
62 lines
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# Inspired by cert_date_valid.rb found at
# https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-openssl
# Function: validate_ssl_certificate()
# Checks SSL certificate date and CN validity. It also checks that the private
# key is embedded into the certificate.
# It raises an exception if:
# - the certificate has no private key
# - the CN of the certificate and the CN provided as argument don't match
# - the date is not found in the certificate
# It returns false if the certificate is expired or not yet valid
# Otherwise it returns the number of seconds before the certificate expires
# Parameter:
# - the content of the SSL certificate
# - the expected CN
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:validate_ssl_certificate, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
require 'time'
certfile = args[0]
# Check that file is a valid x509 certificate
err_msg = `openssl x509 -noout -in #{certfile}`
raise "'#{certfile}' is not a valid certificate" unless err_msg.chomp() == ""
dates = `openssl x509 -dates -noout -in #{certfile}`.gsub("\n", '')
subject = `openssl x509 -subject -noout -in #{certfile}`.gsub("\n", '')
pk = `openssl rsa -check -noout -in #{certfile}`.gsub("\n",'')
cn = subject.match(/CN=([^\/]+)/)
cn_found = cn[1] if cn
certbegin = Time.parse(dates.gsub(/.*notBefore=(.+? GMT).*/, '\1'))
certend = Time.parse(dates.gsub(/.*notAfter=(.+? GMT).*/, '\1'))
now = Time.now.utc
raise "The certificate file doesn't contain the private key" unless pk == 'RSA key ok'
raise "Found #{cn_found} as CN whereas '#{args[1]}' was expected" unless cn_found == args[1]
raise "Dates not found in the certificate" unless dates.match(/not(Before|After)=/)
if (now > certend)
Puppet.warning("Certificate has expired. End date: #{certend}")
elsif (now < certbegin)
Puppet.warning("Certificate is not yet valid. Start date: #{certbegin}")
elsif (certend <= certbegin)
Puppet.warning("Certificate will never be valid")
# return the number of seconds before the certificate expires
(certend - now).to_i