# # Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # class plugin_zabbix::params { include plugin_zabbix::params::openstack $zabbix_hash = hiera('zabbix_monitoring') $network_metadata = hiera('network_metadata') $ssl = hiera('public_ssl') $zabbix_base_conf_dir = '/etc/zabbix' $zabbix_extra_conf_subdir = 'conf.d' $zabbix_extra_conf_dir = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/${zabbix_extra_conf_subdir}" $zabbix_base_run_dir = '/var/run/zabbix' $zabbix_base_log_dir = '/var/log/zabbix' $zabbix_ports = { server => '10051', agent => '10049', backend_agent => '10050', fcgi => '9003', } case $::operatingsystem { 'Ubuntu', 'Debian': { $php_fpm_pkg = 'php5-fpm' $php_fpm_config = '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf' $php_fpm_service = 'php5-fpm' $php_common_pkg = 'php5-common' $apache_fcgi_pkg = 'libapache2-mod-fastcgi' $agent_pkg = 'zabbix-agent' $server_pkg = 'zabbix-server-mysql' $frontend_pkg = 'zabbix-frontend-php' $sender_pkg = 'zabbix-sender' $get_pkg = 'zabbix-get' $agent_service = 'zabbix-agent' $server_service = 'zabbix-server' $agent_log_file = "${zabbix_base_log_dir}/zabbix_agentd.log" $server_log_file = "${zabbix_base_log_dir}/zabbix_server.log" $prepare_schema_cmd = join([ 'cat /usr/share/zabbix-server-mysql/schema.sql', ' /usr/share/zabbix-server-mysql/images.sql', ' > /tmp/zabbix/schema.sql'], '') $frontend_service = 'apache2' $frontend_service_template = 'plugin_zabbix/zabbix_apache.conf.erb' # For some unknown reason putting the file in conf-available # and running 'a2enconf zabbix' does not work, so keeping conf file # in conf.d for now $frontend_service_config = '/etc/apache2/conf.d/zabbix.conf' $frontend_config = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/web/zabbix.conf.php" $php_config = '/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini' $php_mysql_pkg = 'php5-mysql' $zabbix_document_root = '/usr/share/zabbix' } 'CentOS', 'RedHat': { $agent_pkg = 'zabbix-agent' $server_pkg = 'zabbix-server-mysql' $frontend_pkg = 'zabbix-web-mysql' $sender_pkg = 'zabbix-sender' $get_pkg = 'zabbix-get' $agent_service = 'zabbix-agent' $server_service = 'zabbix-server' $agent_log_file = "${zabbix_base_log_dir}/zabbix_agentd.log" $server_log_file = "${zabbix_base_log_dir}/zabbix_server.log" $prepare_schema_cmd = join([ 'cat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-`zabbix_server -V', ' | awk \'/v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]/{print substr($3, 2)}\'', '`/create/schema.sql /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-`zabbix_server -V', ' | awk \'/v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]/{print substr($3, 2)}\'', '`/create/images.sql > /tmp/zabbix/schema.sql'], '') $frontend_service = 'httpd' $frontend_service_config = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf' $frontend_config = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/web/zabbix.conf.php" $php_config = '/etc/php.ini' $php_mysql_pkg = 'php-mysql' } default: { fail("unsuported osfamily ${::osfamily}, currently Debian and Redhat are the only supported platforms") } } $agent_listen_ip = $::internal_address $agent_source_ip = $::internal_address $agent_config_template = 'plugin_zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.erb' $agent_config = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/zabbix_agentd.conf" $agent_pid_file = "${zabbix_base_run_dir}/zabbix_agentd.pid" $agent_include = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/zabbix_agentd.d" $agent_scripts = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/scripts" $has_userparameters = true $agent_start_agents = '10' $agent_log_file_size = '1024' $agent_timeout = '30' #server parameters $vip_name = 'zbx_vip_mgmt' $server_ip = $network_metadata['vips'][$vip_name]['ipaddr'] $server_public_ip = $network_metadata['vips']['public']['ipaddr'] $mgmt_vip = $network_metadata['vips']['management']['ipaddr'] $server_config = "${zabbix_base_conf_dir}/zabbix_server.conf" $server_config_template = 'plugin_zabbix/zabbix_server.conf.erb' $server_node_id = 0 $server_ensure = present $ocf_scripts_dir = '/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d' $ocf_scripts_provider = 'fuel' $server_start_pollers = '30' $server_start_pollers_unreachable = '30' $server_start_trappers = '15' $server_cache_update_frequency = '60' if $::memoryfree_mb >= 800 { $server_cache_size = '32M' $server_history_cache_size = '128M' $server_trend_cache_size = '512M' $server_history_text_cache_size = '128M' } else { # use minimal configuration $server_cache_size = '16M' $server_history_cache_size = '8M' $server_trend_cache_size = '4M' $server_history_text_cache_size = '16M' } $server_log_slow_queries = '1000' # 1Gb allowed for shared memory $sysctl_kernel_shmmax = '1073741824' #frontend parameters $frontend = true $frontend_ensure = present $frontend_base = '/zabbix' $frontend_config_template = 'plugin_zabbix/zabbix.conf.php.erb' #common parameters $db_type = 'MYSQL' $db_ip = hiera('management_vip') $db_port = '3306' $db_name = 'zabbix' $db_user = 'zabbix' $db_password = $zabbix_hash['db_password'] #zabbix hosts params $host_name = $::fqdn $host_ip = $::internal_address $host_groups = ['ManagedByPuppet', 'Controllers', 'Computes', 'Ceph Cluster', 'Ceph MONs', 'Ceph OSDs'] $host_groups_base = ['ManagedByPuppet', 'Linux servers'] $host_groups_controller = ['Controllers'] $host_groups_compute = ['Computes'] $host_groups_ceph_cluster = ['Ceph Cluster'] $host_groups_ceph_mon = ['Ceph MONs'] $host_groups_ceph_osd = ['Ceph OSDs'] #zabbix admin $zabbix_admin_username = $zabbix_hash['username'] $zabbix_admin_password = $zabbix_hash['password'] $zabbix_admin_password_md5 = md5($zabbix_hash['password']) #api if $ssl[horizon] == true { $api_url = "https://${server_public_ip}${frontend_base}/api_jsonrpc.php" }else{ $api_url = "http://${server_public_ip}${frontend_base}/api_jsonrpc.php" } $api_hash = { endpoint => $api_url, username => $zabbix_admin_username, password => $zabbix_admin_password, } }