require 'pathname' require 'open3' require + 'corosync' require 'rexml/document' Puppet::Type.type(:cs_fencetopo).provide(:crm, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Corosync) do desc 'Specific provider for a rather specific type since I currently have no plan to abstract corosync/pacemaker vs. keepalived. This provider will create or destroy a singleton for fencing topology configuration.' # Path to the crm binary for interacting with the cluster configuration. commands :crm => 'crm' commands :cibadmin => 'cibadmin' commands :crm_attribute => 'crm_attribute' def self.instances block_until_ready raw, status = dump_cib doc = nodes = [] fence_topology = {} # return empty array, if there is no topology singleton configured in cib stanzas = doc.root.elements['configuration/fencing-topology'] rescue nil return [] if stanzas.nil? # otherwise, parse cib for existing topology singleton and return it as provider instance stanzas.each_element do |e| items = e.attributes line = { :fence_primitives => items['devices'], :node => items['target'], :index => items['index'] } primitives = line[:fence_primitives].split(',') if primitives.length > 1 then agents = [] primitives.each { |primitive| agents << (/^stonith__([^__].+)__.*$/.match(primitive)[1] rescue 'primitive_name_parse_error') } else agents = [(/^stonith__([^__].+)__.*$/.match(primitives[0])[1] rescue 'primitive_name_parse_error')] end nodes.push(line[:node]) unless nodes.include?(line[:node]) fence_topology[line[:node]] = {} if fence_topology[line[:node]].nil? fence_topology[line[:node]][line[:index]] = agents end property_instance = { :name => 'myfencetopo', :ensure => :present, :fence_topology => fence_topology, :nodes => nodes, :provider => } [new(property_instance)] end # SET def nodes=(should) @property_hash[:nodes] = should end def fence_topology=(should) @property_hash[:fence_topology] = should end #GET def nodes @property_hash[:nodes] end def fence_topology @property_hash[:fence_topology] end def create @property_hash = { :name => @resource[:name], :ensure => :present, :fence_topology => @resource[:fence_topology], :nodes => @resource[:nodes] } @property_hash[:cib] = @resource[:cib] if ! @resource[:cib].nil? end def destroy debug("Removing fencing topology") env = {} env["CIB_shadow"] = @resource[:cib].to_s if !@resource[:cib].nil? commands_to_exec = '' commands_to_exec << "#{command(:cibadmin)} --scope fencing-topology --delete-all --force --xpath //fencing-level 2>&1" commands_to_exec << "\n" commands_to_exec << "#{command(:cibadmin)} --delete --xml-text '' 2>&1" exec_withenv(commands_to_exec, env) @property_hash.clear end def exists? self.class.block_until_ready debug(@property_hash.inspect) env = {} env["CIB_shadow"] = @resource[:cib].to_s if !@resource[:cib].nil? commands_to_exec = "#{command(:cibadmin)} --query --scope fencing-topology" exec_withenv(commands_to_exec, env) == 0 end def flush unless @property_hash.empty? or self.class.instances != [] self.class.block_until_ready args = '' @property_hash[:nodes].each do |node| # extract node's short name from its fqdn, if defined shortname = /^([^.]+)\..*$/.match(node)[1] rescue node pos = 1 # start crafting node's topology from position #1, # nodes' topology lines should be separated by whitespace line = " #{node}: " @property_hash[:fence_topology][node].sort.each do |index, primitives| primitives.each do |primitive| line += case pos # first primitive should be put after its node fqdn when 1 then "stonith__#{primitive}__#{shortname}" # all primitives with the same indexes should be grouped together, coma separated when index then ",stonith__#{primitive}__#{shortname}" # all groups with different indexes should be separated by whitespace else " stonith__#{primitive}__#{shortname}" end pos = index if index != pos end end args += line # proceed to the next node end # send topology lines crafted for all nodes to crm env = {} env["CIB_shadow"] = @resource[:cib].to_s if !@resource[:cib].nil? command_to_exec = "#{command(:crm)} --force configure fencing_topology#{args} 2>&1" exec_withenv(command_to_exec, env) end end end