# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # == Resource: nagios::cgi # # Install and configure Nagios web interface # class nagios::cgi ( $vhost_listen_ip, $httpd_service_name = 'httpd', $httpd_dir = '/etc/apache2', $wsgi_vhost_listen_ip = undef, $user = $nagios::params::cgi_user, $password = $nagios::params::cgi_password, $htpasswd_file = $nagios::params::cgi_htpasswd_file, $http_port = $nagios::params::cgi_http_port, $cgi_conf_file = $nagios::params::nagios_cgi_conf_file, $ui_tls_enabled = false, $ui_certificate_filename = undef, $ui_certificate_hostname = undef, $ldap_enabled = false, $ldap_protocol = undef, $ldap_servers = [], $ldap_port = undef, $ldap_bind_dn = undef, $ldap_bind_password = undef, $ldap_user_search_base_dns = undef, $ldap_user_search_filter = undef, $ldap_user_attribute = undef, $ldap_authorization_enabled = false, $ldap_group_attribute = undef, $ldap_admin_group_dn = undef, $wsgi_process_service_checks_location = '/status', $wsgi_process_service_checks_script = '/usr/local/bin/nagios-process-service-checks.wsgi', $wsgi_processes = 2, $wsgi_threads = 15, ) inherits nagios::params { validate_integer($wsgi_processes) validate_integer($wsgi_threads) if $ldap_enabled { if empty($ldap_servers) { fail('ldap_servers list parameter is empty') } if ! is_array($ldap_servers) { fail('ldap_servers list parameter must be an array') } if ! $ldap_port { fail('Missing ldap_port parameter')} if ! $ldap_protocol { fail('Missing ldap_protocol parameter')} if ! $ldap_bind_dn { fail('Missing ldap_bind_dn parameter')} if ! $ldap_bind_password { fail('Missing ldap_bind_password parameter')} if ! $ldap_user_search_base_dns { fail('Missing ldap_user_search_base_dns parameter')} if ! $ldap_user_search_filter { fail('Missing ldap_user_search_filter parameter')} if ! $ldap_user_attribute { fail('Missing ldap_user_attribute parameter')} if $ldap_authorization_enabled { if ! $ldap_group_attribute {fail('Missing ldap_group_attribute parameter')} if ! $ldap_admin_group_dn {fail('Missing ldap_admin_group_dn parameter')} } $ldap_apache_modules = ['ldap', 'authnz_ldap'] # LDAP url is used in apache::custom_config $ldap_servers_url = join(suffix($ldap_servers, ":${ldap_port}"), ' ') $ldap_url = "${ldap_servers_url}/${ldap_user_search_base_dns}?${ldap_user_attribute}?sub?${ldap_user_search_filter}" } else { $ldap_apache_modules = [] } $default_apache_modules = [ 'php', 'cgi', 'autoindex', 'env', 'access_compat', 'deflate', 'authn_core', 'authn_file', 'auth_basic', 'authz_user', 'wsgi'] if $ui_tls_enabled { $apache_modules = concat($default_apache_modules, ['ssl', 'headers'], $ldap_apache_modules) } else { $apache_modules = concat($default_apache_modules, $ldap_apache_modules) } ## Configure apache class { 'apache': # be good citizen by not erasing other configurations purge_configs => false, service_name => $httpd_service_name, default_confd_files => false, default_vhost => false, # prerequists for Nagios CGI mpm_module => 'prefork', default_mods => $apache_modules, # allow to use the Puppet user resource later in the manifest manage_group => false, manage_user => false, httpd_dir => $httpd_dir, conf_dir => $httpd_dir, server_root => $httpd_dir, confd_dir => "${httpd_dir}/conf.d", mod_dir => "${httpd_dir}/mods-available", mod_enable_dir => "${httpd_dir}/mods-enabled", vhost_dir => "${httpd_dir}/sites-available", vhost_enable_dir => "${httpd_dir}/sites-enabled", ports_file => "${httpd_dir}/port.confs", } # Apache mod_status is used by the Pacemaker OCF script class { 'apache::mod::status': allow_from => [$vhost_listen_ip, $wsgi_vhost_listen_ip, ''], } if $ui_tls_enabled { # Explicitly set HTTPS for the virtualhost to avoid random error # "ssl_error_rx_record_too_long" apache::listen { "${vhost_listen_ip}:${http_port} https": } } else { apache::listen { "${vhost_listen_ip}:${http_port}": } } if $wsgi_vhost_listen_ip { apache::listen { "${wsgi_vhost_listen_ip}:80": } } # Template uses these variables: http_port, vhost_listen_ip, cgi_htpasswd_file # nagios_command_file $nagios_command_file = '/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd' $verify_command = "${::apache::params::verify_command} -f ${httpd_dir}/${::apache::params::conf_file}" apache::custom_config { 'nagios-ui': content => template("nagios/${nagios::params::apache_ui_vhost_config_tpl}"), verify_command => $verify_command, notify => Class['apache::service'], require => Class['apache'], } if $wsgi_vhost_listen_ip { $log_dir = "${nagios::params::data_dir}/log" file { $log_dir: ensure => directory, mode => '0650', require => Class['apache'], notify => Class['apache::service'], } $logrotate_conf = '/etc/logrotate.d/nagios_wsgi.conf' file { $logrotate_conf: ensure => present, content => template('nagios/logrotate.conf.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', require => File[$log_dir], } # Template uses these variables: cgi_htpasswd_file # nagios_command_file, wsgi_vhost_listen_ip, wsgi_processes, wsgi_threads, # wsgi_process_service_checks_script, wsgi_process_service_checks_location # log_dir apache::custom_config { 'nagios-wsgi': content => template("nagios/${nagios::params::apache_wsgi_vhost_config_tpl}"), verify_command => $verify_command, require => [Class['apache'], File[$log_dir]], } file { 'wsgi_process_service_checks_script': ensure => present, path => $wsgi_process_service_checks_script, source => 'puppet:///modules/nagios/process-service-checks.wsgi', notify => Class['apache::service'], require => Class['apache'], } } $apache_user = $apache::user case $::osfamily { 'Debian': { # Nagios CGI is provided by a dedicated package $package_name = $nagios::params::nagios_cgi_package package { $package_name: ensure => present, require => Class[apache], } htpasswd { $user: # TODO randomize salt? cryptpasswd => ht_md5($password, 'salt'), target => $htpasswd_file, require => Package[$package_name], } # Fix a permission issue with Ubuntu to allow using external commands # through the web UI user { $apache_user: groups => 'nagios', require => Class[apache], } # Apache needs to be restarted otherwise the CGI script won't have access # to the Nagios FIFO file file { '/var/lib/nagios3/rw': ensure => directory, mode => '0650', require => Package[$package_name], notify => Class['apache::service'] } } 'Redhat': { htpasswd { $user: # TODO randomize salt? cryptpasswd => ht_md5($password, 'salt'), target => $htpasswd_file, } } default: { fail('OS Familly not supported!') } } # Ensure read right for Apache file { $htpasswd_file: owner => root, group => $apache_user, mode => '0640', require => Htpasswd[$user], } # Authorize all logged users augeas { $cgi_conf_file: incl => $cgi_conf_file, lens => 'nagioscfg.lns', changes => [ 'set authorized_for_system_information *', 'set authorized_for_configuration_information *', 'set authorized_for_system_commands *', 'set authorized_for_all_services *', 'set authorized_for_all_hosts *', 'set authorized_for_all_service_commands *', 'set authorized_for_all_host_commands *', ], require => [Htpasswd[$user], Class['apache']], notify => Service[$httpd_service_name], } }