# Copyright 2016 Midokura, SARL. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. notice('MODULAR: midonet-define-repositories.pp') $midonet_settings = hiera('midonet') $mem = $midonet_settings['mem'] $mem_version = $midonet_settings['midonet_version'] $mem_user = $midonet_settings['mem_repo_user'] $mem_password = $midonet_settings['mem_repo_password'] $midonet_version = $midonet_settings['midonet_version'] $openstack_release = 'mitaka' include apt include apt::update include midonet::params if $mem { $midonet_repo_url = "http://${mem_user}:${mem_password}@${midonet::params::midonet_repo_baseurl}/mem-${mem_version}" } else { $midonet_repo_url = "http://${midonet::params::midonet_repo_baseurl}/midonet-${midonet_version}" } apt::key { 'midorepo': id => 'E9996503AEB005066261D3F38DDA494E99143E75', source => $midonet::params::midonet_key_url } -> apt::source {'midonet': comment => 'Midonet apt repository', location => $midonet_repo_url, release => 'unstable', key => { 'id' => 'E9996503AEB005066261D3F38DDA494E99143E75', 'server' => 'subkeys.pgp.net', }, include => { 'src' => false, } } -> apt::source {'midonet-openstack-integration': comment => 'Midonet apt plugin repository', location => "http://${midonet::params::midonet_repo_baseurl}/openstack-${openstack_release}", release => 'stable', include => { 'src' => false, } } -> apt::source {'midonet-openstack-misc': comment => 'Midonet 3rd party tools and libraries', location => "http://${midonet::params::midonet_repo_baseurl}/misc", release => 'stable', include => { 'src' => false, } } # Dummy exec to wrap apt_update exec {'update-midonet-repos': command => '/bin/true', require => [Exec['apt_update'], Apt::Source['midonet'], Apt::Source['midonet-openstack-integration']] } Apt::Source<| |> -> Exec<| title == 'update-midonet-repos' |>