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# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: heka
# Install and configure the core of the Heka service.
# === Parameters
# [*service_name*]
# The name of the service daemon (default: 'hekad').
# [*config_dir*]
# The directory where to store the configuration (default: '/etc/hekad').
# [*user*]
# The user to run the Heka service as (default: 'heka'). You may have to use 'root' on some systems for the Heka service to be able to access log files, run additional commands, ...
# [*additional_groups*]
# Additional groups to which the heka user should be added.
# [*hostname*]
# Hostname reported by the service in the messages (default: the host's FQDN).
# [*maxprocs*]
# The number of CPU cores (default: $processorcount).
# [*max_message_size*]
# The maxium Heka message size in bytes (default: undef to use default Heka value).
# [*max_process_inject*]
# The maximum number of messages that a sandbox filter's ProcessMessage function can inject in a single call (default: undef to use default Heka value).
# [*max_timer_inject*]
# The maximum number of messages that a sandbox filter's TimerEvent function can inject in a single call (default: undef to use default Heka value).
# [*dashboard_address*]
# The listening adddress for the Heka dashboard (default: undef).
# [*dashboard_port*]
# The listening port for the Heka dashboard (default: 4352).
# [*poolsize*]
# The pool size of maximum messages that can exist (default: 100).
# [*internal_statistics*]
# Whether or not to dump Heka internal statistics to stdout at a regular
# interval (currently every hour).
# === Examples
# class { 'heka':
# hostname => 'foobar'
# dashboard_address => '',
# }
# === Authors
# Simon Pasquier <spasquier@mirantis.com>
# === Copyright
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis Inc, unless otherwise noted.
class heka (
$service_name = $heka::params::service_name,
$config_dir = $heka::params::config_dir,
$user = $heka::params::user,
$additional_groups = $heka::params::additional_groups,
$hostname = $heka::params::hostname,
$maxprocs = $heka::params::maxprocs,
$max_message_size = $heka::params::max_message_size,
$max_process_inject = $heka::params::max_process_inject,
$max_timer_inject = $heka::params::max_timer_inject,
$dashboard_address = $heka::params::dashboard_address,
$dashboard_port = $heka::params::dashboard_port,
$poolsize = undef,
$pre_script = undef,
$internal_statistics = $heka::params::internal_statistics,
) inherits heka::params {
if $poolsize {
$hekad_wrapper = "/usr/local/bin/${service_name}_wrapper"
$base_dir = "/var/cache/${service_name}"
$log_file = "/var/log/${service_name}.log"
$heka_user = $user
$run_as_root = $heka_user == 'root'
package { $heka::params::package_name:
ensure => latest,
alias => 'heka',
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
# Starting from Heka 0.10.0, the Debian package provides a SysV init
# script so we need to stop the service and disable it.
exec { 'stop_heka_daemon':
command => '/etc/init.d/heka stop',
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -f /etc/init.d/heka',
require => Package['heka'],
notify => Exec['disable_heka_daemon']
exec { 'disable_heka_daemon':
command => '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d heka disable',
refreshonly => true,
# This Puppet User resource is used by other manifests even if the hekad
# process runs as 'root'.
user { $heka_user:
shell => $heka::params::nologin_bin,
home => $base_dir,
system => true,
groups => $additional_groups,
alias => 'heka',
before => Package['heka'],
file { $base_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $heka_user,
group => $heka_user,
mode => '0750',
require => [User[$heka_user], Package['heka']],
file { $config_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $heka_user,
group => $heka_user,
mode => '0750',
require => [User[$heka_user], Package['heka']],
file { $log_file:
ensure => present,
owner => $heka_user,
group => $heka_user,
mode => '0660',
require => [User[$heka_user], Package['heka']],
$logrotate_conf = "/etc/logrotate_${service_name}.conf"
file { $logrotate_conf:
ensure => present,
content => template('heka/logrotate.conf.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
require => Package['heka'],
$logrotate_bin = "/usr/local/bin/logrotate_${service_name}"
file { $logrotate_bin:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
content => template('heka/logrotate.cron.erb'),
require => File[$logrotate_conf],
cron { "${service_name} logrotate":
ensure => present,
command => $logrotate_bin,
minute => '*/30',
hour => '*',
month => '*',
monthday => '*',
require => File[$logrotate_bin],
file { $hekad_wrapper:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
content => template('heka/hekad_wrapper.erb'),
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
file {"/etc/init/${service_name}.conf":
ensure => present,
content => template('heka/hekad.upstart.conf.erb'),
notify => Service[$service_name],
alias => 'heka_init_script',
require => File[$hekad_wrapper],
'RedHat': {
file { "/etc/init.d/${service_name}":
ensure => present,
content => template('heka/hekad.initd.erb'),
mode => '0755',
notify => Service[$service_name],
alias => 'heka_init_script',
require => File[$hekad_wrapper],
default: {
fail("${::osfamily} not supported")
file { "${config_dir}/global.toml":
ensure => present,
content => template('heka/global.toml.erb'),
mode => '0600',
owner => $heka_user,
group => $heka_user,
require => File[$config_dir],
notify => Service[$service_name],
if $dashboard_address {
file { "${config_dir}/dashboard.toml":
ensure => present,
content => template('heka/output/dashboard.toml.erb'),
mode => '0600',
owner => $heka_user,
group => $heka_user,
require => File[$config_dir],
notify => Service[$service_name],
if $internal_statistics {
cron { 'heka-internal-statistics':
ensure => present,
command => '/usr/bin/killall -SIGUSR1 hekad',
minute => '0',
hour => '*',
month => '*',
monthday => '*',