dvs_pg_info(dv_pg_name, dv_pg_ports_num, vlan_type, vlan_list)
logger.info('Adding PG: {} to DVS: {}'.format(dv_pg_name, dvs_name))
task = dvs_obj.AddDVPortgroup_Task([dv_pg_spec])
self.wait_for_tasks(self.service_instance, [task])
class Vcenterdata(object):
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file = file_name
self.data_key = 'contrail_esxi_info'
self.old_data = None
def exists(self):
"""Check if file exists"""
if os.path.exists(self.file):
return True
logger.info('File: {} does not exist'.format(self.file))
return False
def put(self, data):
"""Save data in given file
:param data: data to save
if self.exists():
with open(self.file, 'r+') as f:
content = yaml.load(f.read())
for d in data:
if not any(old_d['host'] == d['host'] for old_d in content[self.data_key]):
yaml.dump(content, f, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True)
with open(self.file, 'w') as f:
content = {self.data_key: data}
yaml.dump(content, f, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True)
def get(self):
"""Get data from given file"""
if self.exists():
with open(self.file) as f:
content = yaml.load(f.read())
return content[self.data_key]
def add_admin_ip(self):
"""Append file with a ip's from admin fuel network"""
if self.exists():
with open(self.file, 'r+') as f:
content = yaml.load(f.read())
for i, v in enumerate(content[self.data_key]):
mac = v['mac_for_vm']
node_obj = objects.Node.get_by_mac_or_uid(mac=mac)
if not node_obj:
logger.warning('Node with mac: {} not found.'.format(mac))
admin_ip = node_obj.ip
content[self.data_key][i]['admin_ip'] = admin_ip
yaml.dump(content, f, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = Vcenter_base.create_logger()
# Parse parameter from command line
args = Vcenter_base.get_args()
env_id = args.env_id
dvs_mtu_ext = args.dvs_mtu_ext
dvs_mtu_priv = args.dvs_mtu_priv
dvs_mtu_int = args.dvs_mtu_int
# Get credential to vCenter from Fuel vmware tab
vcenter_host, vcenter_username, vcenter_password = Vcenter_base.get_vcenter_credentials(env_id)
user_data = {'vcenter_ip': vcenter_host, 'vcenter_user': vcenter_username, 'vcenter_password': vcenter_password}
# Get settings from Fuel contrail section
dvs_external = Vcenter_base.get_contrail_settings(env_id, 'dvs_external')
dvs_internal = Vcenter_base.get_contrail_settings(env_id, 'dvs_internal')
dvs_private = Vcenter_base.get_contrail_settings(env_id, 'dvs_private')
dvpg_external = dvs_external + '-PG'
dvpg_internal = dvs_internal + '-PG'
dvpg_private = dvs_private + '-PG'
esxi_uplink_ext = Vcenter_base.get_contrail_settings(env_id, 'esxi_uplink_ext')
esxi_uplink_priv = Vcenter_base.get_contrail_settings(env_id, 'esxi_uplink_priv')
storage_name = Vcenter_base.get_contrail_settings(env_id, 'esxi_datastore_name')
vm_disk_size = 20 # GB
vm_cpu = 3 # Amount
if args.reduce_vm_params:
vm_memory = 2048 # MB
vm_memory = 8228 # MB
if args.cluster_list:
Vcenter_base.change_cluster_list(env_id=env_id, cluster_list=args.cluster_list)
vcenter_connect = Vcenter_base(user_data)
si = vcenter_connect.connect_to_vcenter()
hosts_name = vcenter_connect.get_all_hosts()
host_list_dvs_ext = [{'host': host, 'uplink': esxi_uplink_ext} for host in hosts_name]
host_list_dvs_priv = [{'host': host, 'uplink': esxi_uplink_priv} for host in hosts_name]
host_list_dvs_int = [{'host': host, 'uplink': None} for host in hosts_name]
vmware_data_new = vcenter_connect.fetch_hosts_data()
# Specify where save vmware_data
file_dir = '/var/www/nailgun/plugins/contrail-5.0/deployment_scripts/puppet/modules/contrail/files/'
file_name = 'vmware_data_{}.yaml'.format(str(env_id))
vmware_datastore = Vcenterdata(file_dir + file_name)
if vmware_datastore.exists():
vmware_data_old = vmware_datastore.get()
vmware_data = vmware_data_old
for d in vmware_data_new:
if not any(old_d['host'] == d['host'] for old_d in vmware_data_old):
vmware_data = vmware_data_new
if args.spawn:
# Create DVS's and DVPG's
dvs = Dvs(si=si)
dvpg = Dvpg(si=si)
dvs.create(dvs_name=dvs_external, private_vlan=False, max_mtu=dvs_mtu_ext)
dvs.add_hosts(hosts_list=host_list_dvs_ext, dvs_name=dvs_external, attach_uplink=True)
dvpg.create(dv_pg_name=dvpg_external, dvs_name=dvs_external, vlan_type='trunk', vlan_list=[0, 4094])
dvs.create(dvs_name=dvs_internal, private_vlan=True, max_mtu=dvs_mtu_int)
dvs.add_hosts(hosts_list=host_list_dvs_int, dvs_name=dvs_internal, attach_uplink=False)
dvpg.create(dv_pg_name=dvpg_internal, dvs_name=dvs_internal, vlan_type='trunk', vlan_list=[0, 4094])
dvs.create(dvs_name=dvs_private, private_vlan=False, max_mtu=dvs_mtu_priv)
dvs.add_hosts(hosts_list=host_list_dvs_priv, dvs_name=dvs_private, attach_uplink=True)
dvpg.create(dv_pg_name=dvpg_private, dvs_name=dvs_private, vlan_type='trunk', vlan_list=[0, 4094])
# Create contrail vm on all hosts in datacenter
for h in vmware_data:
vm_host = h['host']
vm_ext_mac = h['mac_for_vm']
vm_name = 'ContrailVM-' + vm_host
vm = Vm(si=si)
# Specify disk for contrail vm
# Specify network adapter for contrail vm
vm.add_nic(dv_pg_name=dvpg_external, mac_address=vm_ext_mac)
vm.create(name=vm_name, cpu=vm_cpu, memory=vm_memory, storage_name=storage_name, host=vm_host)
elif args.map_ips: