#!/usr/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Constants readonly SCOPE=`basename $0` readonly UDEV_FILE='/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' # Variables STORAGE_PORT='<%=@storage_parent%>' ISER_NAME='<%=@iser_interface_name%>' PARENT_FIRST_VF="/sys/class/net/$STORAGE_PORT/device/virtfn0" # This functions print logs to /var/log/messages function logger_print () { priority=$1 msg=$2 logger -t $SCOPE "$priority: $msg" } DEVICES='/sys/class/net/*/device' if [ -e $PARENT_FIRST_VF ];then CHILD_BUS=`basename $(readlink /sys/class/net/$STORAGE_PORT/device/virtfn0)` logger_print info "Found first probed port of ${STORAGE_PORT} with bus ID: ${CHILD_BUS}." else PARENT_BUS=`cat /sys/class/net/$STORAGE_PORT/device/uevent | grep -i pci_slot | cut -d = -f 2` CHILD_BUS=`echo $PARENT_BUS | sed -e s/0$/1/g` PROBED_PORT_NAME="eth_iser_guess" logger_print info "Did not find probed ports of ${STORAGE_PORT}, guessing its bus is: ${CHILD_BUS}." fi STORAGE_PORT_NUMBER=`cat /sys/class/net/$STORAGE_PORT/dev_id` # Find the probe VF port that fits the storage ports number and BUS for dev in $DEVICES; do # Check for correct bus CANDIDATE_BUS=`readlink -nq $dev`; if [[ $CANDIDATE_BUS != *$CHILD_BUS* ]]; then continue; fi # Check for correct dev_id CANDIDATE_DIRNAME=`dirname $dev` PORT_NUMBER=`cat $CANDIDATE_DIRNAME/dev_id` if [ $PORT_NUMBER = $STORAGE_PORT_NUMBER ]; then PROBED_DIRNAME=`dirname $dev` PROBED_PORT_NAME=`basename $PROBED_DIRNAME` fi done # Verify that we find the appropriate virtual port if [ -z "$PROBED_PORT_NAME" ]; then logger_print error "Did not find $STORAGE_PORT_NUMBER probed ports of $STORAGE_PORT, exiting." exit 1 fi # Verify that udev file exists if [ ! -r "$UDEV_FILE" ]; then logger_print error "Did not find $UDEV_FILE to rename iser port." exit 1 fi # Persistantly rename the matched probed port if [ $PROBED_PORT_NAME != $ISER_NAME ]; then # Prepare line for udev UDEV_LINE="SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", " UDEV_LINE+="ATTR{dev_id}==\"$STORAGE_PORT_NUMBER\", KERNELS==\"$CHILD_BUS\", " UDEV_LINE+="ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"eth*\", NAME=\"$ISER_NAME\"" # Change/add line in udev file grep $PROBED_PORT_NAME $UDEV_FILE > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then OLD_LINE_NUMBER=`grep -n $PROBED_PORT_NAME $UDEV_FILE | cut -d : -f 1` eval "sed '"$OLD_LINE_NUMBER"d' -i $UDEV_FILE" fi # Insert new name config if not exists grep $ISER_NAME $UDEV_FILE > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo >> $UDEV_FILE echo $UDEV_LINE >> $UDEV_FILE fi # restart OFED modules for udev changes to take effect modprobe -r mlx4_en modprobe -r mlx5_ib && modprobe -r mlx5_core udevadm control --reload-rules udevadm trigger modprobe mlx4_en modprobe mlx5_ib && modprobe mlx5_core echo "#!/bin/bash" > /etc/network/if-up.d/iser_ifc echo "ifconfig $ISER_NAME up " >> /etc/network/if-up.d/iser_ifc ifup --all if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger_print error "Mellanox drivers restart failed." exit 1 fi logger_print info "Changed probed port name from $PROBED_PORT_NAME to $ISER_NAME." else logger_print info "Probed port name is configured properly to $ISER_NAME." fi exit 0